Chapter 1050

"Besides the Longevity Mountain, there is another layer of restriction, that is the Ice Soul Cold Light Array. If there is no water and fire python, and you are not recognized by the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb, you will definitely not be able to enter the Ice Soul Cold Light Cave. The key is the sun and the moon." Seven-star axe!" Thinking of the sun-moon seven-star axe, Gao Jiuding laughed.

Even if someone breaks into the secret cave of the snow kite through the Windmill Cave and finds the Crescent God Axe, they will definitely not be able to break through the outer layer of the Ice Soul and Cold Light Formation, because they cannot obtain the complete Sun Moon Seven Star Gods. ax!

As long as you don't have this ability, even if you find Longevity Mountain, you still can't break the restrictions around Longevity Mountain and enter Longevity Mountain.

Well, it is very possible that many people know about the existence of Longevity Mountain, but they can only watch, and absolutely cannot go down into the tens of thousands of meters of deep water, break through layers of restrictions, and break into Longevity Mountain.

Seeing that you can't eat it is the most painful thing!
Thinking about it now, Gao Jiuding's journey along the way, a lot of luck is just a coincidence!

For example, the Seven Stars Cup was only used to force the Golden Wolf King to hand over his treasure house. Who would have thought that he would give away a jade cup that was not very useful?

At that time, Gao Jiuding felt that the level of the jade cup was not low, otherwise it would not be so difficult to refine, but no matter how he thought about it, he would never have thought that this jade cup would be a part of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe.

Also, when he was in the Beast Master Dojo, if he hadn't had the Seven Star Cup, he wouldn't have wanted the Sunlight Cup.

It's just a cup that exudes blazing sunlight. Although it is a bit spiritual, no one will think that it is such an important treasure, because those old and cunning monks in the Dharma phase know the Beast Sect very well. They all know that the Beast Sect There is no cup-shaped magic weapon with a name and a name.

That's why Patriarch Zixu let Gao Jiuding take the Sunlight Cup so happily!

He absolutely never thought that it was this indifference that made the sun, moon, and star merge into one, forming a complete sun, moon, and seven-star magic axe.

There are causes and effects. In fact, if you think about it carefully, all the causes and effects start from the soul-burial magic flower that was found in the forest for the first time.

However, Gao Jiuding needs to thank the cornucopia for being able to collect the soul-burying magic flower. Without it guarding Gao Jiuding's soul, Gao Jiuding might also be buried by the magic flower.

"This little broken basin has fallen into a deep sleep since absorbing the pure yang purple energy. I don't know when it will wake up?" Gao Jiuding observed the cornucopia in the soul. After it woke up this time, it should be completely recovered?

Thinking of the role of the cornucopia, Gao Jiuding's heart began to become hot, he now has a lot of ideas, let the cornucopia to complete.

Not to mention the others, but the simplest stalactites, Lingming stalactites, stalactites, etc., these can be copied in large quantities, right?As for the aura needed by the cornucopia, does he lack it now?

There are still these five large spiritual veins waiting for him to use outside!Where is Gao Jiuding missing a little spirit stone now?
"Shenma Pill, Burying Soul Flower, haha, I have finally cleared up all my doubts!"

If all the functions of the cornucopia are restored, will it be possible to replicate countless god-and-demon pills with one god-and-demon pill and some spirit stones and spirit herbs?

If it is possible, Gao Jiuding will not even need to train alchemists in the future!

Provide a complete set of medicinal materials for refining the magic pill, plus spirit stones, with the ability of the cornucopia, it should be easier to copy the magic pill?

These are just thinking about it, the cornucopia that has restored full function, no one knows what ability it has.

Gao Jiuding played with the jade pupil slip in his hand, and now he should try his best, after all, daydreaming can only be nothing.

The simplest magic pill is just the most earth-level elixir used in the body training period. It can be refined by using the morning dew condensed on the funeral flowers as medicine.

Now, Gao Jiuding is more and more comfortable controlling the pagoda. He just thought of it. On the edge of a river hundreds of kilometers away, countless water droplets flew out of a piece of flowers.

The water droplets converged into a small river, quickly flew over the mountains and rivers, and came to Gao Jiuding in an instant.

Take out an ice crystal bottle and put all the magic flowers and morning dew in it. These should be able to refine a lot of magical pills!
As for the other elixir, Gao Jiuding had already prepared for it. Now that he had collected the toilet water of the Burying Soul Flower, he could start the furnace.

Gao Jiuding raised his head, and the divine sense once again descended on the flowers hundreds of kilometers away. In the future, we must pay attention, the dew of the soul-burial flower is also a good thing, which needs to be collected.

"Well, women are more careful!" Just paying attention, Gao Jiuding saw a magic flower hunting!

They are still following Gao Jiuding's routine, releasing the fragrance of flowers on the bank of a river, absorbing the water monsters in the river to come ashore, so as to hunt.

Obviously, the monsters in the river were brought by Song Yue, An Shenxiu and others. Otherwise, there would not be many kinds of monsters in the space of Gao Jiuding's pagoda, which would be kept in the river outside.

"The bigger the place, the better with more people!" Gao Jiuding was a little emotional.

At the beginning, the nine-story Linglong Tower had only nine rooms with a cubic meter of space inside. In the end, some space fragments were accidentally absorbed, and it was only expanded to a space of several hundred meters. And now?

The nine-story space is penetrated by eucalyptus, forming a whole. The most important thing is that the nine-story space is stacked to form a complete cave.

"It must have been too much. At that time, I thought that all the fragments of the broken cave belonged to the seal of ten thousand beasts. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that a large part of it belongs to Longevity Mountain. Even a part of the so-called ice soul cold light array The five-element variant spirit orchard shrouded in the cold light of ice soul should belong to Longevity Mountain."

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has not figured out how many broken small spaces are hidden in the space of this big snow mountain, just like the Wanshouyin hub found in the pool, similar to that kind of small secret place, the surrounding should be Are there many more?
The Wanshou Seal collapsed, and the Longevity Mountain also collapsed, or the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb also collapsed, right?

Even the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax, which is the treasure of killing and cutting, has been shattered before, and it was the lightest shattered, only divided into three parts.

All of this caused the formation of countless space fragments in the battlefield of Daxue Mountain, and among these space fragments, there are likely to be some remnants.

"If you have the strength, occupying this snow-capped mountain will definitely be the foundation of your fortune, a foundation of ten thousand years!"

Gao Jiuding once again confirmed the idea of ​​staying here, the benefits of occupying Daxue Mountain are really too great.

Of course, he thought of it, and others must have thought of it, so, at this time, the outside of Daxue Mountain should be very chaotic, right?
"I still need to be patient. After digesting this harvest and cultivating more talents, then is the time to come out!"

Throwing away countless thoughts, Gao Jiuding held a piece of medicinal material, and his mind sank into the visualization space. If he wants to increase his strength, he should make alchemy first!
There are so many spiritual herb gardens in Longevity Mountain, it is a heinous crime if they are not used to quickly increase their strength.

Day by day passed, ten days passed in a blink of an eye, ten days within the Time and Space God's Domain, and only one day outside, Gao Xianzhi, who was sleeping in this day, finally had some changes.

Although Gao Jiuding was deducing the method of alchemy, he would observe Gao Xianzhi every once in a while, just because he was afraid of problems.

No, just when there was a problem with Gao Xianzhi, Gao Jiuding discovered it.

"The little face is flushed, and the breath has not weakened, but the body has changed a little!" Gao Jiuding touched his chin, standing in front of the bed and observing his little baby.

If you are not very familiar with people, you will not be able to tell that Gao Xianzhi is a little thinner at this time.

The little face that was a bit baby fat now has a sharper chin!
A seven-year-old girl loves beauty a little bit, but she is definitely not smug. If there is a choice between food and beauty, a little girl of this age will definitely choose food.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding didn't feel any joy about his baby losing weight.

It's better to be fatter, and it's not a big fat person, it won't affect your health, and it's absolutely impossible to lose weight if you're thin.

Gao Jiuding was not too worried about this change, but he couldn't ignore it.

Although the little girl is not smug, she also loves beauty. If little student Gao Xianzhi wakes up and finds that her house has turned into a skinny skeleton, won't she cry?

This is absolutely not allowed, so we need to give her some energy.

The changes in the stomach should be almost complete. At this time, the little girl's digestion ability has become very strong. Her previous accumulation should be exhausted, so the fat in the body will continue to be consumed and refined into blood.

The size has become smaller, but the quality of the body has improved. As long as it is supplemented properly, it will soon regain its body shape. At that time, Gao Xianzhi's physique will become stronger.

"In the body training period, you can also practice some body training skills by the way, so as to become a real body training!"

Thinking of how powerful the Five Elements Body Refining Art is, if you can gather Yin Yang, Sanqi, and Five Elements together and turn them into gods and demons to refine your body, it will be even more powerful.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't get it, the supreme inheritance of God and Demon Body Training Art from the Beast Controlling Sect!

Of course, it's not that Gao Jiuding knows nothing about the God and Demon Body Refining Art. He had seen records about this skill on, but at that time he thought that such a magical skill had been lost.

It is indeed lost on the earth, even on the demon star, because of the destruction of the Beast Sect, the God and Demon Body Refining Art may also be lost, because no one knows where this secret is hidden!

"This is supernatural power!" After reading all the gathered information, Gao Jiuding was very satisfied with the secretary's room that Song Yue had created.

A group of ordinary people found from the earth are still very good at using it. Gao Jiuding already knows that they use modern science and technology to work, such as computers.

With a computer, it is not too difficult to collect, organize, and use information!

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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