The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1031 Five Large Spirit Veins

Chapter 1031 Five Large Spirit Veins
When Gao Jiuding came to the source of the creek and reached the top of the mountain, he had broken through seven or eight thousand-year-old spiritual grass gardens protected by formations along the way. Of course, there must be ten thousand-year-old elixir in them.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, opened a door in the pagoda, and the queen bee's wings of wind flew out from inside!

Wind Wing probed the strange surroundings for a while, and then asked in surprise: "Where is this place, there seem to be many spiritual grass gardens!"

Gao Jiuding saw that the Queen Bee was like this, and knew that his previous guess was correct, so he said: "This should be the site of the Emperor Beast Sect, the spiritual grass that is less than a thousand years old is too messy, and the spiritual grass garden that is more than a thousand years old hides a lot , you have a swarm of bees here, go and find them all for me!"

The queen bee laughed "haha" when she heard the words, and danced a bee dance in mid-air. The sound of "buzzing" was deafening, rushing away from the pagoda!

Following the silent communication with the queen bee, these bee colonies were divided into several groups by him and flew in all directions.

Wind Wing whistled, and followed the bee swarm to find the Spirit Grass Garden.

Queen Bee Wind Wings needs spirit flower pollen to improve her cultivation, so when she encounters a thousand-year-old spirit grass garden, she will naturally not let it go.

Seeing his hurried appearance, Gao Jiuding quickly said: "Don't worry, these thousand-year-old spirit grasses are not difficult to find with your talent of seeking spirits as the incarnation of the queen bee, and the protective formation of the spirit grass garden, Most of them can't resist the powerful cracking of the blood pill stage!
But it is unavoidable that some of the more important defensive formations of the Spirit Grass Garden are relatively stable. You should hold these forbidden talismans yourself, and if you come across them, take a picture of them. After the hand comes, it will be cracked! "

Gao Jiuding picked out a handful of taboo-breaking talismans from the stored artifacts. These taboo-breaking talismans were all single-color, double-color, and triple-color forbidden-breaking talismans that he made when he specialized in making talismans on weekdays!

A monk in the Jindan period can at most make three-color forbidden breaking talismans, and although his water fire python incarnation can make four-color forbidden breaking talismans, he has no energy to make them at all, and even if he can, Gao Jiuding doubts making them. Can't come out, because making the four-color taboo breaking talisman requires subtle mana manipulation.

The incarnation of the water and fire python has profound mana, which is good for making taboo breaking talismans, but the rough mana output is not suitable for subtle manipulation.

Therefore, he spent a lot of time, and only made a few four-color taboo-breaking talismans. Later, because it was too troublesome and the success rate was too low, he did not continue to make it.

As for the three-color taboo-breaking talisman, this is a sledgehammer for killing chickens. He still has an advantage in making low-level talismans with the incarnation of the Dharma phase.

Of course, Gao Jiuding also explored the treasure talisman and talisman during the period. If he could make a special talisman and talisman to break the seal, that would be cool, and there is no need to make forbidden talismans again and again in the future!

It's a pity that no matter it is a talisman treasure or a talisman vessel, it is difficult to refine. Gao Jiuding gave up after just a little research.

The queen bee was very happy to get a lot of forbidden talismans, but Gao Jiuding was a little embarrassed to see him so happy.

After thinking about it, Gao Jiuding also handed over a spirit sealing box to Wind Wing!

Inside are three four-color taboo breaking talismans that he refined. When he made these talismans, the Beast Fending Dojo was refined by the pagoda, so naturally they couldn't be used.

If we talk about the power of breaking the ban, the power of single-color and double-color ban-breaking talismans may not be as powerful as that of the Xue Danqi cultivator as Wind Wings, and under his auspices, the power of the Crystal Bee Dao Soldiers is absolutely Not three-color taboo breaking talismans can match it, and even four-color taboo breaking talismans may not be able to match it.

But the advantage of breaking the forbidden talisman is that when it breaks the formation, it will not cause any damage to the things in the formation, and it is difficult to guarantee that it will be broken by relying on external force.

Every thousand-year-old spirit grass is considered precious, and Gao Jiuding didn't want to cause damage to the spirit grass inside because he forcibly broke the protective formation of the spirit grass garden.

I hope that there are enough spiritual grass gardens here, and the 4000 years of gestation can also make the years of spiritual grass in it sufficient. This may be a rare breakthrough opportunity for Wind Wing, whose cultivation base has entered a bottleneck.

Standing on the top of the mountain at this time, strictly speaking, the highest point of the mountain was interrupted, Gao Jiuding saw the whole picture of the mountain.

During the Battle of the Beast Sect to Exterminate the Faction, the entire top of this mountain was blown away, causing damage to the giant spiritual veins here, which dropped to the level of large spiritual veins.

Most of the Dharma monks' caves, inheritance places, and treasure houses of the Beastmaster Sect were built on the top of the mountain where the aura is the strongest, and these things were almost completely looted by the monks of various sects.

Even in some places, it was obvious that there were dense buildings in the past, but now there are no more, obviously either smashed or blown away, or there are some buildings here in the Beast Guard Dojo that Gao Jiuding broke into before.

It has been 4000 years, but the traces of the battle here are still obvious. From this, we can also see how tragic the battle was.

It was also because of the fierce battle that the enemies who invaded here could only search for some treasures on the surface, some hidden places, or places that were too time-consuming on the periphery, and those bandits like locusts did not have time to patronize.

Of course, there are still some places with complex defensive restrictions or strong defenses that have not been broken by anyone, but such places, just like the situation in the Beast Master Dojo, are protected by colorful restrictions. Recently, Gao Jiuding has nothing to do with them, unless he invites Patriarch Zixu and others to come in and help again.

This is not the Beast Master Dojo, that place is watched by many people, he can't monopolize it at all, and here, although many people know it, but they don't know how to get in, even if they find the right place, they can't easily break in Come, this is Gao Jiuding's opportunity.

After patrolling around the top of the mountain, Gao Jiuding found four or five teleportation arrays, and he also saw a long-distance teleportation array in a hall without much defense!

However, the array seems to be a bit defective, but this is not important, because Gao Jiuding still has a complete long-distance teleportation array in his hands, which is the teleportation array that teleported him into the demon star from outer space.

At that time, he was completely cut off and put into the pagoda, so it can be used now.

If the teleportation array here is damaged, Gao Jiuding can even repair it according to the teleportation array in his hand. Even if it can't be repaired, he can directly use the teleportation array that he removed.

Although the spiritual vein on the top of the mountain was shattered that year, after 4000 years of recovery, the giant spiritual vein has not recovered!
Gao Jiuding could feel that the aura here was still a bit messy. Although the giant spirit veins hadn't recovered, the large spirit veins hadn't been affected in any way!

Even Gao Jiuding wondered if the large spiritual veins had been fully recovered, and could the giant spiritual veins be rebuilt?
You must know that the giant spiritual veins here were only smashed back then, and were not taken away by someone. There are still complete ground veins here.

Gao Jiuding knew very well that as long as a large spiritual vein keeps accumulating spiritual energy, it will one day turn into a giant spiritual vein, not to mention that there is already a foundation for a huge spiritual vein here.

There is no hurry to repair the teleportation array. The situation here has not been fully understood. After understanding the situation here and there are no hidden dangers, Gao Jiuding intends to build this place into a secret base.

Compared with the Golden Wolf Palace, this place is much safer, and his subordinates can use the spiritual veins here to quickly improve their cultivation.

Occupying the Golden Wolf collar allowed Gao Jiuding to have a sufficient population, and occupying this place gave him the real capital to make a fortune.

How could a large sect have tens of thousands of people in its heyday?

Including peripheral disciples, there must be several 10 people!
They can afford to support so many people, so if Gao Jiuding occupies this place, can he easily train 10,000+ soldiers?

To know that a large spiritual vein covers thousands of kilometers, and there is more than one large spiritual vein here.

Gao Jiuding knew that to form a huge spiritual vein, there must be nine large-scale spiritual veins, so there were at least nine large-scale spiritual veins here!

What is the concept of nine large spiritual veins?A sect like Iron Sword Sect can support nine families!
"The Beastmaster Sect back then probably had at least two giant spiritual veins. No wonder they were wiped out. It's so enviable!"

But Gao Jiuding knew that the surrounding area of ​​Daxue Mountain, Badaomen, Jinlangling, the islands in the East China Sea to the east, the current Tiejianmen territory, and even the Heishui Palace territory to the north, all belonged to Yushou Zong's basic disk.

In such a large area, no one would believe that there are not many large spiritual veins. After this calculation, the Beast Master Sect must have at least two giant spiritual veins!

It's a pity that such a powerful sect finally disappeared.

Gao Jiuding opened up a place of retreat at the source of the creek, and did not look around.

The reason why he chose this place is because it is also where the source of the spirit veins is, and it is the place where the aura of the entire mountain gate is the most intense, and the place Gao Jiuding chose is a spiritual acupoint. He can feel that there are at least five auras here. Gathering of large spirit veins.

Moreover, it is a spiritual vein with five elements and five attributes, which shows that there were other large spiritual veins in this mountain gate back then.

And these spiritual veins with rich aura will be used by Gao Jiuding alone to smelt the spiritual objects of the world and strengthen his cultivation.

After advanced Jindan and Xuedan, he has not had time to practice for a while, but here is very safe, just to stabilize his cultivation, and by the way, he is waiting for his subordinates to report the results.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand and slapped it, and the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars ax rose from the top of his head!
Standing on the ax with his head exposed, the divine ax spirit exclaimed loudly: "What a pure aura, this time it's my turn to show my skills, and I can finally make a move with all my strength. With such a huge spiritual support, I can definitely do it!" In three years, return to peak condition!"

(End of this chapter)

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