The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1006 Mutation of Ten Thousand Beasts

Chapter 1006 Mutation of Ten Thousand Beasts
Gao Jiuding was very happy when he thought of the broken void around the Beast Dojo, where some secret spaces were hidden, as well as the buildings and spiritual fields in the Beast Dojo, all of which should be collected by the Wanshou Seal.

Gao Jiuding knew that a large part of the collapsed Beast Control Dojo originally belonged to the Wanshou Seal!
Back then, the Ten Thousand Beast Seal was shattered, and the inner cave collapsed, and it naturally fell off around the Beast Control Dojo.

In the end, the small secret space that Gao Jiuding found was the core hub of Wanshouyin. If it hadn't been for refining and collecting that small secret space, Wanshouyin would never have been able to collect the collapsed Beast Control Dojo around it.

At this time, the Wanshou Seal has been initially refined by Gao Jiuding, otherwise he would not have been able to suppress the Golden Wolf Patriarch with the Wanshou Seal, and he would not have been able to use the Wanshou Seal to suppress the Golden Wolf Patriarch for a moment. Successfully killed him!

At the beginning, this Ten Thousand Beast Seal was just a tool for treasure hunting in the Beast Control Dojo, but now it is different, it already has a more powerful suppression power than the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

And compared to the pagoda, the seal of the beasts has stronger attack power, especially the thunder method blessed by it, it is even more powerful!

Since it was so powerful, Gao Jiuding naturally didn't want to let go of this treasure. Now that he was free, he naturally wanted to refine it as soon as possible.

The reason why he stayed at the end to refine was because Gao Jiuding knew that refining this treasure would definitely not be easy.

Sure enough, under the influence of Gao Jiuding's blood, this treasure is not easy to submit.

Although a part of it was refined by staying away, it was only the body of the refined Wanshouyin, and even that body, Gao Jiuding was only refined a little bit.

Now this seal of ten thousand beasts not only has a body, but also contains countless space fragments inside, and the secret space attached to the space fragments, making the mark of ten thousand beasts stronger countless times.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's blood energy invaded the Wanshou Seal, and what he saw was another void in the universe!
In this cosmic void, not only countless broken prohibitions are lit up, but also countless suspended buildings, land, mountains, rivers and so on.

Inside, Gao Jiuding saw pieces of broken restrictions, and they were trying to restore them, but there were still countless sundries floating in these restrictions.

Gao Jiuding saw the desert that he had seen in the beast dojo, Lingtian, Gao Jiuding also saw it, and even mountain streams and lakes, Gao Jiuding also found traces in it.

These east and west pieces are actually suspended in the entire Wanshouyin space, not just flat on the ground, but suspended three-dimensionally.

For example, the sky above a lake is a dry desert, and the two do not interfere with each other. It is like being in the vacuum of the universe, each doing its own thing.

Gao Jiuding had only seen such a scene in the vacuum of the universe, but he didn't expect to see it in the Seal of the Thousand Beasts now.

"The space is too small? No, if it turns out that the seal of ten thousand beasts is the treasure of the cave, how could this happen? Could it be that the collected space fragments are too few, and the secret land absorbed is too much?"

Gao Jiuding was a little puzzled, it was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen such a broken space, even if he wanted to refine this treasure now, it would be very difficult to refine just those broken restrictions.

The space within the Ten Thousand Beast Seal is too large, the forbidden fragments are too widely distributed, too fragmented, and they are not connected into pieces at all. How can this be refined?

Refining one by one?In this way, even if it is refined, these prohibitions cannot be combined together, and they cannot be activated!
"Could there be other fragments that haven't been collected completely?" Gao Jiuding deduced while practicing the seal of ten thousand beasts.

In the end, there was no other way, he was distracted and used the water and fire god python avatar to start analyzing the pure yang soul he had refined.

Grinding the memory of the soul of pure yang slowly bit by bit until it was completely digested and absorbed, Gao Jiuding finally understood.

"There are so many secrets in this Beastmaster Sect!" Instead of rushing for quick success, this time Gao Jiuding knew more secrets from back then.

For example, this Ten Thousand Beast Seal was completely shattered. If it wasn't for the fact that the body of this Ten Thousand Beast Seal has memory properties, similar to memory metal, even if it is broken into countless pieces, as long as there are a few pieces, they will pass through. After a long time of self-healing, it can still be restored to its original state.

Back then, the Wanshou Seal was indeed smashed into pieces, and the fragments fell into the Beastmaster's residence!

That was the main battlefield back then, but in the end the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead was suddenly activated, and many people were sealed in the formation before they had time to retreat.

Many of the corpses of human and monster monks collected by Gao Jiuding died under the forbidden formation of the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation.

Both humans and demons were exterminated, and the shattered seal of all beasts naturally recovered after countless years!
Of course, what was recovered was only an outer shell. As for the space fragments inside, they were naturally scattered around the Beast Familiar Station.

The small secret realm hidden in the pool that Gao Jiuding collected earlier is part of it!

As for the beast control dojo, it does not belong to the seal of ten thousand beasts, because the beast control dojo already exists, it may be a part of the ice soul cold light pearl, or it is a part of another treasure of the beast control sect.

The mutated five-element orchard that Gao Jiuding had seen before, together with the large array covering the orchard, were all part of the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, so after the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb disappeared, even the orchard disappeared.

If the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation hadn't disappeared, the Beast Control Dojo would not be able to enter. This is the fundamental reason why, for thousands of years, the Iron Sword Sect and other surrounding sects could only see it, but not eat it.

As for the seal of ten thousand beasts, it must have been obtained by a generation of golden wolf ancestors who broke into it more than [-] years ago!
Relying on this treasure, he broke out of the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation, but in the end he couldn't leave smoothly and was trapped on the periphery of the formation.

And Gao Jiuding was the luckiest, he broke into the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation step by step from the periphery, and met the Golden Wolf Patriarch first, and got the Wanshou Seal!

Afterwards, he was able to break into the beast dojo in advance because of the existence of the seal of the beasts. Otherwise, how could he successfully activate the altar?Where can I have the current harvest?
Now the seal of the beasts has absorbed the collapsed Beast Control Dojo, and the buildings that originally existed in the Beast Control Dojo have entered the space of the Thousand Beasts Seal, but it is obvious that the seal of the beasts is too full to digest at all. no.

Even the palaces, deserts, and continental debris accumulated inside have affected the recovery of the internal space, which is not a good thing!
"No way, let's clean up the indigestion to reduce the burden on the seal of the beast!" Knowing the whole story, Gao Jiuding put down some other secrets and planned to deal with the seal of the beast first.

Only with the protection of the Seal of the Thousand Beasts can he continue to explore the icy cold light array under the Snow Mountain!

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, his divine mind sank into the real Qiankun bag in the sea of ​​consciousness!
Now the magic weapon with the largest space in Gao Jiuding's hands is it. Up to now, Gao Jiuding has not figured out how big this universe bag is.

Spiritual consciousness has invaded the Qiankun bag, and the inner space is hazy and chaotic, as if no matter how many things can be put into it, it cannot be filled!
Looking at the Qiankun bag, Gao Jiuding was at a loss as to what to do. He didn't know whether the level of the pagoda was higher or the level of the Qiankun bag was higher. If the level of the Qiankun bag was higher, then within the space of the pagoda, the Qiankun bag could not be opened.

Besides, even if it can be opened, how can we transfer the fragments of the secret realm inside the Seal of the Thousand Beasts to the Cosmos Bag?

You must know that a broken secret realm is equivalent to a continent. Even if Gao Jiuding is very strong now, he still has no ability to collect continents hundreds of meters or thousands of meters away, and even activate the seal of ten thousand beasts to release these fragments of continents. Can't do it either.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the universe bag flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and he planned to directly put the universe bag into the Wanshouyin space!

Once inside, with the absorbing supernatural power of the universe bag, maybe some lakes and deserts suspended in the sky can be put away.

In Gao Jiuding's thinking, the level of the Qiankun Bag must not be as good as the Ten Thousand Beast Seal of the Dongtian Treasure. You must know that the Ten Thousand Beast Seal is one of the three treasures of the Beast Master Sect. Even if it is damaged, it should not be comparable to the Qiankun Bag!

Just do it when you think about it, anyway, in the Time and Space God's Domain, what he needs most is time, if it's a big deal, just clean it up slowly!
Gao Jiuding directly controls the Wanshouyin and collects the Qiankun bag.

The Qiankun bag went smoothly and was put into the Wanshou Seal, which made Gao Jiuding's expression change.

"Damn it, the level of the pagoda is actually higher than the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts? Impossible, isn't the level of the Cosmos Bag also higher than the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Gao Jiuding couldn't accept it, why did he open the seal of all beasts in the space of the pagoda?
Isn't the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts the treasure of the cave?Is it because it was too damaged?

"Boom!" Just as Gao Jiuding looked suspiciously at the Wanshou Seal in his hand, the Wanshou Seal that was floating quietly in front of him suddenly heard a roar.

Gao Jiuding was startled, but it was too late for him to do anything at this time, he could only see the Ten Thousand Beast Seal expanding and shattering.

With the violent vibration of the Wanshou Seal, cracks appeared on the Wanshou Seal. Fortunately, after these cracks appeared, there was a force pulling and repairing it immediately!

However, no matter how this power is repaired, cracks are still appearing on the seal of all beasts!
Gao Jiuding's face became very ugly, his deduction was wrong!
He thought that the grade of the Wanshou Seal was higher than that of the Qiankun Bag, so he used the Wanshou Seal to collect the Qiankun Bag!
At this moment, it seems that the Qiankun Bag may be of a higher level than the Ten Thousand Beast Seal, and now the Ten Thousand Beast Seal is about to explode.

Fortunately, the Seal of the Thousand Beasts has the function of self-healing, even if it is blown out, it can be restored. However, I don't know how many years later, and Gao Jiuding is heartbroken about the things inside the Seal of the Thousand Beasts!

Such a large space has just been collected, and the treasures inside have not been tidied up, and the spiritual flowers and grasses inside have not been transplanted. It is a pity that even those palaces have collapsed!
Unfortunately, none of this can be changed by Gao Jiuding's will, he can only watch the Wanshou Seal collapse and shatter!
(End of this chapter)

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