The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1041 The Treasure of the Five Elements

Chapter 1041 Treasure of the Five Elements
What works best when used for the first time, and now Gao Jiuding has created the second layer of this body forging secret technique, which can also discharge some toxins, which is considered very good.

After thinking it over, Gao Jiuding didn't get up, but continued to sit cross-legged on the bed, and continued to practice the next level.

I moved my body a little bit, and it felt okay, and my physique has improved significantly, and it is not difficult to adapt.

Sensing his body, he felt that he could continue to improve, so Gao Jiuding immediately absorbed the blood pill's qi again.

The pure qi and blood melted into Gao Jiuding's body, allowing his body to be washed away again, bringing an intense feeling of relief.

This time, the speed of improvement was slower, but Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that his body was getting stronger every moment.

"The consumption is higher than before. I don't know if it's a problem with the quality of the exercises, or it's because the exercise exercises can greatly improve the body."

Feeling the consumed blood energy, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the energy needed to improve the body training method was more than that consumed by the previous exercises!

Now the body forging secret technique has only been practiced to the third level, and this is the corresponding realm of the blood pill stage.

Gao Jiuding's physical strength was originally only at this level, but it had already reached the limit of the blood pill level.

But with the special body training method, Gao Jiuding discovered that his body could still improve, but he hadn't reached the limit yet.

Gao Jiuding guessed that the body training method he deduced this time is of much higher quality than the previous ones, so it requires more energy.

As long as you can make progress, what is it to consume some resources?
Gao Jiuding continued to urge the blood pill in his hands. He practiced several times, but this blood pill has not been consumed yet, which shows that he still has some practice in the secret art of body training in the blood pill stage.

I don't know how long it took, Gao Jiuding felt that his body had reached a certain limit, and he couldn't even absorb the blood energy gushing out of the blood pill.

Gao Jiuding knew that he should have reached the peak of the third level, and if he continued to break through, he would enter the realm of the Dharma Phase.

Feeling that he couldn't break through for a while, Gao Jiuding simply stopped practicing, and he got out of bed, feeling that his whole body was swollen.

In fact, Gao Jiuding really swelled up. He took off his phantom robe, and only his underwear was left standing in front of a water mirror.

In the mirror, a tall, slender, muscular, well-defined man with a handsome appearance appeared.

Gao Jiuding could clearly see that compared with before practicing, the muscles on his body were obviously bulging and bigger.

Although he had muscles before, he had that kind of streamlined and beautiful shape, which looked very strong and streamlined.

But now, the muscles on his body are obviously much more bulging than before, and it seems to be developing in the direction of muscle knotting.

"It's not really developing towards a muscular man again, is it? If that's the case, then I will have prickly muscles and my height!" Gao Jiuding suddenly shuddered at the scene.

Damn, isn't that going to ruin the image again?

The image I yearn for is that kind of Fengshen like jade, who is like a fairy, okay?

The muscles swelled up, and they were obviously bigger than before. Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand and pinched it again. It was hard, and there was a sense of swelling all over his body.

This is not an illusion, but the fact that the body has swollen and enlarged. Standing in front of the water mirror, Gao Jiuding can clearly see that his entire body is much thicker and bigger than before.

This swelling feeling is very uncomfortable, there is a feeling of tightness all over the body, and it is accompanied by this strong sense of oppression, as if the body is invisible with a heavy shackle.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was the oppression brought by the barrier of the realm. As the body improved, the closer to the critical value of the realm, the stronger the oppression would be.

Turning around and putting on the loose phantom robe, Gao Jiuding walked out of the room and went outside to test his current physique.

The exercise method was directly cultivated by him to the third level, and the improvement of the body was obvious!
But at the same time, the discomfort it brings is also more serious. Only through practicing boxing can I slowly adapt to it, just like eating, a meal is too full, and only through exercise can I slowly digest it.

However, during this exercise, the sense of oppression in his body has become more and more obvious. He even feels that his current body has touched that layer of barrier shackles vaguely, and he has reached the critical point.

The body has reached its limit. If he wants to enter the fourth level of body forging, he may need the blood pill and gold pill in his body to reach the peak state, at least to reach the later stage, otherwise, without enough internal pressure support, his body shell , it is impossible to become stronger.

Just like a tire, if the outer tire is to be hard, the inner air pressure is also very important.

Now Gao Jiuding has encountered such a situation, the outer tire cannot continue to grow, and can only rely on the internal air to fill the pressurization, until the internal and external ones reach the limit, and then they can promote each other.

If the outer shell is hard, the inner air can be compressed to further improve the quality of the inner air.

If the inner qi is strong, you can continue to press the outer shell to make it stronger!

Of course, sufficient resources need to be provided during this process, otherwise, the end of insufficient resources is that the shell will burst.

"It's almost time!" After another long training session, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the changes in the aura at his location.

Looking not far away, a stone bridge over there was shining with spiritual light, and a palace at the end of the stone bridge was even more radiant.

Now that is the place where the spiritual veins are entangled, the center of the cave world over there, where all the spiritual veins converge.

As the spiritual veins in the cave were dredged and began to integrate into the earth veins of the whole world, the spiritual energy over there became more and more intense, and the bamboo building which was not far from there could also feel it very clearly.

Not practicing anymore, Gao Jiuding's mind completely sank into the pagoda!

Gao Jiuding's entire soul completely merged into the body of the pagoda, and began to roam inch by inch within the pagoda's forbidden network.

What he is most familiar with about this pagoda is the body of the pagoda, and the most fundamental thing to refine it is the body of the pagoda.

Previously, the imprint of the thousand beasts and the real universe bag, the two remnants of the heavenly magic weapon, were integrated into the pagoda, which already made him feel a lot strange here. Gao Jiuding was not lazy before, no matter how many new strange things were added to the pagoda Everywhere, he is refining them one by one.

And this time it was no different, Gao Jiuding was getting familiar with the restrictions inside the pagoda bit by bit, until his mind, qi and blood once again infected the whole body of the pagoda, so that he could completely control the pagoda now.

The pagoda absorbed a few more medium-sized spiritual veins, and the interior changed a lot, especially the inner space, which expanded several times. When all the medium-sized spiritual veins began to fuse together, Gao Jiuding could still feel the expansion of the inner space of the pagoda .

As the inner space of the pagoda expands, it will naturally oppress the body of the pagoda, which puts pressure on the body of the pagoda, and the pressure brings about changes. Therefore, the pagoda at this time is changing every moment.

In this way, Gao Jiuding became familiar with the slightest change in the pagoda until he completely controlled the pagoda. At this time, all the changes inside the pagoda were reflected in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is what the entire pagoda looks like!" After a long time, Gao Jiuding was in a trance, and saw the huge eucalyptus tree that had disappeared again.

It has never disappeared, but after repeated evolutions, it has taken root in the body of the pagoda, and its spiritual roots have penetrated deep into the hub of the pagoda.

With the fusion of spiritual veins inside the pagoda, the order of heaven and earth was restored. As the owner of the pagoda, he naturally understood all the changes inside the pagoda.

Rooted on the pagoda, under the influence of Time and Space God's Domain, the huge eucalyptus tree that became a spiritual root completely merged into the pagoda. At this time, the body of the pagoda is that huge eucalyptus tree!

"The treasure of earth and wood? After the advanced stage is completed, it will be the treasure of the five elements, right?" Looking at the flashing aura above the pagoda, the appearance is as golden and yellow as before, but there is a hint of rich green that cannot be melted inside. There is still a little bit of fire in that thread of green, but the fire is too weak to be seen at all.

Earth produces wood, wood produces fire, and fire produces earth, forming a small cycle.

This is also a matter of no choice. At this time, among the ten medium-sized spiritual veins in the pagoda, there are four earth veins, three wood veins, and one each for the other spirit veins!
There is only one medium-sized spiritual vein of water, gold, and fire attributes, and some other small and tiny spiritual veins are insignificant compared to medium-sized spiritual veins.

This transformed the spiritual energy of the five elements in the inner space of the pagoda, causing a slight imbalance.

Although it is unbalanced, it is still merging. After all, there are five five-element spiritual veins, which can perfectly transform each other's spiritual energy, and achieve the true mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements!

As long as the spiritual veins here are well organized, as long as there are five spiritual veins, they can be gradually promoted to large spiritual veins.

Large-scale spirit veins can only be formed by fusion of top-grade spirit stones to produce low-grade spirit crystals, and as long as low-grade spirit crystals are formed, it proves the appearance of large-scale spirit veins.

When the five elements gather and the concentration reaches a certain level, some non-attribute spirit crystals will be generated. Although they cannot be mined, such a place where there is a trace of fairy spirit gathering is a treasure land for the monks of the Dharma phase to attack pure yang.

Without this level of spiritual energy, it is impossible to cultivate into pure yang, and it is impossible for Qi practitioners to become a cultivator of transforming spirits.

Gao Jiuding's mind was completely integrated into the body of the pagoda, and after realizing all the changes inside the pagoda, his mind went a step further and merged into another space!
At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that he had entered a big tree.

At this time, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized, no wonder the original spirituality of the pagoda was born so easily. It turns out that the pagoda's spirit was born inside that huge eucalyptus tree.

It turned out that Gao Jiuding felt very close to that eucalyptus tree, and he thought it was because of refining the pagoda!

He thought that refining the pagoda meant refining everything in the pagoda. Now that he thought about it, he took it for granted.

For example, now, he needs to refine the huge eucalyptus tree again in order to truly touch the original spirit of the pagoda.

(End of this chapter)

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