Chapter 1005
Gao Jiuding felt that Chen Kexin was really sweet, this is a lovely person!

"Don't worry, I still have the heaven-level breath soil in my hand. This thing has a strong recovery ability. I even doubt that it has vitality. If I smelt it to improve the quality of the golden core, there may be unexpected gains!" Gao Jiuding looked confident. The way said.

Chen Kexin immediately sent an ok gesture, then stopped talking, and seemed to be very busy.

"Heaven-level spirit fire has been prepared for you, when you reach the peak of the third level of blood core, you can fuse!" Wu Qingxian sent a few pictures, which are spirit fires of all levels.

Looking at the pale white flame, Gao Jiuding knew that it was probably the spiritual fire collected from above the sun!
"Let Xiaoxian take the lead. It's not easy to store the spirit fire. I'll save it for you. When you need it, just contact me!" Zhou Yaxian sent a grimace!
"Have you seen the book of formations I gave you?" I haven't contacted Zhou Yaxian for a long time, and Gao Jiuding still misses this more refined beauty.

Zhou Yaxian immediately replied: "Recently, I have been in seclusion for a while, but it is very difficult to break through the golden elixir. With the classics you sent, I feel that I will touch the threshold of the golden elixir. The main reason is that it is easier to condense the Dao runes. At first, I thought that as long as I kept compressing the true essence, I would condense the golden core!"

Gao Jiuding fell silent, Zhou Yaxian has already haunted the threshold of Jindan?Doesn't this mean that women like An Shenxiu are about to form alchemy?
Gao Jiuding thought about it carefully, how many days has he formed the alchemy?

And how did he form the alchemy?He is the son of destiny, cheating non-stop, and being favored by the gods, so he condensed into a golden core so quickly, so what about these women?

He didn't know much about the others, so what about Song Yue who was by his side?

It seems that Song Yue works harder than him!

Thinking about it now, even though Song Yue has a lot of business to do, she has never stopped practicing, or the two of them are not close to each other, and they get tired of being together every day?
A group of rich women who are extremely smart and hardworking enough, together with the countless classics that Gao Jiuding keeps sending out, it seems that it is not difficult to advance to the Golden Core!

There is no shortage of resources, no shortage of methods, and enough hard work. If you can't condense the pill now, then it can only be God's jealousy!

"We can provide everything else, but the spirit veins are hard to find. There are a lot of spirit stones, but if the spirit stones are piled up, they cannot become spirit veins!" Zhou Yushu said suddenly.

"Well, you are right. If our battleship wants to continue to improve, it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the Spirit Transformation Pond. It must provide a complete spiritual vein, and only the Spirit Vein can activate the Spirit Transformation Pond to achieve sustainable development!" Zhang Xiaohe also appeared.

This is Zhang Yujing also said: "The spirit veins are in the void, and they can also absorb unknown energy and transform them into spiritual energy!"

"If you come out again, do you believe that I will kill you?" Chen Yuan sent an angry picture to the group.

An Shenxiu said again: "Work hard, I will definitely find a spiritual vein next, even if it's not a medium-sized one, it must be a small one!"

"Second Madam has such a big heart, all I need is a middle-grade Lingzhu!" Wu Qingxian sent a shy picture.

"Am I so ambitious? As the second wife, I can only find a medium-sized spiritual vein. After all, a large-scale spiritual vein needs to be found by the eldest lady!" An Shenxiu made a sad expression.

Song Yue finally appeared: "I have reached a critical moment, who will replace me?"

As soon as Song Yue uttered her voice, the crowd immediately became quiet. After a while, Zhang Yujing said, "I'll come, or I'll make everyone angry!"

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to get each of you a Lingzhu!" At this time, Gao Jiuding had to speak.

"In the Snowy Mountains?" Song Yue asked immediately.

An Shenxiu said, "Isn't it already over?"

Zhou Yaxian said: "Didn't you say that there is a fairy formation there? Can you break into the fairy formation? If you touch the fairy formation, it will have a radius of more than [-] kilometers, and at least there will be a large spiritual vein!"

Gao Jiuding immediately said: "There is at least one giant spirit vein, four large spirit veins, and I don't know how many medium-sized spirit veins there are. Don't worry about giant and large ones. Maybe there is a chance to get a few medium-sized spirit beads, or else we can draw them. A few medium-sized spirit veins!"

"Be careful, we have no shortage of resources!" Chen Kexin said.

"Have you all practiced the second incarnation yet? Complete the sacrifice as soon as possible, and use the second incarnation to take risks in dangerous places in the future!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Continue to retreat!" Song Yue said.

An Shenxiu said: "Retreat plus one!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the empty chat group and was stunned. Are these girls trying to rebel?

Before his master said goodbye, these women went offline one by one?
Putting away the jade ultimatum, Gao Jiuding was stunned.

There is still this secret in the Great Snow Mountain, at least the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb is still hidden under the Great Snow Mountain, and what helps the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb hide is a fairy formation.

Of course, this was not Gao Jiuding's random guess, but the information he got from the pure yang soul.

That fairy formation uses the fairy artifact of the ice soul cold light bead as its main object, and uses the giant spiritual veins under the snow mountain as its energy source to suppress unknown monsters!

The monster clan on the Demon Star wanted to unseal this large formation, and finally used the Sun Shooting Arrow, severely injuring the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, which exposed the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, and was enveloped by another large formation. Continuously extract the energy that consumes the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb.

If it wasn't for the underground spiritual veins supporting the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, perhaps the fairy formation under the Snow Mountain would have been broken long ago.

However, there is no what if in this world, no matter who it is, they have deliberately tried to break the fairy formation, but they have not come true, and now Gao Jiuding has helped the ancestor Zixu to collect the Sun Shooting Arrow, so that the ice soul cold light pearl can recover possible.

As time goes on, the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead will definitely regain its power and continue to suppress the monsters under the Snow Mountain!
As long as the Great Snow Mountain is still the Great Snow Mountain, the Golden Wolf Palace under the Great Snow Mountain will be safe and sound, and Gao Jiuding's forces will not lose their territory. This is Gao Jiuding's simplest idea.

Stability overwhelms everything, and the sacrifices include the Xueyuan clan, the Beast Sect, and the monsters under the Daxue Mountain. But these sacrifices, what's the matter with Gao Jiuding?
The Yaozu not only killed the Beast Sect, but also made other preparations. When they consumed the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, they were also extracting or destroying the underground spiritual veins.

There is an arrangement over the Yinyang Lake, which is destroying the spiritual veins and mixing the spiritual veins with evil spirits. Even Gao Jiuding suspected that the powerful water and fire evil spirits were vented by the ice soul cold light beads. The Yinyang Pond and the Emerald Fruit are also a means of consuming the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead.

Besides, there is also the Water and Fire Spiritual Pond in the Golden Wolf Palace, which is also an arrangement to steal spiritual energy. As for other places, whether there is such an arrangement, Gao Jiuding is not sure.

Everyone can see these arrangements, but few people can use them, so Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't care too much.

What he cares about now is another arrangement. If there is no such arrangement, Gao Jiuding believes that the Xueyuan tribe will not be huddled in the Daxue Mountain for countless years.

"Condensate the spirit beads, collect the spirit beads, and prevent the spirit veins from advancing? This is a way to draw fire from the bottom of the pot!" Gao Jiuding pondered the memory of the pure yang soul, and some of them were related to the transformation of the Beastmaster's residence.

It's a pity that that kind of transformation is very difficult, and it can only be guided by the situation. Moreover, it is necessary to find out the flaws in the fairy formation and get into the fairy formation, so as to take advantage of the process of naturally condensing the spirit beads through the underground spiritual veins, and draw out the bottom line.

Time is like a butcher's knife, even if it is a fairy formation, there will be a slight flaw under the mighty power of nature.

And what kind of natural power in the Great Snow Mountain can destroy the fairy formation?Only a big earthquake!
For countless years, the Great Snow Mountain has continuously gathered power, one of which is Earth Fire!

The earth fire in the earth veins is gathered and suppressed here, there is no way to vent it, and one day it will reach its limit.

When the limit is reached, there are earthquakes, fractures in the bottom layer, and volcanic eruptions. This is also one of the reasons why the Daxue Mountain is getting bigger and higher, forming a plateau.

After countless years, there was finally an earthquake, which caused a flaw in the fairy formation!
The Xueyuan tribe seized this flaw, thereby destroying the space of the fairy formation, and penetrated into the gap between the outer layer of the fairy formation and the connection between the underground spiritual veins, thereby destroying the underground spiritual veins.

All the spiritual veins in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles underground are sealed by the fairy formation, and no one can extract them. The ones that can be extracted can only be formed later, so the theme of the fairy formation cannot be destroyed.

And the loophole created by the Xueyuan tribe must be in the center of the formation, the center where the spirit veins meet and gather.

Gao Jiuding also wanted to enter this space. Even if he couldn't steal some spirit beads, he could still extract some newly generated spirit veins.

Anyway, now that the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead is no longer threatened by the Sun Shooting Arrow, it will only become more and more powerful in the future, so Gao Jiuding extracted some spiritual veins to enhance his own strength, and he should also treat those under the Snow Mountain Immortal array, no effect.

"It's definitely not easy to enter the small space opened up by the monster clan!"

Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense reached out from the pagoda, and scanned the situation in Fengmo Cave!

No one here has noticed, as long as he endures for a few more days, and when all those old monsters have left Daxue Mountain, he can safely and boldly break into the outer layer of the fairy formation and obtain greater gains. This is also the reason why Gao Jiuding has never left .

In Gao Jiuding's view, Lingzhu and Lingmai are more important resources than cultivation classics and spiritual objects of heaven and earth. As long as he can gain something this time, his trip to the demon star will be regarded as a complete success.

"If you want to enter the space of the fairy array, you must have a powerful magic weapon to protect yourself!"

Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, this treasure is his strongest defensive magic weapon, no, there is also a seal of ten thousand beasts now.

He opened his mouth and spit out the seal of ten thousand beasts. The mark of ten thousand beasts swirled and floated in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes.

After absorbing the fragments of the Beast Control Dojo, the inside of the Seal of the Thousand Beasts should also form a cave, right?
Even if it is not a blessed land, it is still a huge space!

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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