Chapter 1043

Among the Beastmaster Sect, there are countless vested interests who have powerful second incarnations, and they directly crush some monks who are near the end of their lifespan due to poor qualifications.

These people were originally their own people, not monsters. After they were caught, did they still have to refine them to become their second incarnation?
Human beings can't let go of cultivating their own compatriots as the second incarnation. However, resources can't be wasted. Since those guys are so willing to turn into monsters, let them do it thoroughly.

Just like that, Beast Soul Yin, one of the four fundamental secrets of the Beastmaster Sect, appeared!
Beast Soul Yin is a kind of treasure refining technique, since you are shameless and willing to turn into a monster, then make the best use of it!

Beast Soul Yin's Treasure Refining Jue is based on the skills of cultivating monsters, and directly sacrifices some cultivating monsters into magical weapons, and let them practice automatically in the early stage.

If you don't understand that, then just think about that a person can be transformed into a black dragon, so can a black dragon be transformed into a long knife?

Well, it's best to turn it into a black dragon mace, sword, knife, arrow, etc. Are these all okay?Wouldn't it be better if you could still retain your magical powers?
Of course, this beast soul guide can not only sacrifice the bodies of monsters into swords and magic weapons, but also use their souls!
Some of the magic weapons trained with the animal soul sacrifice are similar to the Hundred Spirits Slashing Immortal Sword, Hundred Beasts Gathering Soul Banner and other magic weapons.

This can be said to be a complete use of monsters. Whether it is a real monster or a monster cultivated by the human race, the body and soul are divided into two parts. Magic weapon, this is the third way of cultivating Taoism derived from the Beast Master Sect.

And this Longevity Mountain is the master of all the magic weapons and supernatural powers of the Beast Sect. The most important thing is that this Longevity Mountain is also a place to suppress and sacrifice the three treasures of the Beast.

The sun wheel, the magic weapon of pure yang, is cultivated using a fire dragon at the level of a great monk in the Dharma phase. If you cultivate it well, you can quickly advance to pure yang!
Therefore, at this time, above Gao Jiuding's head, the sun hidden in the restriction is probably the pure yang magic weapon trained by a fire dragon sacrifice.

The moon bead, a pure yang magic weapon, is cultivated by using the Ice and Fire Phoenix at the level of a great monk in the Dharma phase. It can absorb fire and ice auras and transform the essence of the moon. Its full name is the moon soul bead. Failed, and the formation of defective products.

Seven-star axe, according to the principle of yin and yang of the five elements, adopts the body of the corresponding animal, and is jointly sacrificed and trained!

The Seven Star Ax is a magic weapon with all attributes, mainly used to harmonize and suppress the sun and moon beads.

Of course, the Sun-Moon Seven-Star Ax in Gao Jiuding's hands is different. It is not only a Seven-Star Ax, but a step further than the Seven-Star Ax. It is a top magic weapon that combines the Sun Wheel, Moon Bead and Seven-Star Ax. That's why it was listed as one of the Three Treasures of the Beast.

As for the three treasures of controlling beasts rumored by the outside world, they are the divine axe of the sun, the seven stars, the seal of the myriad beasts, and the cold light bead of the ice soul. This is actually wrong. The real three treasures of controlling the beasts should be the divine ax of the sun, the seven stars, the seal of the myriad beasts, and the Longevity Mountain.

Maybe it's because the Longevity Mountain is too big to be a magic weapon, or maybe it's because the Emperor Beast Sect purposely confuses the public, and finally, the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead became one of the three treasures of the beast.

In fact, seriously, the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb is just a shapeless Moon Soul Orb, and even the Moon Soul Orb is not one of the three treasures, it is at most one of the treasures that form the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe .

Therefore, the real three treasures of beast control are unparalleled. No one knows this better than Gao Jiuding. The Sun, Moon, Seven Star God Ax and Ten Thousand Beast Seals he got are all broken and ugly, but even so, there are caves and spirit treasures. Strength.

And the complete three treasures of beast control must be immortal weapons, because the imperial spirit sect is originally the immortal sect!
So how could the Beastmaster Sect, who had inherited all of these, be easily wiped out?
It has to be said that where there is oppression, there is resistance. After 1 years, the Beastmaster Sect, who was used to being comfortable, inevitably became corrupt, and they fell.

After the older generation of monks has passed away, it is inevitable that problems will arise if the younger generation does not work hard.

Of course, if there is no accident, with the strength of the Beastmaster Sect, they occupy the resources of an entire galaxy, how can they continue to support tens of thousands of years!
It's a pity that they were more unlucky. The immortal who was in charge of the Yulingzong who had been missing for more than 1 years suddenly returned one day.

And this immortal who sits in town happens to be a monster monk!
When he came back, he saw that his children and grandchildren had all become slaves, blood food, alchemy materials, and weapon refining materials.
These unworthy descendants are simply not human sons. Why do you keep such a guy?

In Wanshou's memory, the return of this monster fairy directly brought a devastating blow to the Beast Sect.

Facing a fairy, even if they have three fairy-level treasures, they can't stop his attack!

In the end, the Longevity Hill was shattered, and the Sun, Moon, and Seven Stars were smashed into three pieces!
As the control hub of Longevity Mountain, the Wanshou Seal that suppressed countless beast souls was even worse, being directly smashed into countless fragments.

Even the Immortal Artifact has become so miserable, the Pure Yang cultivator of the Beast Sect naturally did not end well!
In the end, there were only three great cultivators of the Beast Sect, who controlled the dilapidated Longevity Mountain and fled to the demon star.

The demon star back then was the demon star, a planet dedicated to cultivating monsters. People from the Beast Master Sect would not end well when they came here, because the monsters on the demon star had the support of a fairy ancestor!
Fighting again and again, the strength of the Beastmaster Sect was greatly weakened, but the demon fairy who almost destroyed the Beastmaster Sect didn't seem to get well in the end.

In the end, I don't know whether the immortal fell, or fell into a deep sleep with serious injuries, anyway, he never showed up again.

However, the Demon Star, which has been liberated, has become the breeding ground of the monster clan. In just a few hundred years, the strength of the monster clan has rapidly expanded.

Just over 4000 years ago, some disdainful human races who had been ruled by the Beast Sect for countless years colluded with the Monster Race and destroyed the Beast Sect!
The last great monk of the Beast Sect left behind the soul of Chunyang, under his guidance, Gao Jiuding came to the last hope of the Sect's rise, Longevity Mountain!

The reason why Qi Ling Wanshou can survive until now is not because he hid in a medium-sized spirit stone vein, but because it was originally part of Longevity Mountain.

It's just that the damage to Longevity Mountain is too severe. If there is no one to practice and help it recover its soul power, even if it has a part of its body to protect it, it will inevitably dissipate between heaven and earth.

It can be said that Gao Jiuding came at the right time. By now, Wanshou has reached the limit, and there is not much room for choice, so she readily accepted the Lord.

But the recognition of the master belongs to the recognition of the master. Whether the master can completely control her depends on Gao Jiuding's ability!
She has no objection to Gao Jiuding offering sacrifices to Longevity Mountain, but Gao Jiuding must also have the ability to perform sacrifices to Longevity Mountain.

At this time, how did Gao Jiuding not know Wanshou's abacus?But what if he knew?
Longevity is using Yangmou. Gao Jiuding has now practiced the spirit of Longevity Mountain, but if he wants to sacrifice Longevity Mountain, it must not be completed in a short period of time, or it is impossible for him to complete it now.

Therefore, Wanshou's so-called recognition of the master is the same as the little fox's recognition of the master. Your strength is not enough, even if the little fox completely let go of your mind and let you practice, you still don't have the ability to completely succeed in the sacrifice!
"It's not like there's no chance."

Longevity is the brain of Longevity Mountain, and the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax controls and suppresses everything here!
When Gao Jiuding can mobilize the spiritual energy and regulate the spiritual veins, he will naturally be able to refine the Longevity Mountain!
Wanshouyin is to help Wanshou control everything and control the computer. Now Wanshou seems to be trying his best to control Wanshouyin.

After completely reading Wanshou's memory, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes.

Now he understood everything, including the situation of Yulingzong, Yuyuzong, Longevity Mountain and so on.

In fact, the root of all this lies in the Longevity Mountain. This is the foundation of the Beast Sect. With it, the Beast Sect can exist. If the Longevity Mountain is broken, the Beast Sect will be destroyed.

It has to be said that, as a powerful sect capable of manufacturing resource collection ships of the level of demon battleships, their strongest battleship, Longevity Mountain, is absolutely extraordinary.

Longevity Mountain is a fairy ship, which is in the shape of a mountain. Flying in space, it is like a continent flying in the universe. Such a warship is actually the most suitable for human use.

Due to the hesitant Longevity Mountain is too huge, and its internal spiritual veins are too huge, it is almost impossible to rely solely on human manipulation, even if there are immortals to control it, it is not so simple.

It is difficult to control, so naturally we have to find a way. The wise man of the Beast Master Sect thought of an indirect way to control it!

Longevity Hill is the main body, so naturally there must be a spirit, which is Wanshou.

With Wanshou, she can't control the huge Wanshou Mountain, so she needs other immortal tools to assist, which led to the appearance of the Wanshou Seal and the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe.

The Wanshou Seal is like a master computer, and Wanshou is an advanced artificial intelligence that controls the computer. Wanshou uses the beast souls of countless beasts in the Wanshou Seal to strengthen his own power, thus mobilizing the Longevity Mountain.

The Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax naturally helped Wanshou control the power output, and the power was the underground spiritual veins and the sun, moon and seven stars in the sky!

Now Gao Jiuding can be considered to have mastered the three treasures of the Beast Sect. Among them, Longevity Mountain is the most powerful and powerful, but it is the most broken!

The Ten Thousand Beast Seals were also very broken, but a large part of them was taken back by Gao Jiuding, only the Sun Moon Seven Stars Ax was the most complete.

Logically speaking, even if the three celestial artifacts he has mastered are not perfect, he should be able to control part of the authority of Longevity Mountain, right?

But the fact is before his eyes, even if Gao Jiuding got most of the three treasures, he still can't control the Longevity Mountain, and now it's up to Qi Ling Wanshou.

If Wanshou can perfectly refine the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, then she can use the fragments of the seal of the beasts inside to activate the beast souls that were originally sealed in the seal of the beasts, thereby controlling the sun, moon and seven-star ax to mobilize the earth veins The spiritual energy in it stimulates the Longevity Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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