The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1069 Large-Scale Fire Spirit Vein

Chapter 1069 Large-Scale Fire Spirit Vein

The Demon Town Tower is good at facing the wind, and it soon became a huge tower of more than 20 meters high. The Town Demon Tower has nine floors, each floor is three meters, almost 27 meters, and it is almost completely filled with people, all of which are from Bingling Lake. monster.

After arranging things, Gao Jiuding didn't stop there. He directly controlled the incarnation of the water and fire python, and escaped into the ground from a place behind the seats in the hall.

This place belongs to the stump of a giant tree. From here, you will enter a wood spirit vein underground.

Entering the underground passage, the more you go down, the more uncomfortable you feel. Gao Jiuding knows that this is a kind of wood evil gas, like the smell of rotten wood, and like swamp miasma.

Anyway, this kind of breath is very unpleasant, but Gao Jiuding knows that it is a precious resource, a high-quality wood evil spirit.

To condense the heavenly gangster and the earth evil spirit, this kind of wood evil spirit is needed. If it is true, this kind of wood evil spirit can also be used to condense some treasures, such as the legendary peach blossom miasma, five poisonous cold light miasma, and so on.

Before Gao Jiuding heard about Qi Ling Wanshou, he accidentally mentioned that there used to be a big peach blossom mountain in Longevity Mountain, which was specially used for the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect to condense peach blossom miasma, and the accumulation of peach blossom miasma was accumulated there. , I heard it is very extraordinary.

Of course, this is just a dead tree, and there is absolutely no miasma accumulated. The wood evil here is mainly emitted by the half of the tree stump.

Therefore, the quality of the Wood Shade depends on the grade of the stake, the higher the grade of the stake, the more powerful and pure the Wood Shade.

At this time, the incarnation of the water and fire god python has already condensed the simple heaven and earth evil, but it is mainly two kinds of evil energy, water and fire. Now it can improve the quality, and even increase the variety, otherwise its protective energy, basically even the skin of the flesh Nothing compares.

The further down, the stronger and higher the quality of Mu Sha Qi, which made Gao Jiuding very happy.

On the earth and in the starry sky, Musha is the rarest resource. I didn't expect to meet such a pure Musha here.

Since it is to make up for the lack of body-protecting qi, it is natural to do whatever is good.

The incarnation of the water and fire python just walked and absorbed all the way, and when he saw the green dragon head on the ground, Gao Jiuding felt that the condensed qi of his body was almost condensed.

Due to his strong body, the incarnation of the water and fire god python can absorb Mu Sha without any restraint, and his strength is strong, and with a little bit of magic power, he can refine the absorbed evil spirit.

The absorption is fast, and the refinement is faster. Before reaching the wood spirit vein, within Gao Jiuding's protective qi, the sacrificial Mu Sha is nine inches thick.

After finding the portal above the wood spirit veins, the water and fire python stretched out its hand and released a burst of blood energy, arousing the restriction on the portal, and then the cornucopia in the sea of ​​consciousness turned, and a burst of breath was absorbed by the cornucopia.

Without the guarding of the soul power, this portal is considered to be open.

"Huh?" As soon as he opened the door, Gao Jiuding discovered that in addition to the rich wood spirit, there seemed to be a trace of fire spirit in the wood spirit veins!

"It's hard to fight because of this. The giant wood outside will die? When it encounters fire, the wood aura will definitely breed evil spirits. This is the origin of the wood evil spirit!" Gao Jiuding slowly walked into the wood spirit cave.

The surroundings are full of wood spirit stones. Although they are only middle-grade spirit stones, Gao Jiuding is still very happy looking at the cave made up of countless middle-grade spirit stones.

"This Wood Spirit Cave seems to be guarded by Mu Sha. Compared with Jin Sha, the danger level here is much lower!" Gao Jiuding felt relieved when he went deep into the Wood Spirit Cave.

Although there is still a passage extending downward here, Gao Jiuding knows that the wood spirit cave is not dangerous.

The wood evil spirit here is more pure than the outside, but at this time, the protective energy of the water and fire python incarnation does not need this evil spirit equivalent to a heavenly spirit.

"Hehe, there really is Huo Sha here, no, it's Huo Ling, why can't this fire aura come out?" Gao Jiuding felt rather strange when he saw a glint of fire ahead.

But when he got closer, it was no longer strange. There was a layer of restriction in the passage leading to a fire eye.

After experimenting, I found out that it is a ban of the law phase, and only the monks of the law phase can pass it!

The incarnation of the water and fire python stimulated its mana and merged into the restriction. There was a slight fluctuation in the restriction, and the incarnation of the water and fire python immediately passed through the restriction and went to the other side.

"Is this a crater?" Feeling the strong fire aura, Gao Jiuding knew that he should have left the Muling Cave.

"No, wood makes fire, and this place is still in the Wood Spirit Cave, just like the Xuanyuan heavy water that grows in the Jin Spirit Cave, that is gold that makes water, and this is wood that makes fire!"

Having judged this situation, Gao Jiuding's eyes immediately lit up, will there be a spiritual fire here?It would be even better if there was a heavenly spirit fire.

The incarnation of the water and fire god python was born in a place where the two evil spirits of water and fire are rich, and the two evil spirits of water and fire in the Yinyang Lake are likely to have reached the heavenly quality. He has no feeling at all about the little fire evil here now.

Going deeper with ease, Gao Jiuding didn't feel the slightest discomfort when he came out of Huoyan, but felt very comfortable.

The incarnation of the water and fire python should live in the magma. Suddenly, Gao Jiuding had this kind of understanding.

Is magma water or fire?It is said to be water, because it is liquid and can flow, but its temperature is higher than that of ordinary flame.

No matter it is water attribute, or fire attribute, or a colleague has both water and fire attributes, the incarnation of water and fire python is not afraid, not only not afraid, but also very fond of it.

Gao Jiuding became ruthless, and directly controlled the avatar of the water and fire python to jump into the fire eye.

Sure enough, for other creatures, this kind of high-temperature magma that can smelt gold and iron is bath water for the incarnation of the water fire python, and the temperature is too low.

Gao Jiuding simply let the avatar show its true form, directly drilled into the magma, and followed the magma passage, deep into the ground, he wanted to see if there was a spiritual fire growing underground!

In the starry sky, there are remnants of spiritual fire in a nearly dry fire pool, not to mention the underground fire veins.

In fact, finding the spiritual fire is secondary, and re-opening the underground passage leading to Longevity Mountain is the most important thing.

When he was cultivating in Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding had sensed the underground spiritual veins, and one of them was a fire vein, which extended to the Golden Wolf Palace, so Gao Jiuding had this idea.

After choosing the direction of Daxue Mountain, Gao Jiuding controlled the avatar to drill randomly underground.

Even if he drilled thousands of meters underground, Gao Jiuding felt that the magma in the ground was no more than a hot spring, and had no effect on the incarnation of the water and fire python.

The temperature of the magma can only affect the incarnation of the water and fire python when he goes deep into the ground for tens of thousands of meters. However, this little heat is just to make the incarnation of the water and fire python feel a little hot.

The heat here is constantly penetrating into the body of the Water Vulcan Python. Gao Jiuding knows that these are the purest fire aura, so naturally he will not resist, but instead consciously attracts it.

After absorbing the fire aura for a while, Gao Jiuding suddenly discovered that the golden-red magma had become darker in color. Could it be that the temperature had dropped?
Feeling that the aura has become less, Gao Jiuding changed to another place and continued to absorb the fire aura.

"Hiding here, no one should be able to find it, right? Even if they find it, few people would dare to come down!" The water and fire python transformed into a python, thinking wildly while cultivating.

The Golden Wolf tribe occupies the Golden Wolf collar, and there are not many masters left, why are they not afraid that someone will attack them?Isn't it because of some masters of Faxiang who are wandering outside?

If you want to snatch their last territory, those masters of the Dharma phase who are outside can sneak attack and deal with the low-level disciples under your sect.

The idea is very good, and using this method to maintain peace for 4000 years, but when I met Gao Jiuding, all this was broken.

In fact, even without Gao Jiuding, the situation in the West seems to have changed, because there is an extra shit-stirring Sun Tribe.

Now whether it is the Five Elements Wolf Sect or the Sun Tribe, they are all being suppressed by the three major sects around them. Even if they jump the wall in a hurry, they will not have much impact, and one is not good, Gao Jiuding, the incarnation of the water and fire python, can come out and kill some A master of phase phase.

Hiding in the underground magma lake, not afraid of other people's sneak attack, but others are afraid of his sneak attack, this is Gao Jiuding's idea.

The unknown, the mysterious, and the fist that has not been punched out are the most frightening!
Of course, Gao Jiuding would never give up on the Golden Wolf Palace, so after a period of cultivation, the incarnation of the water and fire python would always release his consciousness to observe the outside situation.

The incarnation of the water and fire python can control the prohibition of the Golden Wolf Palace, and the prohibition is linked to the underground spiritual veins. As long as the prohibition is attacked, the first one to know is the incarnation of the water and fire python.

With the water and fire python guarding the Golden Wolf Palace, not many people came here to make trouble.

A month later, the Water Vulcan Python, which was absorbing the fire aura while sleeping and digesting the food in its stomach, was suddenly woken up by the scald.

"Where is this?" The water fire python was a little confused, he was actually lying on the ground?
Looking around, there is magma everywhere, he is still underground, and he has really reached the underground!
He released his consciousness to scan the surrounding situation. The heat that scalded him just now came from the north, where the fire aura is more intense, and the level seems to be higher.

"It can scald a body at the level of Dongtian Lingbao, what level is that? Damage beyond the sky level? Giant fire spirit veins? No, it's just a little bit of power, it can't be giant fire spirit veins, at most it's just a remnant of giant fire spirits Pulse!" The avatar of the water and fire python widened its eyes, carefully examining the heat flow in the distance.

The heat flow comes from a large fire vein, not a giant fire vein, but this large fire vein must have been a giant fire vein before!

The giant fire vein was shattered, and now it has recovered some power?So at the core of it, is there a spirit crystal born?

"I can't afford it now, I will definitely go down and have a look in the future, even if I don't collect spirit crystals, it would be good to absorb some fairy spirit!"

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, and do your best to support your brother's reward!

(End of this chapter)

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