The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1042 Imperial Spirit Immortal Sect

Chapter 1042 Imperial Spirit Immortal Sect
Having touched the core of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, now Gao Jiuding suspects that the artifact spirit Wanshou has been integrated into the pagoda, because there is also Wanshou in the chaos that represents the pagoda's artifact spirit.

Gao Jiuding has experience in cultivating high-level magic weapons. He knows that the external restrictions of high-level magic tools are distributed layer by layer. The closer to the core, the more difficult it is to refine.

This is also Gao Jiuding's uneasiness. It turns out that when he practiced the real universe bag, he had come into contact with the mysterious space where the spirit of the real universe bag is located, but he had never been in contact with the spirit of the treasure tower when he practiced the treasure pagoda. Space, how can this make him feel at ease?

After an unknown amount of time passed, Gao Jiuding's mind was filled with the eucalyptus. He knew that this layer of protective shell had also been refined by him.

Gao Jiuding didn't give up, his mind went deep again, and sure enough, he saw chaos.

This is where the spirit of the weapon is, and Gao Jiuding went deep into it without hesitation.

After all, the pagoda is a magic weapon he refined, no matter whether it is the original eucalyptus weapon or the current Wanshou, there is no way to resist him!

Or there was no intention of resisting at all, anyway, Gao Jiuding used his own spirit to explore this place very smoothly and quickly.

Chaos is the spirit of the weapon, and the spirit of the weapon can take any shape when it is manifested externally, and the original Wanshou is the image of a big girl.

As more and more fog of chaos was refined, Gao Jiuding got more and more information. Many things about Longevity Mountain and the Beast Sect were cleared up by Gao Jiuding one by one.

"The Longevity Mountain really came from outside the sky, and it probably came from the Demon Star!" Looking at some fragmented pictures, Gao Jiuding found that the Wanshou girl was indeed a little dishonest.

She said that Longevity Mountain was smashed 4000 years ago, which is not a lie, but she did not explain that the battle to smash Longevity Mountain was not the battle of Yushouzong's extermination.

The reason why the Beastmaster Sect was exterminated was because they were disabled on the Demon Star!
It was a helpless choice for Wanshou Mountain to retreat into the demon star. In the end, the natives of the demon star and the demon clan who chased them from the demon star joined forces to destroy it again.

"No wonder such a powerful sect was wiped out so easily. It turned out to be a bereaved dog!" Gao Jiuding finally understood how the Beast Sect was destroyed.

"Your son holds gold, and it's his crime to conceive jade. This beast master is really powerful!" As he learned more and more information, Gao Jiuding felt more and more pleasantly surprised. Of course, there was also a little pressure.

The root cause of the suppression of the Beastmaster Sect was the revelation of the roots of their origin, the sun wheel, the moon bead, and the seven-star axe!

The three treasures mentioned here are either the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe, or the simple Sun Wheel, Moon Bead, and Sun Moon Seven Star Axe. These three treasures have their own unique functions.

Gao Jiuding cast his mind on the pagoda and looked at the sun on the Longevity Mountain outside, but he didn't notice this. The Longevity Mountain is sunk in the ground at an unknown depth. Where does the sun come from in this ghost place?

Hidden in the void is a treasure, and it must be a very high-level treasure. The attribute of this treasure is Yang, or a magic weapon of the light system!

Continuing to practice Wanshou, with more and more refining, Gao Jiuding got more and more information. At this time, he also knew what was going on with the so-called Three Treasures of Fending Beasts.

A sect has been passed down through the ages, so it naturally has its own way of survival. The Beast Sect was originally not called the Beast Sect, but the Spirit Sect. More accurately, it should be the Immortal Sect. This is a fairy sect, not a cultivation sect. , but a real fairy gate, a sect that can produce immortals, and it is a sect with immortals sitting in it.

The reason why he later became the Beast Sect is entirely because there is no long-lasting sect in this world.

More than 3 years ago, the immortals sitting in the Yulingzong disappeared. Since then, the strongest Yulingzong can only be monks in the pure yang stage.

After all, monks in the pure yang stage are not immortals. Even if they live a long life, they will die of old age in the end.

The old monks have to be replaced by new monks. Unfortunately, the new monks need resources to practice, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more resources will be consumed. There is no other way. Cultivators can only get out of the devil star and go mining in the starry sky.

And the demon battleship that Gao Jiuding encountered earlier was the resource collection ship of Yulingzong in its heyday.

Knowing this, then other things are reasonable, such as the use of monster sacrifice training tools, which is absolutely impossible in Yulingzong.

However, after entering the void of the universe, the monks of the human race can let themselves go. There are resources in the starry sky, and they have ideas, so their strength will naturally surge upward until they completely suppress the monster race.

This kind of thing is almost inevitable, because the monsters in Yulingzong coexist peacefully. After the suppression of the immortals, as time goes by, many problems begin to appear.

The rise of monsters is inevitable, because monsters have a longer lifespan than humans, and whether it is physical fitness or aptitude spiritual roots, it is more conducive to inheritance. After a long period of time, no matter what aspect it is, they are higher than humans. .

The only weak point of monsters is their spirit, or wisdom, but there is a long time to make up for it. From an ignorant beast to an old and cunning monster king, the monster clan will always grow up.

This is the case in Yulingzong. The longer the time, the greater the advantage of the monster clan. In the end, two powerful races emerged from the monster clan, the fire dragon clan and the ice fire phoenix clan. a lot.

At that time, there were many monks in the pure yang stage of the demon clan, especially the two clans of fire dragon and ice fire phoenix, and they were born in large numbers.

There are many masters, so they will naturally occupy more cultivation resources, which makes the Yaozu stronger, because their lifespan is longer, and more and more masters will be accumulated.

If this situation continues, the humans in Yulingzong will become weaker and weaker.

It is a rule in the cultivation world that the weak eat the strong, and this is not due to the peaceful coexistence of monsters. After all, masters need more resources, and no one can avoid this.

After a long time, the human monks and monster monks in Yulingzong naturally had conflicts.

But in the end, the contradiction intensified, and the human race occupied the upper peak, or else it is said that human beings are the spirits of all things?
More than 1 years ago, a genius came out of the human race. After studying countless classics, he researched the conjoined body art!

Originally, this was a good thing, the conjoined body and the same heart can make the two monks cooperate perfectly, but unfortunately, the modified conjoined mind attack technique is equivalent to the concentric blood curse deduced by Gao Jiuding.

Although the Concentric Art developed by the Beast Sect is not as easy to learn as Gao Jiuding's Concentric Blood Curse, but the monks of the Imperial Spirit Sect back then were not comparable to the small monks like Gao Jiuding.

They are still very good at practicing the concentric technique. In this way, it will be unlucky for the unsuspecting monster clan fellows.

The monster race and the human race cooperate with each other and support each other for countless years, and there has never been a problem. Now they are practicing a spell together, and they can also achieve conjoined bodies. Unleash the power of the Daoist formation.

It's a pity that the simple monsters don't know that the human monks have evil intentions. When practicing the conjoined body art, many monster masters were directly sacrificed by the human monks to become the second incarnation.

Moreover, this second incarnation is extremely camouflaged. If the human monks don't want to be exposed, the monster monks will hardly be able to find out. After all, the assimilated is the soul. As long as the human monks don't want to be exposed, even if they are as close as husband and wife, father and son will not find out.

In this way, the human monks slowly eroded the monster monks, and finally all the monster masters were sacrificed. At this time, the Imperial Spirit Sect existed in name only, and began to form the Beast Control Sect that the monster star monks were familiar with.

What's the name of the sect that controls monsters if it's not called the Beast Controlling Sect?
The original Spirit Control Sect was to control all spirits, not to control souls. Now it has become a human race to control monsters, and it directly turns the equal monsters into monsters.

Beasts are either humans or beasts, so they can naturally take whatever they want.

As time went by, through the sacrifice of the second incarnation, the human monks who robbed all the monsters, the more they studied the monsters, the more they felt the magic of the monsters, and various secret techniques emerged one after another.

After time accumulation, three directions of practice were gradually developed. The first direction is the mainstream, of course, is beast control, that is, conjoined body art!

In order to practice the second incarnation, many talented people in the later stage deduced a large number of classics. Most of the beast-controlling classics obtained by Gao Jiuding belong to this category.

The second direction of cultivation appeared very quickly, that is cultivating demons!
Some people are still not satisfied after refining the second incarnation. They want everything from the monster clan because their aptitude is too poor.

They have done a lot to improve the main body's cultivation, instead of simply obtaining a second incarnation.

Because of a long time, the second incarnation may still be alive, but his body will decay with time.

This is the reason why the demon cultivator appeared, devouring and merging the blood of the monster, so as to obtain the supernatural power of the blood, the root of the body, and finally completely transformed into a monster, thus obtaining the long life and supernatural power.

At the beginning, the human monks studied the method of cultivating to become a demon, maybe it was simply for the sake of longevity, but many people disagreed with this idea.

They took extreme measures and just eliminated the hidden danger of the monster race that was pressing on their heads. They didn't expect that not much time had passed, and their own people would automatically want to cultivate into monsters. This didn't eliminate a group of monsters, but added more the monster?
And is it a group of pseudo-monsters with superior intelligence and perseverance?
Is this okay?In the future, if all human beings cultivate demons and transform them into demons, then there will still be human races?

These people don't want to turn into monsters, but they don't do it. Some monks with less aptitude like to do it. They also want to live forever, and they want to change their bloodlines, and become a generation that is as powerful as a beast.

There was a contradiction here again, but this contradiction did not erupt in an all-round way, because before the demon cultivator had the absolute upper hand, the pure monk made a move.

 Thanks for the reward of 500 coins from the brother who is being updated quickly, and thanks to the brother who poisoned you thousands of times, the king of the earth and queen, for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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