The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1026 Extraordinary talent

Chapter 1026 Extraordinary talent (100 monthly tickets plus updates)

Gao Jiuding said: "Secret realms and caves are fine. If you can't find these, you can also find the Beastmaster's residence wrapped in a large formation. I mean the real residence hidden in the Daxue Mountain, not the Beastmaster Dojo.

The entrance to the relic I want to find must be in the Daxue Mountain, just under the Daxue Mountain. In fact, the relic itself is likely to be attached to the guardian formation or spirit vein of the Beast Master Sect. No matter how the formation works, the entrance to the relic will not break away from the formation, because this relic is always covered by the formation! "

"Of course there will be no shortage of monks like masters of the Beast Sect Formation. If you want to play tricks on the large formation they have set up, it must be considered a magical skill!" Luan Changming sighed.

As soon as Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars ax appeared: "It is almost impossible to simply manipulate the formation, but with it, it is not necessarily so!"

While studying the formation-breaking magical power they had just obtained, the two confirmed each other with this relic, and they were amazed from time to time.

But the successor of this set of supernatural powers is opening a cave on an opened wall at this time, and in this cave is a branch of a large spirit stone vein.

The big formation established by the Beastmaster Sect back then must be attached to the spiritual veins, and if you search along the spiritual veins, you can't go wrong.

Accidentally broke into the cave with the Xueyuan clan before, but it was not Gao Jiuding's target!
The reason why Gao Jiuding stayed in the Daxue Mountain was because he wanted to enter the real gate of the Beast Sect.

The gate of the Beastmaster Sect used to occupy a very large area, and the entire Daxue Mountain was a part of their gate. Now it is not easy to find the important place of the gate.

But it's not impossible, as long as the spiritual vein is found, and there is a giant spiritual vein, then it's the right place.

But Gao Jiuding never found such a place!

Can't find it doesn't mean it's not there!

There is no way, Gao Jiuding can only focus on the medium-sized spiritual vein that he discovered when he just entered here.

The guardian formation of the Beastmaster Sect will constantly change its mode of operation as time goes by. However, no matter how the formation changes, the guardian formation will always be attached to the spirit veins and will always be connected to the Ice Soul Cave!
The most recent change in the formation has even merged the Ice Soul Cave and a large spirit stone vein.

It was also because of this that after Gao Jiuding broke through the formation, he directly entered the Ice Soul Cave. Although the harvest was good, Gao Jiuding still preferred Lingzhu, Lingmai and inheritance to Lingcao.

"Since you haven't found it here, then continue to look for other spiritual veins. With this spiritual vein, follow the vines. I really don't believe that I can't find other spiritual veins!"

However, the fact is so fucking. Gao Jiuding used the earth escape technique to shuttle underground, but he just didn't find any weak spots in the space. Even when he deliberately triggered the restriction of sealing the spirit veins, it didn't cause any special situation.

"What's going on? This dragon seal seems to be useless?" At this moment, Luan Changming said with his eyes shining.

Gao Jiuding glanced at Luan Changming. Is it a good thing that the formation that seals the spirit veins has lost its effect?

"Patriarch, if the Dragon Sealing Formation doesn't work, we can dig out this spiritual vein!" Luan Changming said.

Looking at the medium-sized spiritual veins sealed by countless spiritual lights, Gao Jiuding still did not give up.

Gao Jiuding, who was going to continue to search for flaws in the formation, was once again stopped by Luan Changming!

This boy Luan Changming wants to mine the spirit stones in this spirit stone vein. Of course, he will only look at the top quality spirit stones.

A medium-sized spiritual vein that has been banned for countless years, the top-quality spiritual stone at the core of the inner core, can definitely be mined.

Gao Jiuding even suspected that there might be spirit beads conceived in this spirit vein!
However, they couldn't find the spiritual acupoint of this spirit vein, that is, the dragon's head, because the spirit beads will only appear in the spiritual acupoint at the position of the leader of the spirit vein, that is, the position of the dragon's mouth, and the spirit beads are equivalent to dragon beads.

It must be a technical job to mine spirit stones on a spirit vein blocked by a formation.

How to mine the top-quality spirit stones that were newly born at the core of this spirit stone vein without triggering the prohibition will definitely require the ability to break the prohibition.

And this is exactly the motivation for Luan Changming to immediately start cultivating forbidden supernatural powers.

How to mine spirit stones without making too much noise without destroying the spirit stone veins and triggering restrictions is really not easy.

It seems that the forbidden supernatural power that he just obtained is the key to solving this problem!
However, Luan Changming, who had just obtained this set of formulas, seemed to have no time to practice this set of formulas, but Gao Jiuding and others soon discovered that they had misjudged Luan Changming's talent in this aspect.

Although the ban-breaking supernatural power is the inheritance of a great supernatural power, Luan Changming's incarnation is only at the Xuedan stage, but he seems to be naturally familiar with this set of supernatural powers!
Although it was impossible for him to practice even one of the basic supernatural powers in just a few days, Gao Jiuding and others were stunned by the talent he showed and the achievements he had made in it!

And Luan Changming himself seems to be very interested in this set of supernatural powers, which is in stark contrast to his usual clumsiness on the way of cultivation.

After that, after more than ten days, Luan Changming slowly separated this branch of the spiritual mine.

A medium-sized spiritual vein, naturally Gao Jiuding would not destroy it frantically.

Among them, they only mined most of the top-quality spirit stones, and they took the core that would not harm this spirit vein as the criterion.

Even so, the big harvest this time is also great. The core top-grade spirit stones dare not mine more, but the top-grade spirit stones in the center have no scruples.

After more than ten days, Gao Jiuding and others excavated half of the high-grade spirit stones within one kilometer of the center. At this time, this spirit vein has been completely separated from the surrounding environment.

If Gao Jiuding thought at this time, he could use the arranged traction formation to directly collect the essence of this medium-sized spiritual vein into the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

In this way, another medium-sized spiritual vein will be added to his pagoda space.

Of course, if you do this, this medium-sized spirit vein will suffer more damage, but after entering the pagoda, as long as you spend a little time, at most a hundred years, a complete medium-sized spirit vein will be derived again.

Compared with a medium-sized spiritual vein, it takes 100 years to consume, which is nothing at all. With the help of the Space-Time God Domain, the outside time is only ten years, and 100 years will pass in the pagoda space.

Therefore, this medium-sized spiritual vein is almost guaranteed.

But now Gao Jiuding couldn't move, because collecting a medium-sized spiritual vein caused too much movement. Considering the tense situation in Daxue Mountain at this time, it was a bright light in the dark night, which was too attractive.

"The only place now is the dragon head. The restrictions over there are very complicated. Should we move it?" After the harvest was over, Gao Jiuding and his team followed Luan Changming to the deepest part of the cave.

The spiritual light flickered in front of it, and there were so many restrictions that even Gao Jiuding's clairvoyance could not tell how many layers of restrictions were arranged here.

It is not easy to break such a ban, because one bad move may trigger a full counterattack of the ban.

"Move? Are you sure?" Gao Jiuding looked at Luan Changming.

Luan Changming didn't say anything, he directly made a series of handprints, and in Gao Jiuding's eyes, he could see that with the series of handprints made by Luan Changming, the space that was originally sealed by layers of restrictions began to reveal itself .

Following Luan Changming's handprints, those restrictions seemed to melt away layer by layer until a cave wall shone with spiritual light was revealed.

This place is at the core leader of the spirit stone veins, and there is almost no step forward, and there are dense top-grade spirit stones appearing. Looking at the top-quality spirit stones shining with strong aura, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, and he was not injured. to a point?
Even Gao Jiuding was dumbfounded, and the others were even more dumbfounded. As the saying goes, "experts look at the way, and laymen watch the excitement." The more they understand the magical power of breaking the ban, the more these people admire Luan Changming.

Luan Changming clapped his hands, and when he stood up, he saw that everyone, including Gao Jiuding and others, were stunned.

Gao Jiuding was really amazed. Luan Changming's technique of breaking the ban was so meticulous that he couldn't do it. This is definitely a talent!

If it is broken violently, Gao Jiuding is definitely better than Luan Changming, but if it does not hurt the spirit stone and breaks the restrictions placed on the spirit veins, Gao Jiuding will not be able to do it. The technique is really ingenious.

"This is a complete spiritual vein, how can ordinary formation masters do it?" Gao Jiuding had to praise Luan Changming.

It’s okay if I don’t say this, but when I said Luan Changming, I immediately raised my tail to the sky, and said: “If you give me a period of time, I will specialize in cultivating those scattered supernatural powers, once I succeed, it will be like the formation of the previous sects. Grandmaster Fa, definitely can't do it to my level!"

Everyone nodded as if pecking at rice, saying: "Amazing! Aweful!"

Luan Changming was even more smug, but his smugness only lasted for a moment!

When he saw Gao Jiuding, he mined a small pile of top-quality spirit stones piled up in the spirit veins, and put them away directly.

Looking at the people who were staring at him eagerly, Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and waved his hand, a large pile of high-grade spirit stones appeared: "Want? Don't worry about top-grade spirit stones, I can give you some of high-grade spirit stones!"

"Everyone gets 1000 yuan, I think this is enough for you to practice for a year." Gao Jiuding said again.

Seeing the high-grade spirit stone, Luan Changming and others were all happy.

Zhan Jiyan was the first to speak: "We don't need high-grade spirit stones, as long as they have some military merits!"

"Yes, yes, it would be nice to have some time to enter the pagoda to practice!" Luan Changming responded quickly.

Luan Changming and the others naturally don't have access to top-grade spirit stones, and even top-grade spirit stones can only be used by their avatars!

The monks in the hemolytic period used middle-grade spirit stones to cultivate, and the speed was too slow. Gao Jiuding didn't intend to let them practice slowly, so he only gave some top-grade spirit stones, but they didn't expect them to even want high-grade spirit stones.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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