Chapter 1028
"The mountain gate of the Beastmaster Sect has always been linked to the Daxueshan resident. For the Beastmaster Sect, there is no difference between the Daxueshan resident and the Zongmen resident. The distance of a few hundred kilometers is as short as Close at hand is the same."

Opening his eyes, Gao Jiuding looked at the ban behind him, his expression was a bit complicated!

Looking at the layer upon layer of restrictions in front, he knew that this was the Great Formation of the Imperial Beast Sect's sect.

It is this large formation that draws the veins of the earth and forms the Yinyang pool in the jungle to the east!
Thinking of the evil spirit of water and fire there, Gao Jiuding shuddered a little.

Fortunately, he came down from the Daxue Mountain, otherwise, he would have to experience the baptism of two evil spirits.

Of course, getting down from the Snowy Mountains is not easy, as the water pressure of tens of thousands of meters is not something everyone can bear.

Gao Jiuding suspected that if he didn't have a top-level defensive magic weapon, he would die if he came down.

According to the strength of the water pressure here, without the protection of the magic weapon of the cave level, there is no possibility of getting down at all!

"Sure enough, there is the resentment of that great monk here!" Gao Jiuding carefully inspected the layers of restrictions in front, there is indeed a loophole here, and the enemy from back then broke into the gate of the Beast Master Sect from here .

Just such a shield formed by the formation prohibition, 4000 years ago, it took nearly an hour to temporarily control it with the strength of three big monks and nearly [-] monks, allowing these ancestors to enter In the shield, thus destroying the Beast Sect.

But now, Gao Jiuding, who has received the inheritance of the pure yang soul from the Beast Master Dojo, only took a cup of tea to open a temporary hole in the shield that only allows one person to pass through.

Being able to break through the restriction smoothly made Gao Jiuding heave a sigh of relief, he knew he had found the right place.

The so-called Daxue Mountain resident, which is where the Beastmaster Sect's mountain gate is located, has already sunk into the ground and is protected by layers of complex terrain. No wonder no one has been able to break in after so many years.

While sorting out his memory, Gao Jiuding passed through the shield!

Although there are layers of restrictions here, it is still far away from the gate of the Beast Sect. The restrictions here are at most the outer defensive formation.

He dived down again, reaching a depth of 5000 meters, the pressure here is unbearable even for Dharma practitioners!

At this time, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda can only maintain a shield of more than 30 centimeters around Gao Jiuding's body.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already seen that on the wall of the abyss where the bottom had not yet been seen, a stone platform protruded abruptly from the stone wall, forming a stone platform with a radius of several tens of feet.

On the outside of this stone platform, there is also a formation shield, which completely surrounds the stone platform!

Looking at the flashing aura above the formation, it is obvious that this formation shield is much tougher than the one that Gao Jiuding passed through before.

And around this stone platform, especially on the abyss stone wall where the stone platform is located, a huge formation pattern surrounds the entire stone platform in the center, and it is integrated with the stone platform and the abyss stone wall. It seemed out of place, as if someone who came later was forcibly embedded in it.

This should be the great formation that the ancestors of the various factions set up back then!
It is precisely because of the existence of this large formation that the monks of various factions and countless monster races were able to break through the outer defensive formation of the Beast Controlling Sect's mountain gate, and instigated the rebellion of the monster clan battle pets inside the mountain gate, and finally destroyed the Beast Controlling Sect This mighty sect.

Thousands of years have passed, someone deliberately destroyed the underground spiritual veins, leaving this great formation in a period of weakness!

Now let's see if Gao Jiuding has the means to break through the defensive formation of the Beast Master Sect again.

It is not so easy to break into a mountain gate that has been sunk tens of thousands of meters deep in the ground!
Looking at the formation shield that protected the entire stone platform, Gao Jiuding didn't think about it, and then broke it with his hands.

Although the shield of this formation is much tougher than the previous one, it is not too difficult for him to break it!
The most difficult thing is how to use the teleportation array on the stone platform. This teleportation array was left behind by the beast master sect back then, but it only allows low-level disciples of the beast master sect to enter and exit!
This teleportation array was originally set up as a convenient entry and exit channel specially set up by the Beast Controlling Sect for the convenience of its disciples, but later it became the only channel for the enemy to attack the Beast Controlling Sect.

The array plate of this teleportation array is arranged in a secret place in the Beast Sect. Even if Gao Jiuding has the inheritance in hand, he cannot make any changes to this teleportation array outside of the Beast Sect, so he can't Through this stone platform, it was sent to the Beast Controlling Sect.

Since he has no ability to use it, Gao Jiuding intends to continue sneaking down!

Now that the pagoda can still protect Gao Jiuding, he naturally chose the method that is most beneficial to him.

When reaching a depth of nearly [-] meters, Gao Jiuding burst out nine protective qi from his body, stretching out the shield of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda that had been compressed to only one foot around his body , recovered to about one meter.

At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​the abyss became narrower and narrower. Using clairvoyance, Gao Jiuding was able to faintly see the aura above the stone walls of the abyss several kilometers away.

As he continued to sneak down, many formations and restrictions had begun to appear, and as he dived deeper and deeper, these formation restrictions became more and more dense, and the difficulty of breaking them became higher and higher.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't obtained the inheritance from the great monk of the Beast Controlling Sect, the memory of the inheritance would have been sorted out thoroughly. Even if his mana is strong and pure, it may have been exhausted.

In such a deep underground abyss, the use of each ban-breaking formula will double the consumption of mana in the body.

Gao Jiuding didn't know that after 4000 years ago, after the Beastmaster's residence sank into the ground, among the enemies who exterminated the Beastmaster's sect, there were still several formation masters accompanying them, and they wanted to restore the sunken Beastmaster's residence Find out, and then in this abyss, in front of countless magic circles and restrictions, the mana was exhausted, and finally had to retreat to the Daxue Mountain.

Gao Jiuding has the inheritance in his hands, and he already knows the techniques of breaking these formations and restrictions well, and he has deep mana as a support, but now he feels a little bit difficult.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding broke through the restriction all the way and reached a depth of nearly 1000 meters!

When those hostile ancestors joined forces to come here, there are only five ancestors in the middle stage of Dharma and three great monks. The rest of the ancestors were exhausted in the process of breaking the restriction and resisting the water pressure. mana.

In fact, this is not the only reason that really stopped those ancestors. The more important reason is that these formation restrictions are all left over from the tens of thousands of years of inheritance of the Beast Master Sect!

After generations of monks have continuously perfected or added new restrictions, these restrictions are linked and combined with each other, forming a jungle of formations that are closely related to the spirit veins of the Beast Master Sect, which can almost be described as endless.

In this jungle of formations, unless the spirit veins of the Beastmaster Sect can be completely cut off in one fell swoop, these formation restrictions, even if they are broken through various methods, will slowly recover after a period of time .

Even if these Ancestors forcibly break these formations all the way to the extreme depths, if there is no magic power left in the body, then unless he can break into the target in one breath, when he returns, he will also have to face the recovery. The formations and restrictions should be cracked again. If mana is insufficient, even a great monk of Faxiang will have to wait for death.

Gao Jiuding thrust a Mana Pill into his stomach. Even though he still had more than half of the mana in his body, the deeper the mana was, the more intense the mana consumption was. Even if he had an inheritance, he had to take precautions.

At a depth of 4000 meters, the only remaining five monks in the middle stage of Dharma Phase stopped here, and Gao Jiuding's mana consumption, only in this 3000 meters, was equivalent to the sum of the previous consumption.

Fortunately, the elixir in Gao Jiuding's hands was obtained from some masters of the Dharma Stage who were killed by the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead. It is of extremely high quality, and it is quite effective in restoring the mana in the body, so it can make up for part of the loss of Gao Jiuding's real mana .

At a depth of 7000 meters, the bottom of the abyss is clearly visible under the gaze of clairvoyance!
Gao Jiuding was even able to see the mountains below through the layers of barriers at the bottom.

When the three big monks came here, they saw that the residence of the Beastmaster Sect was very close at hand. However, because of the layer upon layer of mountain protection formations, they had no spare power to crack it, and finally made people feel that they were far away in the end. The ancestor of the monk fell short and returned with hatred.

Among the three ancestors of the great monks, one of them had to use his original mana because he had consumed a lot in breaking the formation restrictions, and because of the gradually restored formations and restrictions on the way back, he finally had to use his original mana. The real essence was consumed too much, and the physical body was also damaged. After finally breaking away from the underground abyss, he sat and melted in the Badaomen soon.

This is the reason for the chaos in the western prairie. The murderers who participated in the extermination of the Beast Sect must have been the ones that made the most money.

After the Beast Master Sect was destroyed, among the various factions around Daxue Mountain, the three factions of Heavenly Sword, Blackwater, and Badao benefited the most!

Because Ba Dao Sect's patriarch fell so quickly, Ba Dao Sect didn't have time to absorb these benefits, and the strength of the sect was gradually caught up and surpassed by the two factions of Heishui Palace and Tianjian Sect.

And the other two big monks were also somewhat affected by this trip to the abyss. In the next two or three hundred years, the two big monks also died one after another!

It was because of their lack of greed that the cultivation world in the eastern part of the mainland suddenly ushered in a period of vacuum without great monks. This was also the reason why the Eastern Continent, which was originally backward, and the entire cultivation world began to be called barren.

In the next 4000 years, no one tried to open the gate of the Beastmaster Sect in the eastern coastal area of ​​the mainland. It was not because they didn't know where the gate was, but because they simply didn't have enough strength to open it.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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