The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1037 Longevity Secret

Chapter 1037 Longevity Secret
Qi Ling nodded, and said, "That's right, the seal of the thousand beasts and the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars are the most important parts of the Longevity Mountain. These two magic tools are the core of the space of the entire Longevity Mountain, and they are also the core of the Longevity Mountain that can travel through the void." The essential!
At the beginning, the great monks of the Beastmaster Sect brought back these two magical artifacts separately, so that they could build the Longevity Mountain after repairing the two magical artifacts. If there were no these two magical artifacts, the remains of the Longevity Mountain would Even if the most important part is brought back, it cannot be repaired and started! "

Gao Jiuding looked at Qi Ling, and then at the mountains in the distance. Is this submerged Gate of the Beast Sect just a part of Longevity Mountain?And can travel to the stars?

What is the magic weapon to travel the starry sky?This made Gao Jiuding immediately think of battleships.

It's just that the ancient monks of the demon star didn't build warships to travel through the void, but built a mountain!
Of course, there is this cave in the mountains. If you think about it carefully, such a warship is more suitable for long-distance interstellar travel!

Think about it, a continent is flying in the starry sky, and even if there is a disagreement, it will use the sun, moon and seven stars to open up space channels and directly carry out remote teleportation. What kind of strength is this?
What kind of realm is this?
This is like taking the earth on an interstellar journey!
"Why was Longevity Mountain smashed?" Gao Jiuding was silent for a moment before opening his mouth to ask.

"It was attacked. At that time, the Great Beastmaster who was in charge of Longevity Mountain couldn't resist it and was smashed to pieces. But I don't know who the enemy is!"

Because of Gao Jiuding's top-quality spirit stone, Qi Ling's body was temporarily restored, but if he wanted to completely restore to the peak state 4000 years ago, it was not something that could be done with a top-quality spirit stone.

Qi Ling is different from a real cultivator. It cannot be cultivated at all. Although she has survived the thunder disaster and condensed pure Yang Qi, she can only be nourished by the cultivator's own mana, so that she can maintain or exert her full potential. own function.

Once there is no nourishment from the monk's mana, the spirituality of the artifact spirit itself will be lost with the passage of time, until the artifact spirit in a thunder robbery spirit treasure disappears completely, and it will become a spirit treasure or even lower.

But the spirit itself is also guarded by its body, just like the spirit of the sun, moon and seven stars god axe, which was guarded by the crescent ax at the beginning. Although 4000 years have passed, the spirituality of the spirit has not lost much.

But Qiling Wanshou is different from other Qilings. She can exist without the main body, and her own quality may be stronger than that of the divine axe. The magic ax at the beginning was far away.

"After I was brought back here, I was handed over to the two masters and apprentices at the beginning. The two worked together to restore the seal of the beasts and the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars. After that, the master seemed to be looking for something to restore the cave. After leaving, only the disciples who are repairing the Sun Moon Seven Star God Axe and myself are left."

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he said: "After the Wanshou Seal was taken away, did you not return again?"

"Yes!" Wanshou said.

"Then what about the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe? Why did you leave?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"The enemy should be chasing me, and I will be sealed here after that, and I don't know about other things!"

"Is this something that happened 4000 years ago?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Originally, he thought that the gate of the Beastmaster Sect had sunk from the ground, but it turned out to be not the case!
This is actually a flying magic weapon, it was probably shattered outside the sky, and finally fell on the demon star, so Gao Jiuding wanted to make sure what happened to the battle of the Beast Sect's extermination that year!

Wanshou was stunned for a moment, and said: "It seems that, for too long, my own spirituality has been lost too much, and many memories have been forgotten by me in order to slow down the speed of spirituality loss!"

Gao Jiuding nodded. This is true. When he first found the Sun Moon Seven Stars God Axe, even though he was protected by the body, his spirituality was also damaged a lot. perish.

Nowadays, the loss of Qi Ling Wanshou's own spirituality is obviously far greater than that of the divine ax Qi Ling, but it is quite remarkable that he can still remember these many things.

"Without the main body, how can you maintain your own spirituality without dying out after 4000 years?" Gao Jiuding looked at the cave behind Qi Lingruyu, and said, "Is it because of the spirit stone veins behind you?"

Qi Ling Wanshou nodded and motioned for Gao Jiuding to follow from behind.

After Gao Jiuding and Wanshou entered the Lingshi Mine for more than 300 meters, the mineral veins had been exposed on the rock wall of the cave, and Lingshi scattered on the rock wall, shining with a hazy aura, completely lighting up the originally dark cave. Bright.

Gao Jiuding stared at the formation disk on the ground and the formations carved around the formation disk, and said in surprise: "You have survived for 4000 years by absorbing spiritual energy from the spirit stone veins by relying on this formation method. ?”

After Wanshou was stunned, he said: "Yes, 4000 years! This formation was set up by that apprentice back then. At that time, something extremely important happened to the Beast Master Sect. He no longer cared about me, so he hurriedly set it up here. Leave after the next formation!
But I can't leave here too far, otherwise, if I can't help the spiritual energy transformed in the formation, it won't be long before it disappears, just like this, 4000 years have passed before I know it! "

Gao Jiuding carefully inspected this formation. This is an extremely delicate transformation formation, which can transform the spirit stones in the spirit veins into special aura that can be used by the spirits to maintain their own form. The spiritual formula has the same effect but the same effect.

It's just that this Spirit Transformation Formation can't stimulate the spirit energy in the spirit stone to such a high level like the Explosion Spirit Art!

However, the Explosive Spirit Art can only target one or a few spirit stones every time, but it cannot achieve the scale of the spirit transformation array.

Gao Jiuding carefully recorded this formation and gave it to Li Xitong and others as a reference in the future. It will definitely help them improve their formation level.

After writing down the turning spirit array, Gao Jiuding turned to look at Qi Ling Wanshou, and said, "Miss Wanshou, what are you going to do in the future?"

Qi Ling Wanshou smiled wryly and said: "What else can I do? If I stay in this cave any longer, I'm afraid that even if there is a turning spirit formation, I will disappear in smoke. Besides, the seal of ten thousand beasts and the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars are also in the hands of the master. Now I can only live on them, so I ask the master to help!"

"Where is your original shelter?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Wanshou sighed and said, "It has been broken, or rather, it is no longer safe!"

Saying that, Wan Shou pointed to his feet, which made Gao Jiuding stunned.

"This is the Longevity Mountain?" Although he was skeptical, Gao Jiuding still couldn't believe that a Longevity Mountain is so big, and it can fly into space, which is too powerful.

Wanshou said as a matter of course: "This is naturally Longevity Mountain. If it is not for Longevity Mountain, even if there is a turning spirit formation, I cannot preserve it for 4000 years without dissipating!"

Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say, since Longevity Mountain wasn't completely broken, why didn't Wanshou have a place to stay?No, where she has a fuselage is the medium-sized spiritual vein, but how can she consume so much in her own body?

Wanshou could see Gao Jiuding's doubts a little, and she said with a thoughtful face: "Wanshou Mountain has been destroyed beyond your imagination, and I remember my hiding place, which is the most important area in Longevity Mountain, where it was destroyed It's serious and it's getting dangerous!
It seems to be like this in my memory, so I can't return, so I can only live on the surface of Longevity Mountain. Even so, it seems that I will face danger at any time. I am also surprised that I can stay here safely for more than 4000 years ! "

"Is there danger here too?" Gao Jiuding asked in surprise.

Wanshou said: "There must have been dangers more than 4000 years ago. After that, I can survive safely, which also shows that those dangers should have disappeared, or during these 4000 years, Wanshou Mountain has recovered a little, otherwise, the ground It's not going to be so peaceful!"

Gao Jiuding looked at his feet thoughtfully, and then at the mountains in the distance. There are many secrets in the Longevity Mountain!

"As long as I still exist, I can regain control of Longevity Mountain. As long as I understand the situation of Longevity Mountain, there will be no more danger!" Wanshou said again.

Gao Jiuding nodded, of course he knew the function of a weapon spirit, but how could he trust her?
"I need a safe shelter, and the seal of the beast is the most suitable, it has no resistance to me!" Wanshou pointed to the distance and said.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, that direction should be the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, unexpectedly Wanshou could still feel the Wanshou Seal integrated into the pagoda.

"I can recognize you as the master, so that both of us can rest assured!" Wan Shou looked at Gao Jiuding expectantly and said.

Gao Jiuding had no reason to refuse, he nodded, and directly stretched out his hand to pop out a drop of blood red, but there was a trace of hidden arc of blood!
The blood flew straight to Wanshou's chest. The moment the blood touched Qi Ling Wanshou's body, it was like a drop of blood dripping into the clear water. This drop of blood centered on Wanshou's chest, and quickly soaked up and down her whole body. and go.

After the Advanced Blood Pill Stage, Gao Jiuding's blood essence has been refined to another level. Even the Blood God Son can be transformed into his own body. At this time, it is not difficult at all for a spirit body to infect its whole body What's more, this spirit body is still cooperating with him to infect and refine.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not afraid that Qi Ling Wanshou will not cooperate, because there is a trace of spirituality in Gao Jiuding's blood essence, and there is a little more violence. something inside.

In addition, Qi Ling Wanshou had reached an extremely weak point at this time, and he deliberately recognized Gao Jiuding as the master, so the refining process of Gao Jiuding was surprisingly smooth!

(End of this chapter)

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