Chapter 1021
"Monster clan?" the cultivator Xueyuan with a lun scarf on the right side looked at the direction where Luan Changming disappeared in some doubts and asked.

He didn't know whether he was asking Gao Jiuding, or the slightly pale Xueyuan monk on the left side, or muttering to himself.

Gao Jiuding seemed to know that Luan Changming hadn't gone far, and said loudly: "Be careful, don't make it too high, only pick what is useful, and don't show too much."

The two snow kites looked at each other, seeing that these people obviously ignored the two of them, and they seemed to be planning to keep things flowing.

Zhan Jiyan at the side also looked at Gao Jiuding with some surprise, and said, "The Patriarch plans to come again in the future?"

Gao Jiuding looked in the direction of the two snow kites, and said: "Whether you can come next time depends on the intentions of these two seniors."

When Zhan Jiyan looked over, the two snow kites were already whispering, not knowing what they were discussing.

And Gao Jiuding took a look at the Queen Bee's Wind Wings, and asked him to summon the bee swarm again!
After seeing countless flowers and plants, Feng Zhiyi couldn't bear it any longer. He got a hint from Gao Jiuding, and he started to lead his subjects into this cave in a mighty way!

Also according to Gao Jiuding's order, the bee colony will not leave within a radius of thirty miles.

"Crystal bee? The method of the Beastmaster?" The two Xueyuan didn't even care about discussing at this moment. They stared dumbfounded at the countless crystal bees, and under the guidance of the queen bee, they rushed into this sea of ​​spiritual grass.

However, it was only for a moment, and the two gasped again: "The second incarnation? Are you monks from the Beast Sect?"

The other person muttered to himself: "The strongest secret of the Beast Controlling Sect, the direct disciple of the Beast Controlling Sect? How many years has it been, and you still exist?"

At this moment, two more rays of light descended from the sky, but they were two middle-aged women who still had charm. The two snow kite monks meet!
However, like the two Xueyuan cultivators before, these two women did not attack Gao Jiuding and the others.

This made Gao Jiuding heave a sigh of relief, his guess was right, the Xueyuan tribe here is different from the ones they encountered outside.

After confirming this, Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered!
These should be the Xueyuan Clan raised by the Beast Master Sect in the past, and those outside are outsiders who want to break the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation and rescue these Xueyuan Clan.

Feeling the excitement of the four snow kites, Zhan Jiyan felt a little uneasy, and asked in a low voice: "Patriarch, what's going on? If these four people join forces to deal with us, even if we are many, we may not be able to gain the upper hand. It’s just that they are all of the Xueyuan clan, once the restriction here is triggered, we will become turkeys in the urn!”

Gao Jiuding smiled lightly and said: "If these people really want to trigger the ban, they would have activated it when we first entered the cave here. In fact, they didn't take any action at all."

"But when we came in just now, they made a move!" Zhan Jiyan said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, and said: "Those two snow kites are indeed strong in cultivation, but their strength may not be that high. Even if you make a move, the two of you just joined forces may not be able to hurt you!"

Zhan Jiyan was a little unbelievable, and said: "How is this possible? The Xueyuan clan is a top-level monster clan, and their cultivation has reached such a level. Among the monks of the same level, the worst ones may not be weaker than ordinary monks, right?"

Gao Jiuding laughed loudly and said: "How many snow kites are left in the Xueyuan clan in the cultivation world? I'm afraid there are only a few left here? At certain times, they are sacrificed at any time to help the monks of the Beast Controlling Sect, they are some demon slaves!
How strong do you think these snow kite demon slaves are?In order to control these demon slaves, how could these sects allow them to grow freely?Although we have inherited the inheritance of the Beast Sect, we are not monks of the Beast Sect after all, so there is no need to fight against them! "

Zhan Jiyan naturally understands the truth of this, but still doubts: "In any case, this Xueyuan clan is also the top one among the monster clan, and they have inherited blood and memory!

Moreover, the spiritual energy in this cave is abundant, and the spiritual grass is everywhere. It seems that the Beast Master Sect did not absolutely control them back then. "

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "You don't know that, but even though these top-level monster races have their own bloodlines and memories, these things can only support them to practice before the Dharma Phase!
After the advanced stage of the law, if you want to maintain the advantage of the top-level monster clan, you must accept the inheritance again, otherwise, even in the advanced stage of the law, you will lose the various magical powers and cultivation methods of the later Xueyuan clan. Inheritance can only gradually become mediocre!

What's more, they have been imprisoned here all their lives, and they have never had any experience in fighting anyone. Just now, those two people fought against each other, relying on their strength to win. How strong do you think they can be? "

The conversation between Gao Jiuding and Zhan Jiyan was not deliberately hidden. The four snow kite monks 100 meters away could hear it clearly!
After Gao Jiuding finished speaking, the pale-faced Xueyuan couldn't help asking: "Who are you, and how do you know so many secrets about my Xueyuan clan?"

Hearing that Gao Jiuding was not a direct disciple of the Beast Controlling Sect, these snow kites finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "You guys finally couldn't help it anymore? Naturally, we came in from outside the Beast Sect. As for the method we used to break through the guardian formation of the Beast Sect and enter it, there are not many people who want to come in." Does anyone know clearly?"

The monk Xueyuan with the scarf on his head suddenly became cloudy when he heard the words, and snorted coldly: "What are you talking about, I don't know what you mean!"

Gao Jiuding was noncommittal about this person's denial, but answered the previous question from the previous cultivator Xueyuan!

Gao Jiuding said complacently: "Although the Xueyuan clan is on the verge of extinction, they are still not extinct. We have also met some Xueyuan clan of mixed blood outside, so we know a lot about the nobles."


"Really?" Lunjin Xueyuan and pale-faced Xueyuan blurted out almost at the same time. They looked at each other, and they both saw surprise and hope in each other's eyes!

In the end, it was the Lunjin Xueyuan who trembled a little, and said: "The Xueyuan clan in the cultivation world is really not extinct? And they have come here?"

Gao Jiuding shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's not extinct, but I'm afraid it will be soon. Anyway, we have only seen such a few snow kites, and their blood is not pure. I have never heard of it in the cultivation world for hundreds of years. I have heard about the news about the Xueyuan clan!

Of course, among the major sects, there may still be some existences like you. No one would want these ancient treasured spirit birds and spirit beasts to be extinct. It’s just that your identities are also embarrassing. No one will treat you as equals. treat. "

What Gao Jiuding said was very straightforward. The Lunjin cultivator looked angry, and the pale Xueyuan was even paler. The two Xueyuan female cultivators looked at Gao Jiuding, and their faces were not good-looking, but But a few more silences.

Zhan Jiyan, on the other hand, seemed even more apprehensive, for fear that the few snow kites would be enraged by Gao Jiuding's sharp words, which would trigger a large formation of ice and cold light.

Although until now, the few snow kites have not shown any hostility, which makes people feel puzzled, but this is what Gao Jiuding expected after all!
But think about it, is there any strength to be able to sneak into this cave?These can be regarded as a few snow kites, with a little self-knowledge.

Seeing that the four snow kites did not speak, Gao Jiuding became more at ease, and he immediately said: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, this cave seems to be the place where the Beastmaster Sect specially uses it to cultivate spirit grass, everyone is probably Drug slave here, right?
For such an important place of inheritance, it is impossible for monks from the Beast Sect to not send monks to guard it. I wonder how they are doing now?For such a long time, I only saw so much, could it be said that it was killed by you? "

From Zhan Jiyan's point of view, Gao Jiuding's words were so blunt, but the four Dharma Xiangxue kites on the opposite side were becoming more and more cautious when they spoke like Gao Jiuding's words, which is really a strange thing.

"The passage you opened up yourself? Did you come in privately?" The four snow kites whispered again, but this time it was one of the two snow kites who spoke.

Gao Jiuding looked really like this, and said: "I didn't expect that after thousands of years, the gatekeepers of the Emperor Beast Sect would be wiped out by you? Years ago, the Beast Sect should have fought against the enemy with all their strength.

This is also your luck. If you hadn't encountered foreign enemies, would you still be able to pass it on?I am afraid that the ancestor of your Xueyuan clan should have entered here, right?Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to deal with the Beastmaster cultivator guarding the cave, but I don’t know why he didn’t take you away! "

When Gao Jiuding said this, the Muluan female cultivator said fiercely: "Who is willing to be a demon slave for others? Except for a few pairs of inherited seeds left behind in each generation, the rest of the tribe will disappear. Needless to say, we I also know that they were refined into second incarnations by members of the Beast Master Sect, or they were simply killed, and their cultivation bases went up."

Another female nun Xueyuan thought of something, and asked in surprise: "You didn't know about this beforehand, did you?"

Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "That's right, but now I can probably guess what's going on, let's talk about the ancestors of your Xueyuan clan."

The pale-faced cultivator Xueyuan said coldly: "There is nothing to say, because we haven't seen him at all, we just communicated with him!"

Gao Jiuding said calmly: "What about the monks who are stationed in the cave?"

Xueyuan with a pale face said: "I left, and I haven't come back since then!"

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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