The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1045 Hidden Teleportation

Chapter 1045 Hidden Teleportation

The lunatics of the Beastmaster Sect even condensed the monsters of the Dharma phase into magic weapons, and the quality of such magic weapons directly reached the level of heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

Those lunatics are really powerful. In their hands, the Faxiangqi monsters are like fish on the chopping board, and they are free to slaughter them.

If the pure yang monster can still be used, then the magic weapon refined must be a pure yang magic weapon at the level of Dongtian Lingbao.

And now the Wanshou Mountain is suppressing such a group of monsters of the pure yang stage. They must at least be refined into magic weapons of the cave level. If such monsters are released, there is no way for humans to survive?
With the demise of the Beast Sect, it seems that in the past 4000 years of human beings, there have not been many pure-yang monks, at least not in the surrounding sects, but I don't know if there are any in the large sects in the center of the mainland.

According to the information obtained from the earth's comprehension world, there must be monks of the pure yang stage on the demon star, but the number must not be many.

As for whether there are pure yang stage monsters on the demon star, there is no need to guess, there must be, and the number must be more than those above the demon star.

Gao Jiuding's intrusion into Daxue Mountain this time can be regarded as breaking the monster clan's plan, making it impossible for them to continue to extract the spiritual energy from the underground spiritual veins!

In this way, Longevity Mountain will start to recover, and the restriction in Longevity Mountain will be more stable!

Then those monster races suppressed by Longevity Mountain will have no possibility of escape.

Thinking of the dense and progressive restrictions, Gao Jiuding laughed at how afraid of death the Beastmaster Sect was, and it didn't have any effect, and was eventually captured.

Thinking about it now, the Beastmaster Sect is still not good enough. They should place strong restrictions on every land here, and they must not leave a way out. Otherwise, how could they be wiped out?

"A lesson learned from the past!" Gao Jiuding decided to use the weakened peripheral restriction this time, and the teleportation array must not be used here in the future.

The more you know, the more Gao Jiuding knows that his existence may have helped the Yaozu. For example, if you accidentally extracted the medium-sized spiritual veins from the periphery, this careless one weakened the power of the prohibition on the periphery, otherwise Where can I get through the teleportation array leading to the outside world?

Knowing that this was a loophole, Gao Jiuding naturally wanted to make up for it immediately, so his Huoyuan incarnation, after using an illusion on himself, immediately came to the periphery of the big formation, intending to use a teleportation formation.

Originally, Gao Jiuding planned to use the inherent teleportation arrays on the outside, but he thought, those teleportation arrays can be used if they can be used!

You must know that after the advanced phase, they all have the strength to tear through space!
The Dharma phase cultivator is very sensitive to spatial fluctuations. If he uses the teleportation array here, it may attract the attention of some nearby Dharma phase monks.

Although the Longevity Mountain is buried deep in the ground, who knows if there are some Dharma phase cultivators who have crawled into the ground?

Gao Jiuding didn't know it before, but he still used the teleportation array inside the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

I was a little worried about the situation outside. After starting the teleportation array, the avatar refined by Luan Changming and others was sent out first, and then a group of commanders who began to refine the second incarnation also needed to go out to sit in command.

Song Yue and An Shenxiu recently occupied quite a lot of territory. If it wasn't for Dahe Patriarch of the Sun Tribe, who was caught up in the events in Daxue Mountain, they would definitely not feel well.

Now the Sun Tribe does not have the ancestor of Fa Xiangqi, and there are still a large number of late-stage blood pill monks who were brought into the Daxue Mountain by Dahe Patriarch. That's why the Sun Tribe was beaten to death by Song Yue and the others.

Maybe Patriarch Dahe still doesn't want to leave Daxue Mountain, but in the end he will go back to guard the Sun Tribe. At that time, Song Yue's army will be in danger.

At this time, Gao Jiuding regretted that he didn't chase Patriarch Dahe to fight. If he could kill Patriarch Dahe by the way like he killed Patriarch Snow Wolf and Patriarch Golden Wolf, he would even bring along the one who killed Padaomen. If he is an old ancestor, then Song Yue's actions on the western prairie will be much smoother, and it will also make him feel more at ease.

It's too late to say anything now, with the existence of Longevity Mountain, it is absolutely impossible for Gao Jiuding to give up here and go out to kill Patriarch Dahe.

Patriarch Dahe didn't dare to act rashly, after all, the Iron Sword Sect has recently gained a strong advantage, and Patriarch Tianfang seems to be sitting in the snowy mountain all the time, if Patriarch Dahe is going to deal with the disciples of Tiejian Sect on the prairie, Patriarch Tianfang will probably Will not sit idly by!
Of course, it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to entrust the safety of his wife and children on others, so strengthening his own strength must be the top priority.

This trip to Daxue Mountain has gained a lot, and these gains just turned into the strength of Song Yue and others.

Gao Jiuding had sent out a large number of treasures before, and now he even sent out his own guards.

As thousands of guards left, Song Yue also began to react.

The Golden Wolf Palace is safe enough and supported by spiritual veins, and the teleportation array over there has also been established, so there is no need for the teleportation array on the outer demon warship.

In the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Gao Jiuding sent away a group of guards, and another group came over there. Gao Jiuding was a little shocked when he saw the group of soldiers with weathered faces.

He could tell that these soldiers were all injured, and their breath was weak, obviously seriously injured.

Needless to say, these soldiers must have been heroes in previous wars, and being able to be sent here shows that they have made a lot of military exploits.

Every time a soldier passed by, Gao Jiuding would pat them on the shoulder to express encouragement.

"Patriarch, this is the gate of the Beastmaster Sect?" Mo Xiaohu appeared, and after walking out of the Teleportation Hall, what he saw was an endless plain, which surprised Mo Xiaohu.

Gao Jiuding smiled and said: "This is inside my pagoda, and the outside is the gate of the Beastmaster Sect!"

"This pagoda is already this big?" Mo Xiaohu exclaimed.

Gao Jiuding said proudly: "Now, I don't know how big the space here is!"

Saying this, Gao Jiuding felt a little emotional, and he never thought that the pagoda would expand to such an extent in the end.

"Huh? There's no one behind?" Standing at the entrance of the main hall, Gao Jiuding found that the entire teleportation hall had fallen silent.

"Madam said that teleportation can only be used once, otherwise it may be discovered by experts!" Mo Xiaohu said with a chuckle.

Gao Jiuding looked at Mo Xiaohu strangely. This time, he wanted to bring his precious daughter!

Don't Song Yue, An Shenxiu and others miss him?

Unexpectedly, they were all burly men. Can he talk about life with these guys?Can you talk about ideals?

"Patriarch, let's go out and have a look at the mountain gate of the Beast Controlling Sect. I'm very curious about it. Afterwards, I, the Chief Manager, will have a lot to manage!" Having said this, Mo Xiaohu's eyes were extremely bright. of light.

Gao Jiuding looked at Mo Xiaohu's flickering eyes, waved his hand, and those guys who had just teleported to stand beside him and hadn't practiced yet were all sent out of the pagoda.

These people must know that there is a space-time God Realm covering the pagoda. Since they are not even interested in ten times the flow rate of time, there is no need for him to keep them.

Of course, these people don't have the access talisman inside the pagoda, and if they stay here for a long time, they will quickly consume their lifespan. Only by dripping blood to refine the access talisman can this hidden danger be eliminated.

Following Mo Xiaohu and others, Gao Jiuding's body also appeared outside. He didn't believe that Song Yue and An Shenxiu would hold back.

Sure enough, as soon as they went out, the first batch of fighters who came in scattered away!
They waved their hands in unison, and treasures flew up into the air, and were placed on some clearings in the Longevity Mountain.

Gao Jiuding has already told Song Yue about the situation here!

There are pictures and videos, and they already know the situation here very well.

So after those space treasures landed, they didn't look messy, but blended into the scenery of Longevity Mountain very well.

Watching tall buildings appear one after another, Gao Jiuding's expression became a little strange, and finally, he smiled wryly.

Being a mother is absolutely different from being a father. Look at the preparations they have made. In order for her daughter to adapt to the environment, Song Yue even copied a piece of the community she lived on the earth.

Looking at the very familiar neighborhood, especially the kindergarten, Gao Jiuding felt dumbfounded.

If he remembered correctly, Gao Xianzhi should be seven years old at this time, right?She should be in the second grade. Does Song Yue even have to move to elementary school?
As soon as he thought of elementary school, Gao Jiuding realized that the area of ​​the community was still expanding. He really didn't know how many magic-level buildings Mo Xiaohu and others brought this time?

Gao Jiuding could tell that these buildings were only built with the simplest black iron and black-grade earth and stones, and there was no huge space inside. These were some ordinary magic weapon-level buildings.

If there is anything special, maybe it can be big or small, but the only thing they have is supernatural powers.

These magic weapon buildings took root on the ground and began to connect to the underground spiritual veins!
With the support of aura, they grew rapidly and became the same size as ordinary buildings in the area.

After all the buildings were placed, Gao Jiuding discovered that the only flat land on Longevity Mountain was on the top of the mountain!
After the original dilapidated buildings were cleared, it was just right for the city to be placed there.

Within the urban area, there are communities, schools, hospitals, police stations, libraries, and even a middle school, but there are no government office buildings!

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding's waterfall sweat was about to come down, and when he saw a group of people walking out of the family compound, his sweat was already flowing down three thousand feet like the Milky Way hanging upside down!

"Father?" Dang walked in front, wearing a ponytail and suspenders, looking heroic, he saw Gao Jiuding at first sight.

"Why are you still called Dad? Who taught you?" Gao Jiuding saw that the ones who came here with Gao Xianzhi were Song Yue and the eleven girls. This time all his women came. This is the first time in their family. Once so neat.

(End of this chapter)

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