Chapter 1030

Gao Jiuding could tell that the restrictions here were denser, and almost every step he took had to go through a layer of restrictions.

And such a closely guarded place must be unusual.

Looking at the somewhat familiar scene around him, Gao Jiuding thought that he should have arrived at the gate of the Beast Sect.

He was able to see the tearing marks on the ground from some broken places, which made it easy for Gao Jiuding to connect the dojo of the Beast Sect outside with this place.

"No, this place should be torn from above, the main battlefield is here!"

Gao Jiuding raised his head, and not far in front of him was the foot of a big mountain. A layer of protective light curtains extended from the foot of the mountain, completely enveloping the entire majestic mountain range.

The dilapidated palaces outside are just a small part of the mountain's protective array. The beast-monitoring dojo that everyone fought for before was broken and separated here.

Looking at the palaces and caves surrounded by layers of colorful rays of light, Gao Jiuding didn't know that there was also the inheritance of the Emperor Beast Sect here.

It's just that Gao Jiuding has gained a lot from a small part of the dojo that was broken and separated outside, so let's not talk about it here.

It's a pity that the prohibition here is better preserved than the beast-monitoring dojo outside. Maybe it's because all the big formations are connected to each other, maybe it's because there are huge spiritual veins here. Even if Gao Jiuding has the sun, moon and seven-star axe, he can easily Don't dare to do it.

As for relying on humans to break the seven-color ban, just think about it!

At that time, the three patriarchs of the Iron Sword Sect, Dharma Xiangqi, still needed a seven-color taboo-breaking talisman to break this ultimate guardian ban, but now only Gao Jiuding himself, don't have this dream.

Of course, using the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Divine Axe will certainly be able to break through the restrictions of those caves and palaces, but the Divine Ax is too powerful, and it can split the space at every turn. If you break the restriction, what else can you get?
Besides, now Gao Jiuding is not afraid of someone breaking in by accident, this is already his private land, so why is he in such a hurry to destroy his own things?
The formation restriction here will also be surnamed Gao in the future, so Gao Jiuding naturally wants to cherish it.

"Although it is a bit damaged, it is much more intact than the dojo outside!" Gao Jiuding walked out while carefully breaking the restriction in front of him.

Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat as he watched the caves that shone with rich colorful light and were shrouded layer by layer.

If you can now open the light curtain of the mountain protection formation and enter the mountain, how many treasures will you have to harvest?
This is no longer a simple mountain protection formation, but a forbidden formation. It can be said that it is neither dangerous nor dangerous.

Now every time Gao Jiuding takes a step forward, he needs to use the sun, moon and seven stars to open the way.

He didn't dare to hack at palaces and caves, and he couldn't open his way to the void?
With the help of the Sun Moon Seven Star God Axe, it can be said that this huge mountain gate has been completely opened to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, activated the pagoda that was always suspended above his head, and activated the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe again.

He got two of the Three Treasures inherited from the Beast Sect, and only one is not under the control of anyone, and the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead is still relatively intact, and it is still guarding the forbidden formation outside.

With the second treasure of inheritance, the current Gao Jiuding can directly enter the mountain protection formation of this mountain!
Gao Jiuding followed the small stream that meanders down from the mountain, and went up against the current. Shen Nian also carefully searched the water pool under his feet, but he didn't find the slightest clue!
Gao Jiuding penetrated his spiritual thoughts into the pool under his feet, but he still couldn't find that crack in the flooded stone chamber.

Since he couldn't find it, Gao Jiuding didn't worry about it anymore, his mind was soon attracted by the strong aura that couldn't be melted away.

The aura accumulated for thousands of years has become extremely rich and pure because no one has used it for cultivation!
Gao Jiuding greedily breathed the air full of spiritual energy here, the blood in his body roared, and the mana that was originally consumed by breaking the restriction all the way was recovering rapidly.

Gao Jiuding followed the route in his memory, stepped on the waves upstream along the creek, and searched all around with his divine sense!

But before he reached the mountainside, Gao Jiuding had already discovered four or five hidden caves!
Moreover, looking at the guard formations on the surface of the caves, these caves must have been opened up by those monks who have cultivated above the blood pill stage, and they are incomparable with those outside the mountain.

Although the palace outside is luxurious and magnificent, compared to monks' caves, those public places should not have many good things.

But Gao Jiuding didn't have the heart to discover these cave relics at this time!

Firstly, these caves may not be able to enter his eyes now, and secondly, only he can enter here now, and the entire gate of the Beastmaster Sect can be said to belong to him alone at this time, so the cave is naturally even more powerful. There is no rush to dig.

When he walked all the way to the halfway up the mountain, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but stop the waves under his feet, with a hint of surprise on his face!
After Gao Jiuding thought for a while, he found a few formulas to break the restriction in his memory, pinched the formulas in his hand, and flicked towards the river bank.

Originally it looked like an ordinary river bank, but after Gao Jiuding's few finger formulas were printed on it, the whole river bank gradually began to emit colorful light!
After the light dissipated, a spiritual herb garden about tens of feet long along the river bank appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

Looking at the spiritual grass in the spiritual grass garden, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed. Fortunately, he didn't use the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars axe, otherwise it would be a big loss.

All the spiritual grasses planted in this area are more than ten thousand years old, and these spiritual grasses seem to have reached a sufficient age, and there is no sign of damage at all around them.

Gao Jiuding has never heard that the Beastmaster Sect had more than ten thousand years of elixir, but such a huge sect must have a elixir training plan, so these must be the elixir that survived the battle of destroying the sect, otherwise It's just that 4000 years have passed, and the potency of these elixir will not reach ten thousand years.

This is the background of a huge sect. It is not surprising that Gao Jiuding found such a plantation of elixir for ten thousand years in their mountain gate.

The medicinal materials here back then had a medicinal power of more than 6000 years. Of course, the Emperor Beast Sect would protect them very carefully, even guarding against their own people, let alone enemies, so it should be that this place has not been destroyed.

These protective formations protecting the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Grass cannot be discovered by ordinary monks at all, let alone whether they can be opened.

At least the enemies who broke through here back then had no chance to find this place when they came and went in a hurry. They must have never imagined that there is also a spiritual herb garden specially used to grow ten thousand years of spiritual grass here.

How many thousand years of spiritual grass gardens have been opened up in the entire mountain gate?And this Millennium Spiritual Grass Garden, after more than 4000 years, has become a Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Herb Garden.

Standing on the mountain, Gao Jiuding looked around. The surrounding aura was so thick that it was almost impossible to melt away. Now, in his eyes, he was covered by a dense spiritual mist ten meters away. Such dense aura made his clairvoyance useless.

However, Gao Jiuding can still distinguish the general aura!
Combined with the ten-thousand-year spiritual grass here, Gao Jiuding knew that there was at least one large spiritual vein in the land under his feet.

In the memory of the soul of Chunyang, Gao Jiuding knew that only the Beastmaster Sect with a huge spiritual vein was eligible to be promoted to a giant sect!

But before they were promoted, they were united and wiped out by the enemy.

Even that giant spiritual vein was shattered and reduced to the level of a large spiritual vein!
But even a large spiritual vein that nourishes these never-before-discovered spiritual grass gardens can easily make the spiritual grass here grow into a ten thousand-year elixir.

The spiritual grass in almost every spiritual grass garden here has not only matured, but also multiplied by itself, which made the scale of the spiritual grass expand by an unknown amount.

When Gao Jiuding thought about this, his heart felt hot!
You must know that not only in this mountain, but also in the entire gate of the Beast Sect, but at that time, the only super-large sect in the Eastern Continent, how many thousand-year-old spiritual grass gardens were opened up on it, but they were not discovered?
More than 4000 years have passed, even if the newly planted Millennium Spiritual Herb Garden was planted back then, the spiritual grass in it now has at least 4000 years of medicinal power, right?
For cultivating thousand-year-old spiritual grass, no one knows the difficulties better than Gao Jiuding, and the number of spiritual grass that can grow continuously for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, is definitely not much.

For example, the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum cultivated by Gao Jiuding himself, there are not many that can be cultivated for thousands of years. Often the medicinal power has accumulated for hundreds of years, and they no longer absorb spiritual energy and reach their limit.

Of course, as long as he has time to spend on it, sooner or later Gao Jiuding can cultivate ten thousand years of ginseng and ten thousand years of ganoderma, but he needs time.

This is the background of a large sect. Their history often exceeds thousands of years, and some sects even have a history of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

During such a long period of time, they can cultivate countless qualified medicinal materials, so that they all have the qualifications to grow into ten thousand-year panacea.

Gao Jiuding couldn't see the end of this huge mountain gate station at a glance, so it can be seen that its area is not small!
Although other places are not as nourished by large spiritual veins as in the mountains in the center of the mountain gate, 4000 years is enough for at least one crop of spiritual grass to grow for a sufficient number of years.

The so-called age of the spirit grass refers to the growth period of the spirit grass in an ordinary environment, but here, nourished by the spirit energy in such an environment, the spirit grass must mature early!

The thousand-year-old spirit grass may only need a few hundred years, hundreds of years or even less time to meet the requirements.

Gao Jiuding continued to go up the creek, but within half a mile, he made another discovery.

When clairvoyance was deployed, Gao Jiuding once again discovered a river bank covered with a protective formation, which disguised a spiritual grass garden as a slope of soil.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, Yuchen Xiaocutie, Huangtianhoutuzhiwang brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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