Chapter 1056
Of course, Yaozu and Gao Jiuding are mortal enemies. There is no doubt about this. If it is not our race, their hearts must be different. This is right wherever they are taken!

Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and said with a smile: "You can't say that, for those diehards of the Yaozu, just serve them with conjoined body art, and for those who surrender, just give them some restrictions and forget it!
I brought out a few snow kite eggs from the Ice Pond Cave earlier, those souls could not assimilate them, refine their bodies, so I could only place some restrictions to make them become my own! "

"Blood Slave Mark? It's hard to deduce that kind of bloodline inheritance restriction?" An Shenxiu frowned.

But she did not forget that in order to gain Gao Jiuding's trust, they all used the concentric talisman, and the real concentric talisman does not require a drop of blood to recognize the owner.

With the knowledge of An Shenxiu and other women at this time, they naturally knew that Gao Jiuding played a sinister trick!

However, they don't mind at all. If there is no way to reassure Gao Jiuding and impose on them, how can they cultivate to the current level in just a few years?
The most important thing is that Gao Jiuding can delegate power, and now the strength and power of the ten women can be counted in the entire Shenzhou Dao League, which is incomparable to the ants who were forced to sell themselves.

Gao Jiuding glanced at An Shenxiu and found that there was nothing unusual about her, Gao Jiuding immediately said: "Back then, I got a book of Forbidden Bloodline Art from that black old man Ma Rulong, although it is incomplete, it is not impossible to perfect it!

Now it is different from the past. We have Conjoined Concentric Art, Blood Curse, Concentric Blood Curse, Blood Pact, Soul Restriction and so on. It takes a little time to perfect the Blood Slave Seal by combining so many methods. of. "

"You can figure it out, anyway, you are the head of the family!" An Shenxiu said directly.

It is a bit too vicious to control others from generation to generation, but, as a superior, such a method really cannot be used.

Song Yue also frowned and said, "It's best not to use it on humans. If it's used on monsters, it's fine!"

An Shenxiu said: "It doesn't matter if it is used on people, because there are many such things on the demon star. Let's talk about the blood contract. It seems that a contract is signed to guarantee the rights of both parties, but there is an extreme blood contract with extremely harsh conditions. , or even vicious, this kind of blood contract can make people die unconditionally to protect others from generation to generation, compared to the blood slave mark, this kind of blood contract is not much better."

Song Yue was silent for a while before saying: "Pure cultivation civilization is more dangerous than we imagined!"

An Shenxiu smiled bitterly and said, "Have you all forgotten the demon warship? Those monsters turned into spirit weapons in the end. If the monsters inside were not restrained by the soul, would you believe it?"

Gao Jiuding opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Thinking about it now, the biochemical weapons in the demon battleship really control those monsters through soul restraint, and finally transform into spiritual weapons.

For a long time, Gao Jiuding was thinking about how those monsters were refined into spiritual weapons. Now, this trouble was solved by An Shenxiu.

Gao Jiuding also smiled wryly. The study of the soul, whether it is a demon star or a demon star, is longer than the study of the earth's cultivation world, and it must be more in-depth. He is a great expert in manipulating the soul.

Thinking about it now, the beasts suppressed under the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts or under the Longevity Mountain may have encountered this kind of method, otherwise, why would they be willing to be sacrificed to become a pure yang magic weapon?
"Soul restriction, by the way, there are still some supernatural means. I haven't seen a single bit of them in the inheritance of the Beast Controlling Sect!" Gao Jiuding suddenly remembered that the so-called four major inheritances of the Beast Controlling Sect were missing a very important part. .

Although those inheritances can also awaken supernatural powers to a certain degree of cultivation, some powerful supernatural powers have disappeared without a trace.

"The last inheritance must be in this Longevity Mountain!" Song Yue said.

Gao Jiuding nodded and didn't say anything else. There are many abnormal places in this Longevity Mountain. For example, there are spiritual grasses and spiritual plants here. At worst, there are some bees, and there are no other creatures.

The aura here is dense, if there are monsters, after more than 4000 years, haven't they all cultivated to the stage of Dharma?

But this situation did not appear, this is the problem!

There must be several inheritance caves in the mountain gate of a large sect!

And here, Gao Jiuding found a broken dojo, and nothing else was found, which is obviously impossible.

Then things will be easier to judge, the problem is either in the Bingpo Cave, or in the Longevity Mountain.

And the biggest possibility is the Longevity Mountain. Of course, there must be a legacy left in the cave world in the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb, and it is likely that it was concealed by those snow kites.

Since they are not benevolent, Gao Jiuding can also be unrighteous. If they enslave their descendants in the future, Gao Jiuding doesn't have to feel guilty.

"After digesting the harvest here first, you'd better practice a monster incarnation at the peak of the blood pill, and when each of us has an incarnation of advanced magic, then is the time to attack the devil star!" Gao Jiuding no longer thinks too much, he has to do everything step by step, thinking too much is useless.

For example, he has no way to collect the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead. If he collects it, even if there are ten Xueyuan Dharma Aspect monks inside, Gao Jiuding can easily destroy it.

Of course, even if you can't refine the Ice Soul Cold Light Orb, which may be a fake fairy weapon, and you can't control the inner cave, you can only continue to accumulate strength.

Gao Jiuding believed that his process of accumulating strength must be very fast, and perhaps within a short time, there would be one or twenty Dharma Aspect Stage monks under him.

When that time really came, Gao Jiuding could also break into the Ice Pond Cave again, directly attack Mang, and push away the remnants of Xueyuan there.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding can't do these things, so he can only shrink back now.

Digging deep holes, accumulating food widely, and becoming king slowly, this is the kingly way!

A group of women were greatly satisfied and dispersed. They came here to practice in seclusion, not to have fun with Gao Jiuding.

A group of women left, but Gao Jiuding had nothing to do. He walked out of the palace and came to the Hualing Pond in the center of the palace.

With the start of refining the pagoda's second layer of cave sky restriction, this Spirit Transformation Pool also looks more and more miraculous.

At this time, in the spiritual pool, some mist gathered, it was either spiritual liquid, or some mist!
The mist is so dense that it seems to be nothing, but it can be tumbling, but it is very agile!
If they are living creatures, they have no true form, just a trace of mist manifesting.

It can be said that they are dead objects, and this trace of mist can move around like swimming fish.

It's just that they can't show their true nature when they run around, and they can also devour spiritual energy. For example, the spiritual liquid condensed because of the rich spiritual energy, as long as it enters the spiritual pool, it will be swallowed by the traces of mist, making these mist even stronger. Also more flexible.

And that's not to mention, if any foreign objects fall into the spirit pool, the mist will immediately sink into it, but in the blink of an eye, these foreign objects will turn into a cloud of spiritual mist and disappear!
After a while, a flexible mist that has grown a little bit will appear again.

This Spirit Transformation Pond looks not much different from Juling Pond, but its digestion ability is much better than Juling Pond!

The Spirit Gathering Pool only gathers spiritual energy and condenses it into spiritual liquid, but this Spirit Transformation Pool can transform everything into spiritual energy.

This was what the little fox spread to Gao Jiuding, and it was at this time that Gao Jiuding realized that some of the knowledge that the little fox told him, even on this demon star, was an important secret inheritance.

The Spirit Transformation Pond created by the little fox on the Fox at that time was just a broken version, because there was no spiritual vein on the Fox.

But here it is different, the ten medium-sized spiritual veins converge, and the transformation of the five elements is derived, which is much more powerful than the transformation pool of the five elements driven by a fire spirit pool.

As Wanshou began to organize the underground spiritual veins, the ten medium-sized spiritual veins began to transform spiritual energy in an orderly manner!
As the place where the five elements converge, this Spirit Transformation Pool began to transform the five elements naturally.

The intergrowth of the five elements is the bridge for the five elements to communicate with each other, and this spirit pool is the core place where the five elements blend with each other.

At this time, the spirit energy of the five elements merged into the spirit pool, and in the process of mutual transformation, some spiritual liquid was produced. This is the purest spirit energy gathered by the spirit energy of the five elements, and it can also be said to be formed by the condensation of the spirit energy of the five elements.

It is not the essence condensed by one kind of spiritual energy, but the essence of heaven and earth that is condensed during the process of five kinds of spiritual energy intertwined and transformed into each other.

According to Gao Jiuding's judgment, this kind of aura with all the five elements, or without attributes, should be the celestial qi, the celestial spirit, the celestial qi with its own spirituality.

Now that the immortal energy is derived, then the large spiritual veins will also be formed, right?
On this demon star, if there can be immortal energy anywhere, it must be in the core of the large spiritual vein, because the core of the large spiritual vein can produce spirit crystals, and the spirit crystals contain a trace of immortal energy.

Immortal energy cannot melt everything, but the immortal energy gathered in the Spirit Transformation Pond can melt everything.

"Try!" Gao Jiuding casually threw out a fragment of a magic weapon. These things were harvested in the outer battlefield of the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation when he first entered the Great Snow Mountain.

These magic weapon fragments had to be re-melted to produce some materials. For Gao Jiuding who never lacked spiritual materials, it was a bit of a waste of time.

Now that there is Hualing Immortal Pond, maybe these materials can be easily smelted!
The fragments of the magic treasure fell into the Hualing Pond, and immediately there were clouds of spiritual mist covering the fragments!
Gao Jiuding knew that those silk-like fairy spirits had already penetrated into the fragments of the magic weapon.

After waiting for a while, the spiritual mist covering the fragments of the magic weapon dissipated, and the fragments of the magic weapon inside had disappeared without a trace.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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