The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1007 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1007 Chain Reaction
"Boom!" Just when Gao Jiuding was worried about the Mark of the Thousand Beasts, he suddenly heard a roar coming from the outside world!
A series of vibrating sounds came, and the space where Gao Jiuding was located was full of noise!
Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and flew out of the bamboo building directly. He saw countless soldiers flying in the air, they panicked and didn't know what happened.

Gao Jiuding looked at the constantly shaking space, and only distracted himself from a little investigation, only to find that the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was also shaking.

Gao Jiuding's expression became even uglier. He directly urged the pagoda, throwing out all the people in the pagoda. Then he urged the seal of the beast, wanting to throw it out too. Unfortunately, at this time, no matter Gao Jiuding No matter how the Jiuding was activated, the Wanshou Seal remained motionless.

"The evil fruit finally appeared!" Gao Jiuding slapped himself on the head several times, why did he lose his memory?
Within the magic weapon of space, use the magic weapon of space carefully, why do you forget it?Isn't that sad?

It doesn't matter if the seal of ten thousand beasts is opened, what matters is that the seal of ten thousand beasts is blown up by the Qiankun bag, so that the compressed space inside the seal of ten thousand beasts will begin to affect the space of the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding knew that as long as this continued, the space in the pagoda would be lost.

How could he not be heartbroken when he thought that the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which he had worked so hard to cultivate to the fifth level of the spiritual weapon, was now in danger of collapsing?

"Fight it!" Gao Jiuding's face turned ruthless, he directly turned into blood, and fell into the body of the second incarnation, the water and fire python.

A cultivator in the Dharma phase, and with the body of a divine beast with infinite mana, should be able to withstand the space storm brought about by the shattering of space.

If the pagoda cannot be saved, even if the surrounding space is broken, his Dharma body should be able to escape from the broken space and survive!

Having made a decision, Gao Jiuding stopped watching. He controlled the water and fire python to turn into a blood gang, directly enveloping the Wanshou seal.

Aren't you going to collapse, I will make you collapse, but the speed can't be too fast, or the pagoda can't bear it!
With Gao Jiuding's help, the tendency of the Ten Thousand Beast Seal to collapse has indeed weakened, and at this time Gao Jiuding's blood energy began to refine the Ten Thousand Beast Seal again.

The more the Ten Thousand Beast Seals are restored, the more complete the internal restraint is, and the stronger its ability to withstand.

The soul controls the blood to fill a void, and the prohibition in this void is quickly lit.

Since Gao Jiuding had already refined part of the shell of the seal of the beast, the seal of the beast did not resist Gao Jiuding's refinement at this time. As long as his blood energy went, all the lit restrictions immediately merged into a trace of his blood energy.

Logically speaking, with such an easy matter, Gao Jiuding should be able to refine this treasure very quickly.

But things are far from as simple as imagined, because the void inside the seal of the beast is too big. At this time, Gao Jiuding felt that everyone on the earth gave him one yuan, but he didn't want it. .

Why?Not to mention the 70 billion population of the whole earth, only the 13 billion population in China, he is not uncommon for each person to give him one dollar, because he collects one dollar per second, and it will take more than 40 years to collect 13 billion, then 70 billion What about people?

It needs to be collected continuously, for more than 200 years!

Now Gao Jiuding encountered such a situation, the internal prohibition of Wanshouyin did not resist his sacrificial training, as long as he came, wherever the blood passed, all the prohibitions would be controlled by him, but what's the matter?
Even if he controls his qi and blood and keeps running here, he still needs to be able to run to the end!

Looking at the chaotic space in front of him, Gao Jiuding ran for several hours at the fastest speed, but he still didn't reach the end.

A day later, Gao Jiuding felt that he had lost too much mana and blood, so he had to stop.

Even if each rune leaves a trace of blood to infect the refiner, how much blood would he have to leave behind in one day?

Do you really think blood is worthless?Even if it's worthless, Gao Jiuding doesn't have that much blood!
Only now did Gao Jiuding know that even if he opened the door to refine the real treasure of the cave, it cannot be refined by his current strength!
At the very least, with his current strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to refine a piece of celestial treasure in a short period of time.

The cultivation level of the Faxiang stage corresponds to the magic weapon of the first level of the Tongtian Lingbao. The monks of the Faxiang stage are most suitable for using the Tongtian Lingbao because he can refine it.

As for the Dongtian Lingbao, it can only be refined and used by monks in the pure yang stage, or in other words, monks in the transformation stage!

Only now did Gao Jiuding understand the helplessness of that pure Yang soul!

He has just transformed into pure yang, and he has not had time to cross the catastrophe to become a real pure yang. He is a great cultivator at the peak of the late phase of Dharma!
With his cultivation base, he can also push the Dongtian Lingbao to fight, but pushing it and using it like an arm and finger are two different things!

Therefore, even if the Royal Beast Sect has a deep background and has three cave-heaven spirit treasures, or immortal treasures, it was still wiped out in the end!
"What should I do? Should I just give up like this?" The qi and blood kept weakening, and the mana was also seriously consumed, but at this moment, the seal of ten thousand beasts was still shattering.

Gao Jiuding didn't refine the internal restraints of the Wanshou Seal, but began to look for the Qiankun Bag that was collected in the Wanshou Seal. It was the culprit. Now, let's see if he can be thrown out of the Wanshou Seal Space.

"No!" The moment he saw the universe bag, Gao Jiuding discovered a mistake in his cognition. When he collected the universe bag just now, he opened the seal of ten thousand beasts, but he didn't open the universe bag.

At this time, the Qiankun bag is well sealed, and its internal space should not affect the seal of the beast, right?
"Could it be that the Seal of the Thousand Beasts conflicted with the pagoda?" Gao Jiuding was a little confused, what was going on?

"Even if the Seal of the Thousand Beasts collides with the pagoda, shouldn't it be the space of the pagoda that will be hit the hardest? Why is the Seal of the Thousand Beasts so well sealed that it seems to be burst?"

Gao Jiuding carefully looked at the Qiankun bag, and through his spiritual sense, he perceived the part of the seal of ten thousand beasts he had refined.

"No, it's because of the Qiankun bag!" Gao Jiuding stared at the Qiankun bag. Could it be that there is something secret about this thing?
Gao Jiuding's mind was involuntarily concentrated in the Qiankun bag, and soon, he made a discovery!
"It's really the reason!" Gao Jiuding suddenly realized.

He had completely refined the Qiankun Bag, and when his consciousness began to observe the changes inside the Qiankun Bag, he discovered that the restrictions inside the Qiankun Bag were collapsing. No, it should not be said to be collapsing, but melting.

Those melting restrictions turned into countless runes, all of which were integrated into the surrounding space, that is, into the seal of the beasts.

The root of everything is here, but Gao Jiuding really doesn't know what is going on here?

"The two are merging!" This is the only thing Gao Jiuding can be sure of.

Without Gao Jiuding's will, two guys who are at least Lingbao started to fuse when they met?
Gao Jiuding looked at the Qiankun bag thoughtfully. Lingbao already had spirituality. It is the instinct of all intelligent creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Since the two of them want to merge, will there be benefits after fusion?

Since it is beneficial, why is the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts about to collapse now?And even the pagoda space on the outer floor seems to be about to collapse.

Gao Jiuding was a little angry, this spirit weapon has not been completely refined, the hidden danger is really great!

At this moment, Gao Jiuding made a decision. When this crisis is over, any spiritual treasure in his hands, whether it is the Tongtian Lingbao or the remnants of the Dongtian Lingbao, must be completely refined.

"This is a frog boiled in warm water! Absolutely don't just watch it, just speed up their fusion. Whether it's life or death, it's up to you!"

Seeing that his magic power was about to be exhausted, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to delay any longer.

His heart became ruthless, and all his mind was concentrated in the Qiankun bag, and he began to manipulate the internal restraints of the Qiankun bag, and it collapsed at full speed!
This is the rhythm of self-explosion. Generally, things like this are used in critical moments to use Lingbao to kill the enemy together.

Now Gao Jiuding is also in a hurry, after all, losing one or two is better than losing three, right?
Moreover, if only the Wanshou Seal and Qiankun Bag are lost, the pagoda may be cheaper.

There are spiritual veins in the pagoda, and there are many spiritual veins in the seal of the thousand beasts, but the fragments of the secret realm absorbed by the seal of the thousand beasts, the spiritual veins contained in it are a bit damaged, but no matter how damaged, they are all spiritual veins. This time can be a blessing in disguise!

Gao Jiuding was very focused, and sacrificed the Qiankun bag very simply.

The restriction inside the Qiankun Bag was already melting, but now with the help of Gao Jiuding, the speed of melting was faster, and almost instantly, the restriction on the outer layer of the Qiankun Bag completely collapsed.

These shattered restrictions did not disappear, nor were they destroyed, and they were completely submerged in the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal, forming new restrictions within the Ten Thousand Beasts Seal.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed, he knew it would be like this.

He saw just now that the shattered runes did not disappear, but merged into the seal of the beasts. The current result is what he wants to see the most.

As Gao Jiuding urges the internal restraints of the Qiankun Bag to collapse faster and faster, the first, second, third, and even the core area are completely integrated into the Wanshou Seal.

"Boom!" In the end, Gao Jiuding heard nothing but a loud bang.

The violent vibration made his soul bewildered, and he forgot to take back the soul that was submerged in the seal of ten thousand beasts.

Gao Jiuding's last thought was to regret, what evil did he have?

The soul that entered the space magic weapon was completely integrated into the seal of the beast.

At this time, Gao Jiuding only felt his head being hit by a sledgehammer, hammering continuously, knowing that his brain was cleared because of the severe pain.

"I said, it's still broken!" Gao Jiuding saw the countless materials that shattered, including a complete palace, a complete spiritual vein, and a complete mountain top. These things flew before his eyes, and then he really I don't know anything anymore.

The soul was more traumatized, and it should have passed out of a protective coma.

I don't know how long it took, but Gao Jiuding slowly woke up!

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, book friend 20190103004646188 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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