The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1064 There is a sky beyond the sky

Chapter 1064 There is a sky beyond the sky (300 monthly tickets plus updates)

Suffering a series of attacks, the water and fire python had no choice but to retreat again, but just after avoiding the impact of the crocodile, the golden throwing spear suddenly extended three feet forward, from a throwing spear to a long spear, towards him To stab.

The incarnation of the water and fire python finally couldn't dodge this time, so he had to try his best to get out of the way and rely on the flame armor to resist.

Pooh!There was a burst of sparks, the flame armor of the water and fire python incarnation was pierced, and the left arm was pierced by a golden spear a few centimeters long!

Before the fresh blood flowed out, a line of blood ignited on the surface of the wound of the avatar of the water and fire python, and when the line of blood disappeared, the entire wound had recovered to its original state.

"Haha, there is indeed a secret hidden in this underground place. As long as I kill you, the secret of this hidden place will be mine!" The ugly man in gold laughed wildly, but the movements in his hands did not slow down at all.

The golden spear in the gold-clothed ugly man's hand pierced towards the body of the incarnation of the water and fire god python, one shot at a time.

And the ferocious crocodile under its feet is also staring at the incarnation of the water and fire python, every time it pounces, it can have a great impact on the incarnation of the water and fire python!
This ferocious crocodile should be a snow crocodile, which is a special product of Daxue Mountain, and it is obviously a special product of the snow wolf thief.

Previously, Gao Jiuding was in the snow river to the north, and had been attacked by groups of snow crocodiles, but the level of the group of snow crocodiles was not high.

At that time, Gao Jiuding wondered, how could a group of snow crocodiles be controlled by snow wolf bandits with such a low cultivation level?

Now I know that not only those lowly snow crocodiles have been controlled, but their ancestors have also been controlled.

Obviously, the snow crocodile controlled by the man in golden clothes has no intelligence. However, its cultivation base is out-and-out Dharma phase, and its attack power is not weak.

With the combination of man and beast, Gao Jiuding's incarnation of water and fire god python was defeated steadily.

While resisting the attack of the person in front of him, the incarnation of the water and fire python said: "A monk of the Golden Wolf Sect? Shameless, he is also the ancestor of Dharma Xiangqi. It's nothing more than relying on more to win, but he even made a sneak attack. If he has the ability to single-handedly let go Yes, what kind of skill is killing a mad crocodile?"

That ugly man in golden clothes is also the patriarch of the golden wolf sect?Seeing him, Gao Jiuding was naturally surprised, he didn't expect the hidden strength of the Golden Wolf Clan to be so powerful.

Earlier, he killed a Faxiangqi Patriarch of the Golden Wolf Sect, but unexpectedly another one came out, and they even got a snow crocodile to help. Zu hid, which made Gao Jiuding a little anxious.

He is the deadly enemy of the Five Elements Wolf Sect, so the Golden Wolf Sect will definitely not let him go.

So when he met the master of the Golden Wolf Sect here, Gao Jiuding's first thought was to kill him.

If these people ran down the mountain instead of making trouble for him in the snowy mountain, wouldn't his subordinates in the Golden Wolf Palace be miserable?
While dealing with the siege of two Faxiangqi monks, Gao Jiuding thought quickly, and now he must find out their situation first.

Looking at the performance of that snow crocodile, it is obvious that the IQ is not very high. This thing is probably a puppet whose intelligence has been wiped out, otherwise it would not be possible to cooperate with the ugly man in gold.

The Five Elements Wolf Sect is the remnant of the Beast Controlling Sect, but the beast control skills they inherited are incomplete. If you want to capture a snow crocodile at the stage of the Dharma as your companion beast, it should not be difficult, but it is definitely not easy to control it perfectly. .

In fact, Gao Jiuding didn't know that the Five Elements Wolf Sect didn't have the inheritance of animal control skills, and what they created were companion spirit beasts, not incarnations, nor real puppets.

What is a companion spirit beast?A spirit beast that can grow up as fast as a monk is called a half-life spirit beast!
The ferocious beast is a mad dog that has no intelligence and only knows how to fight crazily. The reason why the wit is erased is to control it, and it is controlled from a young age. It grows up with the human monks quickly. This is the companion beast.

This ugly man in gold was quite lucky. When he entered Daxue Mountain when he was young, he caught and raised two snow crocodiles that had not yet advanced to the stage of magic. Unexpectedly, this ugly man in gold was also considered lucky. The crocodile was extremely lucky to advance to the Dharma phase.

Although this snow crocodile is far inferior to a real magic beast, it also greatly increased his combat power.

Originally, the ugly man in golden clothes was still retreating, but he suddenly realized that his ancestor had fallen, so he broke into the forbidden formation of the Beast Controlling Sect, and took advantage of the fact that the formation had not fully recovered, he found a place The loophole, through the passage leading to the ground, he discovered frequent spatial fluctuations.

According to the guidance of space fluctuations, he slowly went deep underground and came to this huge underground dark lake.

Who knew that before he had time to explore this underground dark lake, he was discovered by Gao Jiuding.

A Dharma Aspect Stage monk with a not-so-strong aura, and he still appeared in such a place, how could the ugly man in golden clothes let him go?Naturally, it is the first to act first.

Relying on this ferocious crocodile at the Dharma phase, and some accompanying spirit beast secret techniques left by the Beast Master Sect, the ugly man in gold is confident that he can fight even if he meets a mid-Dharma phase monk!
Among the three large-scale sects around him, the monks in the middle stage of Dharma Xiang are definitely not his opponents.

Of course, the ugly man in golden clothes didn't know at this time that the ancestors Zixu and Tianhe had already passed through the first tribulation of Dharma Aspects and became mid-stage monks of Dharma Aspects. Otherwise, he would never Dare to be so arrogant.

In fact, with the help of the accompanying fierce beast in the phase of the law, the strength of the ugly man in gold has indeed greatly improved!

At least this time, when facing the incarnation of Gao Jiuding's water and fire god python, he was firmly suppressed as soon as he got started!
With the cooperation of the human and the beast, the incarnation of the water and fire python was suppressed without the slightest ability to fight back.

The reaction speed of the cultivator in the Dharma phase is very fast, and the fighting rhythm is faster. Although they met and fought in an instant, it only took a while for the incarnation of the water and fire python to show its defeat in the battle with the ugly man in gold.

Under this underground dark lake is the Longevity Mountain. Although there are countless layers of restrictions to protect the Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding doesn't want people to find out. He can't be seen entering the Longevity Mountain. He can't take risks.

Therefore, even if he is suppressed, he has no intention of retreating at all!
However, he will not lead the enemy to the door!
Therefore, Gao Jiuding flew towards the exit while fighting.

"Explode! Explode! Explode!" Just after flying into the air, the incarnation of the water and fire python immediately roared in a deep voice.

The ugly man in golden clothes pursued all the way, but he didn't know that he had been ambushed by the incarnation of the water and fire python when he was retreating. Three colorful flames exploded around the ugly man in golden clothes.

The ugly man in gold let out a cry of pain, but instead of retreating, he advanced, and the golden spear pierced the chest of the incarnation of the water and fire python again.

With a bang, a pagoda disappeared in a flash in front of the incarnation of the water and fire python!

A clear depression appeared on the pagoda, and the incarnation of the water and fire python turned pale, and a mouthful of reverse blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But the Ugly Man in Gold Clothed was having a hard time too, three colorful fires exploded one after another, and Ugly in Gold Clothed Man's skin was torn apart by this kind of spiritual fire that had already reached the level of Heaven Rank D!

But that smirk that flashed from his face and disappeared gave the incarnation of the water and fire python a bad premonition.

A gust of cold wind came from behind, startling the incarnation of the water and fire python.

The incarnation of the water and fire god python, who was shot by the ugly man in gold earlier, made his heart agitated, but it was difficult to react for a while!

The God of Water and Fire turned into a python in his body and mind, and said badly, the flames all over his body flowed towards his back, trying to take the blow of the snow crocodile that had turned to his back at some point.

This time, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured. A cold light flashed in the eyes of the avatar of the water and fire python.

The water and fire python is a master of both water and fire, and he has only used a few sky-level Nanming Lihuo now, and many of his methods have not been used yet.

After using the circle of beasts, the ugly man in gold couldn't see the reality of the incarnation of the water and fire python at all. If he knew that the enemy on the opposite side was a big monster, he wouldn't be so happy watching the incarnation of the water and fire python vomit blood.

The most powerful thing about monsters is their physique, and the strongest capital is the infinite mana brought by their bodies.

Such an attack, even the outer skin of the water and fire python can't be broken, let alone an attack blocked by a demon-suppressing tower!

Of course, Gao Jiuding also regretted it a bit. If he had known that this monk was so difficult to deal with, he would have brought out the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

It was too late to think about anything at this time, how could he have imagined that there are heaven and man outside the sky, there are people outside the sky, he is powerful, and he is not weak!

At the moment when the water and fire python was desperately focused, he felt a wave of soul fluctuation, and then he smiled secretly, the backhand he had prepared earlier was about to work.

Just when the ugly man in golden clothes was proud, he heard a scream that almost tore apart the void, coming from behind from far and near.

The ugly man in gold who had just retreated with a single blow suddenly changed his face, and the expression that he was holding the winning ticket before suddenly turned pale!
The incarnation of the water fire python cannot see the situation behind him, but he knows that it is his own help, because he knows that it is the sun, moon and seven stars moving the axe.

The incarnation of the water and fire python turned around, and he was about to join forces with the axe, trying to get rid of the ugly man behind him and the snow crocodile!
Just when the incarnation of the water and fire python wanted to go all out and kill the snow crocodile first, he discovered that the ugly man in gold was really powerful, and he actually blocked the sun, moon and seven stars attacking from behind.

A magic weapon with an artifact spirit, and a magic weapon that has transformed into a spirit body, under one blow, even a late stage monk would not dare to deal with it casually.

The ugly man in gold turned around and concentrated on dealing with the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Axe, and immediately caught the God Ax's attack.

Unable to get the help of the divine axe, the incarnation of the water and fire python can only figure out a way by himself. The flame that was used just now can now be used as a magic weapon.

The incarnation of the water and fire python opened its mouth and spit out, and saw two sword lights, one left and one right staggered past!

A huge crocodile tail that was originally aimed at the incarnation of the water and fire python immediately flew up, followed by a loud hiss.

The blood of the snow crocodile whose tail was cut off rushed up from behind in a wave of blood more than one meter high, and the surrounding lake water instantly turned blood red!
Encountering a sneak attack, the snow crocodile turned around and dived towards the dark lake.

 Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!

(End of this chapter)

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