The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1012 One Tribulation Spirit Treasure

Chapter 1012

It's a pity that the treasure of the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax was also shattered during the great battle that year!
The Xueyuan tribe only got one of the fragments, and even so, they still made a small opening on the Ice Soul Cold Light Array, allowing the Sun Shooting Arrow to have a chance to hit the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, triggering the Ice Soul Cold Light Array A wave emerged, sealing the entire Great Snow Mountain.

The Xueyuan clan also suffered heavy losses back then, but with the help of the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe, some clansmen survived with the help of the Ice Soul and Cold Light Formation.

With these memories, Gao Jiuding had the idea of ​​entering the Ice Soul and Cold Light Formation!
Now it seems that his idea is very correct. Before entering the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation, he found a large spiritual vein on the periphery.

What needs to be found now is the fragment of the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax sealed here, so as to reopen the crack in the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation and enter the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation.

Luan Changming put the chiseled stones back on the wall one by one, and saw that the broken stones were re-healed into the previous complete stone wall.

Everyone moved forward for about tens of meters. Along the way, they could still see the traces left by the predecessors who searched for treasures when they entered. Luan Changming also found more than ten treasures in the distance of tens of meters. something!

These things seem to be hidden here on purpose, some are buried in the ground, some are placed in the walls, and some are hidden in some secret restrictions.

Although none of them can be regarded as cherished objects, they are all useful magic weapons and elixir.

Gao Jiuding knew that these were resources prepared for the cultivation of younger generations just by checking them a little bit!

The most precious of them are just two ordinary strange objects, and there are even a middle-grade spirit stone, a low-grade magic weapon and other things that are dispensable in the eyes of everyone.

However, everyone can see that every item that Luan Changming found was carefully hidden by someone, obviously it was all written by the ancestors of the Xueyuan clan.

The ancestors of the Xueyuan tribe are also idle, leaving some treasures for future generations, there is no need to focus on these dispensable things!

No one can figure out the thoughts of this ancestor of the Xueyuan clan, only Luan Changming can find it happily.

"This is it, I feel that there is a treasure here!" Luan Changming looked at a barrier at the entrance of the tunnel in front of him, turned and said to Gao Jiuding.

Everyone looked at Luan Changming. This guy's refined avatar was just a pangolin-like earth-type monster. He didn't expect his treasure-hunting talent to be so strong!
Looking ahead, the light blue barrier is like a raised sea level, and Gao Jiuding's eyes are shining with blue light!
Gao Jiuding couldn't help asking: "If it's the Xueyuan clan, how did they enter here? Do they also need to break the prohibition here?"

Zhan Jiyan said: "I know a little about formations, but I can't do anything about this barrier. This restriction seems to be integrated with the surrounding formations, and even brute force will not work!"

Is it okay to forcefully break the formation?Gao Jiuding smiled wryly and said: "The reason why the Xueyuan clan has opened up such a magical space here has been hidden in the formation, the fundamental reason is that this space is attached to the ice soul cold light formation!
If you want to forcibly break the formation, you are facing the entire Ice Soul and Cold Light formation, or the backlash from the guardian formation of the Beastmaster Sect back then. If you don’t understand this, you can be said to be lucky if you are injured instead of losing your life. Not bad. "

At this time, Gao Jiuding finally understood the mystery of this restriction!

Ancestor Xueyuan attached the relics to the underground formation, and opened up this space, no wonder outsiders have never noticed it!
It's no wonder that the large spirit stone veins discovered by Luan Changming were not protected by the Zhenmai Locking Array. The Lingshi veins are directly within the coverage of the array, so naturally there is no need to use the Zhenmai Locking Array to protect them.

Luan Changming and the others naturally knew what the big formation of the guardian faction meant, and how powerful the Xueyuan clan was in those days when they could exploit the loopholes in the great formation of the guardian faction?
The other commander who came over this time said immediately after hearing it: "What? The big formation of the guardian faction? Didn't the Beast Faction Daoist Hall collapse? If it is really the big formation of the mountain protection, then we can withdraw quickly, no matter who You can't break the barrier!"

Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, and said: "Although this barrier is a branch formation drawn from the large formation of the guardian faction, it can only be regarded as a borrowed one after all. It is far inferior to the formation of the ice soul and cold light." power."

As soon as Gao Jiuding's voice fell, he saw his hands open, and two talismans were attached to the palms of the palms, bursting out colorful rays of light, and then saw him sticking his palms towards the blue barrier in front of him. The light suddenly flourished.

Among Luan Changming and others, another newly joined commander looked at the multicolored light in Lu Ping's hands and exclaimed in surprise, "Ah, it's a multicolored taboo breaking talisman!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the blue shield in front of me was immediately corroded by colorful light, and the openings were still expanding. In the end, the blue shield turned into aura and dissipated. In mid-air.

"It's broken!" Luan Changming excitedly, was about to run to the stone room behind the barrier!
However, before he could take two steps, he stood there abruptly, and then there was a "plop", as if he had hit something, his head suddenly plunged and hit the ground.

Gao Jiuding and others also walked into the stone room afterward, seeing Luan Changming suddenly like this, they thought they had been ambushed by a trap, and were so frightened that they stopped in their tracks.

Gao Jiuding looked up at the place where Luan Changming fell, and saw a huge snow-white bird with a body length of 30 meters, staying in a corner of the stone room.

Luan Changming collided with this giant bird, was bounced back, and fell to the ground!

Gao Jiuding looked at the aura emanating from the giant bird. It was definitely a monster bird in the Dharma phase. However, it should be dead. The aura exposed at this time was dark blue, not the white of the light of life.

I released my spiritual sense to detect it, and sure enough, it was a mummy, a naturally made specimen!
Only the skeleton and a piece of skin remained of this giant bird mummy. There was an obvious collapse in the abdomen of the mummy, which had obviously been severely injured. Under the left front paw of the giant bird mummy, there was still a handle two feet long, scattered The blade of the ax is a half-foot crescent-shaped big axe.

Zhan Jiyan said softly: "Is this the remains of the Xueyuan clan?"

Gao Jiuding said: "It shouldn't be wrong, it must be a master of the Xueyuan clan!"

Immediately afterwards, Gao Jiuding pointed to the ax that was held down by the remains of the giant bird, and said, "That is almost the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars axe!"

Luan Changming and others turned their gazes to this spiritual treasure that has a great reputation in the cultivation world!
However, Gao Jiuding just glanced at it, then looked around the stone room.

Luan Changming saw that Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention to the ax at all, so he stepped forward, wanting to hold this spirit treasure in his hand!

Unexpectedly, Gao Jiuding suddenly said: "Lingbao has a weapon, do you know that?"

Luan Changming was startled, stepped forward, then took two steps back!
Then I heard Gao Jiuding's voice again, and said: "Come out, how long can you hide?"

As soon as Gao Jiuding finished speaking, he saw the ax that was originally under the giant bird's carcass suddenly break free from under the giant claws!

A series of running runes flashed on the surface of the axe, and the axe flew up by itself, and then slashed in the direction of Gao Jiuding!
In the blink of an eye, a blade of light had already arrived in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes.

Luan Changming and the others were startled, when the ax flew away by itself, they had already seen that this ax was at least a one-knock treasure!
The power of this ax was beyond their expectations.

Gao Jiuding seemed to have been prepared for this, and before the ax struck him, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword had already struck!

The moment the blade light was about to join the body, two sword lights had arrived one after another, offsetting this blade light invisible.

The combined power of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and the Broken Sword, coupled with the urging of Gao Jiuding, can even compete with the monks of the Faxiang period. But it didn't get any cheap!
You must know that no one is manipulating this giant ax at all, let alone mana blessing!
In this case, being able to still receive Gao Jiuding's magical swordsmanship can only show that the quality of this ax is better.

The Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is one of the three treasures of beast control, and it exists at the same level as the Ten Thousand Beast Seal. The Ten Thousand Beast Seal is a treasure for defense and suppression, but the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is a treasure for killing. The two are incomparable in terms of attack power. Same day.

However, the current Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is incomplete, and even so, the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax that has survived a catastrophe and cultivated into a spiritual body still has this kind of power!
After all, the ax was unmanned. After this blow, the main body hanging in mid-air seemed to be a little wobbly!

Gao Jiuding looked at it from the side, and said with a smile: "Not coming out yet? Why, you still plan to leave this last blow, are you going to strike again?"

Everyone seemed a little baffled, only this incarnation of Luan Changming, who is good at treasure hunting, seemed to realize something!
However, his divine sense searched in the stone room, but he never found the expected hidden thing!
At this time, Gao Jiuding said again: "You should have seen the effect of that blow just now, and now you should still have the strength of one blow, what do you think you can do?"

At this time, everyone followed Gao Jiuding's gaze to look at the giant bird mummy lying on the ground!

Everyone was shocked, could it be that the snow kite has not fallen yet?
Or is there any means left behind?Otherwise, how could he still be able to use that ax to attack everyone?

Just when everyone was thinking wildly, they heard a sneaky voice suddenly sounded from the giant bird mummy, saying: "Who are you and why did you come to my cave?"

Immediately, there was an image of a burly man with a long beard and thick eyebrows in everyone's consciousness!
(End of this chapter)

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