The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1036 The Supreme Treasure Longevity Mountain

Chapter 1036 The Supreme Treasure Longevity Mountain

For monsters, Emperor Flowing Jelly is not only able to wash the hair and marrow and purify the blood, it can also improve the wisdom of the monsters.

In comparison, it is more difficult to improve the wisdom that must be collected, that is to say, it is even more difficult for monsters to activate the wisdom.

Without wisdom, no matter how good the aptitude is, it is useless, and as long as the monster absorbs the emperor liquid, the monster will awaken its wisdom, and this will make the monster grow rapidly.

If monsters have the wisdom of humans and can cultivate as quickly as humans, then with the long lifespan of monsters, what is the use of humans?

A long time ago, Gao Jiuding realized the effect of heaven and earth spirits on monks, or on monsters. Not only humans need pure blood, but monsters also need it!
"This thing is a treasure that nourishes the soul? The reason why monsters can't easily advance to the Dharma is because the soul is too weak?" Gao Jiuding said if he realized something.

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that the reason why the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax became one of the three treasures of the Beastmaster Sect was not only because it was the treasure of killing, but also because it could open up space and sort out the veins of the earth. Perhaps the most important reason was, It is to condense the spirits of the heavens and the earth and the emperor's ointment.

For other sects, Diliuye may be a icing on the cake. It cannot be said that it is dispensable, but it is not important. But for the sect that relies on monsters to quickly increase its strength, the Emperor Beast Sect It is said that this is one of the foundations of the sect.

"There are so many good things from the Beast Sect!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but mutter.

No wonder it was exterminated by the two races of human monsters together. This family is too rich, no matter who knows it, they will be jealous!
In the world of cultivation, there are quite a few miraculous water-attribute heavenly spirits, but the number is not too many!
And the Beastmaster Sect can continuously produce mid-level heavenly spirits such as Emperor Flow Pulp, and has a huge spiritual vein, which can also be condensed into top-level heavenly spirits, that is, first-class heavenly spirits, which is against the sky up.

Even Gao Jiuding, who was able to enter the starry sky, would not dare to harvest heavenly spirits without listening.

Spiritual objects of this level are resources that cultivators at the Dharma phase can also use, and they are also excellent spiritual objects for cultivation = monks to improve their souls!

Gao Jiuding now has a deep understanding of how precious the things for nourishing the soul are!

Seeing Gao Jiuding's astonishment, the Divine Axe Spirit became more and more proud, and he said proudly: "As long as I can have a large spiritual vein to support it, I can refine a drop of heaven-level low-grade Emperor Liu every other year." pulp!
If I have more than five large spiritual veins to support me, I can condense a drop of heavenly middle-grade emperor liquid. Similarly, if I have a giant spiritual vein to support it, I can also condense a drop of heavenly high-grade heavenly fragrance jade liquid every other year. Come! "

The spirit of the divine ax retracted his head from the divine axe, and fiddled with it again for a long time. When he exposed his head again from the divine axe, he was holding three jade bottles in his hand.

Qi Ling said proudly again: "In this short time of your retreat, you only have these three drops of emperor liquid, but these bottles of spiritual liquid are made of the stream water at the source of the spiritual veins, combined with the essence of the sun and the moon. This is also one of the best spiritual objects in the cultivation world, and the aura contained in it is not even inferior to the magic pills in the Dharma phase to assist monks in their cultivation!"

How could Gao Jiuding not recognize this kind of spiritual creature that is famous all over the world?
After humans enter the starry sky, the essence of the sun and the moon are not rare, but what is rare is the high-quality essence of the sun and the moon.

The light emitted from the sun is refracted by a planet to form a spiritual object of light, which is a rare treasure for monks of any attribute.

In the past, when Gao Jiuding entered the starry sky, he could at most condense the sun essence and moon flower of the lower rank of the yellow rank.

If he is exhausted, that is, Huang-level C, etc., even if he is now a high-level cultivator and becomes a monk of the Golden Core Stage, he will at most be condensed to the Earth-level D, which is the lowest level of spirits that meet the strength of the Golden Core Stage.

And the Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax can condense the sun essence and moon flower of the first-class quality of the earth level, which is amazing.

After Shenaxe Qiling handed all these things to Gao Jiuding, he was quite satisfied with his attitude, so he said: "Over the years, I have sorted out the underground spiritual veins, and indirectly, I can also do things for the entire earth veins. When I got partial control, I found out that in a vein of spirit stones, there was this spirit life like mine..."

When Gao Jiuding heard this, he opened his mouth and asked, "Spiritual stone vein? You mean you found a spiritual stone vein that can be mined?"

Shenxue Qiling was extremely annoyed at Gao Jiuding's sudden interruption, and gave him a big white eye.

Gao Jiuding smiled "hehe" and said, "Okay, okay, you continue talking!"

"This weapon spirit is extremely strange. It can actually exist independently of its body, but it seems to be extremely weak from its appearance. It can only rely on the spirit stone veins to continue its existence. Once it is separated from the spirit stone veins, this weapon spirit will I'm afraid it's going to disappear soon!" The spirit of the ax and weapon said a little doubtfully.

"Oh!" Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and said: "It seems that someone should have placed this spirit in it on purpose, in order to maintain this spirit and not dissipate by itself."

Gao Jiuding walked out of the mountain gate along the direction pointed by the spirit of the axe, and came to the back of a small rocky mountain in the southeast of the mountain gate!
On a rocky slope, Gao Jiuding searched for every stone one by one. After turning over a pile of rocks, a dark mine finally appeared in front of his eyes.

"Could there be a medium-sized spirit vein inside?" Standing at the entrance of the cave, he muttered to himself, this spirit stone vein didn't leak out even a little bit of spirit energy.

Gao Jiuding was about to walk into the cave when he suddenly saw a weak figure.

This woman whose body was beginning to blur, just floated out of the cave after she discovered the situation outside.

After seeing Gao Jiuding, he was not surprised at all, and said: "After 4000 years, someone finally discovered this place, and I didn't expect that the Sun, Moon, Seven Stars God Ax and Zhenyin were all found by you!"

Gao Jiuding was overjoyed to see a Qi Ling hidden here, but Gao Jiuding's expression sank when he heard that Qi Ling took a bite and revealed the treasure on him.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Gao Jiuding knew that she was already very weak at this time, and might even completely dissipate between heaven and earth at any time.

"What's your name, and where is your body?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Wan Shou, Qi Ling Wanshou, the Qi Ling of Longevity Mountain!" the woman said calmly.

"Ten Thousand Beasts? Not the Ten Thousand Beast Seal? But Longevity Mountain?" Gao Jiuding asked a little strangely.

Although he asked about the spirit of the beast named Wanshou, Gao Jiuding's mind still diverted a large part and fell on the entrance of the cave in front.

In the Lingshi veins, there must be a relatively strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but Gao Jiuding opened the hole of this vein on the chaotic rock slope, but there is no trace of spiritual energy exposed inside.

"My name is Wanshou, and Wanshou, who lives without boundaries, is not Wanshou!" Qi Ling Wanshou replied.

"It has nothing to do with the seal of the beast? Then how do you know the treasure I am carrying?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"It's very simple!" Qi Ling raised the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly, but this smile made her figure look more slack.

Gao Jiuding frowned, took out a top-quality spirit stone, and used the Explosion Spirit Art to explode the entire top-quality spirit stone with extremely pure aura, surrounding Qi Ling's figure.

"Ah, the best spirit stone!" Qi Ling let out a cry of joy, and his originally slack figure quickly began to greedily absorb this rich and pure spirit energy!
After the spiritual energy was absorbed, Qi Ling's figure suddenly became much more solid.

"Because the Wanshou Seal and the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax were originally part of Longevity Mountain, and I am the Artifact Spirit of Longevity Mountain, so no one is familiar with these two special magical artifacts!" The Artifact Spirit recovered. One point, the expression on her face is much more realistic, Gao Jiuding can see the pride on her face.

Gao Jiuding's heart was already full of admiration. Longevity Mountain can accommodate two magic weapons of the cave. What level is that?
Fairy?This is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.

I didn't get the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, but I heard news about an immortal artifact here.

Although he was very happy, Gao Jiuding couldn't see anything on his face, but asked in a deep voice: "You said that you are the guardian spirit of the Beast Sect, so why are you here now, and where is Longevity Mountain? ?”

Although Gao Jiuding tried his best to cover it up, Qi Ling seemed to be able to realize Gao Jiuding's eagerness for Longevity Mountain from the words he said!

But she still shook her head and said: "The Longevity Mountain has already been shattered. At that time, the great cultivator of the Emperor Beast Sect only had time to bring some fragments of the Longevity Mountain here. Otherwise, I might have dissipated long ago."

"The Longevity Mountain was brought here?" Gao Jiuding looked at the mountains in the distance. There was the gate of the Beast Sect. Could it be the so-called Longevity Mountain?

Is this mountain a magic weapon?No, if Wanshou is the spirit of this mountain, how could it be made into what it is now?
"You guessed it right, that is a part of Longevity Mountain. If it is a complete Longevity Mountain, it can travel beyond the sky, but now it can only be forced to seal here. The core hub that controlled Longevity Mountain was shattered, and the people who opened up the space The Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax was also smashed to pieces!

Otherwise, I wouldn't be trapped in this mine?I really didn't expect that when I was about to collapse, you brought them all back. If the magic ax hadn't broken my seal, I might have disappeared without a sound! "Qi Ling looked at Gao Jiuding with a little emotion and said.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "What?"

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, was this weapon spirit released by the magic axe spirit?No wonder Shen Ax seemed a little unhappy when he saw him caring about this unknown weapon spirit just now. Is that jealousy?

Of course, they cannot be asked. Gao Jiuding asked, "The seal of the thousand beasts and the magic ax of the sun, moon and seven stars are also part of Longevity Mountain?"

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, and the king of the queen of earth for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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