The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1040 The Spirit of the Fairy

Chapter 1040 The Spirit of the Fairy
Gao Jiuding knew that the Longevity Mountain under his feet was a treasure mountain. Although it was placed here secretly, and the surrounding formations were also very strong, there were too many people peeping into it!

Gao Jiuding is always a little worried, if he can store it in the pagoda and carry it with him, then Gao Jiuding will feel more at ease.

With the activation of the traction formation, Longevity Mountain would vibrate from time to time, and even the surrounding restraints would shake!

At first Gao Jiuding was a little worried, afraid of attracting other peepers, but after a month passed, no one was attracted, so Gao Jiuding was relieved.

This month, Gao Jiuding had already completely consolidated his cultivation base, and he also successfully collected the medium-sized spiritual vein.

Even with the help of Shenaxe and Longevity, it took Gao Jiuding nearly a month to pull this medium-sized spirit stone vein into the pagoda intact.

And the price is that the newly recovered Qi Ling Wanshou fell into a weak state again!
With the power of the pagoda alone, it is definitely not easy to absorb a medium-sized spiritual vein whose main body is more than a thousand meters long. That is to say, the pagoda is very powerful now, and it is possible with the control of Wanshou.

Successfully extracting a medium-sized spirit vein consumes a lot of money for Wanshou, but as long as this spirit vein is fused, Wanshou's recovery speed will become faster.

Knowing this kind of good thing, Gao Jiuding had to stay on the top of Longevity Mountain for more than a month again. It was not until Wanshou recovered with the help of the main spiritual vein that he planned the next medium-sized spiritual vein again.

Holding the map of Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding seriously analyzed the situation here. He only needs to transfer two more medium-sized spirit veins to leverage the entire prohibition system of Longevity Mountain. infer.

Of course, this is just the inference of the two of them, and it's just a matter of breaking the restrictions on the periphery of Longevity Mountain. It only exerts a little influence and cannot control the restrictions on the periphery of Longevity Mountain.

This is only a peripheral restriction, and its internal restriction, even if all the broken medium-sized spiritual veins on the periphery are taken away, it is impossible to affect those core restrictions.

It is already very good to be able to affect the outer restrictions, so that Gao Jiuding can use the teleportation array left by the Beast Sect and the enemies who invaded here back then to teleport away from here!

If he could use the teleportation array, he would no longer need to spend a lot of time to pass through the underground river, and he would need to use the sun, moon and seven stars ax to enter and exit Longevity Mountain.

After staying here for a few months, Gao Jiuding finally understood the function of the formations on Longevity Mountain. They can not only protect Longevity Mountain, but also seal the surrounding void. If you can't control the restriction in Longevity Mountain, even if the internal teleportation array is intact It is lossless, and cannot be teleported through the teleportation array.

It was also at this time that Gao Jiuding discovered that the several teleportation arrays he had obtained were not simple, because the remaining restrictions on Longevity Mountain could not be blocked.

It was also at this time that Gao Jiuding learned that the teleportation array also has levels!
For example, the teleportation array on the surface of Longevity Mountain is just the simplest primary teleportation array, which can be activated with low-grade spirit stones, but this kind of teleportation array can only be used within the planet, and its teleportation distance generally does not exceed [-] kilometers.

And the teleportation formations obtained by Gao Jiuding, whether it is the teleportation hall obtained from the secret land of Ethiopia, or the transmission formations in the demon battleship, are all very old!
Even when he entered the demon star, the teleportation formations that he dismantled in that spirit stone mine were all intermediate-level or above transmission formations, and at least middle-grade spirit stones were needed to activate them!
The intermediate teleportation array is very useful. It can be used within the galaxy. The teleportation distance is light-years, but generally it will not exceed ten light-years.

Gao Jiuding also knows a kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation array. It is said that it can teleport hundreds of light years away, but that kind of teleportation array is likely to have been lost. If there is any inheritance, it is only a giant sect above the demon star Among them, there are some leftovers, and other sects with shallow foundations do not have the ability to maintain ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays.

Gao Jiuding suspects that there is also an ultra-long-distance teleportation array in Longevity Mountain, but he is not sure, but he knows that there must be something good in the secret realm inside Longevity Mountain.

But if he wanted to control Longevity Mountain as soon as possible, or even just understand the situation of Longevity Mountain, he needed to sort out the spiritual veins in Longevity Mountain, and Gao Jiuding planned to start by extracting some scattered spiritual veins.

Another two months have passed, and the pagoda has collected six medium-sized spiritual veins one after another, and there are still many small and small ones!
At this time Wanshou fell into a deep sleep again, this time it was not only weak, but another reason might be that it was full.

At this time, the number of medium-sized spiritual veins of various attributes in the pagoda has reached ten, and there is enough energy to fuse a large spiritual vein.

Now that Wanshou fell into a deep sleep, he should be refining and fusing these ten medium-sized spiritual veins while recovering, trying to fuse them into one large-scale spiritual vein.

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that the fusion into a large-scale spiritual vein does not require a medium-sized spiritual vein with a single attribute, but a complete five-element spiritual vein can be fused.

The five elements are united, so that the five elements can grow together and form a perfect closed loop, so that they can be fused into a large spiritual vein.

And the spirit crystals formed in the large spirit veins are actually non-attributed, or full-attributed!

It was also at this moment that Gao Jiuding got his first spirit crystal with the accumulation of excess spirit energy!
Looking at the gemstone in his hand that was transparent and moist like glass, Gao Jiuding was a little astonished. If he saw it in the outside world, he would definitely think it was a piece of glass.

This thing has no precious light, not even aura. It looks like an ordinary piece of transparent glass, but it is such a stone, which contains this trace of fairy spirit.

Only by absorbing the inner spirit energy can one have a chance to become a half-immortal!
And if you want to transform into a fairy and ascend, you must fill your whole body with the spirit of a fairy. Only in this way can you achieve the body of a fairy and become a real fairy.

"Lingshi looks like a stone, and Lingjing really looks like a crystal, so what about the real fairy stone?" At this time, Gao Jiuding was full of longing. He really didn't know what kind of spirit the fairy stone was in. produced in the veins.

Putting away this spirit crystal, Gao Jiuding's mind once again concentrated on Qi Ling Wanshou. It should really be asleep, right?

Gao Jiuding was waiting for Wanshou's weakest moment, and only at this moment could Wanshou completely let go of his sea of ​​consciousness and let Gao Jiuding fully invade.

Even though Wanshou had been refined once, Gao Jiuding was still worried. After all, she was the artifact spirit of the Dongtian Lingbao, or simply the artifact spirit of the fairy artifact. Gao Jiuding didn't think that he could refine her easily.

"We still have to wait, don't worry, take it easy!" After staring at Qi Ling Wanshou for a while, Gao Jiuding still didn't make a move.

At this time, the spiritual veins in the pagoda have not yet merged. When the internal spiritual veins are about to merge into a large spiritual vein, even if Wanshou has the heart, he will not be able to distract himself from his refining.

Of course, this might be a confrontation that Gao Jiuding conceived, but Gao Jiuding didn't dare to take the risk, because Wanshou surrendered too fast, making it too easy for him to refine, so he must be defensive!

"Idle is idle, let's practice the secret art of body training again!"

Three months of practice outside, and [-] months in the pagoda space, Gao Jiuding deduced the body training secret technique for the first time, the effect is very good, and now he has adapted to the current physical strength, and it is time to strengthen the body again.

Body training is called external work by people, it is to attack one's own body, if one is not good, it may cause irreversible damage to one's body!

It's also because of the spirit grass for refining longevity and longevity pills, otherwise Gao Jiuding really wouldn't dare to attack him easily!

Even after countless experiments in the visualization space, it is impossible for him to experiment with his own body.

But now it's different, with the existence of Longevity and Longevity Pill, Gao Jiuding can make waves.

So recently, he has deduced the body forging secret technique to the fourth level, in order to correspond to the strength of monks in the Dharma phase.

Previously, his body had shown signs of transcendence and holiness, but that was only the first level of cultivation, which was the corresponding state of the blood refinement period. Next, his body needs to go further, to a higher level, to reach the state of the hemolysis period.

Take out the unconsumed blood pill, stimulate it again, draw out the pill energy, and start to absorb it!
Gao Jiuding could feel the warm current spreading through his body, merging into every inch of skin, muscle, tendon, bone marrow, and even every cell in his body, accompanied by a tingling pleasure.

This kind of pleasure lasted for about a moment, and then it slowly subsided, and then it hit again.

Wave after wave of pill energy was absorbed until Gao Jiuding felt a bit of pain, and then a layer of sticky black substance appeared all over his body.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a stream of water appeared out of thin air, and immediately washed away all the filth.

Gao Jiuding looked inside and found that the situation in his body became better, his muscles became more solid, and his bones became a little crystal clear, as if there was a layer of fluorescence. Is this a bit of jade?

"The second floor, is it so easy to pass?" Gao Jiuding was a little puzzled. The first time he practiced the body training secret technique, the effect was very strong. Why is it so weak this time?

"Could it be that the deduced exercises are wrong?" No matter how Gao Jiuding thought, he didn't think of anything wrong.

This level of kung fu is in the same line as the first level, and at this time the runes on his bones have not yet appeared, and it has not reached the limit of the few kung fu he fused, so there is no problem with the kung fu. It can show that his current physical strength is too high.

"Last time, it didn't seem like my body strength had increased much, but it just expelled more toxins!" After careful analysis, Gao Jiuding finally knew where the problem was.

His main body cultivation at this time is also at the level of the blood pill stage, and now he is practicing low-level body training secrets, so naturally it is impossible to have too good results.

 Thanks for the reward of 500 coins from the brother who is being updated quickly, and thanks to the brother who poisoned you thousands of times, the king of the earth and queen, for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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