Chapter 1062

In the process of refining talisman paper, each additional layer of magic barriers placed in the pulp, the better the final talisman will be.

At the beginning, Gao Jiuding could only arrange one layer of forbidden spells, so he immediately controlled the paper pulp to form a talisman. After the water vapor evaporated, what was left was a complete talisman.

The internal prohibition is like a refining tool, which is arranged at will. In the process of pulp forming paper, the talisman paper is fused with the prohibition to form a complete talisman.

Of course, in this process, enough aura needs to be injected, otherwise the talisman is just an empty shell.

"The first-order talisman is so simple to make!"

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, and a large stack of branding symbols appeared!
If instead of arranging restrictions by yourself, it would be easier to directly enter the restrictions using brand symbols.

"Forget it, let's cultivate slowly by ourselves!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and the branding talisman disappeared. Now it's learning, not really refining talismans.

Holding the magic talisman in his hand, when he activated it, a ray of spiritual light fell on Gao Jiuding's body!
Gao Jiuding immediately felt the increase in gravity, it was only doubled, and to him, nothing was nothing.

Next, Gao Jiuding refined the ninth-order gravity talisman very easily. It was only one step away from the fusion of the nine magical prohibitions to form a treasure forbidden. symbol.

Gao Jiuding is already very proficient in the technique of refining weapons, and the most important thing is that his spirit is powerful, and it is a breeze to arrange and control the magic ban with the spiritual consciousness equivalent to the phase of the law.

Besides, this is the visualization space, as long as the soul is strong, it is really not that difficult to visualize the crafting of talismans.

Gao Jiuding experimented, even if it was just a magic talisman, the talisman refined by Gao Jiuding was much stronger than ordinary talismans.

Generally, treasure talismans are made by drawing, but the materials are much better, they can store a lot of aura, and the materials are stable, so the talismans made can be used many times.

However, for ordinary talisman treasures, as long as they are fully activated, most of them cannot exceed three times!
That is to say, at most three times, the aura in the talisman will be completely exhausted, making the talisman invalid!
Of course, if the material is too low, and the talisman is very powerful, it may not last three times, and the talisman itself will be destroyed.

The materials that Gao Jiuding visualized now are good, at least they are high-level spiritual materials, which are far beyond the level of making talismans, so the power of the first-order talismans produced this time is not very powerful, but they can be used many times .

Just now Gao Jiuding casually urged, and the talisman in his hand sent out a series of fireballs.

"All of them can be used as Lianju Fireball Talismans!" Looking at the orange-red fireballs, Gao Jiuding said with satisfaction.

Every explosion of the Lianzhu fireball will shatter Gao Jiuding's protective qi, which is more powerful.

Although Gao Jiuding's protective qi is only a thin layer, the strength of this layer is also higher than that of a defensive magic weapon of the third rank or higher.

The fireball technique issued by an ordinary first-order talisman is at most as powerful as a full blow from a second-level Qi Refining monk. This is the most extreme level, and no matter how powerful a monk is, they generally cannot exceed this level.

However, Gao Jiuding is a talisman made by Gao Jiuding, so its power has been improved to a higher level. Of course, the most important thing is because the material is better.

If it is a real talisman master, using the materials Gao Jiuding is currently using to make talisman treasures, maybe the power can be even stronger.

"It can be activated seven times in a row, the seven-star talisman, not bad! Not bad!" Gao Jiuding expressed his satisfaction.

This is the first-order talisman, or the magic weapon level, which is used in the Qi refining stage. What if it is a ninth-order talisman?What about even treasure-level talismans?
"Visualize without wasting materials, try the treasure talisman!"

Gao Jiuding selected some more advanced materials, these are carefully selected spiritual woods, not only the bark, but also some branches.

After occupying the Longevity Hill, the most indispensable thing here is the branches of the spirit wood!

Back then, this was the center of the battlefield, and countless spiritual wood forests were destroyed!
These are all left here, because compared to other treasures, no one will waste time and collect some spirit wood!
Even if the spirit wood is of a very high level, no one will pay attention to it, because there is too little time.

In the past 4000 years, the spiritual trees in Longevity Mountain, whether they were destroyed or not, have almost all recovered now.

These are spirit woods. Even if they are not used to make magic tools, they can also be used to make talisman paper, or even processed directly to make spirit carbon for alchemy.

The spirit wood that Gao Jiuding collects is some high-level materials, and he has the fourth-level materials of Tiandi Xuanhuang.

The Royal Beast Sect has a profound background, and even the heavenly spirit trees are not absent here, and Gao Jiuding has seen several such spirit trees.

It's a pity that these spiritual trees have been destroyed, even if some grow back, the age of the trees is not just over 4000 years old!
Moreover, no one has taken care of it for 4000 years, so it doesn't look good.

It's just that there is a problem here, such a powerful spirit tree, did not give birth to wisdom?This made Gao Jiuding quite strange.

To get rid of distracting thoughts, Gao Jiuding took a pinch, and the first-order spiritual wood was crushed!

Throwing it into a small refining furnace, making a copy must first be made into pulp!

Next, as long as the spiritual consciousness is controlled to compress it into a piece of paper, and then use the spiritual fire to bake it.

This kind of refining method actually belongs to heart refining or water refining!

Heart refining, as the name suggests, is to use the soul to refine weapons, and there are not many times when you actually do it!
Even if you do it, it's just the easiest way to deal with the materials. This kind of refining method is the simplest, but also the hardest!
If the consciousness is strong and the control is subtle, it is easy to refine it successfully, but if the spirit is too weak, everything is useless.

Water smelting is not difficult to understand. It is to refine some utensils in water, just like pressing pulp into paper. It must not be calcined, and it needs a lot of water. Many processes are completed in water, so it is called water smelting.

Gao Jiuding memorized these methods when he was reading books!
Although he hasn't practiced it himself, Gao Jiuding's soul is powerful and his consciousness is keen, so whether it's water training or heart training, he can do it easily without any difficulty.

The pulp was baked until it was half-dry, and Gao Jiuding directly entered the ban. This time, he sent out nine bans one after another, and the speed was very fast, almost instantaneously. After completing this time, he was not finished. entry ban.

The nine laws and prohibitions are completed, as long as the speed is fast and the arrangement is appropriate, they can be pulled together and merged into a treasure prohibition!
The most important thing now is that the second treasure prohibition cannot affect the first treasure prohibition.

How thick is a sheet of paper?The largest talisman is no more than half the size of a palm. It is definitely not easy to arrange multiple layers of restraints in such a thin and sized talisman.

This requires a strong mind and a very keen mind, so that one can perform subtle manipulations and penetrate as many restrictions as possible within a few millimeters thick piece of paper.

One layer of prohibition forms a plan and covers the surface of the talisman. If nine layers can be superimposed in an instant, the nine layers will have a tendency to merge. At that time, after a little guidance, or cultivation, refining, it may become a magic talisman .

If you can continue to stack such nine layers of forbidden treasures, when the nine layers are stacked, there will be magical changes in these nine layers, and a spirit body may be born. As long as you survive the calamity, you may form a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

At this time, whether it is a talisman or a talisman, it will become a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. The finished product at this time is already a talisman, and it will not be damaged due to exhaustion of aura and too much power.

After obtaining the complete talisman inheritance, Gao Jiuding is clear about how to practice afterward, but he knows that it may not be possible to do it.

Just like now, within a thin piece of paper, he can break into at most two layers of forbidden treasures, which are the eighteen forbidden laws!

To be able to leave eighteen layers of restrictions on a one millimeter thick talisman paper is already very powerful.

After completing the second talisman, Gao Jiuding held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

When it was unfinished, this talisman was more than three millimeters thick, but now that it is completed, after compression and baking to remove the moisture in it, it is still at most one millimeter thick.

This is already considered thick. Ordinary paper is only [-] to [-] millimeters thick.

"If the second-order treasure, the talisman, can emit seven fireballs in a row, and have the effect of a full-strength attack by a monk on the third level of hemolysis, it will be amazing!" Gao Jiuding adjusted the strength of the protective energy outside his body. .

Ready, Gao Jiuding activated this talisman, a fiery red fireball, which exploded as soon as it flew out.

Gao Jiuding only heard a bang, and he was hit by a huge force, and he took a step back!
He can only take this one step back, because the space of observing the appearance is the size of his body's front and back steps.

Gao Jiuding only felt his head buzzing, and his eyes turned black. It took him a long time before he returned to normal.

Looking at one's own space, the visualized body feels exactly the same as that in the outside world.

"There is indeed a hemolytic third-tier monk, with the strength of a full blow!"

I checked the protective qi and found that it was not broken, because for the sake of safety, Gao Jiuding urged the strength of the protective qi to reach the sixth level of hemolysis for a full blow, just because I was afraid of accidents.

Although Gao Jiuding was careful enough, who made the room for visualization smaller?

Although his protective qi was not broken, the shock force made him suffer.

"I still have to experiment and see how many attacks I can make!" This time Gao Jiuding learned his lesson, and he directly activated the protective energy with all his strength.

After a series of "boom boom boom" explosions, Gao Jiuding thought about it carefully, and it was still seven consecutive strikes.

After seven consecutive fireball explosions, the talisman couldn't bear it, and finally became shattered.

This is the Talisman Treasure. Although it is not a one-time use, it cannot be used indefinitely. This is the biggest difference from the Talisman Tool.

"If it can be refined into a talisman, isn't it a Vulcan cannon that can be fired indefinitely? No, it cannot be refined infinitely. The talisman needs to be activated by a monk. After the monk's body's true energy and mana are exhausted , it won’t work anymore!”

(End of this chapter)

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