The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1049 Cause and Effect

Chapter 1049 Cause and Effect
If there is no Gao Jiuding, as long as the group of Burial Soul Flowers devours more monsters, the strength at this time cannot be said to be at the blood pill stage, but it is very stable to advance to the hemolysis stage, then a group of tens of thousands of Burial Soul Flowers gathered in Together, who dares to provoke?

You must know that their floral fragrance can be superimposed, and the most important thing is that they are powerful and can move. This is a plant that can run, and it can also release spiritual consciousness, attach to the floral fragrance, invade The sea of ​​biological consciousness, isn't that miraculous?
Even running slowly is terrifying!

Holding the jade document with him, Gao Jiuding checked more and more information!
There is still not much information about the Burial Soul Flower, maybe it is too weird and too important, so the information about the Burial Soul Flower is also top secret in the Beast Sect.

However, Gao Jiuding still knew how lucky he was through the record of just a few words.

Back then at the Yinyang Lake, he used the fragrance of funeral flowers to deal with the group of monsters like the water and fire python, how wise it was!
Without the fragrance of the burial flower, Gao Jiuding might not have been able to catch the water and fire python.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding edited a message again, and soon, he got a lot of news.

"The evil spirit in the Yinyang Lake belongs to the god of water and fire, and the lowest quality is the first-level sky!" Gao Jiuding showed a look of shock on his face.

Did the emerald fruit trees in the Yinyang Lake grow on the basis of absorbing the spirit of water and fire?
Such a jade-like fruit tree is so conspicuous, but there are no monks peeping over there!
Don't say that they can't see the magic of the emerald fruit tree, even if they don't know the effect of the emerald fruit, they must know that it is a treasure!

But this kind of treasure has been kept there for many years, but no one has any idea. Is this normal?
It's normal, because no one can easily enter the Yinyang Lake, climb up the Yinyang Stone, let alone pick the emerald fruit.

Gao Jiuding was able to go in because he accidentally used the Burial Soul Flower to shade the Water Fire God Python. He stepped on the Water Fire God Python's body to step on the Yin-Yang Stone and pick the emerald fruit.

All of this can only be said to be a coincidence, but now Gao Jiuding knows better, his greatest chance should be the water and fire python, this guy is a natural god, no, it should be a beast, it is in the land of the heavenly gods born heterogeneous.

Only this kind of alien can withstand the water and fire gods that have been transformed into yin and yang in the Yinyang pool!

At this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't understand that this water and fire python was a special species bred specifically to deal with the cold light of ice soul.

If it was cultivated by the Beastmaster Sect, it might have been cultivated by the Beastmaster Sect just in case!

If it was bred by the enemies of the Beast Sect, then it must be the water and fire python cultivated for the purpose of killing the Sect.

For those who have thoughts about the Beastmaster Dojo, the Ice Soul Cold Light Cave, or the Longevity Mountain, the gate of the Beastmaster Sect, it is possible to cultivate such a monster.

Anyway, it was because of the desire to reap more benefits that the water and fire python was bred to break the ice and cold light formation.

Of course, the water and fire python is not easy to deal with. For the water and fire god who uses the equivalent of the top magic phase combat power as bath water, the water fire python does not have the strength of the magic phase, and it is not even qualified to approach the water and fire python. .

And even if you are a cultivator at the pure yang stage, you don't dare to go deep into the Yinyang Lake to catch this water and fire python easily. This is also an important reason why the water and fire python can grow to the peak of the blood core smoothly.

After all, the water and fire python can't beat it, and it can still sneak into the Yinyang Lake. This is a knot, as long as the water and fire python is careful enough, even the ancestor Chunyang can't do anything with it!
These rings linked each other, but in the end, the water and fire python fell into the hands of Gao Jiuding!

He even wondered if the eagle's nest that the Yihu broke into was deliberately arranged by those old guys from the Iron Sword Gate?
The purpose must be to allow Gao Jiuding to successfully obtain the secret art of beast control from the beast control sect.

As for the phoenix blood, it is a good thing for Gao Jiuding, but for others, it may be poison!
There is no way to completely refine the Phoenix blood. In the end, all of these will be reborn by Taoist Feng or the blood phoenix.

For more than 4000 years, Gao Jiuding did not believe that no one had discovered the Eagle's Nest. If they found it, they would definitely have found the phoenix blood in the Eagle's Nest, and they must know that this thing is not so useful.

As for the inheritance classics of Taoist Feng obtained from the Eagle's Nest, Gao Jiuding still couldn't explain it. If someone discovered it in advance, it would be absolutely impossible for those classics to be kept.

"No, think about it now, those classics may not be as important as I thought!"

Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that although there were a large number of ancient books obtained by Yihu at that time, they were too complicated, and many of them were basic things!

The most powerful secret techniques that Gao Jiuding discovered from it were the conjoined body concentric technique and the blood refinement technique.

And these two secret arts actually belong to the beast mastering art in the supreme inheritance of the beast mastering sect!
If you need Gao Jiuding to refine the water and fire god python and break the ice and cold light array, the beast control technique is the most fundamental operation!
Without this part of inheritance, Gao Jiuding would have no chance at all.

"Hehe, could it be that the conjoined body technique was passed on to me so simply? Well, it must be because I didn't follow my good intentions. No matter whether I can walk out of the Daxue Mountain or not, I will face the strangulation of some forces. Let people have 1 reasons to be destroyed!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of the Phoenix blood refined by him again. Unfortunately, those people didn't know that as long as they ate the emerald fruit, they could perfectly digest the Phoenix blood!

Although he fell into a trap at that time, he was alert early, and even the Maverick was eliminated by him.

"The conjoined body art is not so easy to practice, those guys should be very surprised, right?"

Gao Jiuding laughed, maybe it was this accident that gave him two chances to enter the beast dojo in advance.

Although those people paid close attention to the movements in the Great Snow Mountain, they were not ready!
Therefore, after Gao Jiuding successfully concealed the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb, they didn't break the restriction outside immediately, so they gave Gao Jiuding two days of opportunity to enter the Beast Master Dojo twice.

It was these two opportunities that gave Gao Jiuding a lot of opportunities, which allowed him to step faster and faster, and finally obtained the inheritance of the soul of Chunyang, so that he could truly activate the Seal of the Thousand Beasts, thus absorbing The space fragments caused by the collapse of the Beast Dojo.

Although the Wanshou Seal finally merged into the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, it was because of the powerful pagoda's defense that Gao Jiuding came to Longevity Mountain step by step with the help of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe.

No one thought that after Gao Jiuding got the treasure, he still hid in the Daxue Mountain and did not go out. This disappointed those who waited for the rabbit!

At this time, Gao Jiuding sincerely admired his wise choice!

Now everything is clear, why did all these opportunities fall on Gao Jiuding's head?First of all, because of the funeral flower.

It was because of the Soul Burying Flower that Gao Jiuding had the chance to catch the Water Fire God Python, and it was because he accidentally caught the Water Fire God Python that some people turned their ideas on him.

This is also the source of blessings for Mavericks, such a big reason!
Through Yihu, Gao Jiuding obtained the inheritance of the blood stone and Taoist Feng, and thus obtained the conjoined body concentric technique, which gave Gao Jiuding the qualification to refine the water and fire python.

Only by obtaining the Beast Controlling Technique of the Beast Controlling Sect, refining the Water Fire God Python, and completely controlling the Water Fire God Python, can one have the chance to be recognized by the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb, and thus have the opportunity to enter the Beast Control Dojo.

It's a pity, those guys who calculated Gao Jiuding only knew that the water, fire and python were miraculous, but they didn't know that the emerald fruit was even more miraculous.

All these coincidences allowed Gao Jiuding's cultivation to grow rapidly all the way, and eliminated hidden dangers, making him stronger, and he also directly controlled the water and fire god python to advance to become a dharma.

Such a beast of a different species actually advanced to the stage, and was quickly recognized by the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead, thus disappearing in a large formation, allowing Gao Jiuding to enter the Beast Control Dojo in advance.

All of this was beyond everyone's expectations. If those people's scripts were followed, no matter how defiant Gao Jiuding was, in the end he was nothing more than refining a monster with a peak blood core!

No matter how alien, no matter how miraculous, it is only the strength of the blood pill stage!

For those old fellows in the Faxiang period, Gao Jiuding didn't even have the qualifications to speak, let alone be on an equal footing with them.

Therefore, when Gao Jiuding contacted Tiejianmen, the reaction there was very fast. Almost Gao Jiuding put forward a condition, and the other side immediately agreed, because they didn't think Gao Jiuding had any right to speak!

It's a pity that when they really saw Gao Jiuding, those people could only take a look, and they found that Gao Jiuding had escaped their control.

Thinking that at that time, Gao Jiuding was cultivating in the Dharma phase, and led eighteen late-stage Xuedan monks, who were no different from the weakest Sun Tribe. At that time, Gao Jiuding already had the qualifications to fight against them. A group of people completed the exploration of the beast dojo in a friendly manner.

Perhaps seeing Gao Jiuding's strength, Tie Jianmen finally chose to accept Gao Jiuding, so their cooperation will be so smooth, and there is still a test in the end, which is to walk out of the Daxue Mountain smoothly.

Gao Jiuding could imagine that there should be layers of masters guarding the area around Daxue Mountain at this time!
At that time, Gao Jiuding and the others only broke the first siege. If he continued to go out, he would probably encounter more sieges.

Gao Jiuding knew that his strength must have surpassed many people's expectations. The last sneak attack on the Snow Wolf Patriarch and the Golden Wolf Patriarch was proof.

No one expected that after killing the two ancestors, he did not walk out of the Great Snow Mountain, but went deeper into the Great Snow Mountain.

This is the reason why Gao Jiuding is still as stable as Mount Tai until now!
Because those guys who plot evil, they don't have the sun, moon and seven stars axe, and they don't have the seal of ten thousand beasts!

There is absolutely no way for them to enter the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation, nor can they find any trace of Longevity Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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