Chapter 1061
Gao Jiuding stared at a tree that was devouring a large spider, and he quickly recognized it. It was a man-eating tree that he got on the big island off the east coast of Africa!
At that time, it seemed that some dragon blood trees were transplanted. I don't know how it looks.

Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered a large area of ​​dragon's blood trees. This kind of tree grows rather strangely, and it is easy to recognize.

"In the space of this pagoda, it is considered to be full of vitality, but there are not many valuable plants!"

Gao Jiuding looked at a large bamboo forest, which was formed after the bamboo shoots purchased in the Kuiper belt survived!
At that time, he also got a lot of seeds from the kid of the Li family, and now a population has also formed.

However, compared to the vastness of the inner space of the pagoda at this time, the developed populations of those Chinese medicinal materials and seeds of special trees are still too small.

"Well, this piece of lotus is more attractive!" In the end, Gao Jiuding found a large freshwater river. The water in the lake is very shallow, so a large piece of lotus root grew out of it.

"Can lotus seeds be used to make alchemy?" Gao Jiuding's divine sense turned, and he had already come to a volcano. Inside the volcano was a palace, which was the refining room where Huo Yuan was incarnated.

"How can I be a typical distraction?" Gao Jiuding also had his own thoughts as he looked at Huo Yuan's avatar who was groping for alchemy.

He himself is immersed in a rhythm at this time, as if he is breathing with the world, breathing out spiritual energy.

This feeling is very mysterious, but Gao Jiuding's soul has not yet fallen into it when he merged into the world and breathed out the air of the sky!
He was sober, like now, and he could still wander around.

After observing the situation inside the pagoda, Gao Jiuding was a little confused!
It seemed that he had nothing to do, now that he saw Huo Yuan concocting alchemy, he also thought of some previous plans.

Ever since he first came into contact with the world of comprehension, Gao Jiuding thought about learning the six arts of comprehension, and the most basic one is to draw symbols.

Talismans and formations are the foundation of everything. This Gao Jiuding has long understood, but without inheritance and time, it is very difficult to learn the formation of talismans.

But now he has all of these, the talisman secret tome of the Beastmaster Sect has fallen into his hands, time has the bonus of the Time and Space God Domain, and he does not lack it!

The most important thing is that now he is practicing and studying at the same time, which is even better.

As long as you learn how to draw talismans, you can learn formations, and as long as you get started with formations, Gao Jiuding believes that with the help of Wanshou, he can control the prohibition in Wanshou Mountain. After that, he will really let the birds fly .

To draw talismans, one must need talisman paper, talisman pen, spirit ink, etc. Gao Jiuding has all of these. He was preparing for drawing talismans before, but at that time he was practicing calligraphy and painting.

Now that we have the inheritance of talismans, we can naturally start making talismans.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a desk flew in front of him, complete with the four treasures of the study.

Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, urging Guan himself to enter the space of viewing.

The body is cultivating, so it is impossible for him to really make talismans, so he can only enter the space of observing the appearance to practice.

The pens, inks, papers and inkstones are all real, as long as you visualize them, the drawn talismans will be as real as they are in the visual space.

Now Gao Jiuding is very familiar with the use of visualization space, just like this time, he directly visualized the desk outside in front of him, took out a pen, cinnabar paint, and a piece of yellow paper.

He spread the yellow paper on the desk, picked up the pen and dipped it in some cinnabar, held his breath, the pen landed on the paper, a mysterious and obscure aura permeated with the stroke of the pen.

Gao Jiuding devoted himself to drawing the talisman, and the mysterious talisman patterns appeared on the yellow paper while the stroke of the brush was wandering.

At this moment, Dao and reason began to intertwine, and the situation changed.

Talisman is the medium between man and heaven and earth. Man communicates with heaven and earth, absorbs the power of heaven and earth, and then seals it on paper to form a talisman.

Therefore, when drawing symbols, there is often a lot of movement.

Especially in the visualization space, Gao Jiuding's wish will come true, as long as he moves his mind, the concentration of spiritual energy here will be several times thicker than that of the outside world.

When Gao Jiuding was drawing the talisman, he was pleasantly surprised to find that when the pen was swirling around, the sense of blockage was reduced a lot, which made him feel a little hearty and relaxed.

A smooth rune means that the communication between the world and the earth is smooth, and more power can be accommodated.

As the talisman was about to be completed, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a terrifying coercion shrouded the entire visualization space, and there was even a little thunder and lightning.

"...That's enough!" Gao Jiuding suddenly shouted, and immediately put away the spirit brush.

A wave of light bloomed on the yellow paper, and once the talisman was completed, it floated into the air, emitting an incomparably brilliant brilliance, attracting people's attention.

With a wave of his hand, the talisman flew out.

A piece of talisman paper moved in a straight line and flew in front of him.

Gao Jiuding sensed the power contained in the talisman, and instinctively turned around to flee outside.

But at this time, the visualization space was too small, and the talisman could not fly beyond an arm's length in front of him.

"Boom!" The talisman burned, incinerated together with Gao Jiuding's body, and then exploded.

The thunder was loud, and the raindrops were not small. Gao Jiuding turned into a pile of dry bones at a speed visible to the naked eye, scattered all over the ground.

Gathering his body shape again, the expression on Gao Jiuding's face, I don't know whether it's joy or worry.

He simply drew a Thunder Fire Talisman, and he was blown up to nothing. If he drew it outside, he would not be very optimistic about the end at this time.

"You need to be careful when drawing talismans!" Gao Jiuding visualized the desk again, and picked up the talisman pen again.

He has memorized the dao pattern in the talisman, even with his eyes closed, he can imagine it, but just remembering it doesn't mean he can draw it smoothly.

"These runes are connected together to form rune chains and rune cables. In the end, they just form a ban. This thunder fire ban gathers spiritual energy and generates thunder fire. Is it so powerful?"

Gao Jiuding no longer wanted to ascend to the sky in one step, but began to decompose the Dao pattern. A whole talisman was decomposed, showing the prohibition formed by the link of the runes, and then decomposing the prohibition to form a rune cable, a rune chain, and finally turned into a piece runes.

A simple combination of runes forms a rune chain, which is then condensed into a rune cable, and finally linked together to form a prohibition.

Don't look at the biggest palm size of a talisman, but the simple strokes on it contain the great way.

There are countless runes drawn in one stroke of the talisman pen. If you are not skilled, it is impossible to complete it quickly.

"It's so difficult to draw a ban. If you want to superimpose several layers of bans to form a more advanced talisman, is that a human being able to do it?" After decomposing and drawing a few times, Gao Jiuding realized the difficulty of the Thunder Fire Talisman.

"Let's start with the simplest one!" Gao Jiuding chose the Gravity Talisman.

The Gravity Talisman is a large series, depending on the effect, it is even possible to draw a Gravity Talisman that is comparable to a heavenly treasure.

It's a pity that it's the superimposed effect of countless Gravity Talismans. Gao Jiuding is definitely not able to play with it. Now he is most familiar with Magic Talismans and Treasure Talismans, and even the success rate of making Treasure Talismans is not high.

The simplest magic talisman is a law prohibition. Gao Jiuding doesn't need to use a talisman brush to draw it. Even if he uses his hands to volley the prohibition, he can draw it simply by sketching it.

Gao Jiuding has learned calligraphy and painting since he was a child, and he can control the talisman pen fairly well. His spirit is more powerful, and it is definitely not difficult to draw the most basic talismans with the Golden Core Stage cultivation base.

Sure enough, with a few simple strokes, Gao Jiuding successfully outlined a magic-level gravity talisman. The power released by this talisman can only double the gravity.

While drawing the talisman, he urged the alchemy in his body to rush into the talisman.

The power of the talisman depends entirely on the skill of the drawer. If there is not enough mana from the alchemy to integrate into the talisman, how can the power of the talisman be said?

Of course, if you are good, you can also integrate into the spirit-gathering array. When drawing the talisman, integrate the spirit-gathering array into the talisman, so that after the talisman is completed, it will automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth and rush into the talisman!
In this way, the consumption of talisman masters is relatively small, but it is more difficult to make.

"No wonder someone has researched the treasure talisman. That thing uses the method of refining the weapon to directly integrate the prohibition into the talisman paper, so that you don't have to draw it carefully!"

Although he has only studied for a short time, Gao Jiuding already has a deep understanding of talismans.

The main reason is that his starting point is high. There is a secret book of Talismans and Talismans formed by the hard work of dozens or hundreds of generations of the Beast Master Sect. Gao Jiuding directly learns it, which is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of his predecessors. On the road, it is naturally much easier.

"I'm still a Huo cultivator, and I'm the most suitable for refining weapons. Besides, I can also share the experience of Huo Yuan's incarnation!" After drawing a few talismans by himself, Gao Jiuding gave up.

If he practiced step by step, he didn't know how much time it would take to find out some experience. If he was refining talismans, wouldn't that be a shortcut?

Overtaking on a curve is the coolest thing, but it needs to consume dot paper or something, but does it matter to Gao Jiuding?
Besides, he was in the space of observing the appearance, and all he wasted was time, but no raw materials for him to waste.

Figured it out, Gao Jiuding simply visualized a small refining furnace, and then made a lot of materials for refining talisman paper.

There are many materials in Longevity Mountain, because there are many ancient woods and spiritual woods here, and these trees can be ground into pulp to make high-quality talisman paper!
Papermaking is really not difficult, that is, crushing, purifying, and drying in the sun. The better the material, the better the paper.

Of course, papermaking is not that simple, but that's roughly how it's done.

Gao Jiuding had experience in refining weapons several times, and he was quite familiar with setting up bans in the air.

Sure enough, it was much easier for him to change the plan in this way.

First refine a ball of pulp, and then work hard in this ball of pulp!
The higher the quality of the pulp, the more restrictions it can hold.

As long as you try to arrange as many restrictions as possible, and grasp a speed, you can successfully refine a talisman or a talisman treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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