The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1003 Great Change

Chapter 1003 Great Change
"Sure enough, they are connected together!" Looking carefully at the changes in the space of the pagoda, including mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas, Gao Jiuding confirmed what he saw just now.

Originally, these spaces were artificially divided by Gao Jiuding, but now there are eucalyptus trees connected in series, linking them together again, the most obvious of which is the sea in each space.

Although it is very shallow, there is a sea or a giant lake on each floor!

The freshwater lakes are relatively small, and the largest is the saltwater lake inside the crater!
Think about it at this time, the lake that keeps evaporating will naturally become a saltwater lake. Isn’t this the reason why the earth’s oceans are formed?
The salt brought by the river water eventually sank in the lake, and all that evaporated was fresh water. As time went on, the lake that evaporated the fastest would naturally become an ocean, although it was a little smaller.

"More than 1000 people have disappeared, it seems that all of them have entered the Space-Time God Realm!" Gao Jiuding thought, and he appeared in the eucalyptus.

The portal at the bottom of the eucalyptus was not closed this time due to the rapid growth, and even because the eucalyptus grew in size, the portal also grew a lot.

"The diameter of this guy is more than 100 meters now? Why is it 130 meters? This is definitely a world tree!" Gao Jiuding pressed his palm on the eucalyptus, and his mind was immersed in the eucalyptus.

It has grown so big, and its bark has turned into jade. Is this eucalyptus tree mature?

"Clatter! Buzz buzz! Swish, swish, swish!" My mind sank into the eucalyptus, I didn't feel the spirit of the eucalyptus, but I heard countless noisy voices.

There are many bees living on the eucalyptus, including Zijin bee, Baiyufeng, ordinary earth bees with yellow and black stripes, and large wasp bees!

In addition to these creatures, are there some silkworms?

Gao Jiuding saw the wild silkworm he bought in the Kuiper belt, that is, the silkworm!

There are also some bigger and fatter ones, which look like wild silkworms, but they are a little different from celestial silkworms.

After observing for a while, Gao Jiuding found that the eucalyptus hadn't become a spirit, but these creatures living on the eucalyptus had spirituality, especially all kinds of bees, whether it was bees or wasps, had become very powerful.

Among them, Zijinfeng and Baiyufeng are the most powerful. Some of them were brought in by Gao Jiuding. He has already refined them. Those are his incarnations, but they are too weak and he has given up now.

The most powerful of these bee colonies is Bai Yufeng, and most of these Bai Yufeng belong to the Queen Bee Wind Wings.

The second is the palm-sized hornet, which is also a special product of the earth. I didn't expect it to grow so big after absorbing the spiritual energy. They actually feed on Zijin bee and Baiyufeng!
Of course, if you want to eat the monster-level Bai Yufeng and Zijin Feng, you have to pay a huge price every time the hornets swarm!
Gao Jiuding could see that on the huge eucalyptus, the battle between Baiyufeng and the bumblebee was fierce and spread widely!

"Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, after hundreds of years of fighting like this, the remaining ones will definitely be more powerful!" After watching for a while, Gao Jiuding withdrew his thoughts.

The overlords on this eucalyptus tree are silkworms and ordinary bees. Although they don't have much fighting power, they reproduce fast and have a huge population, which is their advantage.

"Clatter!" Gao Jiuding heard a familiar voice again.

"Huh? Leaves? There's no wind here, right?" Gao Jiuding looked up and saw a branch above his head, shaking even more cheerfully!

Gao Jiuding's expression became very exciting in an instant. He said just now that the eucalyptus tree had not matured, so what happened to the branch that was greeting him at this time?

Pressing the palm on the tree trunk again, his mind completely sank into the eucalyptus, Gao Jiuding calmed down and felt it carefully!

It took a long time for Gao Jiuding to feel a trace of joy, even admiration!

Love?If it wasn't for this emotion, Gao Jiuding would never be sure that it was an emotion produced by a tree!

"Have a little bit of spirituality? Is this the level of Lingbao? Among the fairies, they also have the cultivation level of blood pills. Unfortunately, this kind of tree can't form pills or transform into spirits at all. Even if there are The strength of the blood pill stage does not have much combat power!" Gao Jiuding sensed it carefully for a while, and then understood the situation of Eucalyptus.

At this time, it only produced a little bit of spirituality. If it wasn't for Gao Jiuding's strong spirituality, he wouldn't be able to perceive this spirituality at all. This only shows that Eucalyptus's spirit is extremely weak.

Turning trees into demons is really difficult!
At this time, Gao Jiuding was even more strange. Why was the tree demon in the forest to the north so spiritual?

At this time, Gao Jiuding really wanted to fly back immediately, catch the tree demon, and study it in the space of the pagoda.

"There are a lot of strange things around here, and I will finally understand them all in the future!" Gao Jiuding didn't continue to hesitate, and went directly into the Space-Time God's Domain.

"Haha, it's really bigger, a space of one square kilometer!" Looking at the space inside the eucalyptus, it is also 1000 meters in length and width!
"It's a bit wrong. The trunk of the eucalyptus outside is only a hundred meters in diameter, but the space here has reached 1000 meters. Does this have a trace of space?"

"Space folding? That's right, this big tree has already shown some signs of being integrated into the pagoda, and it's not surprising that it has obtained the supernatural power of space folding!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

The main reason is that this eucalyptus tree has been so miraculous since it received the blessing of the first micro-spiritual vein. This may be due to its own aptitude, but Gao Jiuding is more willing to believe that it is because the eucalyptus tree has absorbed the turbulent flow of time and space. , forming the relationship of the space-time gods.

Looking at the sparse ginseng and spiritual plants in the space, there were some things mixed in, which looked like weeds. These are magical spiritual plants.

"Thousand-year-old ginseng and thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, haha, are these mature invisibility grasses? There are also large areas of divine power grass and sheath grass?"

Looking at the Space-Time God's Domain on the basement level, this is Gao Jiuding's most precious place.

"Fortunately, I have harvested a lot of soil in the Beast Master Dojo, otherwise the spiritual field here would not be fully improved!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the huge underground spiritual field. With the support of medium-sized spiritual veins, even if the five-color soil, breath soil and other spiritual soils are not used to improve the quality, it still has the quality of a fourth-level spiritual field.

Now we need to add five-color mud, five-color soil, five-color stone, breath soil, and breath soil to improve the quality. This is the ninth-level spiritual field!
This is the highest-level spiritual field, because it is above the spiritual cave, if you use high-grade spiritual stones to set up a medium-sized spirit gathering array in the future, the quality of the spiritual field here can be improved by three levels, this is the twelfth-level spiritual field .

One year outside, the effect of planting elixir in a twelfth-level spiritual field is equal to 120 years of medicinal power, plus ten times the speed of time, it is 200 years!

In one year outside time, a batch of spiritual herbs with medicinal power of 200 years can be cultivated here. What a great harvest is this?

"Huh? The quality of the elixir here is better. Is it preserved from before?"

Gao Jiuding's expression was a little bad. When he got the Skyfire Mirror and the True Cosmos Bag, he swallowed too much ginseng!

At that time, there was no way to do it, otherwise it would probably be sucked dry by those two spiritual weapons.

Now think about it, if so many ginsengs were not wasted at that time, wouldn't the ginseng here have medicinal properties for thousands of years?
The elixir with thousands of years of medicinal power is just suitable for taking or alchemy during the Jindan stage and the blood pill stage!

This level of elixir is exactly the time for him to use it!
Even if he doesn't need it, he still has a large number of relatives, friends, wife and children who need it!

If they still can't use it, then he still has tens of millions of subordinates who can use it.

It's too late to say anything at this time, let's continue to accumulate!

"Those guys did a good job!" Looking at the well-arranged Lingtian, Gao Jiuding was quite satisfied.

With thousands of guards practicing here, his medicine field is finally managed by someone!
Also, if no one takes care of it, it is impossible for the elixir here to have so much medicinal power accumulated for thousands of years, because those with poor qualifications will stop growing.

Looking up at a gap above, those boys seem to have not been idle recently, and they have already laid the roof of this square kilometer.

The bottom floor is probably four meters high. Flying in through a gap, you enter the middle-high Jiuding study and practice room on the second floor.

But this time when he came in, Gao Jiuding was stunned. At this time, he realized that the bamboo buildings that were originally placed outside had already entered here, and there were not only one bamboo building here, but a densely packed one. .

There are hundreds of small three-story bamboo buildings here, and thousands of guards under him are distributed among these hundreds of bamboo buildings, and all of them are practicing in seclusion!
"Advancing with the times, it's still not rigid!" After inspecting several bamboo buildings, Gao Jiuding found that there was a monster beside the warriors in the bamboo buildings.

No wonder each of them occupied a separate room. There was nothing they could do about it. They were all practicing the second incarnation. If there wasn't enough space, even monsters wouldn't be able to fit in it.

Now there are more than 300 bamboo buildings, almost every floor of the bamboo building is occupied by a person and a beast!
Seeing his subordinates working so hard, Gao Jiuding didn't waste time, he found a bamboo building with the most luxurious decoration and no one there, and started to retreat directly.

This time the retreat was not long, it only took one month, that is, three days for the outside world!
During this month, the second incarnation of the water and fire python has completely recovered its mana, and has refined its mana to make it more pure!

During this month, the second incarnation even had time to carefully deduce his own nine great supernatural powers.

The reason why it only took so little time is definitely related to the dharma aspect that devoured the golden wolf ancestor. After entering the dharma phase, as long as there are enough resources, there are almost no bottlenecks.

The cultivation of the Dharma Phase is to accumulate mana and condense the Dharma until the Dharma can exist freely without the body, or simply merge with the body and become a pure yang. Of course, it is not so simple to advance to the pure yang, at least the soul must be strong.

However, the path of cultivation after Faxiang is like this.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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