Chapter 1009
Although he couldn't understand why a vine became a giant tree, Gao Jiuding still knew that this blood vine was extraordinary.

"There are so many blood fruits on it!" Looking at the vines covered with fruits, Gao Jiuding felt a little better.

If there was no Time and Space God's Domain within the eucalyptus, Gao Jiuding would never regret its disappearance.

Now the blood vine that replaces the eucalyptus, although there is no Time and Space God's Domain inside, it is fruit, and as the strength of the blood vine increases, the effect of the blood fruit will be better.

"Huh? That's a blood rabbit? It actually climbed a tree?" Gao Jiuding was looking at the blood fruit on the blood vine, when suddenly, Gao Jiuding saw a blood-red rabbit bouncing and disappearing among the vines.

Gao Jiuding concentrated his attention on the blood vine, and sure enough, he found that there were countless blood rabbits living on the huge vine!
"The fecundity of rabbits is strong!" Gao Jiuding knew that ordinary rabbits have a litter a month!

Even if this kind of blood rabbit is not so powerful, even if it has a litter every two months, or even a litter every six months, its fecundity is unparalleled in the Time and Space God's Domain.

Most importantly, with plenty of blood fruit, this kind of rabbit will grow very fast.

"Huh? Isn't this rabbit so big just now?" I just saw a rabbit swallow a blood fruit, and then the whole body of the rabbit swelled up.

"The effect of the blood fruit is so powerful?" Gao Jiuding thought, and each blood fruit suddenly appeared in his hand.

He threw some to Luan Changming and the others, and he stuffed the remaining one into his mouth. A series of great changes had exhausted the mana of Gao Jiuding, the second incarnation.

After eating some blood fruits, I feel that the blood in my body is sufficient, but this supplement is just a drop in the bucket compared to consumption!

"Han Mu Guo should be useful!" Once again sinking his mind into the space of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding searched carefully. This time he spent more than ten minutes, and finally found a fruit forest on a broken continent.

The green is like emerald, and the thumb-thick fruit trees are shining with white light, densely covered with a radius of several meters. These are some of the mutated five-element spiritual fruit trees collected by Gao Jiuding.

Picked a few pieces and swallowed them, sure enough, the wood lit a fire, just as the wood-type aura fell into his stomach, Gao Jiuding's stomach seemed to be on fire.

The surging flames, shining with white light, quickly ignited Gao Jiuding's blood essence.

The blood essence was burned, refined, and finally quickly transformed into mana, pouring into the dharma form.

"The wood type already has the strongest vitality, not to mention that this is a mutated wood fire fruit, which is more suitable for fire monks to consume!" Feeling the benefits, Gao Jiuding simply used this cold fire wood fruit to supplement consumption!
In fact, this kind of fruit is more suitable for An Shenxiu and others, because what they practice is the power of wood and fire.

"I knew I wouldn't be in a hurry to destroy the formation. If I had collected more fruits, I wouldn't need to save them now!" Looking at the small orchard, Gao Jiuding felt his egg hurt.

At that time, he didn't expect that such a large orchard would disappear as soon as it said it disappeared.

"Hope is hidden on the periphery of the Ice Soul Cold Light Array, so I still have a chance to collect some more!" Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became happy again, he still has a chance.

With supplements, Gao Jiuding kept searching for resources and incorporated them into the pagoda. Even the resources recently collected by An Shenxiu and the others were obtained by him and sent directly through the transmission hall inside the pagoda.

And Gao Jiuding didn't need to go in, he just used his divine sense to control and open various storage equipment, so that the materials inside could be exposed.

After defeating the Golden Wolf Clan and occupying the Golden Wolf Palace, Gao Jiuding got too much storage equipment.

At first, Gao Jiuding was put into the pagoda, and then he opened the restriction on the equipment, and handed it over to Song Yue for processing. This time, he teleported into the pagoda space through the teleportation hall.

Countless materials poured into the pagoda, and were calcined by the intense fire in the pagoda!
Countless resources were quickly integrated into the pagoda, so that there were fewer and fewer cracks on the pagoda, and the pagoda's recovery ability became faster and faster.

"It's good to have a strong fire vein, although the desert caused by a strong fire vein is a bit more!"

With the passage of time, the pagoda space has become a lot calmer, especially the continent that has appeared is very obvious.

Countless fragments of space, carrying the land, began to merge together. At this time, the fire of the earth made its contribution again.

With the ground fire spreading underground, these continents began to merge into one, and the fire brought not only destruction, but also new life.

As the temperature in the space rises, a very small amount of water begins to be transpired, and the water vapor that rises into the sky cools down and falls, forming rainfall.

Gao Jiuding has seen such a situation many times in the pagoda space, but this time he also saw thunder and lightning.

This ability obviously comes from the seal of ten thousand beasts. It devoured a piece of heaven-level lightning-type spiritual object, and it played a role at this time.

"The sun in the sky is really too weak. The temperature in this space is a bit low!" Gao Jiuding looked at the sun, which was manifested by the sky fire mirror. It's nothing.

Fortunately, the underground ground fire is strong, which can evaporate water and form a thunderstorm transformation. Otherwise, this kind of weather change would be really difficult to form.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't have a better treasure to form the sun.

Now many of Gao Jiuding's treasures have found their place within the pagoda space, such as the three Ice Soul Cold Light Beads, which are hidden not far from the Skyfire Mirror, forming three moons.

It's a pity that their light is weaker and is blocked by the sky fire mirror. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all.

Perhaps it was because of these three Ice Soul Cold Light Beads and the pieces of mutated Five Elements Spirit Fruit Trees that they survived here.

While re-refining the new pagoda, Gao Jiuding was familiar with the environment inside the pagoda!
The current pagoda space is too desolate, only some creatures in the previous pagoda have spread into the entire space.

However, the space of the pagoda was originally too small to carry fewer creatures, but now that it has entered the vast space, there are not many to be seen at all.

"Eh? Is this the blood rabbit I saw earlier?" Going around, Gao Jiuding saw a somewhat familiar rabbit again, because a small blood-red vine was stuck on the head of this rabbit.

"Is this an adult? How long has it been?" The outside world has only passed a little more than a day, and the rabbit has doubled in size?
There seems to be a problem with the timing, and it's not just because of the blood fruit!

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a jade document flew out of a bamboo building!
He opened the jade document and looked at the time, more than ten days had passed.

Looking at the time outside, it is true that only one day has passed, which means that one day outside, but ten days have passed inside the pagoda space!

His Space-Time God Domain did not disappear, but instead spread to the entire space.

Throwing it casually, the jade document flew into the space of the pagoda again, and Gao Jiuding wanted to confirm it again.

"Small, small, small" pressed his palm on the pagoda, and Gao Jiuding kept urging his mana to put the pagoda under control.

As the pagoda gradually disappeared and cracks appeared, Gao Jiuding's control over the pagoda became stronger again.

With the effect of Gao Jiuding's will and mana, the pagoda was indeed getting smaller, and finally became only the size of a palm, appearing on Gao Jiuding's palm.

Looking at the pagoda wrapped in a layer of mysterious yellow air, it has completely lost its muddy appearance. At this time, it looks like a yellowish jade pagoda with a little metallic luster.

"It looks like a treasure this way!" Gao Jiuding's mana urged again, and the pagoda instantly turned into a yellow light and fell into his mouth.

Putting the pagoda into the sea of ​​blood, Gao Jiuding urged the boundless sea of ​​blood in his body to start another round of refining.

In the space of the sea of ​​blood, the son of the blood god, who condensed a trace of blood, penetrated into the pagoda and began to infect the prohibition in the pagoda.

Since the pagoda was originally Gao Jiuding's blood refining magic weapon, there was no resistance to this sacrifice!
However, he still encountered the embarrassment of practicing the seal of ten thousand beasts at that time!

At this time, the internal restrictions of the pagoda became boundless, no matter how fast the blood light he controlled was flying, it would still take time to completely refine this celestial treasure!
Of course, he also needs to have enough strength, otherwise he will not be able to refine much if his whole body is exhausted.

Even if he knew that he could completely refine this pagoda within a short period of time, Gao Jiuding would not give up!

As long as the skill is deep, the iron pestle can be ground into a needle, not to mention that refining the pagoda this time is a bit different from refining the seal of the beast.

This treasure is now dominated by the pagoda, supplemented by the seal of the myriad beasts and the real universe bag!

Combined together in this way, the newly generated space treasure, the original restraint of the pagoda is the main body, and the inner restraint of the seal of the thousand beasts and the real universe bag is the auxiliary.

For example, Gao Jiuding's current prohibition on blood refining is just some minor details, because he doesn't need to refine the main one at all!
He has already refined the main restriction inside the pagoda. Even if the current main restriction is countless times more complicated than before, it has expanded countless times, but these have been refined by Gao Jiuding's blood after all, no matter how it expands, Gao Jiuding was also able to control it steadily.

Therefore, the advantage of combining the Wanshou Seal and the Real Qiankun Bag with the pagoda as the main one is that he now has half of the control over this treasure, and as long as he practices a little bit, it will be more than half.

Besides, whether it is the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, or the seal of the beasts and the real Qiankun bag, it turns out that Gao Jiuding has also refined part of it.

In addition, their weapon spirits were severely damaged, so now that these three are integrated into one powerful magic weapon, it is easier for Gao Jiuding to control it.

This point is not simple, because this treasure may have the strength of the treasure of the cave!
Of course, although there is a hole in it, it is definitely not a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, because the inner weapon spirit has only a little spirituality, and the spirit that connects to the sky has not evolved at all.

Therefore, according to the general division of strength, the level of this pagoda, that is, the spirit treasure, can be divided according to the internal space, which definitely belongs to the Dongtian Lingbao.

 Thanks to the book friend 20190603185007214 for the reward of 500 coins, thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the brother of the king of the earth and queen for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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