The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1052 Simple and Complicated

Chapter 1052 Simple and Complicated
The two forces that helped to refine the pagoda, one came from the pagoda, not only the pagoda tool spirit, Gao Jiuding also sensed the convergence of countless other forces, presumably it should be the souls of the beasts that merged into the pagoda, they can finally be urged Moved.

Don't think about it, it is definitely not the pagoda Qi Ling that can activate the beast soul, but the Qi Ling Wanshou.

Following one force, Gao Jiuding immediately felt another force, which came from the Hualing Pond at the core of the pagoda, where Qi Ling Wanshou was sleeping.

With the help of Pagoda Qiling and Wanshou, Gao Jiuding once again felt the turbulent spiritual energy quickly pouring into the pagoda's restraint, just like the process of opening up meridians and practicing for the first time.

Now the pagoda is equivalent to the human body, and the restriction is equivalent to the meridians of the human body, and the aura is still aura. With the aura, the body of the pagoda will naturally be refined.

The aura of ten medium-sized spirit veins surged into some simple restrictions, and immediately aroused these restrictions to the extreme!
At the beginning, these restraints were only flickering with faint spiritual light, which was a little brighter than the void around the prohibition. At this time, the spiritual light was already like a bright star. When it reached the limit, the spiritual light began to spread outward and spread.

Gao Jiuding looked at the black crack that suddenly appeared like a cracked earth, and felt that he had done the right thing, so he worked harder.

With his guidance, Wanshou seemed to know what to do, and she began to mobilize more spiritual energy, pouring into the restriction.

The ground that was cracked just now, especially those black cracks, began to be stained with spiritual light, and finally lit up.

As more and more spiritual energy poured in, it seemed that the entire pagoda was lit up!
At this time, the pagoda is like a piece of porcelain that has been burned, and cracks begin to appear on its surface, which is like cracks during the process of firing porcelain, until these cracks become more and more dense!

When the surface of the pagoda was full of spiritual light, Gao Jiuding knew that the first layer of restraint had been completely practiced by him.

This is the first time that Gao Jiuding has practiced a complete prohibition, and it is also a prohibition of the cave level.

With the strength of the soul of the Dharma phase, together with the help of Wanshou and the pagoda tool spirit, and the countless beasts and souls in the original seal of the beasts, he finally refined this kind of soul that only the monks of the pure yang stage can refine and activate. Cave Heaven Restriction, this is absolutely unique luck.

"It's still too weak. This is just the simplest layer of superficial restrictions. Well, the beast souls are rarely activated!" Gao Jiuding's mind completely sank into the pagoda, feeling the changes in the pagoda.

He was able to refine this layer of restriction, definitely because he took advantage of the original pagoda!

He practiced the pagoda step by step, and later added treasures such as the seal of the beasts and the real universe bag!
And every time the pagoda was fused with these treasures, Gao Jiuding would practice it carefully, which gave him the opportunity to practice the restriction of the cave during the Dharma phase.

That is to say, many of the restrictions in the first cave of refining were actually refined by Gao Jiuding!
This time it was just integrated together, re-controlling the aura to flow in the restriction.

"This cave-heaven restriction is really not simple!"

Through the first floor, Gao Jiuding could see the prohibition behind countless auras shining dots and dots!
He could see that there were five layers of restrictions inside, and he had refined some of these restrictions, but the proportion of them was very small, almost insignificant.

He can see that as long as there is a flash of spiritual light, it is a restriction that he has refined, but the proportion of these restrictions is too small.

It turned out that when the internal veins of the pagoda were not sorted out, the prohibitions inside the pagoda were entangled. Gao Jiuding didn't know how to practice at all, so he could only use stupid methods to infect and control a little bit!
Now that the restriction has returned to normal, Gao Jiuding discovered that the restriction he refined at that time was not even one in a million.

"I still need the help of the beast soul, otherwise, when will I be able to refine it?"

Soon, Gao Jiuding knew what to do. At this time, what Wanshou did was to mobilize the aura in the Hualing Pond, trying to wake up the sleeping beast soul.

Without the help of countless beast souls, with Gao Jiuding's soul power, it is absolutely wishful thinking to continue to refine the Dongtian Lingbao.

Just now Gao Jiuding has clearly felt the power of many beast souls, now it depends on Wanshou's ability, but Gao Jiuding is not worried, because she is the commander-in-chief who controls the beast souls.

Sure enough, the subsequent refinement went very smoothly. Under Wanshou's control, countless auras began to refine the second layer of Cave Heaven Restriction, and the speed was getting faster and faster!
Gao Jiuding could sense that more and more beast souls were waking up, and the pagoda's weapon spirits were also growing rapidly!
Of course, Wanshou is also recovering quickly, only Gao Jiuding's soul has not changed much.

"I still need to add a kind of elixir, nourishing soul elixir, and those spirit tea trees and soul-killing trees also need to be cultivated!" I don't know how long it has passed, Gao Jiuding woke up again, he only felt exhausted.

"Then the Sleeping Sutra also needs to be studied carefully, or else you can communicate with your wife and learn the Song family's secret art of refining souls?"

Gao Jiuding glanced at Song Yue who was still sleeping, but found that Song Yue's aura was beneficial. Her spirit was transforming?
Gao Jiuding looked at Song Yue in surprise. He already knew that Song Yue had a special method of training the soul, and could even devour the soul.

Gao Jiuding could sense that among these women, Song Yue had the strongest soul!
If it wasn't for Song Yue's soul that was not so solid, or even a little scattered, the spirits that communicated between the two sides were broken by Gao Jiuding one by one, maybe even Gao Jiuding's was not her opponent.

Gao Jiuding was thoughtful. The ancestors of the Song family were really powerful. In the Dharma-ending era, they could think of using the soul refining technique to condense the devil, so as to increase the strength of the soul of the children, and embarked on another path of cultivation.

It's a pity that cultivating the soul of human beings is harmful to heaven, and how can human souls be so easily fused and refined?

Song Yue can be regarded as an experimental product of the Song family. The two sisters have twins and two souls. One soul lives and the other dies. The deceased swallows other souls to grow and finally merges into the living soul.

This means that the Song family has the secret art of summoning souls, otherwise, they really wouldn't be able to do such evil things.

Since knowing the situation of Song Yue's family, Gao Jiuding has been consciously understanding the history of the Song family, and the more he understands, the more inferior Gao Jiuding is.

The Song family is really a big family. Song Yue originally said jokingly that the ancestor of their family was Song Yu, which may not be a lie.

Just like the ancestors of the Gao family said that their ancestors were clairvoyant and shunfenger. Ordinary people don't believe anyone. What is this?
Just like the royal family of Li and Tang said that they are descendants of Lao Tzu, who would believe it?

However, Gao Jiuding really believes it now, because he has awakened Qianli clairvoyance!

Supernatural powers like clairvoyance may sound frustrating, but whoever uses them will know!
This kind of supernatural power can only be a bloodline supernatural power, and it is absolutely impossible to be a genetic bloodline mutation, so Gao Jiuding really believes that his ancestor may be a fairy in the legend.

So why is it impossible for the Song family to be the descendants of Song Yu?
If it is true, then the Song family's background is strong!

So what are the details?Don't talk about the wealth left over thousands of years, just talk about inheritance.

Song Yu, according to the earliest "Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi", there are 16 articles.

Now it is said that he wrote two articles, "Nine Debates" and "Calling the Soul", which can be found in Wang Yi's "Chu Ci Zhangju".

But among these works, the authenticity and falsehood are mixed, and only one piece of "Nine Debates" is credible and undisputed.

Those are not mentioned, if it is an ordinary person, it will be regarded as some poems and songs, but after entering the door of cultivation, you will know that "Feng Fu", "Flute Fu", "Dancing Fu" and so on are just records The wind, flute and dance?Certainly not!

In "Nine Debates", we don't talk about hurting spring and autumn, but looking at "Diao Fu", Song Yu's "Diao Fu", it can be used as a method of irony, and you should refer to Zhuangzi's "Speaking of Swords".

Song Yu's "Fishing Fu" divides fishing into three types: "Xuanyu fishing", "Yao Shun Yutang fishing", and "king fishing".

"Zhuangzi Shuojian Pian" tastes that there are three kinds of swords, "the sword of the common people", "the sword of the princes", and "the sword of the king".

Seeing this, what do you think?Who said that this is not Song Yu's version of Talking about Swords?

Of course, Gao Jiuding has never seen these classics, especially the real version, not the version circulated by the outside world!

If there is a real copy, then it is only possible to stay in the Song family, and it is also possible that this Song family is Song Yu's family.

Gao Jiuding didn't know about the others, but he knew that the Song family must have all the skills of summoning souls, otherwise how would they refine demons?

Looking at Song Yue's peerless face, Gao Jiuding suddenly noticed that Song Yue's brows were frowning, and her soul began to fluctuate violently.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help stretching out his hand, trying to smooth the wrinkled eyebrows!
But no matter how he comforted her, Song Yue still frowned, Gao Jiuding sighed, she might meet her sister again.

In fact, sister Song Yue's soul should be completely integrated into Song Yue's soul, there is no hidden danger at all!

Her sister's mind and soul might be harmless when fused together, but Song Yue's psychology has problems.

People are complicated, yet simple. If Song Yue is ruthless, there will be no gaps in her heart at this time, making her fall into a state of schizophrenia.

But if Song Yue is really ruthless, why is her younger sister willing to dedicate herself to a ruthless older sister?

Gao Jiuding didn't worry much about Song Yue's state at this time. Compared with Song Yue's spirit, her younger sister's spirit was stronger. There was a younger sister who was willing to give up herself and completely merged into the weak lady's spirit. Song Yue Greatest luck.

It was because of this kind of luck that Song Yue was unwilling, she didn't want to lose her sister, she didn't want her sister to disappear.

This kind of thinking formed an obsession, made her stubborn, and made her deceive herself, and the highest state of self-deception was that she really thought that her sister had not disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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