Chapter 1016
Seeing Luan Changming's happy look, Gao Jiuding waved his hand and smiled slightly, saying: "Don't rush to draw conclusions, you have to take a look at the contents of this piece of jade slip, although it records the method of refining Leidan, But the tone of the article is full of speculation, which looks more like a guess!
But the last paragraph is absolutely incomparable, saying that this Lightning Pill can be used to block the ninth thunder of the first thunder disaster, and for the second or third thunder disaster, or a certain thunder disaster. The first few tribulation thunders were completely useless!

This affirmative tone is completely opposite to the uncertain and extremely hesitant tone in the previous introduction to the alchemy process. It seems that there is something else in it that we don't know. "

Luan Changming said: "Patriarch, you mean that the two paragraphs before and after are not left by one person?"

Gao Jiuding scolded with a smile: "Nonsense, didn't you see that the fonts of the two paragraphs before and after are different? Obviously, the former one wrote down the guess, and the latter one finally refined and tested the effectiveness of this panacea, but this There are still some things hidden inside, and your cultivation level is not enough, so I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

Gao Jiuding stretched out the jade slip to Luan Changming again, but this time he didn't pass it to him, but a strong mana surged in his hands, almost turning this piece of warm white jade into a blue.

Immediately on the upper left corner of this piece of white jade, there is a hidden word, and then it is revealed: The two poles pull the feet, and the ascension channel opens.

Luan Changming said in a daze: "What do you mean?"

Gao Jiuding caressed the jade pupil slip, but thought of some other things. On, he saw a lot of information, and also saw a lot of speculation about Feisheng.

There will be catastrophes in ascension, and catastrophes cannot avoid thunder catastrophes. How to overcome catastrophes is a topic that the whole cultivation world cares about. Naturally, there are many discussions on

The reason why I thought of the discussion on at this time was because of citing Lei Dan!
Of course, there is no record about Yin Lei Pill on, but Gao Jiuding thought of Tianlei Formation through Yin Lei Dan.

This kind of formation is the legendary heaven-defying formation. It is said that after it is arranged, it can attract thunder to bombard the formation.

Through this formation, some people have even researched the reverse sky thunder formation. It is said that after this formation is arranged, it can disperse and defuse the sky thunder.

If it was ancient times, cultivators would not even understand what thunder and lightning were, and the Heavenly Thunder Formation and Rebellious Heavenly Thunder Formation could only be legends, and many people could not understand them at all.

But in modern times, the discovery and utilization of electricity has made humans more and more familiar with thunder and lightning, and they can also slightly control thunder and lightning.

Therefore, on, there is a new discussion point about the legend of the thunder formation, that is, under the guidance of science and technology, it is possible to arrange the thunder formation.

Artificially creating cumulonimbus clouds and using special means to trigger lightning, as long as there are enough resources, it is really not impossible.

Finally, the comprehension community came to a conclusion that the collision of anion and cations triggers the discharge phenomenon, which is actually a change in the magnetic field.

Through the magnetic field, cumulonimbus clouds can be gathered, and as long as there are cumulonimbus clouds, it becomes easy to cause lightning.

Now that Gao Jiuding saw the formula of Yin Lei Dan, he discovered that the magnetic field was artificially created. The effect of this Lei Dan was to strengthen the human body's magnetic field, thereby attracting lightning.

This is to make people into lightning rods, which strongly attract lightning down!
As for the last sentence on Yutong's slip: the two poles pull the feet, and the ascension channel opens, which is not difficult to understand!

If the human body's magnetic field is too strong, if there is another single pole, and the two poles attract each other, will it open the ascension channel and let people ascend directly?
After entering the world of comprehension, Gao Jiuding kept thinking, what happened to Ascension?Where is the fairyland?
The ancients believed that the fairyland was just above the earth, but modern astronomical science tells you that there are at most the sun and the moon above the earth, and there are other galaxies far away, and there is no fairyland at all.

So where is the fairyland?Now Gao Jiuding has some guesses!

If the demon star is the earth fairy world, with enough strength to support it, if it can generate a mutual attraction force with a person on the earth, will it directly break through the space and pull the earthling directly onto the demon star?

This is actually a teleportation array, so can it directly make people ascend to the demon star?

Of course, it is not easy to enter the dimensional space with the body, survive the attack of the space storm and enter the fairy world, at least the strength must be strong.

Therefore, only when human beings enter the stage of transforming gods, or the stage of pure yang, and need to reach the peak state, can they open the ascension channel and fly away.

So here comes the question, how does the Immortal Realm know that someone is about to ascend, and then guide him into the Immortal Realm?
Now that the two poles are pulling feet, it is self-evident that only the cultivator is strong enough to attract the fairy world, and has reached a limit, the ascension channel will open!

As for where is the fairyland?Gao Jiuding suspects that it is in a corner of the universe, or simply a sub-plane, or is it a huge secret space?Even in the center of the galaxy?
In a cantilever of the Milky Way, there are treasures of cultivation such as demon stars and devil stars, so will the spiritual energy be more abundant in the densely packed galactic center of the star system?

For a moment, Gao Jiuding thought of a lot, but these need to be verified later.

If what he thinks is right, then the function of this attracting thunder pill is not only used to overcome the first thunder tribulation in the Dharma stage, maybe it will also be needed to strengthen the pulling power of the two poles in the future ascension.

Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking about how to ascend, Luan Changming sighed: "This kind of heaven-defying panacea is just a guess of the predecessors. I didn't expect that it would work, and the Xueyuan clan could be wiped out." After joining the Beast Sect, it is really unpredictable and awe-inspiring!"

"But..." Luan Changming then asked in doubt: "Patriarch, how do you know so much?"

Gao Jiuding said with a "hehe" smile: "I have been taught by a Chunyang ancestor, so I know more."

Gao Jiuding suddenly said loudly: "What? Patriarch, you have been instructed by the ancestor Chunyang? When? Why didn't I know? After leaving the sect, we followed the Patriarch. Why didn't we find out that you were Patriarch Yang giving advice?"

Gao Jiuding smiled but didn't say anything, turned around and began to look at the other jade slips!

Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not say that the half-step Chunyang patriarch had already been swallowed up by him to the point that there was not even a scum left.

Luan Changming was still a little bit unwilling, and said: "Patriarch, aren't we going to refine such a heaven-defying panacea?"

"This elixir is indeed miraculous, but it's just a tasteless one." Gao Jiuding said helplessly.

The formula of Yin Lei Dan is obviously different from other panacea, how can ordinary people refine it?
And even if it is refined, because it is opportunistic to survive the thunder disaster, the body has not been truly baptized by the sky disaster, and there are all kinds of hidden dangers!
This thing weakens the thunder tribulation, and also weakens the transformation of the body. It has too many defects. It is not a good thing to use it to overcome the tribulation, but it will be much better to use it to ascend.

Of course, for Gao Jiuding, it's not useless, because they want the second incarnation to survive the tribulation smoothly!
If you are willing to waste the carefully cultivated second incarnation, you can naturally use Yinlei Dan to successfully let the second incarnation survive the catastrophe, so as to advance to the middle stage of Dharma.

However, the consequences of doing so are not worth it, because a monster is wasted, and generally a monster that can be refined into a second incarnation by a monk should have good aptitude.

Luan Changming didn't have Gao Jiuding's idea, he shouted loudly: "How can this be a nuisance? It can block a thunderstorm!"

"Have you ever seen the consequences of taking Yinlei Dan? Although the cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Dharma appearance, the growth of lifespan is only half of the usual one. That's all. The price is also high!

The ninth thunder calamity is the most important for the training of dharma. Without the ninth thunder calamity, it is nothing more than a monk's strength is lower than that of the monks of the same level. The key is that there will be no further opportunities in the future. It's a one-shot deal. "

Luan Changming still did not give up, and said: "I think this pill is still useful, especially for those monks who are not sure how to survive the thunder disaster."

Gao Jiuding said: "Instead of going through the first eight thunder tribulations with all your might, why not try your best on the ninth one, at least after you succeed, there will be further possibilities, or after surmounting the thunder calamity, you should make more preparations." , It is better to strengthen one's own foundation accumulation than to fall short at the last moment."

Luan Changming yelled: "Patriarch, do you think that everyone is like you, holding a magic weapon and summoning thunder calamity together, and they can get through? There are thousands of monks in the cultivation world, how many of them can reach the middle stage of Dharma appearance?" indivual?
How many monks have reached the limit at the initial stage of Dharma, and how many monks in the early stage of Dharma who summoned the first thunder calamity ended up falling on the ninth thunder calamity?

If there is a magic pill that avoids the ninth thunder disaster, when the monks have survived the first eight disasters and are already dying, if they put it in front of their eyes, how can they care about the growth of life and strength? Slow down, let's talk about survival first! "

Gao Jiuding thought about it, it seems that this is indeed the truth!

While continuing to search for the intact jade slips, he sighed and said, "What you said is indeed reasonable, but why can't you take a good look at the contents on the jade slips? Then it is used to refine Jielei Pill How many kinds of spiritual herbs are there in today's cultivation world?"

Luan Changming was taken aback for a moment, and after carefully checking the various spiritual herbs recorded in the pill prescription in the jade slips, he took a deep breath.

Luan Changming exclaimed in amazement: "Hey, these things are priceless things that have disappeared for a long time in the cultivation world. If it is true that Yin Lei Dan has to use these things to refine, then the gains outweigh the losses. what!"

This time, it was Gao Jiuding who said, "It's not worth the loss for life-saving things? It's just that the rare and rare herbs that can induce thunder pills are refined, and not all of them may have disappeared in the cultivation world."

(End of this chapter)

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