The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1018 Searching for Resources

Chapter 1018 Searching for Resources
After Zhan Jiyan and others took over, Gao Jiuding freed his hands and carefully looked at the stone wall that had been aroused by the prohibition.

While looking at the stone wall, Gao Jiuding manipulated the divine ax within the blood sea space. After a little testing just now, he knew that relying solely on his strength would not be able to break through the hidden restrictions in the wall.

At this time, he immediately thought of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Divine Axe. After initially refining the Divine Axe, there is no problem in controlling it at this time, and the subtler imperial envoys may need to be tempered.

Gao Jiuding flashed the Thief God Ax with his backhand, and the image of the spirited child was a little stunted, and his memory and combat power had weakened a lot. There seemed to be some problems with his intelligence. However, after seeing Gao Jiuding, he Immediately, he nodded and bowed.

It seems that the strength is not bad, Gao Jiuding said: "What do you remember about this stone wall?"

Qi Ling shook his head, with a look of fear on his face, and said: "No, I don't remember anything."

Gao Jiuding nodded and said, "Listen to my instructions later, you need to cut a hole in this stone wall!"

Before Qi Ling agreed, Luan Changming on the side suddenly said: "Master, is there any treasure hidden behind this stone wall? I said that there are stone shelves on three sides of the four stone walls in this secret room, but this side is empty. Patriarch's eyes are like torches!"

"Let's talk nonsense, you can reap the merits one by one, and enter the pagoda space without incident!" Gao Jiuding watched the queen bee and the others withdraw their true energy mana one by one, and found that the stone wall hadn't changed much.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was already checking, and he knew the nodes of the spiritual energy flowing in the stone wall.

When the aura disappeared and the aura disappeared, Gao Jiuding simply stretched out his hand and put the queen bee and others into the pagoda!

Seeing Luan Changming, Gao Jiuding laughed and scolded: "Stop flattering, be careful, it's hard to say whether this stone wall is a blessing or a curse."

Zhan Jiyan opened his mouth to say something, but Luan Changming on the side had already thought of something, and said with trepidation: "Patriarch, behind this stone wall, could it be the entrance to the Ice Soul and Cold Light Cave opened by the Xueyuan Clan? "

Ignoring Luan Changming, Gao Jiuding directly urged the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Divine Axe, but when he activated the Divine Axe, Gao Jiuding did not forget to send out three talismans!

Three beams of multicolored light rose from behind Gao Jiuding, sticking to the stone wall in three directions!

At this time, Gao Jiuding turned around and smiled and said: "You are really right, you two be careful, I am going to attack!"

Three multicolored rays of light stick to the stone wall, and the light suddenly shines!
With the help of these three multicolored taboo breaking talismans, the entire stone wall finally began to transform into a wave-like shield.

At this moment, the blade of the sun, moon and seven-star god axe slashed fiercely on the shield, and a hole was split in the shield, but it soon began to heal.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense controlled the axe, but his hands that were close to the shield suddenly inserted into the gap that hadn't been closed, and then pulled it out suddenly!
Gao Jiuding immediately tore open a big hole in the cracked gap, and the aura that was richer than that in the secret room spewed out from the hole. Behind the hole, there was obviously a place with a richer aura.

Gao Jiuding entered the entrance of the cave first, followed by Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan, and then the opening of the shield gradually shrank and closed, turning into a stone wall again.

Obviously, the crack opened just now is not a crack in the stone wall, but a crack in space!
Entering the entrance of the cave, Gao Jiuding also saw a familiar scene while feeling the strong aura. He immediately activated the body protection god to wrap Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan.

Unexpectedly, he directly entered the large formation of ice and cold light, and the ice and cold light here is still so powerful.

"Wow, we have come to this labyrinth again!" Luan Changming first cried out happily when he saw the situation outside.

Zhan Jiyan also said: "Patriarch, this time we must transplant more five-element spiritual fruit trees!"

Luan Changming immediately followed up and said, "It's not the five-element spirit fruit, but the mutant five-element spirit fruit. These spirit fruit trees are even more rare!"

"Don't worry, I'm not only going to transplant the mutated five-element spirit fruit tree, but I also need to cultivate as many Ice Soul Orbs as possible. If anyone is willing, I can also sacrifice as many Ice Soul Cold Light Swords as possible. These are all good things. If you leave here, you will definitely not get it!" Gao Jiuding, who had planned for a long time, said with a smile.

Seeing that Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan took out the Ice Soul Orbs that they had practiced before, he immediately threw them out!
After thinking about it, Gao Jiuding spit out the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which has access symbols, and they can enter the pagoda at any time to avoid the cold light of ice soul.

"Patriarch, is this here for you?" Zhan Jiyan asked after she stabilized the Ice Soul Orb in her hand and felt that there was no danger.

Gao Jiuding said: "This is a large formation built with the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb as the town's object. This is still the periphery. My purpose is the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb. Of course, I don't want to get this spiritual treasure!
For thousands of years, it is unknown that this spirit treasure has advanced to a fairy treasure. It is not something we can imagine now, but, through the sun, moon and seven star axe, it is possible to pass through this large formation and directly teleport into the ice soul cold light In the inner cave of the bead, if it really went in, it would really happen! "

"How to get in?" Luan Changming said immediately with bright eyes when he heard that he was going to make a fortune, and he was going to a cave to make a fortune.

Gao Jiuding spread his hands, and said: "I only got some vague information. I only know that through here, I can enter the inside of the Great Formation, and even enter the Ice Soul Cold Light Cave. As for how to get in, I have to explore it!"

Speaking of this, Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts fell into the pagoda, and soon, more than 1000 guards appeared one by one.

Each of them practiced an Ice Soul Orb before, and they just continued to practice at this time.

And while practicing, it can also help him search for clues.

This five-element mutated fruit forest is really too big, and this is only the outermost periphery of the ice soul cold light formation. Gao Jiuding really doesn't know what the real inside of the formation is like.

"Perhaps, the inside of the Ice Palace is the real inside of the formation?" At this time, Gao Jiuding could only think so!

At that time, if it wasn't for the resistance of the water and fire python, after entering the ice palace, Gao Jiuding would have been cold.

In the following time, Gao Jiuding wandered around, and a lot of Jin Yuguo was transplanted into the pagoda space. After all, the pagoda space is so vast that even Gao Jiuding himself doesn't know how big it is.

Now the pagoda can be said to be a Dongtian Lingbao based on the huge space inside, and it is more powerful than the Tongtian Lingbao, but there is no powerful weapon spirit, which makes Gao Jiuding a little regretful.

Don't worry about this, Gao Jiuding definitely doesn't have the strength to control a Dongtian Lingbao, so if he wants to completely control a Dongtian Lingbao, he can only rely on the help of Qi Ling, and the Qi Ling he cultivated step by step , the most reliable.

But it is not so easy to cultivate a qualified weapon spirit, at least it is not something that can be done in a short period of time.

Entering the Ice Soul Cold Light Array this time, Gao Jiuding's purpose is very clear, which is to search for resources.

Gao Jiuding finally collected all five kinds of mutated spiritual fruits: Jinyu fruit, blue flame fruit, cold ice fruit, green wood fruit, apricot yellow fruit, and in the process, he also found more remains of Dharma phase monks.

The phantom formation that Gao Jiuding destroyed earlier was only a small part. At that time, he did not search the entire formation. At this time, he happened to turn all the masters of the human and demon races who were tied to death in the formation back then into his harvest.

The harvest is not small, but Gao Jiuding has no idea how to enter the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation.

I came to the original location of the Ice Palace again. There was nothing here, and the magnificent Ice Palace before had disappeared.

"I've been here before!" At the moment when Gao Jiuding was at a loss, a child appeared on the Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax that he held in his hand. He stood on the God Ax with a troubled expression on his face.

Looking at the child's tangled look, Gao Jiuding felt a little strange: "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"I seem to have been here before!" The child said with a tangled expression.

Gao Jiuding was stunned and said: "Come here? Do you remember what you came for?"

The child said: "Split the space?"

Seeing the child's hesitation, Gao Jiuding was a little helpless, are you asking me?
However, Gao Jiuding still guessed one thing. He has wandered around the Ice Soul Cold Light Array at this level for several times. If there is a passage leading to the inner space, it is impossible for him not to find any clues.

At this time, after hearing the saying of the divine ax and the spirit of the weapon, he still doesn't understand. I am afraid that the way to get to the inner formation is to use the sun, moon and seven stars ax to break through the space, and then he can enter.

"Then try it!" With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, he urged mana to pour into the axe.

The divine ax was shining with a strong aura, especially the ax blade, which was even more flickering. A large amount of mana was concentrated on the ax blade, forming a cold light.

At the moment when Dao's aura was so strong that it couldn't be melted away and was about to condense into substance, a cold light flashed and struck the void in front of Gao Jiuding.

The cold light flashed across the void, and Gao Jiuding was stunned when he saw it.

There was only a slight ripple in the void in front of him, and there was no change. He didn't split the space at once!

Gao Jiuding's face turned dark, not to mention that the second incarnation he controlled at this time was a cultivator at the Dharma Phase stage, nor that his mana was strong at this time, all of them were comparable to the peak monks at the early stage of Human Dharma Phase!
Not to mention, his cultivation base at this time is already comparable to that of a mid-stage cultivator who has just advanced. Even with the blessing of the Sun, Moon and Seven Star Axe, he should also break through the space in front of him!

But now?A ripple appeared in the space in front of his eyes, not even a crack.

Gao Jiuding looked at the divine ax in his hand. If he hadn't entered here again, the sun, moon and seven-star divine ax had played a big role. It was he who split the space on the stone wall and came here. He thought the divine ax in his hand was a fake that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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