Chapter 1002
Seeing that the golden wolf patriarch's Dharma form was about to escape with his soul wrapped around him, Gao Jiuding was also impatient.

He knew that at this time, the second incarnation was hopeless, so this time he dispatched the main body.

"Want to run? Dream!" With the appearance of Gao Jiuding's main body, all kinds of magic weapons that were originally controlled by the second incarnation also flew out with Gao Jiuding.

Just when Gao Jiuding's words had just come out, there was a strange thunder in the sky!

I saw a seven-colored thunder light falling from the sky, surrounded by lightning in one fell swoop amidst the long hiss of the Dharma Prime Wolf's despair.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound, and the golden giant wolf exploded.

A strong and suffocating aura erupted from the collapsed law!

Gao Jiuding, who had expected this situation long ago, instantly turned into a huge cloud of blood, enveloping the erupting aura.

It's a pity that he is only a cultivator at the early stage of blood core, and the blood shadow he transforms cannot cover the dharma appearance of an old monk at the Dharma phase.

So, watching the bloody light begin to swell and swell until the bloody light shattered.

Without the cover of the blood light, the strong aura created a storm out of thin air in the surrounding wilderness, and spread far and wide!
The rich spiritual energy is really too conspicuous, maybe it won't be long before some monks will notice the abnormality of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here, and come to check it out.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't want to attract people's attention. With the blocking delay of his main body, the second incarnation, which had already breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly let out a long cry, and manifested the main body.

The huge size of the water fire python is still expanding. Its original size of more than 100 meters has expanded to thousands of meters in a short period of time.

Such a huge body is enough to envelop the spreading aura.

The size of the water fire python became larger, and it also began to become illusory. In the blink of an eye, the originally materialized water fire python turned into a thin bloody light, completely covering all the surrounding voids with dense spiritual energy.

The water and fire god python turned into an illusory blood-colored dragon, just like a dragon absorbing water in an instant, absorbing all the spirit energy bursting from the air.

At this moment, the emptiness left by the water and fire python after successively killing two Dharma phase monks has been filled.

Gao Jiuding could clearly perceive that the mana he had just consumed had all returned, and it had increased a lot.

It's a pity that he swallowed the dates so whole, and he felt a little indigestion. At this time, the soul in the water and fire python was a little confused. It was because he was full and wanted to sleep.

This can also be regarded as one of the weaknesses of the water fire python. After eating, it has indigestion and wants to sleep.

Gao Jiuding didn't stay here any longer, he turned into blood and submerged into the body of the water and fire python!
The Water Vulcan Python materialized, and then quickly shrunk.

When Gao Jiuding reappeared, he had already put on the phantom magic robe outside his body.

With a wave of his hand, the corpses of the two Dharma phase monks were put away, and then Gao Jiuding activated the magic robe, which turned into a white cloud and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Wandering around for a few times, although he found some monks, but this time Gao Jiuding didn't provoke them, but sneaked back into the Fengmo Cave.

The Fengmo Cave covered by formations cannot be found by ordinary people. Maybe it was still possible to be discovered during the time when the Bingpo Cold Light Bead disappeared, but when the Sun Shooting Arrow is taken away, the ice After the Soul Cold Light Bead was no longer a threat, the large formation here resumed for a while, and the Fengmo Cave had disappeared into the Daxue Mountain.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't left someone here and left a magic weapon as a mark, he really couldn't find the entrance of Fengmo Cave.

"Hum!" Just now, through induction, he came to the vicinity of Fengmo Cave, and the seal of ten thousand beasts that was originally hidden in his body was actually triggered.

Looking at the seal of the beasts floating above his head, Gao Jiuding looked a little excited, there was indeed a problem here.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the seal of the myriad beasts radiated a precious light, and then the originally calm void trembled!
Gao Jiuding could see clearly that there was a ripple in the space not far ahead, and he crashed into the ripple without hesitation.

The sky and the earth changed, just now in the snow mountain, but in a blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding appeared in an underground cave.

Looking at the surrounding verdigris, Gao Jiuding knew that this was the Fengmo Cave, and the surrounding verdigris cave walls were all made of windmilled copper.

"It shouldn't be a problem to mine some now, right?" With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda emerged.

"Buzz!" The Wanshou Seal and the pagoda collided, and Gao Jiuding glanced at the two treasures suspiciously. Are they clashing?

With a thought, Gao Jiuding wanted to bring the Wanshouyin into the blood sea space, but he couldn't control the Wanshouyin.

The seal of ten thousand beasts buzzed and vibrated continuously, as if it was about to go deep into the depths of the Fengmo Cave.

Gao Jiuding looked thoughtfully at the depths of the dark Fengmo Cave, and with a wave of his hand, he still put away the Wanshou Seal.

No matter what the Seal of the Thousand Beasts sensed, this was not the best time to investigate, so Gao Jiuding went straight into the pagoda.

The wind mill hole can't run here, he doesn't have time to dig now, and he doesn't want to dig!
If no outsiders find out here, he will have plenty of time to slowly collect wind and grind copper. If someone finds out, he will not have a good life in the future.

Of course, maybe the local aborigines don't like the wind-milled copper here, and they don't want to compete with him for this ore here!
If this is the case, it will be even better, and there is no need for Gao Jiuding to carry out destructive mining!

In the past few days, a series of battles, a series of harvests, finally have time to clean up the harvest, or at least take a good rest.

The Seal of the Thousand Beasts has advanced and needs time to refine it. The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda has also advanced and needs to be refined. There are other spirit treasures, all of which have been nourished by pure yang and purple energy, and they all need to be sorted out.

This time, Gao Jiuding intends to rest for a while in the Time and Space God Realm inside the pagoda, and wait until the second incarnation recovers his strength and consolidates his cultivation. At that time, he will have the absolute confidence to face any force .

Entering the Beast Master Dojo this time, I encountered too many masters, which made Gao Jiuding's sense of crisis sharply increased.

There is nothing better for him to strengthen his strength than the Space-Time God's Domain, so Gao Jiuding gave up everything and prepared to take a good rest in the Time-Space God's Domain.

Entering the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Gao Jiuding was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him!
Is this still inside his pagoda?How could there be such a big change?
During the series of battles, Gao Jiuding also pushed the pagoda several times, but he didn't realize that the inner space of the pagoda had changed so much, especially the jade tree in the middle!

Gao Jiuding raised his head blankly and looked at the giant tree above the central mountain range. This is definitely the World Tree!

At this time, the eucalyptus tree has completely lost its appearance. Its entire trunk is as emerald green as jade, and it even exudes a layer of green precious light, which looks really beautiful.

"I originally thought about illusory evolution, why has it become so solid now?" After watching for a long time, Gao Jiuding's brain started to function.

Gao Jiuding felt a huge change in the eucalyptus just after absorbing that medium-sized spiritual vein!
By that time, the eucalyptus had become a bit unreal, looking hazy!
Gao Jiuding originally thought that this giant tree might be integrated into the entire pagoda under the influence of the Space-Time God Territory!
Unexpectedly, it was still a big tree in the end, which was not what Gao Jiuding hoped for!

He really hoped that this eucalyptus tree could be completely integrated into the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, so that the entire pagoda space would become a space-time God's Domain.

It's a pity, he thought too beautifully, how can things in the world come true?
"I can't see the top at a glance, or is there no tree head at all because of the squeezed space?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the three-story canopy. Every time the eucalyptus grows rapidly, the space on the first floor of the pagoda is too low, so the eucalyptus can only grow horizontally.

It has been advanced three times, and three layers of tree crowns have been derived!
Now there is another branch growing out of the top part of the pagoda space, like a welcoming pine!

Well, this expression may not be accurate enough. Now a space of more than one kilometer in the center of the space is covered with branches, and this thing is longer than the banyan tree.

And the lower the floor, the larger the space it occupies, which means the space of the pagoda expands again and again. Otherwise, just a single eucalyptus tree can fill this space.

Gao Jiuding withdrew his gaze, and his mind sank into the pagoda, so that all the situations in the entire pagoda space were reflected in his soul.

Seeing the complete condition of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth in surprise again!
The area of ​​the first floor of the pagoda definitely exceeds a hundred kilometers, and this is just the result of a medium-sized spiritual vein.

A miniature spirit vein can carry a distance of one kilometer, while a small spirit vein must have a space of ten kilometers, so a medium-sized spirit vein must have a space of a hundred kilometers to carry it.

Not to mention getting a medium-sized spirit vein and getting countless spirit stones, the most important thing is to expand the space of the pagoda!
A hundred kilometers in length and width, this is [-] square kilometers, which is definitely not a small area!

You know, the entire land of China is only 960 million square kilometers, which is one-960th of China!

Such a large space belongs to Gao Jiuding alone, what else is he not satisfied with?
Therefore, even if the upper eight floors are less than a hundred kilometers in radius, Gao Jiuding is very satisfied!

"That blood vine has also grown? Eh? They have penetrated into the second floor?" Gao Jiuding thought, and the entire nine-story space of the pagoda was reflected into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at the huge eucalyptus trees that appeared in every space, Gao Jiuding looked at it again, and could only open his mouth wide again!

This eucalyptus tree is going against the sky, it actually opened up the nine-story space and connected the nine-story space of the pagoda together?
(End of this chapter)

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