The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1067 Resource Investigation

Chapter 1067 Resource Investigation
After devouring a few emerald fruits, the effect reached hundreds of times of enhancement. Compared with Gao Xianzhi, the effect was a bit weaker.

Strengthened according to this ratio, the stomach space of the Water Vulcan Python at this time should be several hundred meters long and wide, right?
It's a pity not, the stomach space of the water fire python is only about a hundred meters long, wide and high, and this is mainly because of its huge size.

So if you calculate it carefully, the effect is not satisfactory!

Of course, such a big stomach is enough. For example, this group of fire fish has no resistance at all, and they are swallowed into the stomach in large groups.

Gao Jiuding now has a million cubic meters of stomach space, and a cubic meter of [-] kilograms is enough to swallow [-] tons of fire fish, and each of the fire fish in front of him only weighs about ten kilograms.

Gao Jiuding made such a calculation and found that to fill the stomach of the water fire python, he would have to swallow 2000 million of them at a time.

With a sweep of consciousness, this group of fire fish is no more than tens of thousands at most, the difference is too far.

However, it's not bad to grab some and put them in the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to raise them.

"Forget it, let's eat half of the big tooth sacrifice first!" The avatar of the water and fire python disappeared in a flash, and he just passed through the school of fire fish and left.

Of course, the central position of the fire fish group has been vacated, and those fire fish have all been swallowed by the water fire python.

"Well, I actually feel a little bloated. Is this full? Fortunately, I am not too greedy!"

After swallowing more than 1 fire fish, the Vulcan python's body immediately felt a little bloated, and it also became lazy and wanted to sleep very much.

Gao Jiuding had encountered this situation before, and he knew that he had eaten too much and wanted to digest it as soon as possible.

Shaking his head, the water and fire python dispelled the drowsiness. This is not a good place to sleep. Besides, Gao Jiuding still wanted to get some materials for refining the ice spirit pill here!
The avatar of the water and fire python moved quickly under the water surface, collecting materials on the one hand, eating enough food on the other hand, and on the other hand, he wanted to find the four specialties of Bingling Lake.

Bingling abalone can temper blood, boneless loach can temper bones and skin, crystal fish can detoxify and beautify skin, ghost shrimp can refine invisible supernatural power seeds, all of these are very useful, and Gao Jiuding also knows that these are refining ice. The ultimate herb for panacea.

Bingling abalone can purify the potency of medicine, boneless loach is medicine primer, crystal fish can remove the toxin of elixir and get rid of impurities in medicine, and ghost shrimp can integrate supernatural powers.

These four flavors mainly cooperate with each other, so that the Bingling Pill can quench the blood pill, refine mana, and enhance the effect of the law.

Of course, low-level ice spirit pills can only temper the body, and this kind of medicine can be refined only with ice spirit abalone as the main medicine!

And if you want to further refine the blood, you must increase the boneless loach to cooperate.

Entering the blood pill stage, refining the blood pill, needless to say, crystal fish are needed to be used as medicine.

Finally, if you want to work on the Dharma, you must have the help of the ghost shrimp!
The magical species of ghost shrimp is not only able to become invisible, but it can also help monks condense supernatural power seeds!
That is to say, with the Ice Spirit Pill refined by it, it will be easier for monks to cultivate into a supernatural power.

Practice makes perfect, cleverness can lead to magic, this is supernatural powers!
Only by proficient in a skill to the point of being able to pass through the gods can one become a supernatural power!
But with the Heaven Grade Ice Spirit Pill, it can greatly speed up the speed of cultivating supernatural powers. For the monks in the Faxiang period, the time that can be saved is the most important.

The incarnation of the water and fire python was swimming fast, while absorbing some monsters and spiritual flowers and grasses!

There are more spirit flowers and spirit grass under the water than Gao Jiuding imagined, because he can see how rich the spirit energy is!

As long as it is richer than the aura of the surrounding lake, and brighter than the aura of some monsters, it is a good thing, and it is right to put it away when you encounter it.

Gao Jiuding didn't need to use his brain too much at this time, he just needed to collect it when he encountered it. Besides, he didn't know many spiritual objects.

For example, some aquatic plants all shone with a strong aura, but there were so many of them, and they looked almost the same. Where did Gao Jiuding know them?

Therefore, alchemy and medicine debating require professionals. Even if Gao Jiuding has a strong memory, he must have a reference to remember.

"Blood coral? This understanding, fire attribute materials, blood eel? Haha, we are destined, take a few, and put them in the pagoda when you have time!"

The incarnation of the water and fire python opened its mouth and spat out, a demon-suppressing tower appeared, immediately covering the bottom of a lake, and a huge blood eel underneath was immediately suppressed and then collected.

The value of a blood eel in the blood pill period is not bad.

A monster of this level can be considered a big boss in this Bingling Lake!
But in the face of a dharma-phase water and fire python, it is a little loach, a little loach that dare not even resist.

"Well, there are still a lot of blood eels here? It's a pity that most of them are in the hemolysis period. Just collect a few and leave a few seeds!"

Just after collecting a blood eel in the blood pill stage, the water fire python saw a group of blood eels again, and he naturally caught a large number of them unceremoniously.

"What is that? Black fish? I really miss the piranhas in the mountains in my hometown. I caught them. They are so big and there are so many of them. They are good as meat!"

Seeing a group of huge black fish over ten meters long, Gao Jiuding immediately attacked.

The Demon Suppressing Tower was pushed to the limit by him, it can cover a radius of [-] meters at a time, and it can catch dozens of them at once.

The water and fire god python chased the group of black fish demons until they were reduced to a few hundred.

After a little calculation, Gao Jiuding caught tens of thousands of black fish this time, and the black fish demon in the Bingling Lake must be overrun.

"Haha, are those fish demons? I caught some of them the first time I came here. I didn't expect there to be more in this lake. They all eat meat. It's a waste of resources to stay here!"

Looking at the densely packed, seemingly endless schools of fish, Gao Jiuding immediately began to suppress and grab them.

These fish demons, which are bigger than the oarfish, are really flooding.

Next, Gao Jiuding saw too many meat-eating monsters, the most numerous were all kinds of fish, followed by plant monsters like kelp!

As long as these monsters are encountered, Gao Jiuding will collect them wantonly, because many resources in Bingling Lake have been eaten by them.

It is Gao Jiuding's responsibility to reduce the population and balance the food chain here.

Therefore, he took all the shellfish that could eat meat!

Of course, the key point is the Bingling Abalone, there are quite a few of them, but the environment of this Bingling Lake is too bad, there are too many monsters, most people dare not come down to grab them.

The Emperor Beast Sect has been exterminated for 4000 years, and it should have been more than 4000 years here. There is no special person coming down to collect resources in large quantities.

This time Gao Jiuding happened to be cheap. Of course, it was because of his strength. Otherwise, just some monsters in the blood core stage that he encountered from time to time would be enough for ordinary people to drink a pot.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding did a resource survey, and he found that the five types of fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and aquatic plants in Bingling Lake had the largest number, and there were also a lot of aquatic plants in the advanced blood pill stage, followed by Shellfish, and finally fish.

Gao Jiuding caught a lot of monsters at the blood core stage, but the shellfish and aquatic plants with the best qualifications surprised Gao Jiuding.

Aquatic plants win by quantity. The proportion of blood pills in the real population is not large, but shellfish is different. Although there are many in number, the average strength is still the strongest. Even the huge shellfish at the peak of Xuedan, Gao Jiuding found hundreds of them.

He was still walking in a straight line, he didn't search specifically, he only grabbed them when he encountered them, and even so, he still caught hundreds of huge blood core stage shellfish monsters at once.

If it weren't for the limited range and slow speed of these monsters, this Bingling Lake must be their world.

"These shellfish mainly eat grass. Without them, wouldn't these water grass monsters occupy the entire bottom of the lake? Will there be other living things?"

When he saw a huge shell that spun and chopped up a piece of water plant monster around it, and then sucked the pieces of water plants into the shell, Gao Jiuding knew that the killer of water plant monsters was shellfish monsters.

"It's a pity that I didn't encounter boneless loach, crystal fish and ghost shrimp. These things are really hard to catch!"

Now that he was about to go ashore, Gao Jiuding realized that he was so excited about catching just now that he forgot the four specialties of Bingling Lake.

"Forget it, let's give your subordinates a chance to make contributions!" Gao Jiuding decided to leave after turning his head to look at the huge Bingling Lake behind him.

The so-called four major specialties are not big in size, and they all have the supernatural power of invisibility and life-saving. If you can't settle down, it will be difficult to catch them. Gao Jiuding still doesn't want to waste time here.

After going ashore, he activated the phantom robe and disappeared into the clouds in the sky, and the incarnation of the water and fire python quickly floated towards the Golden Wolf Palace.

After coming out for a fight, killing a ferocious beast, and knowing his strength, Gao Jiuding decided to incarnate the water and fire python as soon as possible, and become a qualified Dharma phase monk.

The cultivation of monsters is based on the accumulation of time, there is no order at all, and there is no plan, so even if the water and fire python has advanced to the law, there are still many shortcomings that need to be made up for. The most basic protective energy must be developed quickly. Make it up.

While flying, he took out the jade document and sent a message to An Shenxiu and the others!

The most important news is that in the near future, the teleportation array must not be used, otherwise it is very likely to be targeted by the group of old guys outside.

They knew they couldn't break into Longevity Hill, so they didn't want others to enter Longevity Hill even more.

Gao Jiuding believes that as long as there is no spatial fluctuation caused by teleportation, no one will believe that Gao Jiuding actually broke into the Longevity Mountain hidden in the dark river deep underground.

In the future, the longer the delay, the stronger Wanshou's control over Wanshou Mountain through the pagoda will be. Even if someone finds out by then, Gao Jiuding will not be afraid anymore!

There is absolutely a difference between being able to control the prohibition and not being able to control it. Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that the prohibition around Longevity Mountain was just a guarding restriction, and there was no danger at all.

But it was different with Qi Ling Wanshou. Later, Gao Jiuding knew that it was because no one controlled the ban, so the ban could only play the most basic role, that is, to protect!
(End of this chapter)

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