The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1063 Hidden dangers exposed

Chapter 1063 Hidden dangers exposed ([-] recommendations plus updates)
Gao Jiuding continued to experiment with making Lianzhu Fireball Talismans, and soon he knew that the firearms modified by the earth's cultivation world were similar to the Talismans he refined now, and at most they were equivalent to Talisman Weapons.

Firearms are weapons, and they are made of good materials. They are made by refining talismans, so aren't they just talisman weapons?

"Unintentionally, I made a gun that is not a gun!" Gao Jiuding laughed, and his subordinates seemed to have another powerful weapon.

As long as there are enough resources, talisman treasures can be produced in batches. Of course, it would be even better to be able to make talisman weapons. At that time, if everyone has a fireball talisman weapon, wouldn't that be equivalent to having a Vulcan cannon?

Although compared with the Vulcan Cannon, the attack power may not be strong, and the attack distance is not good, but this is a pure energy weapon. The power of a close-range explosion is definitely much stronger than a bullet.

"The talisman is much more troublesome. This involves the combination of magic weapons. This is the real refining weapon. You must be proficient in runes and formations, and you must be familiar with the nature of the materials. It seems that using spirit wood is not enough. The talisman The most basic principle of being able to reuse is that the material is better and stronger."

After a little research, Gao Jiuding gave up making talismans. He hasn't learned to walk yet, so don't think about running.

Gao Jiuding was already very satisfied to be able to successfully research the production method of the second-order treasure talisman.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding will continue to superimpose treasure bans, and only two layers of treasure bans can be stacked, which is definitely not what Gao Jiuding wants.

It is not difficult for Gao Jiuding to superimpose three layers of treasures at a time, just a little exercise, and it will be completed.

It is not difficult for Gao Jiuding to superimpose four layers of treasures. He saved the country with a curve this time, and slightly enlarged the thickness of the semi-finished talisman paper, and it was completed!

It's just that you need to be careful when pressing it into talisman paper and completing the last step of talisman solidification!
If the materials are not up to the standard, or the internal prohibition is unevenly distributed, or even if the materials are not stirred evenly, it may cause the prohibition to collapse and shatter the talisman paper, thus failing to achieve success.

Next, add the fifth layer to refine the talisman equivalent to the fifth-order treasure, which is more difficult.

At this time, the semi-finished talisman paper could no longer bear the five layers of treasure ban, but it was 45 layers of magic ban.

As for the semi-finished talisman paper, after he got it to a thickness of five millimeters, its structure was too loose to be usable at all.

Therefore, the next is the moment to see the truth. At this level, there are no shortcuts, and one can only rely on Gao Jiuding's divine sense to carry out fine control.

He failed once or twice, failed ten times, or a hundred times. Gao Jiuding only succeeded once in a while after doing it for an unknown number of times.

At this time, Gao Jiuding broke out in a cold sweat from the visualization. Making talismans is not as simple as he imagined!

"After thousands of experiments, I only succeeded once in a while. I don't know how to succeed. The success rate is too low!" Gao Jiuding looked at the broken material in his hand.

If it was outside, how much material would he have lost?

Every time the production fails, the ban that has been completely arranged inside collapses, it is a big explosion!
So, to refine the talisman paper, there is only one restriction, because there is no danger if it is not completed.

If you want to superimpose prohibition, then pay attention!

If the subsequent restrictions are not completed, there will naturally be no danger, but the restrictions placed earlier will be detonated!
When the ban is broken, the aura stored inside will be released, which is too dangerous.

The production of talismans by talisman masters is not only a waste of money, but also very dangerous, which is much more dangerous than alchemy and weapon refining.

As long as the alchemy refining equipment does not fry the furnace, at most it will lose some wealth.

Fortunately, the cost of talisman paper is low, and there are many such materials in the cultivation world. Otherwise, the cost of cultivating talisman masters would be too high.

"If you succeed once, there will be a second time. Failure is the mother of success. Naturally, it can be milked."

Gao Jiuding was quite optimistic, because he didn't have any loss at all, even if he was killed by the bomb, he would only suffer for a while.

For the next time, Gao Jiuding will be polishing his talisman-drawing skills. If he gets agitated, he will change his tricks, such as refining a few taboo breaking talismans, sealing talismans, and heavenly secret talismans.

In this way, Gao Jiuding became busy, and of course his other avatars were also busy, until one day he felt something strange.

"What's the matter?" Gao Jiuding withdrew from the viewing space, looking at Wanshou who manifested in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Someone found Longevity Mountain, what should we do?" Wanshou asked anxiously.

"Did you find it? How did you come in?" Gao Jiuding also asked with an expressionless face.

Wanshou said: "They didn't come in, they discovered the area where Longevity Mountain is located, and they are still investigating the water above Longevity Mountain, but after a long time, they will come down after all!"

Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief, it's good that he didn't break into Longevity Mountain, but entered the dark river under Daxue Mountain, they are still far away from Longevity Mountain!
"Do you know how they found this place?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"It should be located here through teleportation fluctuations. Recently, it is best not to use the teleportation array frequently." Wan Shou's face was a little ugly.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, he had thought about this problem at the beginning, but afterward there was nothing unusual, so he let it go.

Gao Jiuding released his consciousness and enveloped the inner space of the pagoda. He discovered that there were people coming and going in the teleportation hall, and a spontaneous small trading market had formed.

Those who were able to enter the pagoda space must be Gao Jiuding's cronies. Now it is not only the guards of him, An Shenxiu and others, but also a large number of middle and high-level soldiers.

After these people come in, the first thing they need to do is to exchange some cultivation resources they need. They will take out the things they don't need and exchange them for the resources they need, so as to make the most use of the Time and Space God Territory.

Just for a while while he was observing, Gao Jiuding saw the teleportation array light up twice!

Through the Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding could feel that the aura in the southeast direction was abnormal, and these people should have been sent from the Golden Wolf Palace.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding saw some maids in the Golden Wolf Palace on the other side of the teleportation hall. No matter their clothes or temperament, they were all different from the group of reckless people Gao Jiuding pulled up, and they were easy to identify.

"Since they are here, we can't let them go. If there are not many people, I really hope to come a few more times!" Knowing the situation, Gao Jiuding felt relieved.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the avatar of the water and fire python, who had been sorting out the veins and formations outside, appeared outside the prohibition.

On the teleportation stone platform on the stone wall of the abyss under the sea, after a flash of light, the incarnation of the water and fire python appeared in the teleportation stone platform protected by the formation.

Originally, this stone platform could only be used to teleport monks in the hemolytic period, but the incarnation found the control array of this teleportation array in the Longevity Mountain when combing the ground veins with the magic axe.

After a little modification, the avatar can be teleported to the stone platform through the teleportation array controlling the array disk, otherwise, he would have to use a top-quality spirit stone to enter the abyss through the teleportation array in the stone chamber deep in the pool !
At the same time, it will take a lot of means to break the barrier, break the barrier of the formation again, and the barrier of the formation on the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, in order to be able to get out of the underground abyss.

However, if he wants to enter Longevity Mountain again, the incarnation of the water and fire python has to continue to dive to the bottom of the abyss of nine thousand feet, continue to use forbidden means to break open that secret cave, consume top-quality spirit stones, and enter Wanshou Mountain through the teleportation array. Shoushan!
Otherwise, he needs to go back to the Golden Wolf Palace, pass through the teleportation array of the Golden Wolf Palace, and then teleport into the pagoda again, and then enter the Longevity Mountain through the pagoda.

Since this teleportation stone platform is more than 5000 meters deep in the underground abyss, getting in and out is really too troublesome.

Among all the incarnations of Gao Jiuding, only the incarnation of the water and fire python can easily enter and exit.

For Gao Jiuding's second incarnation, the water and fire python, there is no longer too much pressure here. Just relying on the ax of the sun, moon and seven stars to mobilize the aura of heaven and earth to form a shield, he can float all the way up!
The avatar of the water and fire python can also sense the slight fluctuations in the distance. When someone enters the water, they will inevitably encounter underwater monsters.

Gao Jiuding frowned, but still fled in the direction of the wave.

In a short time, Gao Jiuding was about to fly out of the dark river, and was about to get out of the ground, but at this moment, a dull and loud noise came through the water.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and immediately urged Fa Xiang to fly into the air. It was pitch black, and it seemed that he was still underground.

Not knowing where the attack came from, Gao Jiuding could only act accordingly!

The colorful flames outlined a huge colorful fire shield in midair, annihilating a golden light from the opposite side.

After the golden light was extinguished, the seven-colored fire shield immediately turned into a flaming knife, and it flew up to kill the ugly-faced man in gold.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a ball of fire suddenly exploded on the side of the water and fire python, and the water and fire python had no choice but to spread the flame knife again, turning into a body of flame armor, surrounding itself.

"Hahahaha!" The ugly man in gold laughed wantonly, but his figure had already taken advantage of the water and fire python's distraction to resist the exploding fireball, and he bullied him!

A ball of golden light in his hand turned into a three-foot-long throwing spear, he waved his arm, and shot towards the water and fire python again.

In desperation, the incarnation of the water and fire python had no choice but to back up and dodge!
At this moment, a huge white crocodile suddenly burst out of the water under the feet of the water fire python, and with one mouth it rushed towards the feet of the water fire python.

The incarnation of the water and fire python stretched out its foot to touch the mouth of the crocodile, and the whole person floated upward again.

Unexpectedly, the crocodile's huge tail slapped towards the water surface, and its whole body jumped up suddenly, but it ran into it right after the incarnation of the water and fire python.

At this moment, the lance in the hand of the ugly man in golden clothes shot out a stretching golden light, which made it impossible for the water and fire python to figure out where the lance was going to go.

(End of this chapter)

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