Chapter 1038
With just a cup of tea, Gao Jiuding's blood essence had spread all over Qi Ling Wanshou's body, and then the blood-red light disappeared again, and Qi Ling regained his previous appearance in white clothes and plain face.

However, after being refined by Gao Jiuding, although the former vacant appearance was so weak that it still looked weak, there was more vitality and agility in the whole body!

Apparently, the worries that had vanished into thin air no longer existed!

After that, with the help of the spiritual veins gathered by the sun, moon and seven stars on the top of Longevity Mountain, he would recover as soon as possible.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in the distance flew quickly, and he held it in his hand!
Seeing the pagoda, Qi Ling Wanshou was overjoyed, she knew what Gao Jiuding was doing without even thinking about it!
The pagoda flew up from Gao Jiuding's palm by itself, and then suddenly the inspiration burst out!

Qi Ling Wanshou flew into the sky and disappeared into the pagoda.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the pagoda shrank and landed in his palm again. He could feel that the pagoda was undergoing tremendous changes at this time.

But at this time, Gao Jiuding turned his attention to the spirit stone vein in front of him.

Before the medium-sized spirit stone veins in the Beast Dojo were collected by him, even in the Iron Sword Gate, there were not many medium-sized spirit stone veins.

Now Gao Jiuding knows that Iron Sword Sect has only taken over four medium-sized spiritual veins and one large-scale spiritual vein when it received the Tianjianmen's legacy.

Looking at the fragment of the Longevity Mountain of the Emperor Beast Sect, Gao Jiuding has now discovered five large spiritual veins, and 4000 years ago, there must have been a huge spiritual vein here.

Refining Qi Ling Wanshou, and recently combing the earth's veins with the Sun, Moon, and Seven Stars God Axe, let Gao Jiuding know that two of the giant spiritual veins here were divided up by various sects after it was smashed that year!

The other two were affected during the Beastmaster Sect's extermination war. After the land veins were changed again, they have been reduced from large-scale spirit stone veins to medium-sized spirit stone veins.

The broken spirit vein will not disappear, and Longevity Mountain is an independent existence. She only absorbs the spiritual energy from the outside world, but will not lose it. Therefore, the medium-sized spirit vein next to Gao Jiuding should be the same as that of the past. Part of a large spirit vein that was shattered.

If it weren't for the unique spiritual treasures like the Divine Axe Spirit, which can observe many things that cannot be found on the ground through the veins of the Longevity Mountain while sorting out the veins of the Longevity Mountain, then this vein of spirit stones is turning spirits. Under the cover of the array and Qi Ling Wanshou, even if Luan Changming came to look for it, he might not be able to find it.

As far as Gao Jiuding knows, Tiejianmen is currently planning to expand its share in large overseas Lingshi mines!
In addition, the source of the larger spirit stone mine controlled by Iron Sword Sect is a branch of a small island mine vein that has reached the level of a medium-sized spirit mine vein.

There is also the medium-sized spirit stone vein that was transferred into the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda by the Zixu Patriarch, Tianxu Patriarch and Gao Jiuding in the Beast Master Dojo.

This Lingshi vein must belong to Gao Jiuding, but after Gao Jiuding merged into the Iron Sword Gate, it must be opened up for some disciples of the blood pill stage to use. Why are you so happy to help Gao Jiuding collect this spiritual vein?
Calculated in this way, the medium-sized spiritual vein in Gao Jiuding's hand is also considered to be owned by Tiejianmen!
And the rest are other small and miniature spirit stone veins, and other spirit stone veins that occupy a very small share.

And these spiritual veins are all scattered in the East China Sea. It is also because of this that the turbulent East China Sea cultivation world has involved a lot of energy from the Iron Sword Sect, so they have no time to clean up the remnants of the Beastmaster Sect on the Eastern Continent. , such as the Three Golden Wolf Sects.

Although Iron Sword Sect's ore resources are now second to none in the Eastern Continent, with the rise of Iron Sword Sect, these spirit stone resources are also somewhat stretched during the cultivation process.

Of course, in fact, there is no sect that thinks that it has too many spirit stone veins, and no sect produces so many spirit stones that they can't use them up, let alone the Iron Sword Sect is far from reaching this level.

When Gao Jiuding saw this complete medium-sized spirit stone vein, he naturally thought about how to transfer the entire spirit stone vein out.

Even though Gao Jiuding held the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which was condensed with the eight caves and heaven treasures, to pull the entire Lingshi vein, Gao Jiuding still didn't want to destroy the underground spirit vein too much. Not much value anymore.

After Qi Ling Wanshou entered the pagoda, the great changes that occurred in the pagoda made Gao Jiuding change his mind again.

Qi Ling Wanshou used to hide in the Wanshou Seal, and the Wanshou Seal was originally the control hub on Wanshou Mountain. Now that Qi Ling returned, Qi Ling Wanshou's control over the pagoda immediately increased.

As Qi Ling Wanshou merged into the pagoda Qi Ling, or the two merged with each other, Qi Ling Wanshou immediately took full control of the pagoda.

The originally chaotic continent inside the pagoda began to change immediately, and the most important thing was the underground spiritual veins, which were pulled by unknown forces and started to change again.

Gao Jiuding silently observed the situation inside the pagoda. At the same time, he could also receive the thought fluctuations of Qi Ling Wanshou, especially the information about the Wanshou Seal, which was all fed back to Gao Jiuding's mind.

With enough information, Gao Jiuding's mind was immediately attracted by a fragment of the continent inside the pagoda!
Looking at the familiar desert and the familiar stone bridge, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth in surprise.

The original broken stone bridge has recovered, and the restrictions on it have been perfectly restored.

Thinking of how difficult it was for Gao Jiuding to cross this stone bridge with the strength of the law, he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

Behind the stone bridge is a large hall. At this time, the hall is flickering with spiritual light. It connects all the surrounding earth veins, and the spiritual veins in the earth veins, regardless of their attributes, are being gathered, dredged, and fused.

The palace in this fragment of the cave may be specially set up to draw the spirit veins, but since the spirit veins cannot be stabilized after being drawn to the palace, after a long time, the spirit veins will gradually fade away. loss.

Even so, Gao Jiuding also introduced several spiritual veins into the pagoda to provide the spiritual medicine and spiritual energy needed for the growth of spiritual plants inside the pagoda.

However, these spiritual veins must be cultivated at high levels, and every once in a while, a lot of spiritual stones will be spent to cultivate them!
If it wasn't for some family background, countless spiritual stones were mined in the starry sky, just stabilizing these spiritual veins would be a huge burden.

Not to mention the growth of the spiritual vein here, it may have collapsed because of the lack of a stable ground vein.

However, after the arrival of Qi Ling Wanshou, the first change appeared on the continent where the palace is located!

Gao Jiuding's divine sense could clearly detect that the power of the earth veins gradually formed around the palace.

And the existence of the power of the earth veins means that the spiritual veins can have a quite solid foundation in the earth veins!

Now the spiritual veins inside the pagoda can be easily and completely fixed in the ground veins, and there is no longer any need to worry that the spiritual veins will be lost and collapsed.

Sure enough, after a while, Wanshou began to adjust the scattered medium-sized and small spirit veins distributed throughout the entire pagoda!

Wanshou concentrated all these large and small spiritual veins on the palace, fused them into a complete main spiritual vein, and then opened up branch veins to provide the spiritual energy needed for the growth of some important spiritual plants.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already returned to the top of Longevity Mountain, and placed the pagoda above the source of the main spiritual vein of Longevity Mountain again!

Waiting for Qi Ling Wanshou to recover her strength, Gao Jiuding will get more information as her strength recovers.

If Wanshou can really integrate all the spiritual veins in the pagoda, even if Gao Jiuding doesn't make a move, he can still collect a medium-sized spiritual vein with the power of the medium-sized spiritual vein inside.

What Gao Jiuding is most concerned about now is the fragment of Longevity Mountain under his feet. If there are no hidden dangers in the sealed buildings and cave mansions, he will really feel at ease.

Of course, it is best to wait for Wanshou and Shenfu to cooperate to dredge the underground spiritual veins of Longevity Mountain, and then you can try to control those densely packed prohibitions arranged in Longevity Mountain!
At that time, Gao Jiuding will be able to enter the sealed palaces and caves without breaking the restriction.

With the motivation to help Wanshou, Gao Jiuding output mana and integrated it into the pagoda to speed up Wanshou's integration into the pagoda space.

With the support of the main veins that concentrated five large spiritual veins, coupled with the continuous cultivation of Gao Jiuding's mana, Qi Ling Wanshou has recovered a lot, so that it can support the fusion and transformation of the pagoda space.

After the pagoda is remodeled and continues to advance, Wanshou will be able to return to its best condition.

Since it still takes time, Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry. During this period of time, he has turned his attention to cultivation again!
As long as the cultivation base that has just been broken through is completely consolidated, this trip to Longevity Mountain can be regarded as a complete accomplishment.

After that, he was even able to use the huge spiritual resources of Longevity Mountain to smelt spiritual objects, and successfully pushed his cultivation to the middle stage of blood pills.

It's just that Gao Jiuding discovered the Sun Moon Seven Stars God Axe. After Wanshou came, he seemed to be quite repulsed by such a tool spirit as Wanshou, and he never came out of the stream at the source of the spirit vein.

Gao Jiuding couldn't figure it out, shouldn't the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax cooperate with Wanshou?After all, they all served on Longevity Hill before.

If you don't understand, Gao Jiuding doesn't think too much!
Seeing that Wanshou had successfully integrated into the pagoda, Gao Jiuding relaxed. At this time, he also saw Luan Changming and others standing beside him doing nothing.

Gao Jiuding directly sent them all to the Lingshi mine to mine!

This kid Luan Changming has just obtained a bunch of top-notch magic weapons, and he happens to use mining to hone his cultivation, so that even if there are treasures, he can't activate them.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, and the king of the queen of earth for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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