The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1072: The First World

Chapter 1072

Gao Jiuding was speechless looking at the monkey-playing daughter, which teacher taught this?

See what happened to his daughter's tutorial?If you know who it is, Gao Jiuding will definitely not beat him to death!

"Okay, okay, I get it, you are amazing, but we still need to be even stronger!" Gao Jiuding held Gao Xianzhi back, this monkey fist girl really didn't look good in fighting.

"Father, I'm hungry!" Gao Xianzhi blinked after stopping his movements.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then started busying around the corner. Gao Xianzhi himself lost the concept of time, so could he lose Gao Jiuding?
Gao Xianzhi thought that she fell asleep, but she didn't know that she had slept for three years, which is 30 years in the God of Time and Space, and Nezha was about to give birth to several.

Gao Jiuding thought about it in a blink of an eye, it's nothing, her little friends are still sleeping!
In order for Gao Xianzhi and those friends to grow up quickly, Gao Jiuding spent a lot of money.

"Here, this is juice, drink it in small sips!" Gao Jiuding, who had been prepared for a long time, dragged her to look around, and handed Gao Xianzhi a box of milk-packed juice.

The blood-red juice smells okay, but it looks a bit uncomfortable, so the straw is very short, and even if you take a sip, you can't see the straw turning into blood-red color.

Gao Xianzhi was indeed hungry. The main reason was that her stomach was empty. During this activity, her stomach wriggled, so she naturally felt hungry.

She was preconceived, and thought that what her father gave was the juice squeezed from the red fruit!
Taking the milk box, Gao Xianzhi inserted the straw very familiarly, and drank it in big gulps.

"It's delicious. Drink it to keep you warm. Save some for mom. It's good for your stomach!" After drinking most of it in one gulp, Gao Xianzhi stopped.

Gao Jiuding flipped his hands immediately, and another milk carton appeared in his hand: "There is still more, baby, drink it hard!"

Gao Xianzhi showed a big smile, and drank it again. However, there was only a palm-sized milk box, which couldn't hold much Phoenix blood, so he drank it up in just a few gulps.

"How do you feel? Is it very comfortable?" Gao Jiuding took Gao Xianzhi's hand, but his divine sense was always paying attention to the situation in her body!

This phoenix blood is not very safe. Gao Jiuding doesn't want the phoenix blood that slipped through the net and invades Gao Xianzhi's body without being digested. It will assimilate Gao Xianzhi. This is not what Gao Jiuding wants.

"It's very comfortable, but it's a bit lacking!" Gao Xianzhi looked at Gao Jiuding eagerly and said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, and handed Gao Xianzhi a box again, but this time Gao Xianzhi didn't drink directly, but continued to look at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding led Gao Xianzhi to a gazebo, surrounded by a large area of ​​water, surrounded by mountains, here is a small lake in the Longevity Mountain, under the lake is a large water spirit vein.

The location of the gazebo is above the acupoint of the large water spirit vein. When people are in it, the rich water aura overflows. Even if they don't need to absorb and refine, they can still replenish water. It is definitely good for health here.

"I said, there is plenty, baby, don't worry!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand directly, and a large pile of milk cartons appeared on the first stone table in the gazebo.

"Thank you, Dad!" Gao Xianzhi was delighted, and sat directly on a stone bench, lined up a dozen boxes, intending to drink them all in one go.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding could only look at Gao Xianzhi, wriggling his small mouth, drinking box after box of Phoenix blood.

Gao Jiuding was just paying attention to Gao Xianzhi, as long as the Phoenix blood fell into the stomach, as for the small part that passed through the esophagus and invaded the body, during the process of paying attention, Gao Jiuding helped Gao Xianzhi refine it.

This is also the reason why Gao Jiuding always followed Gao Xianzhi. He didn't want to give any chance to the Phoenix blood. As long as this thing is fed with blood essence, it will grow stronger.

It's just that after growing so strong, the concentration of the Phoenix blood is being diluted. It's like the reason why the blood of the next generation will be diluted after the high-level blood is passed on.

It is not easy to fill up the strengthened spatial stomach, and when Gao Jiuding drank phoenix blood for the first time, how much did Gao Xianzhi drink?

Recently, in order to train his subordinates, Gao Jiuding spent a lot of resources, but he didn't give anyone the bloodstone for storing the blood of the phoenix.

Up to now, only Gao Jiuding and Yihu have cultivated the blood shadow supernatural power.

Of course, up to now, the consumption of bloodstones is not small, because Gao Jiuding's incarnation and Yihu's incarnation also need to refine bloodstones, so as to awaken the supernatural power of blood shadow.

However, Gao Jiuding was not worried that the phoenix blood would be exhausted, because he already had a way to make it sustainable.

Whether it is in the beast control technique or the beast soul guide, it is necessary to pass down and record the cultivation of various monsters. Among the top batch of beasts, there is the blood phoenix.

In the past three years, Gao Jiuding and several avatars have not only been practicing in seclusion every day, but he has spent more time studying the inheritance of the Beast Sect.

Gao Jiuding is not a cultivator madman, and he can't retreat for 30 years at a time.

So in the 30 years in the Time and Space God's Domain, he has learned a lot, which can be regarded as making up for some shortcomings on his path of cultivation.

Gao Jiuding has learned some of the current six arts of comprehension. It can be said that these 30 years are the first time Gao Jiuding has been in the cultivation world, and he has been studying for a long time with peace of mind.

The six arts of comprehension involve talismans, formations, beast control, alchemy, weapon refining, and dragon hunting. Among them, searching for dragons is the most troublesome, but he also studied the formation of many land veins and the formation of spiritual veins according to the land veins after refining Longevity Mountain. Formation and advancement and other issues, so as to get started with this skill.

Even the most difficult dragon-hunting has been started, so other aspects will be more handy.

Not to mention talismans, this is the foundation, and now Gao Jiuding's body can refine talismans, especially the three frequently used talismans, namely the forbidden talisman, the heavenly secret talisman and the magic sealing talisman.

As far as the seal talisman is concerned, Gao Jiuding can now easily draw the three-color forbidden breaking talisman, even for the four-color forbidden breaking talisman, he has a 50.00% success rate!
Of course, he used the method of refining, rather than drawing, because drawing is more troublesome and the success rate is lower.

To know that the four-color taboo-breaking talisman needs to be drawn by the monks of the Faxiang period. Gao Jiuding's body is now only the fourth layer of the blood pill and the golden pill, which is the peak of the initial stage. It is one step away from entering the middle stage of the third stage of comprehension.

At this level, it is time to refine spiritual objects and start to seek a breakthrough. That's why Gao Jiuding will leave the test and take Gao Xianzhi for a while.

Drinking Phoenix blood for the first time, it is best to be able to absorb a thousand cubic meters at a time, so it will take some time!
Perhaps by the time Gao Xianzhi completely refined a thousand cubic meters of Phoenix blood, her friends would have already woken up!
At that time, Gao Jiuding will no longer need to look after the children, and the children will play by themselves.

The little girl Gao Xianzhi was so focused on drinking fruit juice that she naturally ignored Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding was also happy to relax, so he just sorted out what he had gained from this retreat.

The three aspects of alchemy, refining, and talisman making are the focus of this retreat!

Gao Jiuding refined a lot of the pills and talismans he needed, and even refined some flying swords and magic weapons when he changed his mind and rested.

No matter what Gao Jiuding learns, he is tens of thousands of times more efficient than others with his own animal skin cheating.

In the past three years, with the help of Gao Jiuding, Song Yue, An Shenxiu and the others have all advanced blood and gold pills, and the quality of the blood pills and golden pills they condensed are not low.

They all have their own plans, so Gao Jiuding doesn't have to worry at all, even Mo Dahu, Luan Changming and others all condensed blood pills without Gao Jiuding's knowledge.

They are not bothered by some too complicated things. They are focused on cultivation, and with the resources in the Longevity Mountain, under the bonus of the Time God Domain, if they can't advance to the blood pill in 30 years, it is a waste.

Of course, after advanced blood pills, everyone slowed down their practice because they needed to lay a solid foundation, including Gao Jiuding.

At this level, Gao Jiuding is no longer in a hurry, his body has entered the blood pill stage, and he can be regarded as a small master, and ordinary people can't do anything about him!
With an extremely long lifespan and powerful avatar protection, without a sense of urgency, naturally there is no need to consume potential to quickly advance cultivation.

Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking about what to do next, he suddenly heard a series of thunderclaps in the mountains not far away.

Gao Jiuding knew that it was someone who couldn't suppress his cultivation, which caused a catastrophe!

Today, three years later, the restriction that was broken by Gao Jiuding on the Daxue Mountain has been fully restored, especially the Ice Soul Cold Light Array!
Although the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead has concealed its whereabouts, its power is even stronger.

Not releasing the Ice Soul Aerial Light anytime and anywhere, so that the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead grows faster and accumulates more powerful power. Therefore, although the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation triggered by it looks more inconspicuous, but within the large formation The power is increased geometrically.

At the current level, even some great cultivators who are at the peak of the late phase of the Dharma Aspect do not dare to break into the Ice Soul and Cold Light Formation casually.

If you can't break into the big formation, you won't be able to enter under the blocked Daxue Mountain, and naturally you won't be able to discover Longevity Mountain.

Therefore, in the recent period, anyone who wants to overcome the catastrophe can do so, as long as they have that self-confidence.

Gao Jiuding knew that one of Song Yue's incarnations was the first to cross the catastrophe. It was the gorilla caught in the forest. Accumulate steadily.

So when Song Yue manipulated that clone to cross the catastrophe, by the way, it even activated the transformation catastrophe, and even so, it passed the catastrophe very easily!

Transcending the Tribulation went so smoothly, on the one hand, the strength accumulated by the incarnation is strong enough, on the other hand, it has to be called Longevity Mountain.

The layers of restrictions on the Longevity Mountain have the effect of reducing the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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