The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1053 The Big and Small Heavens, Mystic Demon and Thunder

Chapter 1053 The Big and Small Heavens, Mystic Demon and Thunder (200 Monthly Tickets Plus Changes)
Gao Jiuding suspected that Song Yue's sister would really exist because Song Yue was unwilling to let her sister disappear.

And as Song Yue's soul becomes stronger and stronger, the part of Song Yue's sister's soul will become clearer and more independent!
Up to now, Song Yue's schizophrenic state has also become a split in fantasy, which has become a real split.

Gao Jiuding still doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing!
"We still need to find a way to eliminate hidden dangers!"

Gao Jiuding hugged Song Yue and looked at this beauty with distress. The big sister who played with a group of children since childhood, finally became his own woman, which is still very fulfilling.

What's more, when communicating with Song Yue's soul, the object of communication is really ever-changing!
Thinking about it carefully at this moment, those illusioned figures should be the crimes of the Song family, right?
After merging so many spirits, Song Yue didn't finally break through her innate nature with her powerful spirits and start to practice. This is the tragedy of the Dharma-ending era!

Feeling that Song Yue's soul fluctuated more and more violently, Gao Jiuding didn't want to think about the Song family's soul-refining secret technique anymore, he just wanted to wake Song Yue up.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, his consciousness merged into Song Yue's sea of ​​consciousness. Song Yue was very familiar with the power of Gao Jiuding's soul, and attracted Gao Jiuding's soul without any defense, and entangled him.

Gao Jiuding looked at the two beauties who were exactly the same in front of him.

"This is the first time I've seen you soberly. I'm Song Yue'er, not Song Yue!" one of the beauties muttered.

Gao Jiuding sighed, but he only had time to sigh, because then he was completely surrounded.

Glancing at another Song Yue who had misty eyes, Gao Jiuding had a thought, and directly pulled the two identical beauties into the visualization space.

This is the first time for Gao Jiuding to bring someone into the space he imagined, and it went very smoothly, it can be said that his wish came true.

Gao Jiuding knew that this must have something to do with the animal skin. Without the help of the animal skin, Gao Jiuding would not have been able to do this.

"Where is this?" Suddenly, Song Yue came to her senses, and Song Yue'er beside her was also observing. She wasn't called Song Yueer at first, but now that she changed her name, is she giving up on herself?
But Gao Jiuding was not happy, because Gao Jiuding knew that this just showed that she had a sense of independence, because Song Yue would never let her sister disappear, especially the name, so Gao Jiuding guessed that this was Song Yueer's true will reflect.

With independent consciousness, you are an independent person!

"Rong!" Gao Jiuding didn't care about Song Yue, but hugged the two beauties, trying to make them merge into one.

Although this is his wish, Gao Jiuding believes that Song Yue will not object.

The two beauties looked at each other and immediately merged into one.

"Since you want to do this, then we will become one person, um, can we have two heads and four arms?"

Song Yue stared at Gao Jiuding for a while, and suddenly, her eyes became lively, and then she showed a playful smile.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help patting his head. This was obviously the behavior of the newborn Song Yueer, and Gao Jiuding knew that Song Yue's younger sister was definitely not called Song Yueer.

"Don't worry, my recent cultivation was not in vain. We are all very lucky at this time. Now that she is Song Yue'er is just to prove that she is not completely Song Yue, but she still belongs to Song Yue!
Well, it’s like your incarnation, no, I’m a real clone, but everything I bestowed on her sister is a special kind of clone. To be precise, not only split the soul, but also split part of the memory !

If we are alone for a long time, maybe we will transform into a new consciousness, but as long as the two of us are close to each other, the consciousness will be synchronized, and all memories will be shared. In this way, we are still one person!

Because the biggest difference between one person and two people is the difference in consciousness and thought. When we are separated, we have two consciousnesses, two thoughts and memories, and two personalities. Became two people! "

In the end, Song Yue showed a trace of distress. She really wanted to split into a person, not a clone. She wanted to resurrect her sister.

But it is obviously impossible for her to do all this. Now her state is that she is separated, and the distance is far away, she is two people, with two thoughts and different behavior patterns.

But as long as you get close, thoughts and memories are assimilated, and all actions and thoughts are synchronized, which becomes one body with two sides, and is still one person.

Gao Jiuding was very clear about Song Yue's distress, and he also understood it very well, so he could only express his admiration with a shocked face.

Did Song Yue automatically tear apart her soul, and really forge a clone?This can also be said to be the incarnation of the second soul!
The second incarnation and the second soul are completely different existences.

For example, if Gao Jiuding died, no matter how many second incarnations he had, he would still be dead, because the soul of his second incarnation was not his soul, it was just assimilated, with the same aptitude and potential as the original body different.

The second soul is different, it is split from the original soul, it is one body with two sides, one disappears, the other exists, which means immortality!
The incarnation of Gao Jiuding's refinement is the magpie's nest and Jiuzhan. The soul and body of the incarnation are not equal to his body.

Now Song Yue's method of splitting her soul is completely different. She has really torn her soul into two parts, and can form an independent individual for cultivation.

Therefore, the avatar cultivated by Gao Jiuding is definitely not as advantageous as the avatar cultivated by Song Yue.

Another point is that Song Yue's two bodies and everything she cultivates can be perfectly integrated into one, which means that she has one more person to help her cultivate.

"Haha, don't worry, right? I'm short of a body right now. You said, we used scientific methods to clone a body to practice the avatar. When we came here, we used your method to directly let this second soul practice the avatar. The second incarnation?" Song Yue looked at Gao Jiuding and said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything more, this woman is really going against the sky!
Song Yue didn't get Gao Jiuding's answer, and she didn't take it seriously. She blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "I'll tell you secretly, I have also split into 36 independent souls, and they have sacrificed and practiced 36 yin and yang heads. Demon ape!"

"Yin-yang demon ape?" Gao Jiuding was at a loss. Have they ever found this strange monster?
Song Yuedao: "I cultivated it myself. The most monsters in the northern forest are those apes. I selected a group of smarter ones, but ordinary aptitudes and no special attributes. They were cultivated with two evil spirits of yin and yang. I didn't expect it to be successful. A group of demonic apes have been cultivated!"

"Yin-yang evil spirit? The most indispensable evil spirit in the starry sky, but there are not many high-quality ones!" Gao Jiuding nodded.

"Well, I differentiated 36 demon souls from the original demon species, merged them into 36 better demon apes, sent them into the starry sky, and let them absorb Yin and Yang evil spirits by themselves. Eighteen of them absorbed Yin evil, and eighteen absorbed Yang evil spirits. Sha, it’s just a good time to practice the little heaven and star array!" Song Yue's expression changed into a complacent one, this is Song Yue'er.

"Small Heaven and Star Formation? Is there such a formation? Even if you practice Taoist soldiers, you must choose the formation carefully. I know I have heard of the Big and Small Zhoutian Star Formation!" Gao Jiuding said helplessly.

Song Yue doesn't have room to contemplate and cheat. Is it really okay for her to do as she pleases?
Song Yue smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you that even if the demon soul I differentiated dies, it only loses part of the power of the soul, just like the consciousness we cultivated. The death of an incarnation is tantamount to annihilation. I have an idea.

It's just a thought, a thought that carries a part of my thoughts and memories, even if all of this thought is lost, it will not affect my natal soul. With your Concentric Blood Curse, it is much easier to sacrifice and practice avatars!
Don't worry, my main practice is the method of receiving and guiding starlight, and I am very familiar with the fusion of starlight, so it is not difficult to fuse yin and yang evil spirits, not to mention that I have recently condensed the heavenly and earth evil spirits and cultivated the protective energy.

And the small star formations were not created randomly, they were created based on the big and small Zhoutian star formations and the big and small heaven secret demon Yin Lei. You haven't forgotten the Yin-Yang Demon Boat you gave me, right?
My natal talisman is the Yin-Yang Demon Boat, on which there is also a star array, and I have condensed the starlight, and I happen to be practicing the star array, because I specialize in Yin-Yang, so it is also easy to condense the secret demon Yin Thunder, which makes a small Are the stars in the sky?The stars inside it are actually the secret demon Yin Lei! "

After learning about Song Yue's situation, Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say. Compared with him, Song Yue was more like the protagonist of the world!
She has practiced the Song family's soul-calling method, Bingxin formula, Daoxin seed magic, and refining magic (condensing magic seeds), and she also started with these exercises. Later, she bought an ordinary cultivation method from Introduce the starlight refining method.

This is really an ordinary skill, which is to receive and guide starlight. If it is practiced on the earth, it is more difficult to practice, but after entering the starry sky, it is easier to receive and guide starlight.

Other big Zhoutian star formations like the bad streets are not difficult to cultivate in the starry sky. It is not difficult to even condense the stars to arrange formations, or to use them as natal magic weapons.

Is it difficult to condense the stars?It is difficult on the earth, but when you enter the starry sky, you can pick up stars big and small. As long as you have the skill, you can slowly condense it.

If those are all ordinary skills, then you will be really lucky to meet the big and small heavenly secret demon Yin Lei that can be used as a killer!
Before Song Yue entered the demon star, she unexpectedly bought this supernatural power at a large auction in Tianji Pavilion at a high price.

The most powerful part of this exercise is to condense the secret demon Yin Lei!
This is a supernatural power that can control as many thunders as there are!
Even if you fill up a secret demon Yin Lei of all sizes, you can still be perfectly controlled by this magical power.

Of course, Song Yue has no way to condense so many secret demons, so she simply combined the star formation, and refined 36 clones according to the method of condensing the secret demons, forming a small star formation Daoist formation .

(End of this chapter)

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