The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1044 Madman Genius

Chapter 1044 Madman Genius
"It's no wonder that Shenfu doesn't like Wanshou very much. It turns out that they restrain each other!" Looking at the three treasures in front of him, Gao Jiuding was very happy. These treasures can cooperate with each other and restrain and restrain each other. This is the best!

The Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax is the most complete, but it was smashed by someone after all, and it has just been fused together now. It will take time to restore the cultivation level. If there are powerful people to practice, maybe the recovery speed will be faster.

Gao Jiuding calculated the strength of the divine axe. It should have the combat power of the Dongtian Lingbao, that is, the power of the treasure of pure yang. Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding couldn't stimulate it, and it couldn't exert its full combat power.

It is still far away from the fairy weapon, and it will take time to fully restore the power of the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe, but it only takes time, so the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is the easiest treasure to restore to a fairy weapon.

Next is the Seal of the Thousand Beasts. This treasure that was shattered so badly, the fragments that fell in the snowy mountains should all be recovered. Other fragments can only be found in the starry sky. As for whether they can be found , that's another story.

After all, there is still a chance for the seal of the beast to recover. After all, the fragments of the seal of the beast must be space fragments, they will be hidden in the void, or in the crack of space. If this kind of thing does not break into it by coincidence, it will usually be discovered. no.

The most troublesome thing now is the Longevity Hill. It is almost impossible to restore it and retrieve the original broken part.

After this thing is broken, it will be exposed wherever it is, and whoever sees it will pick it up.

More than 4000 years have passed since the Battle of the Beast Sect to Exterminate the Clan. How can the fragments of Longevity Mountain survive until now?

"It's not that there is no way to restore it. As long as there are enough resources, combined with the inheritance of the Beast Master Sect, it is only a matter of time to rebuild a complete Longevity Mountain. As long as there are enough resources, this is not a problem!"

Gao Jiuding checked the remaining strength of the three treasures, and found that things were not as bad as he imagined.

Although Longevity Mountain is the most dilapidated, it is the strongest. Just looking at the five complete large-scale spiritual veins that remain, this is at least the strength of the Dharma phase, and at least the strength of a great monk at the peak level of the Dharma phase.

Therefore, at this time, there are still well-preserved seven-color bans on Longevity Mountain, and each of them has the defensive power of a great monk in the Dharma phase.

To break the restriction of this level, one must have the same level or higher attack power.

In this regard, there is no need to think about the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. Even if a large-scale spiritual vein is fused in the pagoda, the strength is at most no more than that of the Dharma Stage. This level has just crossed the threshold of Lingbao and reached the strength of Tongtian Lingbao .

Of course, with the huge internal space, its strength may have reached the middle stage of the Dharma Aspect, or even the late Dharma Aspect, but it is still far behind the peak of the Dharma Aspect.

It is almost impossible to break the seven-color restriction in Longevity Mountain by relying on the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, even if it has the restriction of six caves at this time.

"Well, there are six cave-level restraints remaining, so they still have the defensive power of the late stage of the law, and the attack power is weakened by one level, so they only have the suppression ability of the middle stage of the law."

After completely refining the pagoda, Gao Jiuding also had a clear understanding of the pagoda's strength.

In the end, the realization of Gao Jiuding fell on the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe, and now he can only rely on it. Even if his attack power cannot reach the peak strength of Fa Xiang's late stage, it is not far behind, but it is a pity to activate it It takes a lot of mana.

Of course, it is also possible to simply rely on the divine ax to break the restriction, but this consumes too much spirit of the divine ax and may cause great destructive power, so using the sun, moon and seven-star divine ax outweighs the gain.

As for manipulating the sun, moon and seven stars to help the divine ax exert its power, it can only be done after sorting out the earth veins under the Longevity Mountain. There are priorities, and Gao Jiuding can distinguish the priorities.

"I don't know if Wanshou cooperates with the God Axe to control the restrictions here. If so, everything will be safe!" Gao Jiuding's eyes were shining with divine light. Wasn't he letting Wanshou integrate into the pagoda to strengthen Wanshou's strength?

Of course, the strength of the pagoda has also increased by the way!

Now Gao Jiuding knows that Wanshou can't fully integrate into the pagoda, she just uses the pagoda as a step to control the seal of the beast.

In this way, the artifact spirit of the pagoda still needs to be cultivated, which makes Gao Jiuding a little secretly happy. Gao Jiuding is still very happy that the artifact spirit of the pagoda has not disappeared.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also became wary of Wanshou, without merging the pagoda tool spirit, Gao Jiuding's control over her dropped to another level.

It seems that if you want to completely refine Wanshou, you must refine Longevity Mountain, and this is almost impossible!

Just think about those five complete large-scale spiritual veins, and you will know that it is absolutely impossible to refine them easily.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Earth Spirit Orb appeared in front of him. There is a small spirit vein in it. It's time to let it advance to a medium-sized spirit orb. When the time comes to attack the enemy with a medium-sized spirit vein, it will be very cool of.

Gao Jiuding urged the golden core in his body, and a surge of true energy poured into the earth spirit bead, which immediately aroused the spiritual energy inside the earth spirit bead, and the earth spirit bead began to spin rapidly.

The rapidly spinning Earth Spirit Orb attracted the surrounding spiritual energy, and a thick and indissoluble spiritual mist quickly poured into the Earth Spirit Orb.

The place Gao Jiuding chose to retreat is a spiritual acupoint where five large spiritual veins gather. Naturally, there is no shortage of spiritual energy here, but it needs to be filled with the spiritual energy of nine small spiritual veins to make the earth spirit beads advance to medium-sized spirit beads. This is not short It can be done in time.

This is equivalent to extracting all the aura of a medium-sized spirit vein and merging it into the earth spirit bead, which will take time.

And the Earth Spirit Orb with the strength of a small spiritual vein is just a treasure now, it has not yet been born with spirituality, so it cannot consciously absorb the surrounding spiritual energy with all its strength!

If you simply rely on the instinct of the Earth Spirit Bead to absorb the spiritual energy, even if the spiritual energy here is rich, it will take a hundred or hundreds of years to complete.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to get a spirit weapon with the power of a medium-sized spiritual vein after hundreds of years. Although such a spirit weapon is very powerful, after hundreds of years, Gao Jiuding's strength will definitely be even stronger.

"It's a waste of time to urge the Earth Spirit Orb to advance!" Gao Jiuding stood up directly and took a step forward, but his appearance did not affect the body that continued to urge the Earth Spirit Orb.

Gao Jiuding turned his head and looked at the incarnation who was still sitting on the ground. This is the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng. He stayed here to absorb the spiritual energy, and the condensed spirit beads were quite suitable.

The earth produces gold, and the earth spirit beads need the earth aura, and the incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng can absorb some gold aura by the way to enhance its own strength.

In fact, if Gao Jiuding had an earth-type monster as his avatar, it would be best to use it to practice the Earth Spirit Orb at this time, but Gao Jiuding will have it for a while, and he has no time to sacrifice and practice the second incarnation of the earth-type. Besides, now in his hands There are also no earth-type monsters with good qualifications.

I have seen the monster that Luan Changming refined, and Gao Jiuding no longer likes monsters without talent.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding took another step forward, leaving an avatar behind him again!
Huo Yuan's incarnation stayed outside, and Gao Jiuding wanted this incarnation to pick up his precious daughter to come in.

His body took the incarnation of the water and fire python, and entered the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda again to continue his cultivation.

While offering sacrifices to Qi Ling Wanshou, the main body is also trying to absorb the blood pill that has not been consumed, and continue to practice body training techniques.

And the second incarnation of the water and fire python, with the Broken Sword and two Ice Soul Cold Light Swords, is concentrating mana on the side!
Recently, his cultivation base has improved rapidly, and now it is time to stabilize his cultivation base.

The incarnation of the water and fire god python is now Gao Jiuding's highest combat power, and he points to this avatar to help him out and protect his safety. Naturally, he won't waste a little time on doing useless things.

This Longevity Mountain is not peaceful, because under it suppresses the demon star and all the monster clan powerhouses above it!
The strong monsters born in countless years have all been suppressed under the Longevity Mountain, and are slowly being refined into powerful magic weapons, so we must guard against them!

Gao Jiuding didn't know if the dilapidated Longevity Mountain could still suppress those powerful monster races, he knew that even if he could suppress them, whether he could refine them into pure yang artifacts or immortal artifacts was something to be discussed .

Gao Jiuding is very aware of the power of the monster race, but after he entered the demon star, he has never met those legendary powerful monster races, such as the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans, and he has never seen some special bloodlines. .

Originally, he thought that those powerful demon clans were all left on the Devil Star, and they were the rulers of the Devil Star!
Now he knows that those powerful monster races were all suppressed by the monks of the Beast Controlling Sect back then, and they were suppressed at the feet of Gao Jiuding.

How could Gao Jiuding not be worried?
However, worrying is unnecessary, there is nothing he can do!
What Gao Jiuding can do is to work hard to restore the Longevity Mountain, especially the spiritual veins under the Longevity Mountain.

With the support of the spirit veins, the return of the seal of the ten thousand beasts, and the adjustment of the Longevity of the Artifact Spirit, the powerful monster clan suppressed under the Longevity Mountain will eventually be refined as the monks of the beast control sect hoped. It is a magic weapon, and it was born as a pure yang magic weapon. If there is enough aura and time permits, there may be a chance to advance to become a fairy weapon.

At this time, Gao Jiuding finally knew how those biochemical weapons came from on the demon battleship. The Beast Master Sect had the habit of using monsters to sacrifice magic weapons.

During the process of growing up, those monsters were guided to practice, and worked hard to condense their bodies. Finally, in the transformation stage, they transformed themselves into the magic weapons needed by the Beastmaster Sect, all kinds of magic weapons.

After hard work, a monster in the blood refining stage will turn into an ordinary magic weapon, a monster in the blood lysis stage will eventually refine itself into a precious weapon, and a monster in the blood pill stage can become a spiritual weapon.

The demon-binding rope in Gao Jiuding's hands was cultivated from a demon vine. It has been cultivated for countless years, but in the end it made Gao Jiuding cheaper.

It has to be said that those monks of the Beast Master Sect are either lunatics or geniuses.

 Thanks for the reward of 500 coins from the brothers who are being updated quickly, and thanks to the little cute Yuchen and the king of the emperor and queen for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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