The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1008 Space Changes Again

Chapter 1008 Space Changes Again
Gao Jiuding opened his confused eyes and looked at the strange sky. The sky was high but a bit dark.

The sun hanging above the sky was too small, and even looked a bit frustrated. How could it be sparks?
"Damn it!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding saw a very strange scene!
The sun is shaking from side to side, just like a cornucopia. Is this acting like a baby?

Twist your waist?The corner of Gao Jiuding's mouth was twitching, he felt a little bad, or there was something wrong with his head!

He actually felt a little connection with that frustrated sun?How is this possible?How could he perceive the sun's thoughts?
Besides, the sun has ideas, isn't it too strange?
Sky fire mirror?After a long time, Gao Jiuding finally accepted a cruel reality, that frustrated sun was an acquaintance, no, it was a familiar baby!
It's normal to look down and see the surrounding bamboo buildings, but what happened to the surrounding forest?

It is really a big tree, each tree is tens of meters in diameter, this feeling is very familiar, he seems to have come to the demon battleship again.

Gao Jiuding remembered that when he entered the demon battleship for the first time, the countless demon vines he saw were just this thick!

"Eh? There are also demon vines here?" Gao Jiuding just turned his head slightly, and saw two kinds of thick vines, one black and one red!

These two vines are a bit strange, the blood-red ones are wrapped around the emerald green tree, and the black vines with golden threads sway from side to side like a black dragon, or like a giant black snake?It's kind of scary!

The more he looked, the uglier Gao Jiuding's face became. The things he saw were not what he imagined, were they?

Gao Jiuding stood up abruptly, he felt restless, and felt as if his soul had been torn apart.

Gao Jiuding calmed down and carefully perceived everything around him. When he concentrated on one point, he perceived more.

After seeing the situation outside clearly, Gao Jiuding's face turned pale.

In addition to all these scenes, there is a mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth!
The condition of the pagoda is very bad at this time, the huge eucalyptus inside has disappeared!
The originally magnificent tree that reached Optimus Prime and pierced through the Nine Heavens had disappeared without a trace, and even the underground spiritual veins were fragmented.

Several spiritual veins were not completely destroyed, but the spiritual veins that were originally intertwined and integrated into the mountains and rivers had been stripped or separated.

The spiritual veins are a whole. When the earth veins, fire veins, and water veins change, they don't move, so the earth veins split and extend outward, exposing the spiritual veins that were originally hidden underground.

And these are not the most serious. The most serious thing is that the seal of the beasts has disappeared, the real universe bag is gone, and even the pagoda will not be preserved at this time.

Gao Jiuding is still standing inside the pagoda, the inner nine-story space has become one, and this space seems to have become infinitely large, at least with the strength of Gao Jiuding's spirit, he can no longer clearly see the boundary of the space.

It is a good thing for such a large space to appear in the pagoda. Even if you lose the Time and Space God Territory, if you can get a real cave spirit treasure, it will be very worthwhile.

However, this requires the pagoda to be preserved!
What Gao Jiuding saw now was that the pagoda could no longer support it!

Cracks on the pagoda suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly!
Gao Jiuding had seen such a situation on the Wanshou Seal just now!

Unexpectedly, this situation now appeared on the body of the pagoda again.

Without Gao Jiuding's control, the pagoda could still recover from the sudden damage, which made Gao Jiuding very happy, but after he was happy, he was even more worried.

The situation of the Seal of the Thousand Beasts just now has been passed on to the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding guessed that the Wanshou Seal might have been integrated into the pagoda. It couldn't bear the melting of the Qiankun Bag and eventually collapsed. Since there was a layer of pagoda wrapped outside, the shattered Wanshou Seal instinctively integrated into the pagoda on the tower body.

But the quality of the pagoda is obviously not as powerful as the space magic weapon fused with the seal of the thousand beasts and the real universe bag, so at this time it is definitely a snake swallowing an elephant, and if it can't swallow it, it can only be strangled to death.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding couldn't do anything to watch. With a thought, he appeared outside the pagoda.

It's too dangerous inside the pagoda, and besides, there's no way to help inside, so it's better to go out and help.

Appearing outside the pagoda, Gao Jiuding immediately saw the panicked Luan Changming and others.

After seeing Gao Jiuding appearing suddenly, they immediately surrounded him.

"Don't mess around, everyone hides, it's very dangerous now!" Gao Jiuding looked at the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which had swelled to a height of more than ten meters, and stood on the top of Fengmo Cave. His expression was definitely not very good.

This is not the time to worry about gains and losses, Gao Jiuding immediately came to the pagoda, with all the palms and mana in his body, he integrated into the pagoda without any reservation.

With the help of Gao Jiuding, the cracks that appeared in the pagoda recovered faster. However, as time passed bit by bit, Gao Jiuding could feel that the speed of the pagoda's damage was getting faster and faster. up.

The mind sinks into the pagoda, there are still some yellowstones in the center of the pagoda, but this little yellowstone can no longer last much time.

If there is no earth yellow stone to provide the mysterious yellow energy, the pagoda will definitely be blown up.

"Huh? There is still a force protecting the pagoda?" Gao Jiuding's mind sank to the bottom of the pagoda, and he immediately saw a familiar thing.

"Adamantine is also melting? Where are the crystal diamonds?" Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts were transferred to the inside of the pagoda again, especially some heavenly materials.

Sure enough, the crystal diamond was also melting under the action of an unknown force, and the melted crystal diamond was immediately absorbed by the pagoda.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding immediately understood that during the refining process, this pagoda was engraved on the Five Elements Transformation Formation, and at this time the formation was working again.

It turned out that the reason why it couldn't melt sky-level materials and absorb such high-level materials was because it didn't have the help of high-level spiritual veins.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense kept searching within the space of the pagoda, which had expanded countless times, and soon, he found a fire vein!
This fire vein exudes a rich aura, which is the fire aura emitted by it, burning and melting the fine gold and crystal diamonds.

A fire spirit vein that can melt sky-level materials is at least a medium-sized fire spirit vein, because it can breed top-grade spirit stones!

Seeing the medium-sized fire vein, especially the high-grade spirit stone and the top-grade spirit stone at the center of the fire vein, Gao Jiuding immediately burst into laughter from ear to ear.

No matter how many treasures are destroyed, it's worth it now!

No need to think about it, this fire-type spiritual vein must have come from the Beast Control Dojo!

At that time, the Seal of the Thousand Beasts absorbed a lot of fragments after the collapse of the Beast Control Dojo. Now it seems that everything he did was worth it.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the ten-meter-high crystal diamond flew directly into the fire vein.

With the help of fire melting gold, with the help of ground fire, the speed of refining is faster, and as long as the refining is melted, the pagoda will absorb it immediately!
Seeing that the cracks in the pagoda recovered faster and the cracks that appeared became smaller and smaller, Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief.

After regaining his senses, Gao Jiuding sent the golden diamond into the center of the medium-sized fire vein again, allowing it to melt into the pagoda and help the pagoda support the huge space inside, bringing infinite pressure.

"Now there are only sky-level materials that are useful, but other materials seem to be useful!" Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Gao Jiuding now wants to give it a go!
"That piece of fire wood seems to be a heaven-grade material. It was originally in the space of the pagoda, and there is also my Qiankun bag. All the good things are in it!"

Gao Jiuding's brain recovered and he immediately thought of a solution!
He directly integrated the good things he had accumulated in recent years into the underground fire veins.

Especially gold crystals, flint stones, ice crystals, ice souls, etc. Gao Jiuding has the most reserves of these materials, and they are not used at all.

By the way, he seems to have another kind of thing in his hand, which is similar to a heavenly material, Feng Shui refined copper!

Fengshui refined copper is not suitable for making Daohong furnace, but it should be no problem to increase the strength when it is integrated into the pagoda.

If not enough, there are still a lot of refined copper in the surrounding Fengmill Cave for him to mine!
"Fire veins, gold veins, and earth veins. There are three medium-sized veins. Water veins are rare. No wonder the desert area in the Beast Control Dojo is so large, and there are not many wood spirit veins!"

After the pagoda crisis subsided, Gao Jiuding began to sort out the internal changes.

The internal changes are rapid. The lakes and deserts that were suspended in the sky are now on the ground. The hazy space is now filled with continents.

Looking at it now, the most conspicuous thing should be the original space of the pagoda, because the eucalyptus forest over there is so spectacular, and of course, there are blood vines and demon vines.

There is only one demon vine, so it must be Gao Jiuding's demon-binding rope. It also grew up in this accident. However, compared with the growth of the demon-binding rope, what surprised Gao Jiuding the most was that it was like a blood dragon. blood vine.

This vine was originally a low-level spiritual plant that grew in a small wood spirit vein, but after Gao Jiuding moved the small valley where it was located into the space of the pagoda as a whole, it seemed to let itself fly!

During the upgrades of the pagoda, it has risen rapidly, and now its power is comparable to that of the world tree Eucalyptus.

Now the eucalyptus tree disappeared, but the blood vines that were originally wrapped around the trunk of the eucalyptus tree were not affected in any way.

The central mountain range where the eucalyptus was originally located, there is no eucalyptus, but there is still a giant, winding and circling into the void.

A vine that can't walk upright, and it's so thick, actually meanders deep into the sky without any attachments?
Look at the rattan derived from the giant vine, it directly replaced the eucalyptus like the welcoming pine and appeared above the sky.

"It is also divided into nine layers. This guy must have been hidden under the eucalyptus leaves. Now that there is no eucalyptus cover, it is exposed!"

(End of this chapter)

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