The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1051 The Soul Breakthrough

Chapter 1051 The Soul Breakthrough
In any place, collecting information is the most important thing. As long as the information is entered into the computer, if you need any news, just search the database, and you will get what you want to know immediately.

For Gao Jiuding, the most troublesome thing is to enter many classics into the computer!
Because this requires reliable manpower, and some ordinary earth people who have a family and a business, they are the most suitable.

These people have concerns, and they don't have any foundation. Even if they use the information in their hands to obtain countless secret techniques and secrets, if they don't have resources, they can only turn into a pile of loess in a few decades.

Gao Jiuding is not such a harsh person, and he doesn't want to use secret techniques to test people's hearts, so the information released is not important, and those are even just miscellaneous notes.

Of course, if you can find powerful classics in the miscellaneous notes, and you can practice, that is a personal chance, and Gao Jiuding has no objection.

"There are more and more classics, and we need to sort them out and dig deeper. Maybe we can find a lot of useful information!"

After sorting out the information in her hand, she looked at Gao Xianzhi, she was still sleeping.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a strong spiritual energy that could not be dissolved suddenly turned into a dragon of mist, poured into the jade couch, and wrapped Gao Xianzhi up.

Now Gao Xianzhi exhales and inhales, all of which are middle-grade spiritual energy. Logically speaking, for a little girl like Gao Xianzhi who has no cultivation, if she absorbs a little, it is possible to burst the meridians in her body.

However, it is precisely because Gao Xianzhi doesn't know how to cultivate that she is still in an acquired physique. The air she breathes first enters her lungs, then penetrates into her blood vessels, and finally pours into her stomach!
And at this point, it can only be integrated into the stomach, successfully refined by Gao Xianzhi, and then imported into various parts of the body to make up for the lost energy.

This bamboo building was originally located above the spiritual cave of the small wood-type spiritual vein collected first, so it is appropriate to use wood-type middle-grade spiritual energy to make up for Gao Xianzhi's consumption at this time.

Feeling that the replenishment and consumption in Gao Xianzhi's body were balanced, Gao Jiuding began to be distracted again.

Refining the pagoda is not easy, just look at Qi Ling Wanshou. Even if it is a spirit body that has survived the calamity, it does not know how long it will take to refine the pagoda and wake up.

"Actually, it's because of the aura, right?" Sitting next to Gao Xianzhi, while guarding her, he sank his spiritual thoughts into the pagoda, wanting to help the main body, speed up the refining of the pagoda as much as possible.

"Well, the training speed of the Earth Lingzhu is not fast!" The fire kite avatar did not sense the divine sense of the main body, but felt the situation on the side of the Zijin Dapeng avatar.

With a thought of Huoyuan's body and mind, Zijin Dapeng's clone entered the pagoda. He controlled the earth spirit orb in his hand and continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

The place where Zijin Dapeng's incarnation appeared was beside a large pool in the center of the pagoda. This is the Spiritualization Pond that was recently derived from the pagoda, which can also be regarded as the pool for gathering spirits!

The spiritual veins in the entire pagoda space are gathered here, and all spiritual energy can be absorbed here to nourish the underground spiritual veins.

Practicing the Earth Spirit Orb in the pagoda, with the help of the Time and Space God Territory, is naturally more effective!
But the aura inside the pagoda is numerous, if it is consumed too much, it will naturally affect the underground aura!

Therefore, Gao Jiuding simply placed the pagoda in the place where the five spirit points of Wanshou Mountain gathered, and let the pagoda absorb the spiritual energy of the Longevity Mountain's spiritual veins under the control of his body to make up for the consumption of the pagoda. remaining.

Of course, the Longevity Mountain was not raised by the stepmother, it also belongs to Gao Jiuding's treasure now, so naturally we can't let it wear down too much!
Therefore, Longevity Mountain is also under the control of the pagoda, regulating the spirits of the beasts in the pagoda, mobilizing the circulation of the earth veins, and extracting the aura of the spiritual veins under the Daxue Mountain.

Now that Gao Jiuding has confirmed that under the Great Snow Mountain, there is likely to be a giant spiritual vein, and even now, there is at least a large water spirit vein here, so Longevity Mountain absorbs some, and it won't have much impact.

Just passing it down layer by layer, even if the earth spirit pearl absorbs a medium-sized spiritual vein, it is nothing to Daxueshan!
Even if he absorbed a large spiritual vein, it wouldn't hurt Daxueshan.

In this case, Gao Jiuding didn't let go of the absorption?
Gao Jiuding is very clear, just a sky canal, there may be a large water spirit vein hidden!

The earth spirit beads cannot absorb water aura, but on Longevity Mountain, there is a five-element transformation array, and the spirit-transforming pond in the pagoda can also transform auras into each other!

Therefore, no matter what kind of large-scale spiritual veins there are in Daxue Mountain, they will be used by the earth spirit beads.

It's just that the spirit energy is enough, and the training speed of the earth spirit bead will not be too fast, because the time required to absorb a complete spirit vein is a problem!
Even with the help of Time and Space God Territory, Gao Jiuding didn't know how long it would take for a small spiritual vein to advance to a medium-sized spiritual vein, let alone a large spiritual vein.

You can't make it if you don't do anything, so start now!
From now on, Gao Jiuding's Zijin Dapeng avatar will stay in the pagoda to worship and practice the earth spirit orb. With the Dharma, you can draw the aura inside the earth spirit bead at will, without taking into account the problem of consumption!

Having such a Lingzhu as a talisman is equivalent to carrying a big blue, and it is a big blue that can't be used up no matter how you use it.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to consume a large spiritual vein in one battle, even for monks in the Dharma phase.

The appearance of Zijin Dapeng awakened Gao Jiuding's body. He got out from the entanglement of four or five jade arms, and sat carefully on the edge of the huge jade couch.

Looking back, the women who were all in deep sleep finally let go, otherwise it would be impossible to really sleep with him.

Well, there is a limit to letting go, because although Gao Jiuding was entangled by all the girls, they were just entangled together unconsciously. He just hugged and rubbed his body against each other a few times, but he didn't do anything.

I slept in the same bed with beauties for more than ten days, and it was a group of beauties, a group of beauties who let go and had no intention of refusing, but Gao Jiuding just didn't have time to do anything, is this worse than a beast?

There is no way, as his cultivation base gets higher and higher, his spirit becomes stronger and stronger, especially after he has refined three powerful monster beasts, and he has swallowed the blood essence of several blood pill stage monster beasts. The soul made Gao Jiuding's soul stronger than Song Yue, An Shenxiu and others.

This time they mingled with each other and rubbed against each other. Even if eleven women besieged him at once, they would not be opponents.

Soul friction and communication can indeed enhance the strength of the soul. Gao Jiuding had expected this, but the souls of him, Song Yue, An Shenxiu and others were weak before, and the effect of cultivation was not good!

But this time is different, I haven't seen him for such a long time, and the spirit has become much stronger, the effect of this practice is reflected.

There is absolutely no comparison between the Dharma phase and the hemolytic phase. Gao Jiuding has now confirmed that although his body is only at the Blood Pill phase, his soul at this time has the strength of the Dharma phase.

The reason why the soul breaks through first is because his soul is already very powerful!

After refining the demon soul, the strength of the soul is also sharply improved!

Coupled with the devouring demon soul and the soul nourishing treasure incense that has been used recently, all these have undergone a qualitative change after being catalyzed by the souls of An Shenxiu and other women, allowing Gao Jiuding's soul to successfully break through to the Dharma stage.

It's just that Gao Jiuding knows that his current soul strength is comparable to that of the monks on the demon star who have just broken through to the Dharma stage, and compared with the monks of the Nascent Soul stage on Earth, his soul is still too weak.

But even so, it's enough!
In addition to the soul of the water and fire python, Gao Jiuding already has two souls with the strength of the magic phase, which is very beneficial for controlling the Tongtian Lingbao or the damaged Dongtian Lingbao.

"There are still too few incarnations. The Zijin Dapeng is refining the natal magic treasure, the Earth Spirit Orb, and the Huoyuan clone is studying alchemy. By the way, he took his daughter with him. The avatar of the water and fire python is manipulating the sun, moon and seven-star axe to sort out the earth veins and repair the prohibition of the Longevity Mountain. , the main body can only cultivate hard!"

Looking back, Gao Jiuding, a group of women who had no defense against him, returned to the bed again!
It's fine if they're not together, since he's here in front of him, and he can't spend time with his wife and children, then his husband is doing too badly.

Lying on the side of the bed, looking at the entangled girls, Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat.

"Well, don't move around, it's easy to violate the rules of heaven!" After calming down, Gao Jiuding's thoughts sank into the pagoda, and began to help Qi Ling Wanshou to refine the pagoda again.

As the world inside the pagoda gradually became stable and orderly, the underground veins began to become stable, and the transformation of the five elements began to form. Gao Jiuding could already feel the beginning of the metamorphosis of the five elements.

Especially the underground aura, the confusion at the beginning has disappeared at this time, and as long as the aura is smooth, Gao Jiuding can control the underground aura and help him refine the pagoda.

When the spiritual veins in the pagoda and the aura radiating from it all merge into every corner of the pagoda, and Gao Jiuding's divine sense will also be accompanied by aura, completely integrated into the pagoda. At that time, Gao Jiuding will naturally refine the pagoda!

Spiritual thoughts enveloped the pagoda, and Gao Jiuding could feel that the spiritual energy in the pagoda began to circulate in the pagoda regularly like a tide!

After feeling it for a long time, Gao Jiuding actually felt like the blood of the human body, circulating in the body.

With a thought, Gao Jiuding began to visualize the restrictions inside the pagoda. He was still very familiar with many of the basic restrictions inside the pagoda. At this time, he just visualized for a while, and he saw countless restrictions inside the pagoda lit up.

Gao Jiuding thought again, and the ten medium-sized spiritual veins in the pagoda all exuded endless spiritual energy, pouring into the pagoda restrained by Gao Jiuding.

It was too easy to do all of this, Gao Jiuding just felt it a little bit, and he knew that there were two forces helping.

(End of this chapter)

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