The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1068 Rights and Obligations

Chapter 1068 Rights and Obligations
If Wanshou can control the ban in Longevity Mountain, it will be different. Ban can kill people easily.

Not to mention the overly complicated restrictions, but the prohibitions such as Raging Fire Forbidden Net, Raging Fire Golden Sword, Mysterious Yin Ghost Fire, Sun True Fire, etc., as long as they are activated, as long as there is enough aura to support them, even a master cannot withstand a long-term attack!
Thinking about the densely packed restrictions outside the Longevity Mountain, if you run out of mana on the way forward and suffer a violent attack, you should know what the consequences will be, needless to say.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt a little sympathetic to the guys who participated in the battle of the Beast Sect. They were hit by the prohibition outside the Longevity Mountain, so they avoided the Longevity Mountain like snakes and scorpions, right?

The prohibition supported by a few large spiritual veins alone is not something that some Dharma phase monks can break!
Even the great monks who are at the peak in the late stage of Dharma will not work, unless the monks of Chunyang, or even immortals, can break the Longevity Mountain, which was originally a fairy weapon.

Entering the Golden Wolf Palace, he took out a token, activated the token, and the restriction covering the Golden Wolf Palace immediately opened a passage, allowing Gao Jiuding to enter the Golden Wolf Palace without a sound.

The complete golden wolf palace restriction, connected to the ground veins, and supported by underground spiritual veins, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to break through silently.

"The Five Elements Wolf Sect is fighting a guerrilla attack. They dare not stay in a fixed place, because they are being targeted by the three large sects around them!" The more information he got, the more Gao Jiuding understood.

Now he also knows why the most powerful monks in the Golden Wolf Leader of the Golden Wolf Sect's resident are the Xuedan stage, and they are still huddled in the city, not daring to go out and wander casually. It is entirely because they are afraid of the iron sword Gate, Badao Gate and Black Water Palace.

That's why the Five Elements Wolf Sect is ambiguous with the Sun Tribe. Of course, this is also because the Sun Tribe, as a newly rising force, is also being suppressed by the three major sects.

The Five Elements Wolf Sect is a remnant of the Beast Controlling Sect, so it was suppressed even more severely. The masters among them, especially the ancestor Fa Xiangqi, as long as they were targeted, they would usually end up in ruins.

Many of the news that Gao Jiuding received earlier were false. Not only did no one from the Five Elements Wolf Sect enter the outer battlefield, they were still leading the demon clan to enter the demon star, desperately dragging the hind legs of those big sects on the demon star!

As for the legendary ancestor of the golden wolf who disappeared after entering the outer space to fight, Gao Jiuding knew his whereabouts very well. It was the one who sat in the outer restriction of the Daxue Mountain, and the last golden wolf dharma was swallowed by the cornucopia.

"Cornucopia, you still haven't woken up yet? Now is the time to use it. If you have it, you can spend a lot of precious resources to copy it out!"

After sneaking into the Longevity Hall of the Golden Wolf Palace and sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall, Mo Dahu discovered Gao Jiuding's incarnation.

"Patriarch? Meet the Patriarch!" Mo Dahu said in surprise when he saw Gao Jiuding.

"See Patriarch!" Immediately, many people who had been working in the hall all knelt on the ground.

"Has anything happened recently?" Gao Jiuding waved his hand to get everyone up.

Gao Jiuding looked at these people, many of them were unfamiliar faces, and less than one tenth of them were familiar faces.

Perhaps because he discovered Gao Jiuding's doubts, Mo Dahu immediately said: "These are some newly recruited civil servants, and most of the generals are stationed outside!"

Gao Jiuding nodded clearly, his confidants are still military generals, and they are guarding one side outside to maintain the safety of the Golden Wolf Leader.

"Recently, it's been very peaceful, and there hasn't been any trouble. If something happens, the biggest thing is to pay tribute to the Zongmen. We are now stationed outside the Zongmen in Golden Wolf Fort. This year, we need to pay a tribute to the Zongmen. It's twelve complete monsters of the peak blood core, or resources of the same value!" Mo Dahu reported.

"There are four levels in Baowei Tunzhai. Fort is the largest foreign prince. It is equivalent to the dharma phase. It is not difficult to complete a complete dharma phase monster every year. This year, this snow crocodile monster in the early phase of dharma phase will be used. Let it be a tribute!" Saying that, Gao Jiuding threw out the snow crocodile he killed earlier with his hand.

I haven't come back for such a long time, although I don't worry that my subordinates will have different opinions, but people's hearts can't stand the test, and Gao Jiuding doesn't want to test these subordinates, so it is necessary to show their strength.

"The Patriarch is mighty! Long live the Patriarch!" Some guys who had been standing quietly observing and watching Gao Jiuding's pretense all knelt down after feeling the pressure of the snow crocodile after death.

Gao Jiuding looked at these guys thoughtfully, each of them was thin-skinned and tender, and had a unique temperament!
Gao Jiuding knew after a little thought that these guys were part of the group of earthlings brought by Song Yue.

"Get up!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand again, dragging all those people up!
A group of weak chickens, without any resistance at all, were imprisoned by Gao Jiuding and forced them to stand up.

"Patriarch, is this a Faxiangqi monster? It's missing its head!" A very elegant middle-aged man said with a sullen face, barely suppressing the shock in his heart.

Gao Jiuding looked at it, and sure enough, the head was missing, what the sect needed was a complete Dharma phase monster.

"I actually forgot my head!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand again, and the Demon Town Tower appeared, with a very ferocious crocodile head inside.

"The most important thing for a monster in the phase of the law is the blood sea space and the law in the body, and the others are secondary. This is a snow crocodile. It has only been killed for a long time. You can deal with it!" Gao Jiuding said, immediately Someone came up to deal with it.

Seeing the crystal clear jade fracture, everyone was surprised.

"I heard that the essence and blood of the Dharma phase stage are all condensed and equivalent to the blood pills of monsters in the blood pill stage, great tonic!" Finally someone couldn't help it.

"Look at it casually, don't be embarrassed!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand.

"Sure enough, it's condensed like a blood pill!" Mo Dahu smiled and touched the head as big as a millstone, especially the blood condensed on the fracture, which has now turned into a solid like ruby.

"Commander Mo has seen the blood pill?" said the middle-aged man just now.

"Of course I've seen it, and I've refined the meat of the blood alchemy stage, which is also like blood jade. Well, it must be far worse than the blood essence of monsters in the Dharma phase stage." Mo Dahu said with a smile.

Seeing that other people would also gather around, Mo Dahu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Rules, don't forget the rules, when you work on Earth, it's like a vegetable market?"

Gao Jiuding sat on it and laughed helplessly!
People on Earth are used to being free and unrestrained, and they don't think that Gao Jiuding is really a member of the royal family or a high-ranking official, so naturally they don't have much awe.

In fact, Gao Jiuding is very satisfied with their current appearance!

As long as these people don't care about princes and generals here, and know that they are not the protagonists of the world, and don't do some mindless things, Gao Jiuding can let them go.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't care about it, but other people did. For example, Mo Dahu, he couldn't bear the arrogance of these people.

"You hide in the city and the palace every day, and you never go outside to look around, especially in the Tianyun River, where there is no shortage of cultivation resources. Even monsters in the blood core period can be easily caught if you organize a search. Remember, it is safe here, but there are not many resources, so the cultivation will be too slow!" Mo Dahu said with a smile.

Seeing his smirk, Gao Jiuding knew that he was mocking these cowards.

Gao Jiuding could only shake his head helplessly, you let a group of people who grew up in peaceful times go on adventures in the wilderness, you are sending them to death!
It's not like there are no natural fighters, but this group of highly educated guys definitely aren't.

"Okay, you guys need to practice hard too, Dahu, have you distributed the monsters you assigned?" Gao Jiuding didn't care about a group of 50-year-old slickers, he cared most about his cronies, such as Mo Dahu Such.

Mo Dahu immediately said: "Delivery, mine is a peak blood core monster, it has been refined, and I am planning to let it survive the transformation, as long as it is transformed, it can walk out instead of me!"

"No, I will go to the starry sky to cross the catastrophe. The catastrophe there is slight. Although it is not conducive to the growth of monsters, we should first refine one and use it. When we have the strength, we can catch another monster with good aptitude and slowly cultivate it. !” Gao Jiuding thought for a moment.

That's what An Shenxiu and the others did, except that they didn't let their avatars overcome the catastrophe in the starry sky, but returned to the earth to survive the catastrophe.

"I'm not in a hurry, anyway, I have time to make up for it, so it's not too late!" Mo Dahu said.

"We have many people, enough monsters?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Mo Dahu smiled and said: "Several wives organized a large army to arrest them. We have a huge territory now, and it is not a problem to catch some monsters!"

In this way, Gao Jiuding was relieved, and he stopped talking: "This snow crocodile will be dealt with a little bit, and someone will send it to the Zongmen. Recently, our relationship with the Zongmen is pretty good. This time, we must get rid of it when we go to the Zongmen." Come back with some good things, such as the inheritance we need at this stage, such as the sword tactics of the Zongmen Zhanzhili School, and some biographies and legends, try to get as many as possible!"

Gao Jiuding said while thinking, he told all the inheritances that Tie Jianmen was proud of that he knew.

Now that he has entered the obligation, he naturally wants to enjoy the rights!
Mo Dahu said: "Remember, every time we return to the sect, we will bring some travel notes, miscellaneous notes, cultivation experience and so on. These sects are not restricted, important inheritance, and now we are qualified to get it."

"Well, you guys continue to work, I'm going to practice!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding stood up and turned to the seat.

Originally wanted to leave, but suddenly thought of the harvest when he came back, Gao Jiuding said again: "By the way, there are some special products of Bingling Lake in this demon town tower, you can deal with them, and try to sort out the refined ones as much as possible." You can use all the medicinal materials needed to make ice elixir!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and the Town Demon Pagoda flew out of the Hall of Eternal Life and sat next to the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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