Chapter 1071
As the drop of thunder-tribulation water was refined, a trace of spirituality born in it merged into the dharma, and the mana gathered together changed again. The red and blue intersected just now, completely fused together, and finally turned into a streak of purple of Talismans.

Thunder God of Water and Fire!Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the God of Water, Fire, and Thunder that he had mastered had really turned into supernatural powers, engraved on the Dharma.

Sure enough, the purple talisman of the god of water and fire, thunder and thunder, quickly merged into the dharma form, and the dharma form incarnated by the god of water and fire began to show its glory.

The spiritual light flickered within the dharma image, and talismans emerged one after another, continuously emitting pure mana.

These magic powers have already affected the spiritual treasures in the blood sea space, such as the sun, moon, seven-star axe and magic robe.

In particular, the flashing aura of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax seemed to be more dazzling, while the multicolored light of the magic robe was even more dazzling, almost covering the body of the magic robe.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful, he should have brought out more magic weapons, because these magic weapons seemed to be beneficial.

Just refining a drop of thunder-tribulation water, the dharma form and magic weapon incarnated by the water and fire python, has gained great benefits. Not to mention a great supernatural power, it has further refined the magic weapon in the blood sea space, This really kills two birds with one stone.

Since there are so many benefits, Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't want to give up.

After refining the first drop of Thunder Tribulation Water, refining the second drop of Thunder Tribulation Water was a bit easier. Compared with refining the first drop of Thunder Tribulation Water, it was shortened by three full days.

Afterwards, every time a drop of Thunder Tribulation Water is refined, the time it takes for the incarnation of the Water Fire God Python will be shortened by one to three days!
After the incarnation of the water and fire python completely refined the first portion of the water of thunder calamity, the time for him to refine a drop of water of thunder calamity had been shortened to one month, but the entire time had already passed for a year.

When the incarnation of the water and fire python began to refine the second piece of Thunder Tribulation Water, the time was shortened again. This time, it took about 20 days for each drop of refining from the very beginning, all the way to the last drop of just one drop. It only took six or seven days, and in the end it only took three months.

But at this time, the mana in the body of the God of Water and Fire is far from saturated with the demand for the water of thunder calamity!
When it came to the third portion of Thunder Tribulation Water, it only took him one day to refine each drop. After 24 days, the third portion of Thunder Tribulation Water had been completely refined into his blood.

And after the refining of the third piece of Thunder Tribulation Water was completed, a huge force surged in the blood of the incarnation of the Water Fire God Python!

Gao Jiuding's divine sense watched the great changes taking place in the blood sea space.

The incarnation of the water and fire python was in the right position, and the tenth thunder pattern of the water and fire god that had just been formed suddenly turned and bumped into the first tattoo that he had formed during the advanced phase of the law.

A huge bang sounded in the divine sense of the incarnation of the water and fire python, and his head suddenly tilted backward as if involuntarily.

When Gao Jiuding's divine sense noticed the blood sea space again, he was horrified to find that one of the dao lines in the law was missing!
Gao Jiuding hurriedly checked the cultivation of the avatar of the water and fire python, and found that it was still in the early stage of the Dharma, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, the eighth dao pattern that was condensed during the step-up method also bumped into a dao pattern.

This time Gao Jiuding was prepared. Although the divine thoughts were still roaring continuously, making him dizzy, Gao Jiuding finally saw the eighth Dao pattern. After hitting the body of this Dao tattoo, it was extremely strange. In this way, it has been integrated into this Dao pattern.

At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that the body shape of the hit Dao pattern was much larger than the other Dao patterns, obviously because of the fusion of several other Dao patterns.

And this Dao pattern is obviously the first blood-colored Dao pattern that appeared in the Dharma Equivalence when the incarnation of the water and fire python just entered the stage of discovery. This is the Dao talisman derived from the blood shadow magical power.

After confirming this point, Gao Jiuding was completely relieved.

Immediately after that, the seventh Dao pattern, the sixth Dao pattern, until the second Dao pattern crashed into the first Dao pattern and merged with it.

The last Dao pattern of the water and fire god also crashed into it, and a Dao pattern that was far larger than before and looked more mighty and majestic appeared in the law!

No, it should have appeared on the dharma form. The dharma form incarnated by the water and fire python emitted dazzling light, and a mysterious blood-colored rune appeared and covered the entire surface of the dharma form.

Although all the magical talismans were integrated into this rune, Gao Jiuding could still clearly feel all the magical powers he had cultivated before.

This time the Dao pattern fusion not only didn't make him lose his magical powers, but made his magical skills go further, because Gao Jiuding felt that he understood these magical powers better and it was easier to control them.

Gao Jiuding was in agitated mood, and suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared. The clear roar pierced the clouds and cracked rocks, and the straight spiritual energy column seemed to be affected by the roar, and began to scatter and escape in mid-air.

A stone wall not far away from him, amidst the howling sound, the whole stone wall began to "crash", it seemed to be cheering, or it seemed to be afraid, or it was about to be shattered?
However, after only a moment of effort, Gao Jiuding put away his whistle, it's not right to be so public!
After wiping off his cold sweat, Gao Jiuding's divine sense broke away from the water and fire python, and landed on a mountain in a hidden river deep underground.

Inside the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Gao Jiuding's body is leading Gao Xianzhi, and is dealing with this little fairy.

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that Gao Xianzhi just ate an emerald fruit and fell into a deep sleep for 30 years.

In the past three years in the outside world, 30 years have passed in the Pagoda Time and Space God's Domain. In the past 30 years, the outside world has not changed much, even Gao Xianzhi has not changed much.

After all, only three years have passed since the real incident, and Gao Xianzhi's body is still the appearance of a seven-year-old child.

Looking at Gao Xianzhi whose skirt was shining with white aura, Gao Jiuding smiled in satisfaction.

"Father, I want to go to school, and I miss my friends!" Gao Xianzhi held Gao Jiuding's hand, looking anxious.

Gao Jiuding looked at his precious daughter with a smile, and after scanning the inside and outside several times, Gao Jiuding was relieved when he found no problems.

The 30 years of aura washing did not improve Gao Xianzhi's cultivation at all, but her current body was cleansed by the aura of impeccable dirt. This is definitely a glazed body.

The Liuli Treasure Physique can be regarded as the genius physique of the earth cultivator, but it is not a pure earth physique, because the earth can carry everything, and the human body has five elements. Gao Jiuding can see that Gao Xianzhi's external aura is not only white, but also Shining with colorful colors!

This shows that the spiritual roots of the five elements are naturally bred in Gao Xianzhi's body, and each spiritual root is very pure.

That is to say, in the future, Gao Xianzhi will be able to practice any of the Five Elements attributes, and he will definitely improve rapidly.

"I'll take the baby out to play for a while, you have to familiarize yourself with the environment here, right? After you get familiar with the environment, you can bring Xiaopang and them over to play!" Gao Jiuding was so entangled by Gao Xianzhi that he had no choice but to bring Gao Xianzhi here Longevity Hill.

Ever since Gao Xianzhi found out that Gao Xianzhi would not wake up in a short time, Gao Jiuding made arrangements, one of the important things was to train Gao Xianzhi's group of friends.

Fortunately, the parents of this group of friends all serve Gao Jiuding, so it is not a loss to train them.

Gao Jiuding simply used all the accumulated emerald fruits on a group of children.

Therefore, Gao Xianzhi, who ate the emerald fruit in advance, was the first to wake up, while her little friends were still sleeping!

Gao Jiuding also confirmed that the younger the child, the sooner he eats the emerald fruit, the greater the benefits he will get!

Of course, if these children can be placed in a place with rich aura and let them slowly transform their physique while they are asleep, the benefits will be even greater.

Most of the children raised by Gao Jiuding came from the earth, and most of them were descended from the demon star generals. After Gao Jiuding opened up the channel with the earth, these children have been letting them accompany Gao Xianzhi.

Gao Jiuding can be regarded as planning for a rainy day. Forget about being scheming, he is training Gao Xianzhi's team.

This is also thanks to the powerful emerald fruit trees in the eastern forest, with the help of strong water and fire, and the yin and yang stone also played a huge role, so that the emerald fruit can harvest 360 five spiritual fruits every year.

As for Gao Xianzhi's glazed body, it can be regarded as a windfall, if other little guys can also slowly change their physique, even if they can't form a glazed body, Gao Jiuding will make a lot of money this time.

Every kind of spiritual fruit that can change human physique is the most precious resource between heaven and earth. It can make Gao Jiuding recognize the value of emerald fruit, and it is worth paying for some spiritual fruit.

If this is confirmed, then Gao Jiuding will have to be careful with the spiritual veins under the Daxue Mountain, and he doesn't even want to reply to the underground means of destroying the spiritual veins.

The world is miraculous, the damage to the spiritual veins breeds evil spirits, which in turn gave birth to the emerald fruit tree, and the emerald spiritual fruit was born. This thing can be said to be a rare treasure in the world, how could Gao Jiuding be willing to give it up?

It was because of this kind of harvest that Gao Jiuding was willing to train those second-generation immortals.

"Didn't Xiaopang and the others come? Can't we let him play with us?" Gao Xianzhi didn't know what Gao Jiuding was thinking, she was very upset.

"Baby, you are seven years old and you are going to elementary school. You can't just think about playing. Our elementary school has strict requirements. You don't want to embarrass your parents, do you?" Another way.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. I also know that the earth has changed. We need to learn martial arts. I will tell you secretly that I am actually a genius. I don't need to learn what the teacher taught. Look at the Wu Qinxi I practiced. Huh Ha, ha" Saying that, Gao Xianzhi hit the monkey fist with a hoot.

 Thank you for the 200 coin reward for supporting your brother with all your strength, thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, book friend 20190103004646188, and book friend 20171231183742564 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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