Chapter 1019
As long as a monk advances to the Dharma, he has the ability to break through the space, but at this time, with the magic power of the water and fire python incarnation, he can't break through the space here, how is this possible?

"What's going on?" Gao Jiuding looked at the child-like Qi Ling, and it was frowning tightly, as if it didn't know what was going on!

The Divine Axe Spirit hesitated for a while before saying: "With the blessing of the formation, the space here is too stable, and it cannot be broken at all!"

Gao Jiuding's brows were also furrowed tightly, is there such a saying?

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be a certain thing, is it so easy to get in within the formation?
If this is the case, how could those guys who were trapped inside die before?
The cultivator of Faxiangqi tore open the space casually, and just shuttled away.

But this is too exaggerated, even using the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax cannot break the space barrier!

"No, the Xueyuan Clan will definitely be able to break through this formation!" Gao Jiuding immediately thought of something, and said with a firm expression.

The spirit of Shenaxe was a little absent-minded, and said after a while: "I'm not in full shape."

Gao Jiuding looked at Qi Ling, of course he knew that Qi Ling was not in full condition, but with his help, this is not the point, is it?

"I'm not talking about the spirit body, but the body!" As if knowing what Gao Jiuding was thinking, the axe pointed to the ax under his feet.

Gao Jiuding froze, what do you mean?The magic ax spirit means that this ax is incomplete?
Before Gao Jiuding could ask, Shenaxe Qiling said again: "I was shattered in the battle back then. This is only a part of my body, and it is a very small part. If I can keep my body intact, even if I don't need you Help, I can also break through the space here!"

Gao Jiuding was a little silly, now that the magic ax is so powerful, it is still only a small part?

If this is the case, then how powerful was the Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax in its complete state back then?
"Don't believe me? You know, I was an existence of the same level as the towns here!" The Sun Moon Seven Star God Axe Spirit said after taking a proud look at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was stunned, he forgot about this, you must know that the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax was one of the three treasures of controlling beasts back then, it must be the same level of treasure as the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, and the seal of ten thousand beasts is also the same treasure.

A town object, a magic weapon, and a killing treasure. These three treasures are the foundation of Wanshouyin to establish itself in the cultivation world and suppress one side.

The Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts is used to suppress all things, the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead has a large range of attacks and defenses, and the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax kills all directions. It can be said that each has its own advantages.

In this way, with the advantage of the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the equally damaged Ice Soul Cold Light Array, but if it doesn't work at this time, it can only show that the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb recovers faster, or the Sun Moon Seven Star God The ax was more severely damaged.

"Then what to do? Can you sense where the rest of your body is?" Gao Jiuding asked.

The expression of the god ax weapon spirit became infinitely entangled again: "I can feel it, and the distance is not far away, but this feeling is so close, no matter where I go, it seems that I am not close, but I am not far away either!"

Gao Jiuding and Qi Ling faced each other and stared at each other!
Shenaxe Qiling looked at Gao Jiuding with a melancholy expression, while Gao Jiuding looked at Shenaxe with an unclear expression.

The spirit of the ax said again: "When I met you, I felt the existence of body fragments. The feeling was very faint, but it really existed, so I decided to go with you!
But when I came here, although I could still feel other fragments of my body, I didn't feel like I was going to get closer. It seemed that no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't get closer to them! "

Gao Jiuding stroked his chin, thinking about what the meaning of this weapon spirit is!
"What do you think?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Divine Axe Spirit said: "The worst possible first possibility is that other parts of my body fell into this large formation, or some fragmented spaces around, or even within the secret realm!
This was the core area of ​​the Beastmaster Sect back then. No one knew how much space they had opened up here over the countless years, and no one knew how many spaces had been shattered during the battles back then.

In case the fragments of my body are hidden in a small space around, or enter a small space that has been shattered, it will be difficult for us to find, this is the worst situation! "

Gao Jiuding was speechless, and shattered the space. Under the action of the formation, it stabilized and formed a small different dimension. If a part of the divine ax was really hidden in such a place, how could they find it?

"I sensed it, but I can't get close. The possibility is really high!" Gao Jiuding said helplessly.

At this moment, the spirit of the ax weapon said again: "Actually, there is another possibility, that is, a part of my body is on one of you. You broke into the beast dojo before, right? Maybe you didn't intend to , got a part of my body, but didn't know it!"

"Well, there is such a possibility, but it is not very likely. We have received a lot of damaged instruments, but not many of high quality!" Gao Jiuding had thought of this idea a long time ago, but he was serious. After thinking about it, I realized that this was not possible.

He can be sure that in the Beast Control Dojo, there is no damaged magical weapon at all, and there is no possibility of a fragment of the divine axe.

And in the outer formation of this ice soul cold light formation, there are many damaged magic weapons obtained, but there are no fragments of the god axe, and the magic weapons found here are either completely shattered or very complete, which can be seen What kind of magic weapon, if there are magic weapon fragments, he
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda appeared in front of him, and then a lot of magic weapon fragments were poured out.

He actually forgot that when he came here for the first time, he found a lot of damaged magical artifacts among the ruined walls, and there were also many high-quality artifact fragments.

"No, there are no fragments of my body in these!" the spirit of the ax weapon said in great disappointment.

Gao Jiuding frowned, and waved his hand again, all his gains after entering Daxue Mountain were released, even the Skyfire Mirror that had been refined by him was also released.

"Ah!" As soon as a treasure flew out, the spirit of the ax and weapon screamed.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and then a pleasant surprise appeared on his face. With a quick flash of the magic ax, it struck a yellow light in one fell swoop.

The two collided, but there was no sound. Gao Jiuding saw a flash of light, and the two magic weapons were fused together.

"That spiritual artifact jade cup?" After seeing clearly what magic weapon the divine ax was fused with, Gao Jiuding showed a hint of surprise on his face.

It was the Spirit Treasure that flew out of the last palace in the Beast Master Dojo. At that time, because of this jade cup, Patriarch Zixu even gave up the right to choose it once.

At that time, everyone thought that it was a treasure of the level of Lingbao, but when Gao Jiuding got it, he didn't find any magic in it.

If it wasn't for this jade cup, which looked a bit like the seven-star white jade cup in his hand, Gao Jiuding would never have wanted it!

It is full of spirituality, and it is similar to the cup with the power of the Big Dipper that can pull the stars of the Big Dipper. Just these two reasons are enough for Gao Jiuding to pay attention to it.

He didn't expect that this cup was actually related to the sun, moon and seven stars god axe. How could a cup be connected with the axe?

Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the space of the pagoda, looking at another cup in a bamboo building. This Seven Star Cup is probably another fragment of the divine axe?

The sun, moon, seven-star god axe, and the seven-star cup have the ability to pull the Big Dipper, but now the cup swallowed by the god's ax can emit brilliance like sunlight. Doesn't this prove anything?
Xin Shen withdrew from the pagoda, but Gao Jiuding did not take out the Seven Star Cup, but stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle of the divine axe.

Streams of mana poured into the divine axe, and the refining of the divine ax began again.

The Divine Ax Spirit did not hinder Gao Jiuding's refinement, but instead had its help, drawing Gao Jiuding's mana, and integrated into a part of the new life at a faster speed.

With the refining of Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding felt a wave of heat, and the appearance of the divine ax was also changing.

Originally, there was only one piece of crescent tough axe, but the axe head, that is, the upper part of the axe blade, has become very round. It is as round as the sun, exuding endless brilliance.

The round head and the moon blade are just in line with the sun and the moon. This is the same brilliance of the sun and the moon. Now it is only a matter of seven stars to cooperate.

Gao Jiuding could feel that the sun and the moon were opposing each other and transforming each other. A magic weapon, like a human being, had its internal breath flowing smoothly. Isn't this just a human monk practicing?And it is yin and yang complementary!
When the sun and the moon shine together, neither the sun nor the moon blade will shine anymore. At this time, the sun and moon god ax has changed a lot.

The ax blade, which was originally just a slight crescent, has now become very exaggerated. The ax blade was originally only a semicircle at most, but now it has almost turned into a circle, almost covering the ax head.

For a round ax head, a part of the arc on its upper part just combines with the ax blade to form a larger circle.

Looking at the handle of the ax at this time, it seems a bit illusory, because the aura on it is too weak.

Gao Jiuding felt a little enlightenment, the seven-star cup should be the handle of the sun-moon-seven-star god axe?
Feeling that the Sun Moon God Ax has been completely refined, even the spirit in the ax seems to be much fuller, Gao Jiuding immediately took out the Seven Star Cup.

Sure enough, seeing the Seven Star Cup, the Sun Moon God Ax flew over again without any hesitation.

After re-merging the divine axe, the entire divine ax exudes endless brilliance.

The ax is sharp, the blade is cold, and the handle is light!

At the moment when the three were fully fused, Gao Jiuding felt the three energies of hotness, coolness and lightness.

The sun, the moon, and the seven stars, mobilizing the power of the three, is it difficult to break open the space?
At the moment of refining the divine axe, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but waved his arm.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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