Chapter 1015
This Ice Fire Pill Furnace is a treasure that degenerates from a spiritual weapon.

It now has nine treasure prohibitions, which have been fully evolved and formed a spirit prohibition. At this time, its state is a peak treasure weapon. Maybe it can be formed into a spiritual weapon if it is well cultivated. However, the original spirit of the weapon dissipates. The newly generated spirit has no memory of the original spirit.

When Gao Jiuding regretted that the Lingbao had become a treasure, Luan Changming was already at the bottom of the alchemy furnace!

There is a spirit-gathering array under this alchemy furnace, which should be used to nourish the spirit fire for alchemy, but now the spirit stones inlaid on the spirit-gathering array have all been exhausted and turned into fly ash. The center of the spirit gathering array, where the spirit fire was originally lit, is also empty.

Luan Changming sniffed at the center of the spirit-gathering array, and sighed: "Patriarch, it's a pity, the spiritual fire lit in this spirit-gathering array is at least heaven-level, but it's a pity that the spiritual energy is exhausted, and the spirituality is lost. went out too."

Gao Jiuding looked at the traces of the spiritual fire in the center of the gathering spirit array, nodded and said: "It's really a pity, this is a middle-grade heavenly flame, but I don't know which one it is, it seems to be used in alchemy In terms of effectiveness, it is more applicable than the extremely cold blue flame."

When Luan Changming heard it, he felt even more distressed. Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "It is a blessing to be able to find a magic treasure pill furnace, don't be greedy and push every inch!"

Luan Changming looked around the secret room, and saw that the three sides of the secret room were stone frames, on which were placed different categories of jade bottles of pills, jade boxes used to hold spiritual herbs to keep the medicinal properties from being lost, and dozens of them. Various jade slips.

Luan Changming was already excited and rushed towards the stone frame, while Gao Jiuding walked towards the stone frame where the jade slips were placed.

Luan shouted: "Patriarch, why don't you take a look at these elixir and spirit grass, maybe there are ice elixir and spirit grass for refining ice elixir."

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "Thousands of years, even if the chalcedony bottle is affixed with a sealing talisman, the elixir inside will definitely lose its medicinal properties and become a waste elixir. As for the jade boxes containing the spirit grass, I am afraid the same is true. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it."

Unexpectedly, when Gao Jiuding picked up a jade slip while talking, the jade slip was also broken into several pieces!
Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the other jade slip!

Picking up this jade slip, it is not broken, but the content sealed inside has long since disappeared without a trace.

Gao Jiuding took a closer look at the pile of jade slips, but found that the quality of these jade slips was very low. Could it be that the Xueyuan clan made them themselves?

After carefully checking a few of them, there is no imprint of the Beastmaster Sect on them. This is definitely not the secret tome of the Beastmaster Sect!
With this understanding, Gao Jiuding is no longer heartbroken, the Yaozu is the Yaozu, and the classics they can pass down will not be good things.

Besides, with the classics handed down from the Beast Master Sect, would he lack the skills of demon cultivation?
"En? Could it be that the monster clan besieged the Beast Sect because of the countless demon cultivation techniques researched by the Beast Sect?" Gao Jiuding thought, this possibility is not small.

In order to refine monsters, to obtain highly qualified battle pets, and to cultivate their own second incarnation, the Beastmaster Sect has researched, too many skills that monsters can use, these are all for any monster. It is a rare treasure.

Of course, refining monsters as the second incarnation, these precious skills have become the unique skills of the monks of the beast control sect!

Gao Jiuding carefully flipped through a few jade pupil slips. Sure enough, there were some words left in them, and the words were really the road map of some monsters. Needless to say, these are the cultivation methods of the monster clan.

But these jade pupil slips were crudely made, and if one was not careful, they would be broken into several pieces in Gao Jiuding's hands.

The racial skills of the Xueyuan clan are useless to humans. If Gao Jiuding needs it, he can definitely find it by searching the ancient books of the Beastmaster Sect. After all, the Xueyuan clan is also a monster domesticated by the Beastmaster Sect.

At the moment when Gao Jiuding was looking at those jade pupil slips, Luan's long-sounding laughter came from the side, and said: "Patriarch, it seems that you didn't gain anything there either!"

Gao Jiuding pointed at Luan Changming fiercely, and then smiled helplessly!

The passage of time is the most terrifying. Even the jade slips that seal various inheritance contents have been shattered.

Gao Jiuding ordered to Luan Changming: "Whether there are any usable spirit pills or spirit grass in those jade bottles and jade boxes, they must be taken away. If you have time in the future, this ancestor Xueyuan The attainments on the road of alchemy must be carefully studied."

Speaking of Gao Jiuding's hand tightened, after more than ten jade slips were either shattered and disintegrated, or the contents of the seals were annihilated, he finally found a jade slip that was intact.

Gao Jiuding was overjoyed, and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the jade slip, but the joy on his face froze immediately, it turned out to be a blank jade slip.

Gao Jiuding was so angry that he wanted to throw away this jade slip!

But after pinching the surface of the jade slip with his fingers, he was slightly taken aback!
Gao Jiuding then raised the jade slips in his hands to his eyes, his eyes glowed blue, and his pupils even had a slight golden-red color.

When Luan Changming saw Gao Jiuding, he held up a jade slip in front of his eyes to examine it, and was suddenly surprised!
Jade slips are usually imprinted with spiritual thoughts, and after sealing, monks can check the contents, which is the most intuitive and convenient!
But like Gao Jiuding, it is a bit weird to put a jade slip in front of your eyes for a closer look.

"Patriarch, what's going on?" Luan Changming asked curiously.

A hint of surprise gradually appeared on Gao Jiuding's face. Hearing Luan Changming's inquiry, he said, "This patriarch Xueyuan is very unique. The content of a piece of Dan Fang was not engraved in the jade slips with spiritual thoughts. , but it was engraved on the jade slips by means of micro-carving in the mortal world!

However, this miniature sculpture is obviously much more subtle and subtle than the ones carved by ordinary people. If I hadn't just touched it with my finger and noticed it, I would have missed it. It seems that I still underestimated the technology of the monster race. "

Luan Changming laughed and said: "Looking at how excited the Patriarch is, the content carved on this jade slip is not trivial?"

Gao Jiuding nodded, sighed slightly, and said: "This patriarch of the Xueyuan clan is also considered a pedantic heavenly being. Only then can it truly be regarded as the word 'spiritual pill', no, no, no, not only 'spiritual pill', it is simply against the sky!"

Luan Changming regained his energy immediately, and hurriedly asked, "What is recorded on it?"

Gao Jiuding threw the jade card into Dabao's hand, and said: "Yin Lei Pill, the ancestor Xueyuan called this pill Yin Lei Pill, you can see the specific content yourself, as long as you use your eyesight a little, you can see it." able to see."

"Introduce Leidan? Others are avoiding thunder calamity, how can anyone deliberately attract thunder calamity?" Zhang Luan put the jade slip in front of his eyes, looking at it carefully like Gao Jiuding, and exclaimed after a while: "This, this is impossible!"

Gao Jiuding laughed and said, "How is that impossible? Otherwise, how could Patriarch Xueyuan have survived the first lightning calamity and successfully advanced to the middle stage of Dharma Phase?"

Yin Lei Pill, as the name suggests, is naturally a pill that attracts Lei Jie and falls down under certain circumstances!

Choose the time and place by yourself, and the thunder calamity you attract is still a defective product. In this way, monks who are well prepared will naturally have a chance to survive the thunder calamity!

It's just that this heaven-defying elixir can only attract one thunder calamity, and it can only attract the first thunder calamity. The second thunder calamity in the Dharma phase is too powerful, and generally no one dares to do it.

Therefore, it is best to choose the ninth lightning tribulation to be quickly attracted by this kind of elixir when the first tribulation is crossed, in case the power accumulated by the ninth thunder tribulation is too strong and directly kills the cultivator.

Gao Jiuding has personally experienced the Thunder Tribulation in the Advanced Dharma Stage, so he naturally knows how powerful it is!
If one can have a hole card to deal with the ninth most powerful calamity of the first thunder calamity in the Dharma phase, then the chances of surviving this calamity will be greatly increased.

Although this Leidan wants to use it, not only can it be used only when the monk has passed the first thunder disaster and the middle stage of the advanced method, but it will also be useful after the first eight thunder disasters of the first thunder disaster.

However, just such an effect is enough to defy the sky.

"I really didn't expect the Xueyuan clan to refine such a miraculous elixir!"

"It's not necessarily the Xueyuan clan that refined this kind of elixir. Just looking at the micro-carving technique on this jade pupil slip, the careless monster clan may not be able to make it!"

"Ancient treasure?" Zhan Jiyan asked.

Luan Changming exclaimed, looked at the jade slip in his hand over and over again, and asked, "That's it? Is it an ancient treasure?"

Gao Jiuding took the jade slip from Luan Changming's hand, weighed it in his hand, and said: "Perhaps it can't be regarded as an ancient relic. The demon star monk came from the demon star. At that time, there was no jade slip in the cultivation world. Jane passed it on!

The things used to record are just paper, jade cards or bamboo slips, and the recorded content is engraved on them. In order to allow these things to carry more content, monks often use extremely fine and small fonts. "

Luan Changming said: "Yes, this can only prove that this jade slip, perhaps it was handed down at that time, but it cannot be said that it is an ancient relic, isn't it? But the texture of this jade slip is nonexistent. Say!
The other jade slips, after thousands of years of time, have all been reduced to dust, but this jade slip is intact, which in itself shows that it is extraordinary. Even if it is not an ancient relic, it is probably a great supernatural power thousands of years ago who stay. "

"I don't know about that, anyway, it's a good thing!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully after reading all the words engraved on this jade slip.

"It must be an ancient relic. Will we be able to successfully pass the first calamity of the Dharma phase? In this way, we can successfully cultivate a large number of mid-Dharma monks!" Luan Changming said with his eyes shining.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, and the king of the queen of earth for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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