The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1054 3 Heads 6 Arms Supernatural Powers

Chapter 1054 Supernatural Powers with Three Heads and Six Arms

Being able to have 36 clones conjoined in one body, forming a large formation of Dao soldiers, just thinking about it, is terrifying. Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that Song Yue could do such a big job.

"My sister controls the Dao soldiers formation, and I control the yin-yang magic boat. The two of us just form the sun, moon and stars formation. One inside and one outside, one yin and one yang, cooperate with each other, and the world is invincible!" Song Yue finally concluded. .

Looking at the proud Song Yue, Gao Jiuding hugged her tightly. It seemed that she really came out of the shadow of losing her sister.

"Depending on the situation, you are more suitable to control the Sun Moon Seven Star Axe!" Gao Jiuding looked at Song Yue and said thoughtfully.

Yin and Yang correspond to the sun and the moon, and the seven stars are naturally the star formation. Now it seems that according to Song Yue's skills, she can activate the sun, moon and seven stars magic axe, which can exert the power of the magic axe.

"Unfortunately, my strength is too weak. Even if I use formations to activate it, I'm still not as powerful as a Dharma Phase cultivator with incompatible attributes!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding said worriedly: "There are problems with too many clones. It is not so easy to cultivate all of them to a high level. We do not lack resources, but we lack time. Having too many clones will also involve your energy!"

Song Yue was not worried at all: "It's okay, don't I still have younger sisters? With your help this time, they are truly independent. I will not care about the outside affairs in the future, and let them manage them all!

Mining in the starry sky, things in the Golden Wolf Palace, and sideline jobs such as alchemy and refining are all entrusted to them. If anyone can't do it, just change it, and you can always meet a clone with high qualifications! "

"How's the laboratory you got?" Gao Jiuding suddenly thought of the avatar Song Yue was talking about, and using science and technology to clone himself as an avatar should be the best.

"Our technology is still flawed. Compared with those old families that have developed for nearly a hundred years, our background is still a little bit worse. Fortunately, the current technology is developing rapidly, and we are catching up!

Now ordinary people can perfectly clone, but those seedlings with special qualifications are not easy to clone, even a strong body is not easy to clone! "Song Yue frowned.

"Strong body? You wouldn't think about cloning the body of a peak cultivator directly, would you? Or simply clone a body of a cultivator at the blood pill stage?" Gao Jiuding said amusedly.

"Well, those scientists have this kind of thinking. Obviously, according to the law of conservation of energy, it requires a lot of resources, such as psychic liquid, stone milk, heaven and earth spiritual things and other resources. We have not yet reached the point where they can waste them casually, so We can only provide them with spirit stones and let them study first!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding said: "Then what were you thinking when you frowned just now? I thought there was something wrong with your soul!"

"Hey, there is a problem. When I was messing around with you before, I felt too messy. At that time, I realized that it is easy to separate the soul and soul, and it is easy to synchronize with each other, but it is more difficult to re-integrate. My sister's clone , It doesn’t matter if it’s fused or not, but the other 36 will be troublesome, I didn’t expect you to fuse it for me directly.”

After speaking, Song Yue made up in Gao Jiuding's arms, and then split into two, turning into two beauties.

This is not over yet, Song Yue's next performance will be more horrifying. She turns into two people for a while, one for a while, one body with two heads for a while, and one person with four legs for a while. four arms.

This really has two heads and four arms. Compared with Nezha, she only lacks one head and two arms. Perhaps the legendary supernatural powers with three heads and six arms were created in this way.

"Bring in another soul from the outside. I'll experiment with three heads and six arms. Can I have 38 heads in the future? One hundred and fifty or sixty arms?" Song Yue said after a long test.

Silently, Gao Jiuding pulled in a soul of Song Yue again. This is a relatively beautiful beauty, very mature, looks like a mature woman, but with a hint of immaturity on her face.

Gao Jiuding knew that this should be a real manifestation, that is to say, the Song family committed crimes and killed such a beautiful woman, and refined her soul, fused into the demon seed with Song Yueer as the main soul, and finally All were devoured and refined by Song Yue.

"It's a bit awkward, you can imagine it, we have three heads with the same shape, this is the authentic three heads and six arms!" Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking wildly, Song Yue'er came out again.

Looking at the three identical heads interacting with each other, Gao Jiuding just felt weird, but not awkward.

Although there is only one neck protruding from the head, the appearance is surprisingly harmonious, not weird at all.

Especially looking at the small Yin Hong mouths that were talking to each other, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but take a bite.

"You're still dirty!" The newcomer who had just fallen into Gao Jiuding's arms was still a little shy, ashamed to say other bad things about Gao Jiuding.

"Well, what An Shenxiu said is right, that's a pervert!" Song Yue was very rude.

"I feel very good, but it's a pity that you only have one head and two arms. It would be great if you also have three heads and six arms!" Song Yue'er didn't feel that Gao Jiuding was abnormal, because she was even more abnormal.

After messing around with Song Yue for a long time, Gao Jiuding was completely relieved, and he exited the viewing space very easily. At this time, the ten women outside were all awake.

"You open a small stove? Let me try!" An Shenxiu unceremoniously took advantage of her status as the eldest sister, pushed Song Yue away, and took Gao Jiuding's arms.

In desperation, Gao Jiuding could only take An Shenxiu to experience the magic of the visualization space. Here, Gao Jiuding's wishes come true.

Next, the other nine beauties tried again one by one, and they were all satisfied. At this time, they had the time to report to each other what happened in recent years.

"At Devil Star, it needs to be finished!" An Shenxiu said.

Song Yuedao: "It should be the Spirit Sect. They are also a sect. Don't call it the Devil Star, the Devil Star. The Devil is the monster beasts of the Beast Sect. They are called the Beast Sect."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Kexin obviously didn't understand the situation of Demon Star and Demon Star.

"Have you gotten rich recently? How many treasures have you collected?" Li Xitong hugged Chen Kexin and said.

Chen Kexin said helplessly: "Now our family has a big business. We have neither warships nor manpower. Naturally, we have harvested a lot of resources, but for you, the most I have made recently are all kinds of useless asteroids."

"Did you bring it?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"It's not all piled up in the dark area of ​​the Oort Nebula. As long as you need it, let them send it over. However, can those garbage really exchange the treasures here?"

Chen Kexin pointed to his feet. After Gao Jiuding entered the demon star, he plundered a lot of resources to enter the pagoda, and he also wanted to take Longevity Mountain away!
Not to mention anything else, just talk about the spiritual veins in it, if the demon star is brought out, the demon star Tiandao will settle with Gao Jiuding.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding wanted to make up for it as much as possible, and the best way to make up for it was to get a large number of asteroids, enter the demon star, and make up for the losses in the demon star.

"I don't know, just do it like this. Since it's recorded on, we'll do it like this. There's no harm anyway!" Gao Jiuding said.

An Shenxiu suddenly said: "I have received a message here about the sun, all forces in our solar system cannot casually collect the real fire above the sun, even spiritual fire!

Of course, as long as you don't collect the spiritual fire above the sun, and absorb some of the fire spirit and real fire emitted by the sun near the sun, there is no problem. There is only one thing, which cannot weaken the strength of the sun. "

Gao Jiuding looked at An Shenxiu thoughtfully. She said these things for a purpose.

"The sun is alive. It is constantly spewing out matter. When the spout is gone, the sun will be doomed!" Zhou Yaxian said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, and said, "Resupply materials to the sun?"

Zhang Xiaohe said: "It is definitely possible. In fact, during the process of the sun revolving around the Milky Way, all the asteroids and cosmic dust encountered by the sun will be absorbed by the sun. Otherwise, the sun will only spit out matter for countless years, not Absorbed, it may be old now."

"Then the planet is also like this? The earth is like this, and the demon star is no different, so we only need to exchange equivalently, and the demon star will not be able to bite us back. If we don't destroy nature, nature will naturally not destroy us!" Speaking of this, Gao Jiuding laughed.

No one has ever seen what the way of heaven is, but the merits of heaven and earth can be clearly felt, and no one dares to be careless about the backlash of the way of heaven.

"You said, the light of the three suns in the second galaxy of the South Gate is very weak. Could it be that they were collected too hard by the cultivators? The spiritual fires were collected too hard, so this happened?" Yin Rushui suddenly opened the mouth.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said: "Okay, when we are free, let's go collect spiritual fire and try it, anyway, it's not our galaxy!"

"No, can we give up on the demon star? Maybe the demon star will also need to be brought down in the future, the stars here cannot be destroyed!" Song Yue objected.

An Shenxiu immediately said: "Anyway, there are suns in the starry sky, why do we collect the spiritual fire in front of our house?"

Gao Jiuding laughed and said, "I'm narrow-minded. By the way, what happened to the end of the demon star you mentioned just now?"

An Shenxiu said: "I just heard some news that the Devil Star has an ultra-long-distance teleportation array leading to the fairy world. If the Devil Star can be occupied, this road can be opened!
Many masters in our comprehension world can enter the fairy world through this path, so as to advance faster and easier. This is a legend, it may not be true, and there is no way to prove the authenticity! "

Gao Jiuding touched his chin and stopped talking. If there is a long-distance teleportation array, whether it can teleport into the fairyland or not, it will be very valuable.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also knew that the original Yulingzong really had a way to enter the so-called fairy world, because Yushouzong was destroyed by the demon immortals left by Yulingzong back then.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, Tianya Frozen Tofu, and Emperor Queen Soil King brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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