Chapter 1060
The teleportation array inside the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was activated, a group of people poured out from the teleportation hall, and another group of people immediately entered the teleportation hall and were quickly teleported away.

"Song Yue and the others brought that group of people earlier, right? Why did they just leave?" Gao Jiuding glanced at Wanshou and asked in confusion.

Wanshou said in a daze, "Is the training over?"

"The training is over?" Gao Jiuding was also a little confused. Could it be that the resources he brought were exhausted?

But those people can come here, and still consume their own resources?

Their ability to come in is inherently rewarding. Coming here, not to mention other resources, just the rich aura can make their cultivation grow rapidly.

Looking at the teleportation hall again, the group of people were sent away, and another group of people came in!

This time, the people who came in were not from the Golden Wolf Palace, and they were teleported in from beyond the starry sky. The one who wanted to come in was the teleportation array on the demon battleship.

After that, it became lively. Gao Jiuding saw a lot of familiar people, not their faces, but their conversation and clothes. It was obvious that this group of people came from the earth.

It seems that Song Yue, An Shenxiu and other women have gained confidence and have already brought in a large number of earthlings.

Although the earthlings are not as fast as the local natives in cultivation, they are well-informed and flexible in mind. The most important thing is that they are open-minded and dare to think and do. With their help, Gao Jiuding's territory will develop faster.

"How long has it been?" Gao Jiuding came to his senses a little bit. It was still a bit difficult for his body to refine and transform the spirit pond. Maybe he was immersed in the transformation spirit pond and lost the concept of time.

Wanshou said: "It's been more than a year in the pagoda, and the outside world should have passed for more than a month!"

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, he immediately looked at the bamboo building, Gao Xianzhi inside was still normal.

When Gao Xianzhi exhaled and inhaled, he swallowed and exhaled the purest aura. These auras entered the blood vessels through the lungs, and finally flowed into the stomach to be digested, forming accumulations and merging into the body.

Gao Jiuding can now feel Gao Xianzhi's transparent body, her physique is being changed.

"It's been a year before you know it, your daughter's aptitude is pretty good!" Wan Shou said in admiration.

Gao Jiuding also felt very satisfied. During this period of time, he was also paying attention to his stomach, but in the end he realized that his point of view at the time was correct. The stomach he strengthened was just a big millstone.

In his stomach, Wutu aura and Jitu aura were consumed up and down, and the refined food was turned into nourishment, which strengthened his blood.

In principle, Gao Jiuding's stomach is an earthy stomach, and its attribute is earth, so the aura it transforms is the aura of Wuji earth spirit.

Gao Xianzhi was different, she had never cultivated before, and her body was complete with five elements, and with the help of the emerald fruit, she actually produced a more pure purple and green energy.

These two breaths are originally the original breaths when the world first opened, and they must exist in the human body, but they must be very rare, and they will be polluted by various turbid qi during the acquired growth process, so they cannot survive at all.

"Actually, it's not that mysterious. Ziqing Qi is just a kind of innate Qi!" Wan Shou felt Gao Jiuding's thoughts and explained.

Gao Jiuding nodded, innate qi is nothing?Xuanhuang Qi can also be regarded as innate qi, who can automatically generate pure innate qi in the body?
Since he was innate, it meant that Gao Xianzhi could cultivate, whether it was body refining or Qi refining, it would go very smoothly in the future.

For the next few days, Gao Jiuding carefully observed Gao Xianzhi's condition, and he also wanted to purify his physique, but finally he found that the best thing to use was actually the Six Skills of Health Preservation handed down by Song Yue's family.

Song Yue also taught him back then, but Gao Jiuding didn't pay much attention to one of them was the acquired method of breathing.

Now seeing Gao Xianzhi's situation, Gao Jiuding suddenly thought of it, Gao Xianzhi's subconscious breathing was actually walking the path of the six-character art of prolonging life.

The method of exhaling six times is very simple blow, heh, shh, eat, hoo, hee.

It is also easier to do. Use your nose when you inhale, blow when you exhale, make a heh sound when you exhale the second time, boo the third time, eat the fourth time, and then exhale and hee !

Every time you breathe, the qi falls to the dantian, forming a small cycle. This is the art of Xiao Zhoutian breathing and exhaling!

How to breathe out is to follow the literal meaning. It is the same when inhaling, and the difference is exhaling. As long as you exhale, make the sound of blowing, hehe, booing, eating, hooing, and heeing. Just completed a practice of Liu Zi Jue.

It is very simple to say, but it is not so easy to do it!
Especially in the unconscious, it is even more difficult to perform this kind of breathing technique very naturally.

The way is natural, the most difficult thing is to be natural, Gao Xianzhi has done it now, her unconscious breathing is according to the six-character tactic of prolonging life.

Without the control of consciousness, Gao Jiuding can't do it to this extent!
At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that it was not without reason that Gao Xianzhi was able to fully develop the efficacy of the emerald fruit.

"After practicing for such a long time, it happens that the consumption is a bit heavy. I don't eat to supplement it anymore. I will follow the method of my precious girl and see if there will be some unexpected gains!"

Anyway, the main body has nothing to do. Gao Jiuding's main job now is to cultivate. He simply sits in the Hualing Pool and absorbs the aura in the Hualing Pool naturally. Moreover, he only breathes through his mouth, and the absorbed aura does not blend into his body. , meridian, but swallowed into the stomach.

After doing this, the stomach was empty at the beginning, and I felt a little uncomfortable, but after a long time, Gao Jiuding's stomach also felt a little full when he breathed out the spiritual energy.

Feeling comfortable, Gao Jiuding began to concentrate on cultivation. I don't know how much time passed, he felt his mind was at peace, and he was completely immersed in cultivation.

Gao Jiuding felt that he was completely integrated into the spiritual energy. He felt that the Hualingchi was transforming the spiritual energy, gathering the spiritual energy, purifying and refining the spiritual energy!

He also felt the radiated spirit veins, and as the spirit veins merged into the earth veins, he was closely integrated with the earth!
Those spiritual veins seemed to be following Gao Jiuding's exhalation and inhalation, breathing in and out of spiritual energy.

When Gao Jiuding exhaled, the spirit veins were also spewing spiritual energy out, and when he inhaled, the spirit veins were also absorbing the free spirit energy between the heaven and the earth, and gathered in the spirit veins.

The spiritual energy flows in the spiritual veins, and flows in Gao Jiuding's body, the spiritual energy is refined by the spiritual veins, and also refined by Gao Jiuding's stomach.

The spiritual energy accumulated in the spiritual veins, and also accumulated in Gao Jiuding's body.

In this way, Gao Jiuding merged into the heaven and earth between one breath and one breath. Of course, this heaven and earth can only be the heaven and earth within the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

With the rapid refinement of the cave sky restriction inside the pagoda, Gao Jiuding and the space of the pagoda are becoming more and more closely integrated.

I don't know how much time has passed, Gao Jiuding suddenly saw a lot of things, every grass and meter inside the pagoda was reflected in his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Gao Jiuding did not wake up, he was still in meditation, but he could clearly see everything that happened in the pagoda at this moment.

He is like an outsider, as if he is watching a movie. He can observe all the situations inside the pagoda, and he can clearly feel that he is integrated with the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding can feel that the pagoda is himself, and he is the pagoda. This may be the unity of man and weapon. If it is a sword repair, it is the unity of man and sword.

"The pagoda no longer has nine floors, but has become a long, long palace like a shaft!"

"The eucalyptus tree never disappeared, it just disappeared, and it's by my side!"

"This is the turbulence of time and space, right? You should have thought that the eucalyptus was affected by the turbulence of time and space. No, it should be the eucalyptus that completely refined the turbulence of time and space!"

Gao Jiuding observed everything inside the pagoda, among which the most amazing thing was the eucalyptus!

After fully merging the turbulent flow of time and space, the eucalyptus tree seemed to be crossing the river of time, so Gao Jiuding couldn't see it, even now, he could only perceive its existence.

"Couldn't it be turned into time? Time is real, but no one can see it. Time is something that can't be touched or seen, but it really exists. The eucalyptus at this time is also like this?"

"The realm is too low, it's still hard to understand something that involves the rules of heaven and earth!"

"This blood fruit vine is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Well, this large spirit vein is a bit familiar. It should be the spirit vein under the last palace in the Beast Control Dojo at that time. It turned out to be here."

"Haha, this palace is indeed a good thing. When the palace was opened, a group of people were unable to collect it. Unexpectedly, it was also absorbed by the seal of the beasts at that time."

"Hey, this is the mountain stream that suppressed the arrows of the God of Shooting the Sun? It's not easy here, but the water is a good thing, but I don't know what level of spiritual water it is. Well, the murderous intent is a bit heavy, maybe it's the water that was shot by the God of Shooting the Sun. Arrows affected."

"Ah? This is like a fugue, where the thoughts are, and you are on the scene!"

"There are still too few monsters here. Except for aquatic creatures, the group of blood rabbits has the most. By the way, there are also those group of little monkeys. Haha, the baobab forest has also expanded. There is no shortage of water sources here. Baobab trees It seems to be easier to grow."

"Unfortunately, these baobabs still don't grow as fast as eucalyptus."

Finally, Gao Jiuding's sight fell on the only forest in the pagoda!
It was a eucalyptus forest, and there were no eucalyptus trees below [-] meters, and almost every one was as thick as two people hugging each other.

"Huh? There's still a piece of demon vine here? It seems to be transplanted from a demon battleship. It was half-dead before, but now it has become active again. It seems that the spirit vein is the root of everything!"

"What is this? By the way, it's a traveler's banana. Well, the one in the middle is a man-eating tree? It's also grown. It's getting stronger. I can't help but want to make waves?"

 Thanks to book friend 20190625145320532 for the 500 coin reward!Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, king of heaven and earth, and little cute brother Yuchen for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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