The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1029 Smooth Entry

Chapter 1029 Smooth Entry
With the passage of time, this beast-monitoring mountain gate hidden in the underground abyss has gradually become unknown. Only every few decades, there will be monks from the three surrounding sects. , Breaking in, wanting to get a chance, but these people often don't end well.

Although those people didn't have the intention to enter the underground mountain gate, they couldn't get well in the surrounding snow mountains.

Although we know it's very dangerous here, but there are still people rushing in, why?Isn't it because there are babies and chances here?

In the recent period, how many times has Gao Jiuding been through the secret realm here?The dojo at the beginning, the small secret realm later, and the hidden cave after that.

And those are nothing but the cave fragments of the seal of the myriad beasts and the cave sky of the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, all of which are for the purpose of protecting the mountain gate of the Beast Controlling Sect!

This place in front of us is the foundation of the Beastmaster Sect. Not to mention the inheritance or anything else, it is only connected to the underground spiritual veins, which is not comparable to other sects.

After Gao Jiuding reached the bottom of the abyss, he didn't immediately try to crack the protective formation under his feet.

In the inheritance memory he got, although the composition of the guardian array and the technique of defusing it are recorded, after tens of thousands of years of Beastmaster Sect, dozens of generations of monks have strengthened and cohesively, even if Gao Jiuding is proficient in the prohibition of Beastmaster Sect If you want to crack a method from the outside, you don't have to spend several months of hard work, so don't even think about it.

Gao Jiuding swallowed a Huiyuan elixir into his mouth again, carefully savoring the process of the elixir melting into the blood in the abdomen and refining it into true essence, and then walked towards the stone wall on the left.

Gao Jiuding groped along the stone wall, occasionally picked up a formula in his hand, and hit it on the stone wall. After the light flickered, layers of formations and restrictions were revealed!
After a little probing, Gao Jiuding found that the restriction here was no longer something he could crack.

Gao Jiuding showed disappointment, he continued to grope towards the stone wall behind, and continued to pinch out the formula to test something.

"It shouldn't be, logically it should be in this place!" Gao Jiuding muttered to himself and kept thinking, but none of the magic formulas in his hand were left behind.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding casually printed a spell on the stone wall that was also protected by the prohibition. The formation barrier that was supposed to expand outwards and disintegrate the dissolving power of the spell suddenly sagged inward. Inward, and then flicked outward, the power of his hand formula to dissolve the formation was more completely disintegrated.

Gao Jiuding was overjoyed: "This is it!"

He took out a spirit-sealing box from the magic storage tool, thought for a while and put the box back, and then indirectly connected 81 hand formulas with both hands in an instant, and hit the restriction on this stone wall.

However, the restriction attached to this stone wall is also a depression, and then the dissolving power of these formulas was completely disintegrated, and then restored to its original state.

The 81 moves in an instant was Gao Jiuding's fastest speed to guarantee the power of each move to the strongest level as possible, but the result made him unable to be depressed!
But fortunately, there can be a depression, which is only possible in the inheritance memory, the secret law of breaking the ban!
And after the depression appeared, the things in the spirit sealing box could come in handy, otherwise, he wouldn't have believed that the ancestors of Fa Xiang who tried to reopen the gate of the Beast Sect would carry more good things than him There are few Jiudings.

The secret formula in the inheritance memory is just a key, but if you open the lock, you must have the strength to push the door open, otherwise you will still be disappointed, and the forbidden talisman in the sealing box is Gao Jiuding who opened the door Help!
Gao Jiuding took out a five-color taboo breaking talisman from the spirit sealing box, and after thinking about it, he replaced it with a six-color taboo breaking talisman. This is not the time to feel sorry for these treasures.

This is a portal, a portal that is most likely to be opened, and it must not be opened destructively with the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe.

With his right hand, Gao Jiuding pinched out a formula for breaking the ban that was secretly handed down by the Emperor Beast Sect, and quickly typed it out.

The restriction on this stone wall was suddenly dented, but before the dented restriction rebounded again, a six-color forbidden breaking talisman in his left hand was slapped on the dented restriction.

The six colored rays of light reflected each other, and the restrictions on this stone wall were torn apart layer by layer!

Gao Jiuding's eyes narrowed slightly, and without hesitation, he took out another taboo-breaking talisman shining with colorful light from the spirit sealing box!

Mana poured into it, and after it was aroused, it slapped on the six-color taboo breaking talisman that had gradually melted away.

Layers of restrictions were lifted, and finally there was a sound of shattering, a crack that only allowed half of the body to enter was completely opened, and behind the crack was a narrow cave.

Gao Jiuding turned his body to one side and plunged into the crack without hesitation, but the crack behind him returned to its original shape immediately after.

Gao Jiuding stood bent over in the cave, and walked all the way to the depths of the cave!

After about one hundred and eighty feet, the eyes suddenly lit up, and a stone room with a radius of more than ten feet appeared in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes!

This inexplicable light flickered on the stone wall, presumably it was the forbidden aura attached to the stone wall.

And in the center of the stone room, there is a small teleportation array surrounded by a bluish-white array shield. Gao Jiuding can even see the teleportation array disk in the center of the teleportation array forward through the array shield. .

This is a secret teleportation formation of the Beast Sect back then, and it can be regarded as one of the escape routes reserved by the Beast Sect back then!

It's a pity that only the three great monks of the Beast Master Sect know about this escape route!
And when the three great monks passed on some secrets to the most potential monks of the Beast Sect when the Beast Sect was destroyed, it was a pity that those monks escaped from the chase and came out under the siege of several Dharma monks. Suffering from incurable injuries, unfortunately fell outside.

One of them was Daoist Feng, whom Gao Jiuding knew very well. He was the last promising disciple of the Beast Controlling Sect, but he was besieged one after another, and finally he fell into the hands of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

No one thought that the last inheritance of the Beastmaster Sect would be Gao Jiuding after 4000 years.

Of course Yihu is also the lucky one, Taoist Feng's legacy finally fell into the hands of Xiaoxiu Yihu who was only at the early stage of blood refining!
It can be said that Gao Jiuding really has a relationship with the Beastmaster Sect. In the end, this mountain gate resident hidden by the seal of the Beastmaster Sect will fall into his hands?

Gao Jiuding spread out his right palm, and a talisman with colorful colors appeared in his hand. This time, he didn't even try to test it, and just slapped the colorful forbidden breaking talisman on the shield of the teleportation formation!
When Gao Jiuding saw the teleportation formation, he no longer considered whether it would be too wasteful to use a seven-color taboo breaking talisman!
After such a priceless talisman was photographed on the shield, he took out another multi-colored taboo-breaking talisman, ready to continue taking out the taboo-breaking talisman in his hand in case of emergency.

Fortunately, the situation in front of me seemed to be melting snow. Amidst the rustling sound, the colorful light of the formation shield was completely annihilated and shattered at the same time.

Gao Jiuding hastily stepped into the teleportation array before the array shield had recovered.

Throw a top-grade spirit stone into the center of the teleportation array, and then inlay more than ten top-grade spirit stones around the array!
Seeing that the shields around the formation hadn't closed yet, Gao Jiuding paused, and the teleportation formation was activated!
After a flash of dazzling white light, Gao Jiuding was no longer in the teleportation formation.

When Gao Jiuding reappeared, he was submerged in water.

He was startled, why is the secret path still in the water?
But then I discovered that there is almost no such strong force that can crush the human body, and at the same time, this water flow is not in the underground dark river!
The water here has a hint of sweetness and aura of fresh water, and it is obvious that he is no longer underground.

Gao Jiuding opened his eyes and looked around, only to realize that he was standing in a stone room flooded by water!

There is a narrow crack on one side of the stone chamber, and the dots of light are coming in through the crack.

The sound of rumbling water coming from above his head gave Gao Jiuding a sense of déjà vu!

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the surrounding water suddenly surged, and his figure moved towards the crack in the stone chamber as the water moved.

After Gao Jiuding got out of the cracks, he realized that he was under a pool of water!
Using the Treading Wave Art, he rushed up from the bottom of the pool, but the restriction that emerged immediately gave Gao Jiuding a blow.

"Haha, there is no such strong water pressure here!" Although Gao Jiuding was blocked, he was not depressed at all.

With a flip of the hand, the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars appeared, and Gao Jiuding slashed directly, creating a crack in the range of more than ten meters in front. The restriction here, along with the appearance of the space crack, revealed a gap.

If it is tens of thousands of meters below the ground, if Gao Jiuding comes like this, the huge water pressure will immediately rush in.

Also, the power of the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is too strong, if one accidentally shatters a small space or secret place hidden in the surrounding void, it will be a disaster!
Knowing that he had entered the gate of the Beastmaster Sect, Gao Jiuding had no more scruples. He kept urging the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe, breaking through layers of restrictions around him, until he figured out the cave just now.

Half an hour later, a wave rose up on the surface of a pool. Gao Jiuding stood on the wave, and his spiritual thoughts quickly spread to the surroundings.

This place is very similar to the water pool where the core secret realm of Wanshouyin is located. Could it be that this is also a secret realm space?
Gao Jiuding looked around, the surroundings had changed a lot, but the environment was still very familiar, especially those ruined walls and some remaining palaces.

Not to mention the palaces in the Beast Master Dojo, but the dilapidated palaces he first encountered in the mutated five-element spirit fruit tree phantom array were very similar to this place.

(End of this chapter)

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