Chapter 1055
Gao Jiuding said: "It's really possible. Compared to crossing the void to find an unknown fairyland, it's better to kill the monsters on the Demon Star. This is a shortcut, and it's definitely easier than groping for it yourself. Otherwise, with the peeing nature of those old guys on the earth, how could they help the demon star and fight for so many years?"

"You also think it is necessary to attack the Demon Star?" Song Yue looked at Gao Jiuding and said.

An Shenxiu said: "This should be a consensus, right? The secretarial office next to me has another speculation. They believe that the so-called fairyland may be a planet in the Milky Way, or a star field!"

Gao Jiuding looked at An Shenxiu strangely, and said, "You think so too? How did you figure it out?"

An Shenxiu smiled and said, "Why do you think the aura on the demon star and demon star is stronger than the aura on the earth?"

"The demon star is relatively large. As for the demon star, I have never been there, so I know it!" Gao Jiuding thought for a while.

Song Yue said thoughtfully: "The Demon Star is bigger than the Demon Star, and there are three stars here. Compared with the solar system, this Southgate Galaxy is bigger."

An Shenxiu smiled and said: "You two are really smart. This is the conclusion that my think tank has deduced for a long time. Although you have touched the edge, you have missed the point."

Having said this, An Shenxiu stopped talking, while the other beauties all looked at Gao Jiuding and Song Yue, they were the only two who didn't know the conclusion.

Song Yue fell into deep thought, but after thinking for a while, she opened her mouth and said, "Large volume, many stars, and strong gravitational force?"

Gao Jiuding also said: "The inner galaxy of the Milky Way is densely populated, so isn't the gravitational force stronger?"

An Shenxiu sighed: "The two of you are really smart, it is gravity. The group of think tanks infers that the greater the gravity, the more aura will be attracted and gathered, or the more energy will be attracted and gathered, because aura is just a combination of heaven and earth. A kind of energy!"

Gao Jiuding said in surprise: "If you want to say that, isn't the aura near the black hole more intense?"

An Shenxiu spread his hands and said, "Your thinking is the same as those think tanks, they think that the fairy world passed down in ancient times is either in the center of the galaxy, or around a black hole that is closer to us!
The black hole we can determine must have one in the galactic core, and it is also because of this black hole that attracts all the stars in the galactic core that the silver core is formed, and there may be smaller black holes around the silver core, Otherwise, like the four cantilevers on the outskirts of the Milky Way, they are already so far away from the center of the galaxy, so why can't they escape the attraction of the center of the galaxy? "

Song Yuedao: "If we speculate based on this, there are black holes where the four cantilevers connect to the outer star clusters of the Milky Way?"

An Shenxiu said directly: "It doesn't have to be a black hole. Large-mass stars can also attract the surrounding planets to gather. For example, the Nanmen [-] and [-] stars can attract a large amount of matter to gather, and the gathered matter is large, and the production is natural. There are many, such as aura!"

As he spoke, An Shenxiu flicked his hand casually, and streaks of spiritual energy appeared and spread rapidly, forming a cluster of galaxies in no time.

The Milky Way is an oblate spheroid with a huge disk structure consisting of a bright and dense core, two main spiral arms, and two unformed spiral arms.

The sun is located on the Orion arm, one arm of the galaxy, and the distance to the center of the galaxy is about 2.6 light-years.

The center of the Milky Way is a larger mass black hole (Sagittarius A), which consists of the galactic core, galactic core, galactic disk, galactic halo and galactic crown from the inside to the outside.

Most of the central regions of the Milky Way are old stars, mainly white dwarfs. These things have a high density and naturally have a strong gravitational force.

The outer regions are mostly newborn and young stars.

In the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of light years around, there are more than a dozen satellite galaxies, the larger ones are the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud.

The Milky Way continues to grow by slowly devouring surrounding dwarf galaxies.

So now, scientists have discovered that the volume of the Milky Way is at least 50% larger than previously thought.

Pointing at the star map, An Shenxiu said: "Do you see that, all these spaces with dense stars may have black holes, followed by white dwarfs, dwarf stars, massive stars, etc., and as long as there are these places, the surrounding planets will be attracted. No less!
And if there are more planets, the probability of being suitable for living creatures is higher. Since living things can survive, there will naturally be aura, and it must be easier to gather aura than where we are!
Compared with the huge silver plate of the Milky Way, our place is not even a silver halo, but a cantilever that has not yet formed on the outermost periphery. If the galactic center is the capital, the silver core is the capital circle, and the silver plate is China, then the silver halo It is a wild area on the edge of Asia!
When it reaches the silver crown, it becomes a dark universe. Has a cantilever that is not fully formed already reached a vacuum?Our location, in the entire Milky Way, can only be regarded as the wilderness among the wildernesses! "

Gao Jiuding looked at this galaxy star map and fell silent. Based on this calculation, their location is really a wild land. If you want to find the fairy world, you must move closer to the direction of the galaxy.

Gao Jiuding also knew that the denser the stars, the larger the area covered by the light, and the less likely the monsters would breed.

And the farther away from the galactic center, the bigger the dark area, and the more Yin demons will breed. This is why the starry sky here is so dangerous.

Since it is a fairyland, it must be the Evernight Sacred Scenery, and if there are ten suns around it, where will there be darkness?

"Look at this star map, we earthlings have traveled farther than we imagined!" An Shenxiu waved his hand again, and another star map appeared.

Gao Jiuding saw the Nanmen II galaxy at a glance. This galaxy is marked on Anshenxiu's star map as the Centaurus triple system, which contains three stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, Alpha Centauri Star C (Proxima Centauri), 4.22 light-years away from Earth.

A little further away is Barnard's Star, 6 light-years from Earth.

Next is Wolf 359, 7.8 light-years from Earth.

Lalande 21185 star is 8.3 light-years away from Earth.

UV Cetus star, 8.4 light-years away from Earth.

Sirius, a binary star system consisting of Sirius A and Sirius B, is 8.6 light-years away from Earth.

ROSD 154 stars, 9.5 light-years away from Earth.

An Shenxiu continued: "This is the closest star system to us. Within ten light-years around the solar system, there are ten stars in seven galaxies, and these seven star systems should all be within reach of the earth's cultivation world. I even suspect that some powerful guys must go further."

"Since we have come there, why not continue?" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding also said: "Going along the cantilever should not be dangerous, but it will take a lot of time!"

An Shenxiu said: "It's because of time, we are still young, but some people don't have much time, they want to be in place in one step, and don't want to grope slowly. , Devil Star is a shortcut, they don't want to go to the starry sky to try their luck!"

"No wonder those old guys, after paying such a high price, want to fight the Demon Star!" Gao Jiuding said.

Song Yue also said: "Are there any demon warships on the Demon Star? If so, it's not so easy to fight!"

An Shenxiu said: "According to our speculation, the demon battleship should not belong to the demon clan on the demon planet!"

This Gao Jiuding knew, and he explained: "The demon star was originally called Yulingxing, which belonged to the residence of Yulingzong monks, and Yaoxing was a subsidiary territory. , After that, the Yaozu was oppressed for tens of thousands of years.

More than 4000 years ago, a demon fairy from the Yaozu returned from the fairyland and discovered the evil deeds of the human race, so he wiped out the Emperor Beast Sect. Otherwise, how could we benefit?In the great war that year, the Yaozu should not have benefited too much, otherwise the human race above the Yaoxing would not have survived until now. "

"The Royal Beast Sect was destroyed in this way? Then what about that demon fairy? It seems that there is really a passage leading to the fairy world!" Song Yue said with emotion.

An Shenxiu said: "The fairy world definitely exists, but we don't know where it is. We speculate that the fairy world is definitely not in the dimensional space, and the fairy world closest to us is very likely to be in the area where the cantilever and the foreign aid of the galaxy are connected. !
But we are too far away from there. If we want to go there in a short time, we really need the ultra-long-range teleportation array on the Devil Star. After fighting with the demon clan on the Devil Star for so many years, the Alliance has already understood the Devil Star. I heard that There are still many human forces on the Demon Star. "

"Then act according to the plan of those old guys on the earth. The Yaoxian on the Devil Star should have died, or else he would have fallen into a deep sleep, because it is inevitable to fight against the three treasures of the beast. The three immortal artifacts, if you follow the old man, you will definitely not suffer." Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Regardless of whether there are human monks on Devil Planet, Gao Jiuding does not intend to be the first bird.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid Gao Jiuding's entry into the demon star is also related to the Three Treasures of the Beast Sect. Otherwise, those old guys didn't eat fast and chant Buddha, so why did they send Gao Jiuding into the demon star to grab the territory and enjoy the blessings?
Whether it's disintegrating or eroding the Demon Star sect, using the resources of the Demon Star to train warriors, or digging the wall, it's all based on the plan to occupy the Demon Star.

In this way, no one went undercover on Devil Star?If he said no, Gao Jiuding would never believe it!

"What shall we do next?" An Shenxiu asked.

Gao Jiuding said: "Hold on, we have obtained so many benefits, so naturally we have to digest it carefully. If possible, help the Daomeng break through the Demon Star. The group of monsters hanging above our heads is a hidden danger after all!"

Song Yue gave Gao Jiuding a white look and said, "We have inherited the orthodoxy of the Beast Master Sect, and we are already immortal with the Monster Race."

(End of this chapter)

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