Chapter 1032
Combining the Sun Cup and the Seven Star Cup, the spirit of the current Divine Ax has recovered a lot, at least it is no longer in a daze!
However, the lost memory is still lost, not because the missing parts of the body have been recovered, even the memory has been recovered.

Gao Jiuding ignored the clamor of the divine axe, and just threw it towards the source of the stream. During the process of spinning, the entire divine ax began to emit a hazy silver light, and then the entire ax fell from midair to the ground as if out of control. In the stream, submerged at the source of the spirit veins.

The Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax can not only open up space, it also has the effect of sorting out the earth's veins and linking the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth. This is something Gao Jiuding only learned about recently.

The reason why this ax is called the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax is not only because it can borrow the power of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars, but also because it can communicate with the world and sort out the veins of the earth.

In fact, this ax is imitated from the divine weapon Sky Opening Axe!

Of course, this is bragging, its original shape is Liuding mountain axe!

However, to open a mountain with such an ax requires too much strength, it is almost impossible for mortals to do it!

That's why there is a genius refiner who forges the Sun Axe, Moon Blade, and Seven Star Ax Handle. The three are combined into one, and the power of the sun, moon, and seven stars is used to drive the axe, so as to realize the dream of opening up the world.

At this time, Gao Jiuding wanted to borrow the ability of the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe to dredge the earth's veins and reconnect the broken spiritual veins underneath.

The conditions here are so good that Gao Jiuding couldn't help but want to restore the prosperity of the year. If he can create a giant spiritual vein, then he has everything he needs to teach, not to mention supporting his army.

As the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars entered the creek and went deep into the ground, there was a dull bang from the entire mountain, and then the entire mountain gate of the Beastmaster Sect suddenly shook!
Gao Jiuding could even see through the light curtain of the mountain guard in the distance, and saw that the entire gate of Yushou Mountain seemed to be trembling, but after this earthquake, the whole mountain stopped shaking, but the dull roar remained the same. It keeps coming.

There are many restrictions in the underground spiritual veins. If it weren't for the sun, moon and seven-star axe, it would be difficult for ordinary people to use the earth escape technique to escape underground. This is the power of a large sect.

Gao Jiuding suspected that the spiritual veins here were broken back then, probably because someone wanted to take away the spiritual veins here, but the underground spiritual veins were too tightly sealed, there was no chance at all, so some people kept doing it. , Simply break the giant spiritual vein, hoping to take away a little bit.

Otherwise, they might have found nothing, which is why Gao Jiuding only found five large spiritual veins here.

If the giant spiritual veins had not been shattered, or if no one had taken away the underground spiritual veins, there might have been at least nine spiritual veins gathered here, and after 4000 years of recovery, there might have been another giant spiritual vein here.

Now all of this is a possibility and an if, so the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe is needed to sort out the earth's veins, so that the chaotic aura here can be restored to order.

The intersection of the five elements and the spiritual veins did not form the transformation of the five elements, but various conflicts. Such a situation is internal friction, which is not good for the recovery of the spiritual veins.

Through the spirit of the divine ax, Gao Jiuding checked the situation underground. With the spirit of the divine ax to control the divine axe, and the spirit of the divine ax itself can attract the power of heaven and earth to bless itself, so Gao Jiuding does not need to consume mana, the divine ax can Automatically open mountains and split land.

Although Gao Jiuding couldn't detect the underground spiritual veins and the changes in the ground veins, he could detect the spiritual energy above his head, and it seemed to become orderly all of a sudden!

From the original centered on the source of the creek, the spiritual energy scattered and spread around, and now the spiritual energy on the entire mountain top has gradually been contained, only emerging from the source of the stream.

And due to the concentration and dissipation of spiritual energy in the spiritual veins, a straight upward column of spiritual energy even formed on the top of the mountain, shaking the light curtain of the mountain guard array on the top of the mountain continuously!
Waves of ripples continued to extend along the light curtain of the mountain protection array, and even formed a shock for the entire mountain protection array.

Gao Jiuding absorbed the purest and thickest spiritual energy from this spiritual energy column, and used it to smelt the true essence in his body, improve his cultivation, and polish his own foundation.

Three days later, Gao Jiuding gradually noticed that the concentration of aura in the whole mountain seemed to be slowly increasing!

It seems that the spirit veins in this mountain range are constantly gathering and increasing, or in other words slowly recovering.

A week later, at the source of the brook at Gao Jiuding's feet, a faint psychic liquid began to float out. Gao Jiuding raised his eyebrows. The spirit-gathering effect of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax is so powerful?

Spiritual energy liquid requires not only strong spiritual energy, but also a method to gather and purify it, otherwise it will not form spiritual liquid.

The fog around now is the small water droplets formed by the liquefaction of spiritual energy. There is no spiritual pool here, and spiritual liquid can be formed. This is not the credit of the sun, moon and seven stars, but whose?

After 4000 years of wear and tear, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax has finally fully recovered. Although it cannot be said to have recovered to its peak, it is already considered normal. The damage it was shattered before is no longer affecting it.

When Gao Jiuding woke up from the retreat again, it was because of the strong aura vibration from the mountain again. This was the aura vibration caused by the breakthrough of cultivation base. Gao Jiuding had the final say, it was only ten days.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense swept down from the top of the mountain, and after a while, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth!
This is the Queen Bee Wind Wing's self-cultivation, using the royal jelly brewed from the spiritual grass found in the spiritual grass garden these days, to push her cultivation to the peak of blood pills in one fell swoop.

He discovered the spiritual grass garden several times in succession, and all of them were high-quality spiritual grass gardens, which allowed the queen bee to obtain a lot of resources. This time, his merits and virtues were finally completed. Next, he is also facing the bottleneck of breaking through the stage of Dharma.

Gao Jiuding observed the situation of the surrounding bee colonies. At this time, the number of crystal bee colonies had expanded to 1. Among them, the number of crystal bees in the late stage of hemolysis had reached several hundred, and the number of bee colonies in the entire hemolysis period was [-]. It has also reached the number of three thousand!
It's a pity that apart from the queen bee, there is no crystal bee with advanced blood pills.

Fortunately, the crystal bee can only be used as a Taoist soldier at most. If it relies on pure individual combat power, a crystal bee in the late stage of hemolysis may not even be able to beat a human monk in the early stage of hemolysis without any magic weapons!
Otherwise, these 1 crystal Taoist soldiers would be invincible.

However, even though the crystal queen bee already has the cultivation base of the late blood pill stage, in the entire amethyst bee colony, there is no crystal bee that can break through the blood pill stage!

This Gao Jiuding once asked about the Wing of Wind, but unfortunately, even the Wing of Wind, which was the incarnation of the Queen Bee, was refined, and the reason for this was unknown.

Knowing that the queen bee has advanced, Gao Jiuding is very happy, because the queen bee's ability to collect royal jelly will be stronger.

There are a large number of spiritual grass gardens, and the role of the queen bee will be great!
Of course, Gao Jiuding has no shortage of resources, he is simply happy because he has added a little background.

Now Gao Jiuding's cultivation has also reached a small threshold. At this time, Gao Jiuding's cultivation base has reached the perfection of the first level of Xuedan, but he does not intend to start smelting the two spiritual objects of earth and fire!

After all, although Gao Jiuding occupied a lot of advantages in time and place, there were still some hidden dangers in the end when his cultivation level improved too fast.

Whether it was in the illusion before, he quickly raised his cultivation base to the peak of hemolysis, or later he followed the water and fire god python to cross the catastrophe to advance to the magic phase, so that he also successfully condensed the golden core, this is all a matter of opportunism!

Such a fast advancement speed is not good for the stability and accumulation of cultivation base, which will cause the foundation to be unstable. If you are still eager for quick success and instant benefit now, there will definitely be great troubles in the future.

Now the spirit veins of the entire Beastmaster Sect are used by Gao Jiuding alone. He has too many possibilities to go further, but the more he is in this situation, the less he dares to be careless in the slightest. , and the more I dare not have the slightest ambiguity.

In this way, Gao Jiuding planned to spend another period of time to polish the true essence in his body, and at the same time refine the medicinal power deposited in the body by taking the monster spirit, blood essence, blood pill, devoured monster soul, blood essence, etc. , so that it is completely absorbed by the body.

And during this period of time, Gao Jiuding used a five-color taboo-breaking talisman to open a hole on the light curtain of the mountain guard at the foot of the mountain, and at the same time fixed the hole with the forbidden-breaking spell in the inherited memory .

Gao Jiuding originally wanted to completely stop the entire mountain guard formation at the mountain gate, but unfortunately he spent several days, but he was still unable to find the formation plate used by the Royal Beast Sect to control the entire protection formation on the mountain In the end, he had to use a five-color taboo breaking talisman to create a fixed opening.

Through this opening, the crystal bee swarm was no longer limited to the core mountain gate of the Beast Sect, but was busy all over the land of Lu Chen's sect.

Although there are not many thousand-year-old spiritual grass gardens outside the mountain gate, there are many other low-quality spiritual grass gardens, and they grow densely like weeds. Because, it doesn't help much, but it is enough to make honey and royal jelly.

Therefore, when Gao Jiuding woke up from the retreat five days later, ten jade crystal bottles and five chalcedony bottles were placed in front of him!
The jade crystal bottle is full of honey, and the chalcedony bottle is naturally the royal jelly from the queen bee in the late stage of blood pill.

The reason why Gao Jiuding woke up from the retreat this time was because there was an aura not far away that started to fluctuate!
The pure spiritual energy all around is continuously gathering towards that side.

In just half a month, someone wants to advance again!
Gao Jiuding released his divine sense to take a glance, and found that the one who practiced there was Luan Changming.

How long is his advanced hemolysis period?And now his cultivation has soared all the way to the middle stage of hemolysis?It is only one step away from being able to advance to the late stage of hemolysis.

Judging from the appearance of Luan Changming, it is obvious that he has reached the critical moment of breakthrough in cultivation, so Gao Jiuding woke up from the retreat and specially protected him.

 Thank you brother 303945124 for the reward of 2000 coins, thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, brothers of the Queen of Earth, the king of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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