Chapter 1027
Top-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones are precious resources in the entire cultivation world, even in the starry sky, they are equally precious.

After a monk enters the blood pill stage, if he lets go of his use, he can consume three to five high-grade spirit stones every day, and this is a high-quality spirit stone, so he can absorb three to five spirit stones every day, which is definitely a very extravagant behavior.

So, even if you let go of your cultivation, there are only a few hundred coins per month, and one thousand coins per year is definitely not much.

This is because Gao Jiuding thought of the expanded God's Domain of Time and Space, otherwise, Gao Jiuding would not have taken out so many top-grade spirit stones all at once!
You know, it turns out that Gao Jiuding owed a lot of favors to Tie Lan and others to borrow some high-grade spirit stones!
Well now, he has no shortage of high-grade spirit stones in his hands, and he still has this part of top-grade spirit stones!

The ultimate spirit stone is capable of smelting sky-level materials. With the best spirit stone, Gao Jiuding wanted to get a refining furnace of the heaven-reaching Lingbao level, so it would be possible to smelt sky-level materials.

Of course, now Gao Jiuding doesn't have any heaven-level materials to smelt, even if he smelts it and makes it into a magic weapon, he can't use it, even if he uses it reluctantly, he can't practice it into a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, so naturally he can't exert it. All the combat power, so refining the embryo of the Tongtian Lingbao at this time is definitely a waste.

Since it was useless, it was natural to put it away, put away the top-quality spirit stones, Gao Jiuding glanced at the few guys around him, with that eager look, was he longing for the top-quality spirit stones?

Gao Jiuding cast a glance at Luan Changming and the others, and said, "What are you doing? For minor cultivators with blood core cultivation bases, can you use top-grade spirit stones? If you want top-grade spirit stones, you can raise your cultivation base to the level of blood pills. Let’s talk about peak Dan.”

It is not a waste to use top-quality spirit stones only when you have reached the peak of the blood core and start to hit the magic stage.

Luan Changming and the others simply loved Lingshi, not because they were dissatisfied with Gao Jiuding's allocation.

It's just that for people who are used to being poor, there is never an upper limit to the love of things like Lingshi, Luan Changming and others, even if it is just a low-grade Lingshi, they are happy to get it.

The spirit stone vein that Luan Changming excavated was just a branch of a large vein, and it was even incomparable. Back then, Gao Jiuding stole middle-grade spirit stones in the Beast Master Dojo.

At that time, Gao Jiuding mined the main vein, and the proportion of top-grade spirit stones was much higher than that of this branch vein, but the number of more than [-] pieces of top-grade spirit stones can be called a huge amount of spirit stones.

300 yuan of top-grade spirit stones is equivalent to 3 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, 300 million pieces of middle-grade spirit stones, and 3 million yuan of low-grade spirit stones!

And this kind of conversion, no one is willing to do it, because the reason why the best spirit stone is called the best is because it has broken through a limit among ordinary spirit stones. It is a high-purity spirit stone formed after extreme compression , That's why it's called the best spirit stone.

"Patriarch, something's wrong. Why do I feel that I'm going down more and more?" While digging the spirit stone, he moved forward, and after walking for a while, Luan Changming first discovered the problem.

Gao Jiuding looked back, and sure enough, they were going down all the way.

"This is not a complete spiritual vein at all. It is likely to be a part of the broken spiritual vein. It is just that it has recovered a little on its own for a long time, and it will form a seemingly complete spiritual vein!" At that time, Zhan Jiyan said.

Gao Jiuding didn't say anything, but looked at the front, the bottom must be wrong, this spiritual vein is a water-type spiritual vein, and the further down, the darker the color of the aura.

Gao Jiuding's magical power was activated, and a passage appeared in front of him again, but this time, a strong water-type aura burst out suddenly.

"Get through?" Zhan Jiyan said.

"Have you found the place?" Luan Changming also said in surprise.

After probing for a while with his spiritual sense, Gao Jiuding said: "You enter the pagoda, I'll go down and test it out, it seems something is wrong!"

Below this is an underground dark lake. The color of the lake water can be clearly displayed. The depth here can be described as unfathomable. On the surrounding lake surface, only a few rocks in the distance can be settled.

Logically speaking, this place is under the Great Snow Mountain, and the lake should not exist, because it is very cold here, but in fact this place is a huge underground abyss.

This underground lake should be a part of Daxue Mountain, which is absolutely true, so could this be the place where the spirit veins gather?
Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts radiated to the surroundings. After realizing that there was no one in the lake for a few hundred meters around, there was a flash of light, and the people had already dived into the deep water.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda automatically floated above his head, and the surrounding lake water immediately squeezed away to the surroundings, forming a three-meter-square shield, isolating the pressure of the surrounding lake water, allowing Gao Jiuding to quickly move towards the dark lake bottom dive.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding had dived more than 3000 meters into the lake, but the surroundings were still pitch black, and the depths under his feet were still unfathomable. The depth of this abyss at the bottom of the lake was far deeper than ordinary oceans.

Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered with blue light, and he tried his best to look into the depths of the lake under his feet. At the same time, his divine sense also tried to break through the tyrannical water pressure around him and spread outwards, but the range that could be affected in the end was only covered by his divine sense. one percent.

Gao Jiuding was still rapidly descending in the lake, and suddenly there was a strange current in the surrounding lake, and the area of ​​the lake was getting smaller and smaller.

This place should have entered the underground river, Gao Jiuding's expression remained unchanged, but as far as he could see, he saw a huge strange fish suddenly rushing from the dark water under his feet!

The monster fish opened its huge mouth full of strange teeth, and went up against the water from Gao Jiuding's feet. From a distance, it seemed that Gao Jiuding was about to fall into the monster fish's mouth.

Two swords suddenly appeared under Gao Jiuding's feet. The two swords circled each other and stirred downwards, piercing through the strange fish's body from the mouth of the strange fish, piercing a big hole one meter wide!
Gao Jiuding's figure didn't stop for a moment, he entered directly from the mouth of the fish, followed the big hole opened by the long sword, passed through and continued towards the depths of the dark river.

While the ice soul cold light sword pierced through the body, the strange fish continued to rush upwards, but the speed became slower and slower, and the blood spread, quickly dyeing the surrounding river red.

Blood energy was transmitted in the dark river, and countless hidden creatures in the depths of the river rushed out of the dark water and rushed towards the corpse of the strange fish!
In just a split second, a scuffle broke out in the dark river, and when the scuffle ended, everything became calm as before, and even the blood red that permeated the river disappeared.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already swam dozens of kilometers away in the dark river, and also dived to a depth of more than 9000 meters!

At such a deep place, even the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda has unparalleled defensive power, and the originally stretched three-meter-square shield has been squeezed to only a meter or so!
If it is other monks, even if they are Dharma Xiang stage monks, if they do not have a special magic weapon to avoid water, their physical body will no longer be able to withstand the huge pressure of such deep water.

Gao Jiuding stopped here and no longer dived, his divine sense had already captured a passage hidden in the river water at a depth of hundreds of feet below his feet.

There is no fork in the road here, so Gao Jiuding will not get lost. Besides, the dark river passage in front is very strong, which shows that he has not taken the wrong road.

Without further hesitation, Gao Jiuding continued to fly forward.

Possessing the water control ability of the incarnation of the water and fire python, he is not only like a fish in water in the water, but also like a dragon in the water.

The underground river water did not hinder him at all.

After walking another hundred kilometers forward, Gao Jiuding stopped, and he found that there seemed to be a shield in front of him, which had blocked his front.

Through clairvoyance, Gao Jiuding could vaguely detect the existence of this shield.

After inspecting the surrounding area, Gao Jiuding was a bit surprised that he didn't find a larger formation formation. Could it be that the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation is not the main formation covering the Beast Familiar Garrison?

There is no shadow of the ice soul and cold light formation here, which made Gao Jiuding wonder for a while whether behind this shield, is the real residence of the Beast Master Sect.

Is not it, just try it out!
Gao Jiuding slowly dived in front of this layer of shield, and began to pinch the magic formula with both hands!

The whole process was like a butterfly piercing a flower. Even if a monk used his divine sense, he couldn't keep up with the change of his hands.

With both hands pinching out countless formulas one after another, when Gao Jiuding finally stopped, six mysterious runes that were completely condensed by mana appeared on the five fingers and palm of his right hand.

Gao Jiuding slapped the palm of his right hand on the shield, and the blue-purple mana, centered on the palm, spread slowly to the size of one meter in all directions, and it was difficult to make any progress.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding turned his right hand, and the shield covered with blue-purple mana suddenly made a sound of breaking, and a hole of one meter square appeared on the shield.

The entire protective cover seemed to be activated at once, and inexplicable forces came from one after another, and the edge of the hole was shrinking rapidly. Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate any longer, and his whole body had already passed under the protective cover from the hole.

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that the technique of breaking the ban obtained from the ancestor Xueyuan would be so effective, and he used it just after he learned it.

Standing inside the shield, Gao Jiuding was in a trance. At this moment, he had realized that the situation here seemed to be different from the resident of the Daxueshan Beastmaster Sect he had imagined.

Gao Jiuding stood quietly, all his mind was concentrated in the sea of ​​consciousness, his soul was carefully sorting out some of the memories he had obtained before.

The human memory system is very magical. Many things are stored in the brain using the fuzzy memory method. Only in this way can human beings remember huge and complex experiences.

Gao Jiuding's memory is naturally the same. Many things he doesn't care about, even if they are stuffed into his brain, he only has some vague memories. Only by carefully sorting out and carefully imagining can he remember them again.

"Sure enough, there are memories here!" After sorting out for a while, Gao Jiuding finally figured out what might exist here.

(End of this chapter)

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