The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1020 Ice Soul Cave

Chapter 1020 Ice Soul Cave
With the movement of Gao Jiuding's arm, the weapon spirit inside the divine ax also moved with Gao Jiuding's arm!
Just like that, the three forces merged into the blade of the axe, and flew out quickly and without hindrance.

Gao Jiuding only saw a flash of cold light, and a crack appeared silently in the void in front of him.

Gao Jiuding tore it off with both hands without hesitation, and the space channel was opened again.

His actions had already attracted the attention of the guards. Seeing the opening of the passage, Luan Changming immediately ran over with a few people.

Gao Jiuding glanced back, and with a thought, the pagoda suspended above his head flashed with aura, immediately took Luan Changming and six others into the pagoda, and then he stepped into the space crack.

As Gao Jiuding entered the space crack, the crack was instantly closed, and no trace could be seen anymore.

And Gao Jiuding, who entered the space crack, saw a familiar environment again. He was already in an ice palace, and the endless icy cold light appeared before his eyes again.

Gao Jiuding knew that he was one step closer to the Ice Soul Cold Light Pearl.

With a thought, the pagoda returned to his blood sea space. The defense of this thing is very strong, but in the face of the cold light, the defense of the pagoda is equivalent to nothing.

It is difficult for any defensive magic weapon to defend against the light, unless it is a mirror, which can reflect sunlight and moonlight. As for the cold light here, light can reflect, but the cold breath cannot be reflected.

In Gao Jiuding's hands, only the Skyfire Mirror is considered a mirror, but it is set on fire, not reflective.

Putting away the pagoda, Gao Jiuding was completely exposed to the threat of the ice cold light, but this was not the first time he had faced such a threat.

Gao Jiuding released the Ice Soul Bead very calmly, and began to practice this kind of treasure.

In the space of his pagoda, there is a shortage of Ice Soul Cold Light Orbs to cultivate the mutated Five Elements Spiritual Fruit Tree. Maybe this time he can cultivate a few Ice Soul Cold Light Orbs.

Previously, Gao Jiuding regretted that he stayed in the Ice Palace for too short a time, and he didn't take advantage of the environment here to cultivate a few top-level Lingbao Ice Soul Orbs.

This time he came in again, and the strength of his second incarnation has also increased too much, so naturally he is not afraid of the damage of the current ice soul cold light.

After the stage of advanced magic phase, the second incarnation was able to control four magic weapons at the same time. This time, Gao Jiuding released two spiritual weapon-level ice soul beads, an ice soul cold light sword, and a newly trained magic weapon. A magic weapon grade ice soul bead.

Among them, only the magic weapon level ice soul bead has poor endurance, and it reaches the limit almost instantly. When it reaches the limit, Gao Jiuding immediately replaces it with another one.

Gao Jiuding didn't care about the other two Ice Soul Orbs and an Ice Soul Cold Light Sword. He only concentrated on cultivating the new Ice Soul Orb.

Only when the magic weapon at the spirit level can't bear it, he will store it in the blood sea space for a while, and then take it out again.

In this way, Gao Jiuding continued to practice the ice soul beads, and did not stop until he produced 36 top-level spiritual weapons.

Gao Jiuding can be considered to have discovered it. With a suitable environment, it is really not difficult to catalyze a spiritual weapon that has just awakened a trace of spirituality.

Especially at this time, Gao Jiuding was already very familiar with the simplest Ice Soul Cold Light Restriction, so it was easier for the Ice Soul Orb in his hand to generate an Ice Soul Cold Light Restriction.

Of course, the Ice Soul Cold Light Orbs trained in this way have the same internal restrictions, and there is only one. If they leave this environment in the future, it will be impossible for these Ice Soul Cold Light Orbs to continue to advance. .

"The future is long, with these 36 ice soul cold light beads, it is enough for the mutated five elements spiritual fruit tree in the pagoda to use!" After putting away 36 first-order spiritual weapon grade ice soul cold light beads, only one was left in Gao Jiuding's hand. Take the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

Due to the long time of sacrificial training, this Ice Soul Cold Light Sword has advanced into a ninth-level spiritual weapon. Unfortunately, the restraints derived from this sword are not applicable to Ice Soul Cold Light Beads. Otherwise, those Ice Soul Cold Light Beads , Gao Jiuding can also use the familiar spiritual prohibition to directly cultivate a ninth-level spiritual weapon.

The internal restraints of this Ice Soul Cold Light Sword were derived with the help of Gao Jiuding, and they were the common spiritual restraints of swords that he had accumulated before. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to cultivate a ninth-level spiritual weapon.

He has practiced 36 Tier [-] Ice Soul Cold Light Beads, Gao Jiuding has only trained two of this kind of Tier [-] Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, and it was only through cheating that he personally arranged the spirit ban.

From this, it can be imagined that even if the resources are sufficient, the strength is strong, and the environment is suitable, spiritual weapons are not so easy to sacrifice.

Difficult to sacrifice, but after the sacrifice is successful, the power will become even stronger. The entire blade of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword in Gao Jiuding's hand becomes transparent like crystal. , the body of the sword exudes a strong white light, so that the entire long sword can be manifested.

"After all, it's not an invisible sword, as long as you push it, you will be seen!" With a thought, Gao Jiuding put the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword into the sea of ​​blood to warm it up.

"Do it again, I don't know if I can enter the Ice Soul Cave this time." Gao Jiuding took out the Sun Moon Seven Stars Ax again, warmed it for a while, and he felt that the manipulation of it became more proficient.

The whole body's mana poured into the divine axe, but the divine ax did not have a bright light, but only a cold light condensed on the blade of the axe.

With a flash of light, a crack opened again in the void in front of him silently.

Gao Jiuding directly drilled into the space of the pagoda, and controlled the pagoda to fly into the crack!

The closer you get to the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, the more dangerous it is. If there is no protection comparable to the complete seal of the beast, Gao Jiuding will not dare to move forward at all.

"Huh?" Why is it different from what you imagined?After seeing clearly the situation on the opposite side of the space crack, Gao Jiuding said in surprise.

In an unknown place, a space portal suddenly opened, and Gao Jiuding stepped out of the portal first!

Immediately following two auras that were somewhat familiar to him, one left and one right swooped down towards him swiftly, but the strength of these two auras themselves was extremely strong, and almost all of them had cultivation bases at the Dharma Stage.

Gao Jiuding was shocked, and the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword and the Broken Sword swung out from left to right!
The sharp sword energy, like a flood breaking a bank, rushes towards both sides!

Immediately afterwards, two clear screams were heard, and a lot of turquoise feathers fell from the sky.

This time, it was Gao Jiuding's turn to be surprised!

When these two breaths swooped down from the mid-air, the impact each brought to Gao Jiuding was no less than that of Faxiang's mid-stage cultivation. How could it be his hasty two swords that forced him into such a panic? ?
At this time, Luan Changming and the others jumped out of the pagoda space one after another, seeing the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword hovering around Gao Jiuding's body, they immediately felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Soon they found out where the two sneak attackers were, and said: "Group fight, quick battle, quick decision, I'm afraid something will change!"

Unexpectedly, Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand to stop him, saying: "Not busy, this matter is a bit strange!"

The two breaths slowly approached Gao Jiuding and the others, but kept a certain distance, as if they were extremely afraid of his two swords just now.

At this time, only Gao Jiuding raised his voice and said: "The two seniors of the Xueyuan clan, can you show up and see?"

Snow kites?Luan Changming and the others were greatly surprised, but at the same time became more nervous.

Two middle-aged men in snow-white clothes slowly walked out from a gentle slope. It was just that the two people who were originally wearing Eguanbo belts looked unusually old, because they had two cuts in their chests and abdomens. It seemed that nothing but embarrassment remained.

The two of them looked at Gao Jiuding and the others with expressions of surprise and uncertainty, but they were extremely alert!
The person on the left asked slowly, "Aren't you disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect? Who are you?"

Gao Jiuding didn't answer directly, but asked: "Are you two from the Xueyuan clan who have lived here for generations?"

The two snow kites looked at each other, and the snow kite on the right was obviously a little impatient, and asked loudly: "Who are you, tell me quickly, otherwise we will send out a warning call to summon the monks stationed here to encircle and suppress You waited!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding finally calmed down, he chuckled, and said: "Who are we, I think the two seniors have already confirmed it, and if the two seniors want to call the garrison disciples, I am afraid that they have already called it, why bother?" Wait until now?"

The two snow kites kept silent, they just stayed there far away, confronting Gao Jiuding and the others, but they never issued any warning to summon the so-called garrison monks.

Gao Jiuding seemed to have expected this, he ignored the two snow kites, waved to the one behind him, and said, "Luan Changming, this should be the cave specially used by the Beast Sect to cultivate spirit grass!

Hurry up and pick those rare, important, and old ones, as well as all the spiritual herbs recorded in the two pill recipes I saw before. Remember, don't leave my range of thirty miles. "

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already made a judgment. The two monster clans of the Xueyuan clan probably had never seen anything in the world, and they had nothing to do with paper tigers.

Although it was such a judgment, Gao Jiuding was not careless, and the reason for his arrogance was just to test it out.

The main reason is that just now, in the face of the sneak attack of two mid-term monks who looked like Dharma Aspects, he turned defeat into victory in one fell swoop. Why didn't Gao Jiuding suspect this?
Luan Changming smiled "hehe" and said, "There are so many treasures here, I can't wait any longer!"

After all, the yellow smoke and dust rose up under his feet, and Luan Changming had already used the earth escape technique and disappeared.

This is obviously a cave of the Beastmaster Sect specially used to cultivate spirit grass. The terrain inside the cave is ups and downs, but there are pieces of spirit grass gardens opened up everywhere. All kinds of spirit grass are divided into categories and grow Among the border fields, there are occasional medicinal trees, forming lush forests.

The rich aura nourished all the life in this cave, making Gao Jiuding feel the vitality permeating in this cave as if he was breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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