Chapter 1013
Could it be that this strong man with a long beard and thick eyebrows is the patriarch of the Xueyuan clan?

How many years have passed, and how can they still survive?

Gao Jiuding smiled, and said: "You can pretend to be a ghost, and you are worthy of being one of the three treasures of the Beast Master Sect."

After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand and made a move in the direction of the giant bird. The ax that had fallen to the ground flew up into the air again, but it flew towards Gao Jiuding's hand.

At this moment, suddenly, an invisible force rose from behind the axe, pulled the axe flying towards Gao Jiuding from the opposite direction, and immediately repositioned the axe in mid-air.

Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, and with his outstretched palm, he hooked back the four fingers side by side!

The ax slowly pulled towards him again, obviously with that weird strength, it was not Gao Jiuding's opponent at all.

However, at this moment, the voice that sounded from the body of the giant bird's mummy before suddenly let out a smug smile!

Then I saw the surface of the axe, a ray of light that was more destructive than before suddenly lit up, and another force was exerted on the axe!

The ax immediately slashed towards Gao Jiuding's body at a faster speed than before.

The ax slashed in front of Gao Jiuding in an instant, but the imaginary scene of Gao Jiuding panicking and waiting to die with his eyes closed did not appear!
Instead, Gao Jiuding smiled and said, "It's really good to be able to maintain such a sufficient amount of spirituality in thousands of years!"

Then I saw nine layers of light burst out in Gao Jiuding's palm, and each ray of light formed a big hand of aura, which wrapped the previous hand of aura into it, and then the big hand of aura squeezed towards the cutting ax blade .

However, every big hand with spiritual energy pinched on the ax blade was sliced ​​through layer by layer, but the bright light on the ax blade was also constantly being worn away!
After the ninth layer of golden protective qi was cut through, most of the light on the ax blade had been dissipated, and the next thing he faced was Gao Jiuding's physical body.

The weird laughter sounded again. Although most of the power of the ax had been consumed at this time, it was not something a monk's body could block.

However, Gao Jiuding blocked it, the index finger and thumb of his right hand happened to pass through the blade light, and pinched the ax blade accurately!
The ax was in the middle of the air, no matter how difficult it was to take half a step, the weird laughter stopped abruptly, as if being pinched by the neck!

Not only that, even the other people beside Gao Jiuding were stunned for a moment.

Even if most of the power of the Lingbao ax has dissipated, it cannot be picked up by a monk with his body!

However, Gao Jiuding took the blow with his body and forcibly grabbed the spirit treasure in his hand.

How strong is Gao Jiuding's physical body?

A slender blood mark was still printed on Gao Jiuding's tiger's mouth after all, little by little blood seeped out!

Then a bloody light flickered, and the wound healed immediately.

The second incarnation of the water and fire python and Gao Jiuding became one, one became two, they are now one, so the water and fire python also awakened the blood shadow supernatural power when it advanced to the law, which is the result of blood compatibility.

After incarnating as a blood gang, there is a strong vitality in the blood light, and it has a unique advantage in healing injuries, such as the recovery of these small wounds, which are usually extremely fast.

"Still coming out?" Gao Jiuding held the ax in his left hand, but stretched out his right hand again, pointing in the direction of the mummy.

"Don't, don't, take it, take it!" A black light flew out from the mouth of the mummy, but hid behind Luan Changming in a flash.

Wu Guang turned into a phantom in the form of a human being, it actually looked like a shriveled child!
At this time, the child was showing one eye timidly from behind Luan Changming, looking at Gao Jiuding.

Luan Changming hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and asked, "Are you the weapon spirit of the divine axe?"

Among the people present, the child seemed to only feel the aura of Luan Changming, which made him feel kind!

Facing Luan Changming's inquiry, the child didn't say a word, just hid behind Luan and dared not come out!
From time to time, the child looked at Gao Jiuding who had already ignored it not far away.

Among all the people present, Gao Jiuding was the only one, making him feel the deep fear, otherwise he would not gather the only two attacks and hit him with all his strength.

"Hey, hey, kid, what can I ask you? What's the matter with always hiding behind me?" Luan Changming circled around several times, but this kid's ability is much greater than him, no matter how he turns around , this kid was able to hide behind him first!
After a long time, Luan Changming always felt that the back of his neck was dark, which actually gave him a creepy feeling.

Still that strange voice sounded behind Luan Changming, saying: "You pompous guy, if it weren't for your aura, which is similar to mine, I wouldn't be looking for you."

Luan Changming said strangely: "Are you also an earth monk? Hey, that's not right, aren't you the spirit of the magic axe? You don't want to choose me as the master because of my attributes?"

The child's eyes were suddenly blank. Although his whole figure seemed extremely illusory, it was obvious that Luan Changming's question made him puzzled!
The child tugged at his thinning hair vigorously, and said, "Know what? What is the magic ax you are talking about? Is it the ax that was snatched by that person? If so, I am indeed the spirit of that axe, but other things , I don’t know, I’ve been inside that big bird’s body all these years.”

Luan Changming asked again: "These years? How long?"

"How long?" The child was confused again: "It's been a long time, it's been there all the time, I can't remember."

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's voice suddenly came over again, saying: "Oh, so it is like this."

With Gao Jiuding's voice, the child was frightened again, and hid behind Luan Changming, not even daring to show his head.

Luan Changming asked Gao Jiuding: "Patriarch, what's wrong?"

Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "Thanks to you traveling here and there with me these years, you have seen a lot of rare treasures. How could you not know that the spirit of the weapon will dissipate without mana to nurture it, and it will even be returned to you?" Treasure?

Even if you are lucky enough to keep the body of the weapon spirit alive, the memory of this weapon spirit will slowly dissipate. The magic ax weapon spirit behind you can persist for thousands of years, which is already considered rare. Think he can remember something? "

Even though he said so, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but thought of the little fox and the old turtle, and wondered what they had encountered before!
Luan Changming said: "But this guy's two blows just now are quite powerful, how does he appear to have lost his spirituality?"

Gao Jiuding said: "This is also where I was puzzled. Now it seems that all the mysteries are under the body of Xue Yuan, and above the mysteries of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe."

Although the sun, moon and seven-star god ax now looks like a spiritual treasure of a catastrophe, which is equivalent to the attack power of a monk in the middle stage of Dharma, its quality is obviously very high.

And even now, its power is still among the spirit treasures of the first catastrophe, it can be regarded as the best, and it even has some characteristics of the spirit treasure of the second catastrophe!
Out of the instinct of the weapon spirit, it can absorb and refine part of the spiritual energy by itself, and store it in the spirit treasure body. This is also the fundamental reason why the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax was able to have the power of two strikes before.

It's just that the main body absorbs the stored aura by itself, without refining the mana of the monks, it is useless for the birth and nourishment of the spirit treasure weapon spirit, so the weapon spirit looks weak at this time, and only a thin one is left. The thin shadow may disintegrate and collapse at any time.

And the methods used by the ancestor of the Xueyuan clan's Dharma Xiangqi back then were even more brilliant. He obviously drew a branch from the spiritual vein of the Beast Controlling Sect, and came out to suppress it in this stone room!

Originally, it might be for cultivation in this stone room, or simply to recuperate injuries!
It's just that Gao Jiuding looked at the belly of the giant bird's corpse, and the large piece that collapsed obviously didn't wait for it to heal its injuries, but he fell because of the serious injuries.

After he fell, the spirit of the sun, moon and seven stars god ax, out of the instinct of self-protection, hid itself in the body of the giant bird. s reason.

However, although it has not disappeared, all things related to memory have dissipated, leaving only some instincts to protect oneself.

Luan Changming was a little unwilling to give up, and tentatively asked the child behind him: "Sun, Moon, Seven Stars God Axe, Beast Controlling Sect Guardian Array, Ice Soul Cold Light Array, you don't remember any of these?"

The child shook his head and said, "It sounds familiar, but I can't remember anything."

Gao Jiuding shook his head and said: "Stop talking nonsense, I think you know your current situation better than anyone else, if you don't want to dissipate, you should quickly find someone to recognize the master, and only when you have the magic power to conceive and nurture you can you slowly recovery of spirituality."

The child was extremely afraid of Gao Jiuding, how could he dare to oppose his slightest order?
But it still asked timidly: "Then I will recognize this second idiot as the master? Only this second idiot is nice and kind!"

Luan Changming suddenly smiled, and the other people on the side all had half-smile expressions, but they were not in the slightest annoyance.

Gao Jiuding sneered, and said, "He only has a little more cultivation? Even if his bone marrow is smashed, it will not be enough to fill your consumption. Don't even think about it before he advances to the Dharma phase."

The child's eyeballs rolled seven or eight times in a row, and said: "Well, then, can I follow you?"

Gao Jiuding gave him a wide look, counting you as acquainted.

Of course, it's not that Gao Jiuding is greedy and doesn't want this spirit to recognize his subordinates as masters, but he is worried about this spirit.

With the experience of little foxes and old tortoises, Gao Jiuding is very wary of these spirits that have existed for an unknown number of years!
 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, book friend 20190529201425663, and brother Huang Tianhou Soil King for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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