The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1035 Emperor Ooze

Chapter 1035 Emperor Ooze

The sacred body and precious body in the legend are a bit exaggerated. Although Luan Changming and the others have never seen such an extraordinary cultivator, they know that a monk of this level should have broken through to the limit of the physical body. Yes, the realm should be comparable to that of a cultivator of pure yang.

They can clearly feel that Gao Jiuding's aura is very strong now, especially the boiling blood in his body. From such a distance, they can all feel a kind of scorching heat. I am afraid that it is the weaker monks. Don't dare to get close to Gao Jiuding's body!

"The qi and blood are transpiring, the mind is burning like fire, and the impurities in the body are expelled. Even if it is not breaking through the legendary state of body training, it should be approaching." At this moment, Gao Jiuding also suddenly realized.

I don't know how much time has passed, because at the end, Gao Jiuding's entire consciousness was completely in a daze, and he insisted on relying on the last will, until the end, the body that seemed to be steamed all over his body The burning pain disappeared, and a flood of pleasure flooded into my mind!

In an instant, Gao Jiuding felt that his whole being had been sublimated!
Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, I felt refreshed, looked at my body again, and gagged, Gao Jiuding almost vomited.

With a water control technique, a stream of water vapor gathers and instantly turns into a stream of water, which begins to wash over his body.

Soon, Gao Jiuding's whole body became clean, and even the peculiar smell in the air was taken away by that stream of water.

Looking at himself, Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. Under the phantom robe, he was white, tender, delicate and flawless!
His skin is whiter and better, delicate and smooth, white and elastic, and it looks crystal clear, giving people a perfect feeling!

"This skin, this figure, this abs, I'm going to be jealous of myself, it's perfect!" Looking at his figure and skin, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but tsk-tsk.

Gao Jiuding was complacent and admiring himself, when he suddenly felt a chill, as if someone was watching him?
As soon as he raised his head, he saw a group of guys with weird looks. Thinking of taking a bath in front of everyone just now, and still bragging about himself and being intoxicated with himself, even with Gao Jiuding's thick skin, he couldn't help but blush.

However, who is Gao Jiuding?He is a well-tested old soldier, he quickly responded with a face, and immediately asked: "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"Crack!" Luan Changming reacted the fastest, he clapped his palms immediately, and said, "Congratulations to Patriarch for your great achievement!"

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but glanced at his lips, and immediately waved his hand to stop those who wanted to continue to flatter: "If you have anything to say, if there is no good news, you will be miserable. If you don't practice well at this time, come here to watch What are you doing with me?"

Luan Changming straightened his waist and said: "Patriarch, we have checked everything in a radius of thousands of miles, and there is no danger!"

Zhan Jiyan also said: "This is really a magical place. The mountain under our feet may not only be hidden underground, but it may be hidden in a crack in space, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a large range of thousands of miles."

"It's not that big. A large spiritual vein can cover thousands of miles. There's more than one large spiritual vein here!" Wind Wing said.

Gao Jiuding glanced at the others, and saw the clear eyes of these guards, although there was a hint of surprise, but it was more curious.

"Have you checked everything in a radius of thousands of miles? Is there anything missing?" Gao Jiuding said.

"There are no omissions, but we can't check those places that are banned by the seven-color ban!" Zhan Jiyan said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, he couldn't enter those places, let alone Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan.

Now I can't find anyone to help, so I can only figure out a way by myself, so I need to use that talisman secret book, but it's not that simple to make a high-level forbidden talisman.

Glancing at the incarnations of Luan Changming and the others again, apart from Luan Changming and Zhan Jiyan, there are eight other incarnations refined by others, all of whom are at the peak of blood pills, and they are peak blood pills who have accumulated for many years. Beasts, they are all ready to cross the catastrophe and advance to the Dharma.

When all ten of them have reached the stage of advanced law, whether it is breaking the ban or researching the ban-breaking talisman, they will be much calmer.

"How's the teleportation formation?" Gao Jiuding suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"A lot of teleportation arrays have been found. We have also found more than a dozen places similar to the teleportation hall, but those places are sealed and we can't go in. Similar to the teleportation array on the top of the mountain, almost every ten kilometers down the mountain, There is one, and if you want to use it, you can easily repair a few!" Zhan Ji Yanhui reported.

"Can't it be used now?" Gao Jiuding continued to ask.

"It can't be used, but it hasn't been destroyed. It's just that there is no spirit stone placed. We tested it with high-grade spirit stones, and almost all of them can be activated. But because there are no external coordinates, we didn't teleport. The teleportation array we are using now is The teleportation array inside the pagoda!" Zhan Jiyan continued to reply.

"Ma'am, what do they say?" Gao Jiuding changed the subject again.

This time Luan Changming said: "Several ladies are busy with things. The eldest lady said that after a period of time, they will come here to join the Patriarch when they advance to blood pills!"

"Well, where's my little baby?" Gao Jiuding is most concerned about this. It's been a long time since he had a video call with the baby. If we meet this time, he will definitely be blamed!

"The eldest lady said, when this place is repaired and under our absolute control, the little princess will be sent here!" Luan Changming lowered his head and said.

Gao Jiuding smiled helplessly, there are still so many places sealed in the mountain gate of a sect, who dares to say that there is no problem here?

It's really not easy to completely control this place!

At the moment when Gao Jiuding was at a loss, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe, which had disappeared for a long time, suddenly jumped out from the source of the stream.

"I found a Qi Ling just like me, would you like to take a look?" Qi Ling, a child who was much rounder and more tender, lay on the axe, staring at his big round eyes.

"Qi Ling?" Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and said without thinking: "Where is it? What level of Qi Ling? What kind of state does it exist in?"

Gao Jiuding couldn't help being surprised, what is Qi Ling?The spirit of the divine ax is not a spiritual weapon.

Since it is not a spiritual tool, it is an independent tool spirit, and that kind of tool spirit can only be born from a spirit treasure that has experienced thunder calamity and absorbed pure yang energy!

There may be other methods that can also produce Qi Ling, but Gao Jiuding himself does not know, and even if there are other methods, then Qi Ling must be a very precious existence.

For example, his Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, at this time the pagoda itself has a little power of the cave spirit treasure, but the spirit of the weapon inside it is only a little spiritual, not even a illusory shadow has been condensed, let alone overcome the thunder. Kalpa, absorbing pure yang energy, forming a spirit body.

"Where is it? How did you find it? What kind of spiritual weapon is it?" Gao Jiuding raised his foot and walked away, and opened his mouth to ask three more questions. Obviously, he couldn't wait!
"Why are you in a hurry? It can't run now. If it could run, it would have run away 4000 years ago. Why wait until now!" Shen Fu said angrily: "I still have some surprises to tell you. , but now there is no door!"

It was only at this moment that Gao Jiuding realized that he was really too anxious. It seemed that after his body broke through again, his mind had been in a state of trance. He knew that this was because his cultivation had not yet stabilized.

"Hehe, I was too anxious, so how did you find this weapon spirit?" Gao Jiuding said after calming down.

The child blinked and looked at Gao Jiuding, as if he was observing whether he was more concerned about the Qi Ling that he hadn't seen yet.

After getting an affirmative answer, the Divine Ax snorted coldly, turned around and jumped into the Divine Axe, wondering what he was up to!
After a while, Qi Ling emerged from the axe again and said, "Here you are!"

Three perfectly round beads, shining with translucent light, flew towards Gao Jiuding!
Gao Jiuding was a little helpless, why did he change the subject while talking about Qi Ling?This is too fickle!

However, now that the god ax and weapon spirit is one of his own, it is impossible for him to be too harsh on him, so he can only coax him!

It seems that this guy also has this understanding, so he is becoming more and more casual towards Gao Jiuding!
In desperation, Gao Jiuding could only hold back his breath, and planned to see what this little guy wanted to do.

The three beads hovered in front of Gao Jiuding. He took a closer look, and it seemed that they were not spirit beads. This made Gao Jiuding a little strange. He asked hesitantly, "Spiritual objects of heaven and earth?"

The Divine Axe Spirit flicked the braids on his head triumphantly, and said, "That's right, the water attribute heaven and earth spirit creature of the mid-level sky rank, Diliujiang!"

"Emperor Flowing Ointment?" Gao Jiuding looked at the Divine Axe Spirit in surprise. This thing seems to be the treasure of the sun and the moon, a spiritual thing of heaven and earth formed by condensing it, right?

Is it true that the legend of the emperor descending from the sky to benefit the plants, trees and beasts and become a demon?

Gao Jiuding took the three beads in his hands and looked at them carefully. It felt cold, but not cold.

After careful observation, it turned out to be water drops. Gao Jiuding took out a chalcedony bottle and carefully filled it!
Only then did Gao Jiuding ask: "How did you do it? How can you even make such a legendary god as Di Liuye?"

The spirit of Shenaxe tilted his head proudly, and said: "It's a pity that the spiritual veins in the mountain have not grown and recovered after returning to the state of seven large spiritual veins in these years!

If I can recover to the level of a giant spirit vein, I can even condense the top-grade emperor liquid at the source of the spirit vein. At that time, only this emperor liquid will be able to make your subordinates, all of you Advanced method! "

After finishing speaking, Shenaxe Qiling also pointed to Luan Changming and the others. It is almost universally recognized that Diliuye is most useful for monsters!
(End of this chapter)

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